Question 1
A middle-aged woman with early onset dementia believes that she is living in a flat identical to her own which has been built in another city. She is very worried that she will have to pay two sets of rent and that her other flat will be robbed. What symptom is she exhibiting?
Your Answer: Reduplicative paramnesia
Explanation:The term paramnesia refers to memory disorders where fantasy and reality are confused. There are various types of paramnesias, including déjà vu, jamais vu, confabulation, reduplicative paramnesia, retrospective falsification, and cryptomnesia. Reduplicative paramnesia is a subset of delusional misidentification syndromes, which include Capgras delusion, the Fregoli delusion, and others. A review of reduplicative paramnesia was conducted by Politis in 2012.
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- Classification And Assessment
Question 2
Which individual is recognized for coining the phrase 'good enough mother'?
Your Answer: John Bowlby
Correct Answer: Donald Winnicott
Explanation:Neo-Freudians were therapists who developed their own theories while still retaining core Freudian components. Some important neo-Freudians include Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, Erik Erickson, Harry Stack Sullivan, Wilfred Bion, John Bowlby, Anna Freud, Otto Kernberg, Margaret Mahler, and Donald Winnicott. Each of these individuals contributed unique ideas to the field of psychology. For example, Carl Jung introduced the concept of the persona and differentiated between the personal and collective unconscious, while Erik Erickson is known for his stages of psychosocial development. Margaret Mahler developed theories on child development, including the three main phases of autistic, symbiotic, and separation-individuation. Donald Winnicott introduced the concept of the transitional object and the good enough mother. Overall, neo-Freudians expanded upon Freud’s ideas and helped to shape modern psychotherapy.
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- Social Psychology
Question 3
A 70-year-old individual presents with a fluent dysphasia and inability to understand instructions. What is the probable location of arterial blockage?
Your Answer: Superior division of middle cerebral artery (dominant hemisphere)
Correct Answer: Inferior division of middle cerebral artery (dominant hemisphere)
Explanation:Wernicke’s aphasia is caused by a blockage in the inferior division of the middle cerebral artery, which provides blood to the temporal cortex (specifically, the posterior superior temporal gyrus of ‘Wernicke’s area’). This type of aphasia is characterized by fluent speech, but with significant comprehension difficulties. On the other hand, Broca’s aphasia is considered a non-fluent expressive aphasia, resulting from damage to Brodmann’s area in the frontal lobe.
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- Neurosciences
Question 4
What is the estimated percentage of Caucasians who have the homozygous isoform of alcohol dehydrogenase ADH1B*1?
Your Answer: 5-10%
Correct Answer: 85-95%
Explanation:This question is challenging as it requires an estimation of the percentage of Caucasians who possess two copies of the gene responsible for the slow-acting form of alcohol dehydrogenase.
Genetics and Alcoholism
Alcoholism tends to run in families, and several studies confirm that biological children of alcoholics are more likely to develop alcoholism even when adopted by parents without the condition. Monozygotic twins have a greater concordance rate for alcoholism than dizygotic twins. Heritability estimates range from 45 to 65 percent for both men and women. While genetic differences affect risk, there is no “gene for alcoholism,” and both environmental and social factors weigh heavily on the outcome.
The genes with the clearest contribution to the risk for alcoholism and alcohol consumption are alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (ADH1B) and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2). The first step in ethanol metabolism is oxidation to acetaldehyde, by ADHs. The second step is metabolism of the acetaldehyde to acetate by ALDHs. Individuals carrying even a single copy of the ALDH2*504K display the “Asian flushing reaction” when they consume even small amounts of alcohol. There is one significant genetic polymorphism of the ALDH2 gene, resulting in allelic variants ALDH2*1 and ALDH2*2, which is virtually inactive. ALDH2*2 is present in about 50 percent of the Taiwanese, Han Chinese, and Japanese populations. It is extremely rare outside Asia. Nearly no individuals of European of African descent carry this allele. ALDH2*504K has repeatedly been demonstrated to have a protective effect against alcohol use disorders.
The three different class I gene loci, ADH1A (alpha), ADH1B (beta), and ADH1C (gamma) are situated close to each other in the region 4q2123. The alleles ADH1C*1 and ADH1B*2 code for fast metabolism of alcohol. The ADH1B*1 slow allele is very common among Caucasians, with approximately 95 percent having the homozygous ADH1B*1/1 genotype and 5 percent having the heterozygous ADH1B*1/2 genotype. The ADH1B*2 allele is the most common allele in Asian populations. In African populations, the ADH1B*1 allele is the most common.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Genetics
Question 5
What is the term used to describe the situation where diagnostic categories align with clinical experience?
Your Answer: Content validity
Correct Answer: Face validity
Explanation:For diagnostic categories to be useful, they must be related to the disorders encountered in practice. Face validity refers to the degree to which diagnostic categories align with clinical experience. Validity is distinct from diagnosis reliability. Concurrent validity measures how well a test corresponds with other measures of the same thing. Construct validity involves diagnostic categories indicating connections between disorders and independent variables, such as biochemical measures. Content validity involves test items representing the full range of possible items the test could cover. Predictive validity involves diagnostic categories being able to anticipate the outcome of disorders.
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- Classification And Assessment
Question 6
What is the purpose of the Sally-Anne test?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Theory of mind
Explanation:The Sally-Anne Test and the Theory of Mind
The Sally-Anne test, conducted by Simon Baron-Cohen, led to the development of the theory of mind idea. The experiment involved several groups of children, including those with autism. During the test, a skit was performed where Sally put a marble in a basket and left the room. Anne then removed the marble from the basket and placed it in a box. When Sally returned, the children were asked where she would look for her marble.
The results showed that most non-autistic children correctly identified the basket, while most autistic children pointed to of named the box. This led the researchers to conclude that the autistic children who chose the box lacked the ability to understand that Sally did not know the marble was in the box. The Sally-Anne test thus became a crucial tool in understanding the theory of mind, which refers to the ability to attribute mental states to oneself and others.
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- Social Psychology
Question 7
A friend contacts you about her elderly mother who has come to her complaining of withdrawal symptoms. She suspects that her mother may be seeking drugs for non-medical reasons. The mother explains that she recently moved into a retirement home and does not have access to her usual pain medication. What non-addictive options are available to alleviate her withdrawal symptoms?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Lofexidine
Explanation:Lofexidine is administered to relieve the symptoms of withdrawal from heroin and opiates. Alprazolam and lormetazepam belong to the benzodiazepine class of drugs and are likely to cause physical dependence with prolonged use. Codeine is an analgesic opiate and frequent use can result in significant physical dependence. Phenobarbitone is a potent barbiturate with anaesthetic properties and its regular use can lead to the development of physical dependence.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychopharmacology
Question 8
How do mental health services contribute to social inclusion?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Consult service users and carers about how to provide services
Explanation:1. Social inclusion is a key goal of mental health policy in the UK and Europe.
2. Achieving social inclusion requires significant social change.
3. Mental health services can promote social inclusion in certain circumstances.
4. Consulting with service users and carers is one strategy to promote social inclusion in psychiatry. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Stigma And Culture
Question 9
What is the accurate statement about the impact of antidepressants on the heart?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: The arrhythmogenic potential of antidepressants is dose-related
Explanation:Antidepressants and Their Cardiac Effects
SSRIs are generally recommended for patients with cardiac disease as they may protect against myocardial infarction (MI). Untreated depression worsens prognosis in cardiovascular disease. Post MI, SSRIs and mirtazapine have either a neutral of beneficial effect on mortality. Sertraline is recommended post MI, but other SSRIs and mirtazapine are also likely to be safe. However, citalopram is associated with Torsades de pointes (mainly in overdose). Bupropion, citalopram, escitalopram, moclobemide, lofepramine, and venlafaxine should be used with caution of avoided in those at risk of serious arrhythmia (those with heart failure, left ventricular hypertrophy, previous arrhythmia, of MI).
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) have established arrhythmogenic activity which arises as a result of potent blockade of cardiac sodium channels and variable activity at potassium channels. ECG changes produced include PR, QRS, and QT prolongation and the Brugada syndrome. Lofepramine is less cardiotoxic than other TCAs and seems to lack the overdose arrhythmogenicity of other TCAs. QT changes are not usually seen at normal clinical doses of antidepressants (but can occur, particularly with citalopram/escitalopram). The arrhythmogenic potential of TCAs and other antidepressants is dose-related.
Overall, SSRIs are recommended for patients with cardiac disease, while caution should be exercised when prescribing TCAs and other antidepressants, especially in those at risk of serious arrhythmia. It is important to monitor patients closely for any cardiac effects when prescribing antidepressants.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 10
What was the initial antipsychotic to be created?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Chlorpromazine
Explanation:Paul Charpentier synthesized the antipsychotic chlorpromazine in 1951, which led to the creation of additional phenothiazines and related compounds like thioxanthenes (flupentixol). Later on, alternative structures were discovered, such as butyrophenones (haloperidol), diphenylbutylpiperidine (Pimozide), and substituted benzamides (Sulpiride).
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 11
Which medication(s) have been associated with extrapyramidal side effects?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Fluoxetine
Explanation:EPSE’s have been linked to the use of fluoxetine, and all of the treatment options are utilized to address them.
Extrapyramidal side-effects (EPSE’s) are a group of side effects that affect voluntary motor control, commonly seen in patients taking antipsychotic drugs. EPSE’s include dystonias, parkinsonism, akathisia, and tardive dyskinesia. They can be frightening and uncomfortable, leading to problems with non-compliance and can even be life-threatening in the case of laryngeal dystonia. EPSE’s are thought to be due to antagonism of dopaminergic D2 receptors in the basal ganglia. Symptoms generally occur within the first few days of treatment, with dystonias appearing quickly, within a few hours of administration of the first dose. Newer antipsychotics tend to produce less EPSE’s, with clozapine carrying the lowest risk and haloperidol carrying the highest risk. Akathisia is the most resistant EPSE to treat. EPSE’s can also occur when antipsychotics are discontinued (withdrawal dystonia).
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 12
How can the inheritance pattern be described as horizontal?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Autosomal recessive
Explanation:On a genogram, autosomal recessive conditions are represented by a horizontal inheritance pattern.
Modes of Inheritance
Genetic disorders can be passed down from one generation to the next in various ways. There are four main modes of inheritance: autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked (sex-linked), and multifactorial.
Autosomal Dominant Inheritance
Autosomal dominant inheritance occurs when one faulty gene causes a problem despite the presence of a normal one. This type of inheritance shows vertical transmission, meaning it is based on the appearance of the family pedigree. If only one parent is affected, there is a 50% chance of each child expressing the condition. Autosomal dominant conditions often show pleiotropy, where a single gene influences several characteristics.
Autosomal Recessive Inheritance
In autosomal recessive conditions, a person requires two faulty copies of a gene to manifest a disease. A person with one healthy and one faulty gene will generally not manifest a disease and is labelled a carrier. Autosomal recessive conditions demonstrate horizontal transmission.
X-linked (Sex-linked) Inheritance
In X-linked conditions, the problem gene lies on the X chromosome. This means that all males are affected. Like autosomal conditions, they can be dominant of recessive. Affected males are unable to pass the condition on to their sons. In X-linked recessive conditions, the inheritance pattern is characterised by transmission from affected males to male grandchildren via affected carrier daughters.
Multifactorial Inheritance
Multifactorial conditions result from the interaction between genes from both parents and the environment.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Genetics
Question 13
Which antidepressant is most commonly linked to neutropenia?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Mirtazapine
Explanation:Sertraline use has been linked to the development of leucopenia. Patients are advised to report any signs of infection, such as fever, sore throat, of stomatitis, during treatment.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 14
Which statement about normal pressure hydrocephalus is incorrect?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: CSF pressure is usually raised
Explanation:Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Normal pressure hydrocephalus is a type of chronic communicating hydrocephalus, which occurs due to the impaired reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by the arachnoid villi. Although the CSF pressure is typically high, it remains within the normal range, and therefore, it does not cause symptoms of high intracranial pressure (ICP) such as headache and nausea. Instead, patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus usually present with a classic triad of symptoms, including incontinence, gait ataxia, and dementia, which is often referred to as wet, wobbly, and wacky. Unfortunately, this condition is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s of Alzheimer’s disease.
The classic triad of normal pressure hydrocephalus, also known as Hakim’s triad, includes gait instability, urinary incontinence, and dementia. On the other hand, non-communicating hydrocephalus results from the obstruction of CSF flow in the third of fourth ventricle, which causes symptoms of raised intracranial pressure, such as headache, vomiting, hypertension, bradycardia, altered consciousness, and papilledema.
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- Neurosciences
Question 15
What is the accurate statement about the pathology of Parkinson's disease?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Pallor of the locus coeruleus is seen
Explanation:Lewy bodies are not exclusively indicative of a particular disease, as they can also be present in individuals with Alzheimer’s and even in those who do not exhibit any noticeable symptoms.
Parkinson’s Disease Pathology
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system. The pathology of Parkinson’s disease is very similar to that of Lewy body dementia. The macroscopic features of Parkinson’s disease include pallor of the substantia nigra (midbrain) and locus coeruleus (pons). The microscopic changes include the presence of Lewy bodies, which are intracellular aggregates of alpha-synuclein. Additionally, there is a loss of dopaminergic cells from the substantia nigra pars compacta. These changes contribute to the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, such as tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia. Understanding the pathology of Parkinson’s disease is crucial for developing effective treatments and improving the quality of life for those affected by this condition.
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- Neurosciences
Question 16
What is the condition being described by a woman who experiences sudden falls upon hearing a loud noise?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Cataplexy
Explanation:Narcolepsy is identified by a set of four symptoms, including excessive sleepiness, hypnagogic hallucinations, sleep paralysis, and cataplexy. Cataplexy is a brief and sudden weakening of muscle control, typically brought on by emotional triggers, and is frequently observed in individuals with narcolepsy.
Sleep Disorders
The International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ISCD) categorizes sleep disorders into several main categories and subclasses. Dyssomnias are intrinsic sleep disorders that include narcolepsy, psychopsychologic insomnia, idiopathic hypersomnia, restless leg syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder, and obstructive sleep apnea. Extrinsic sleep disorders include inadequate sleep hygiene and alcohol-dependent sleep disorder. Circadian rhythm disorders consist of jet lag syndrome, shift work sleep disorder, irregular sleep-wake pattern, delayed sleep phase syndrome, and advanced sleep phase disorder. Parasomnias include arousal disorders such as sleepwalking and sleep terrors, sleep-wake transition disorders such as rhythmic movement disorder, sleep talking, and nocturnal leg cramps, and parasomnias associated with REM sleep such as nightmares and sleep paralysis. Sleep disorders associated with medical/psychiatric disorders and proposed sleep disorders are also included in the classification.
Narcolepsy is a disorder of unknown cause that is characterized by excessive sleepiness, cataplexy, and other REM sleep phenomena such as sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations. Periodic limb movement disorder is characterized by periodic episodes of repetitive and highly stereotyped limb movements that occur during sleep. Restless legs syndrome is a disorder characterized by disagreeable leg sensations that usually occur prior to sleep onset and that cause an almost irresistible urge to move the legs. Jet lag syndrome consists of varying degrees of difficulties in initiating or maintaining sleep, excessive sleepiness, decrements in subjective daytime alertness and performance, and somatic symptoms following rapid travel across multiple time zones. Shift work sleep disorder consists of symptoms of insomnia of excessive sleepiness that occur as transient phenomena in relation to work schedules. Non 24 hour sleep wake syndrome consists of a chronic steady pattern comprising one to two hour daily delays in sleep onset and wake times in an individual living in society. Sleepwalking consists of a series of complex behaviors that are initiated during slow-wave sleep and result in walking during sleep. Sleep terrors are characterized by a sudden arousal from slow wave sleep with a piercing scream of cry, accompanied by autonomic and behavioral manifestations of intense fear. Rhythmic movement disorder comprises a group of stereotyped, repetitive movements involving large muscles, usually of the head and neck. Sleep starts are sudden, brief contractions of the legs, sometimes also involving the arms and head, that occur at sleep onset. Nocturnal leg cramps are painful sensations of muscular tightness of tension, usually in the calf but occasionally in the foot, that occur during the sleep episode. Nightmares are frightening dreams that usually awaken the sleeper from REM sleep. Sleep paralysis is a common condition characterized by transient paralysis of skeletal muscles which occurs when awakening from sleep of less often while falling asleep.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Social Psychology
Question 17
What is the tool used to evaluate the intelligence of children?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: WISC
Explanation:The WISC, a commonly utilized IQ assessment for children, consists of ten distinct evaluations that generate performance and verbal IQ scores, as well as an overall IQ score. NART, on the other hand, is a measure of premorbid IQ, while Rivermead assesses visual memory. WAIS is the adult version of the Wechsler intelligence scale, and the Wisconsin card sorting test evaluates executive function, specifically the frontal lobe.
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- Description And Measurement
Question 18
What is a frequently observed side-effect of lisdexamfetamine?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Decreased appetite
Explanation:ADHD medications can be classified into stimulant and non-stimulant drugs. The therapeutic effects of these drugs are believed to be mediated through the action of noradrenaline in the prefrontal cortex. Common side effects of these drugs include decreased appetite, insomnia, nervousness, headache, and nausea. Stimulant drugs like dexamphetamine, methylphenidate, and lisdexamfetamine inhibit the reuptake of dopamine and noradrenaline. Non-stimulant drugs like atomoxetine, guanfacine, and clonidine work by increasing noradrenaline levels in the synaptic cleft through different mechanisms. The most common side effects of these drugs are decreased appetite, somnolence, headache, and abdominal pain.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychopharmacology
Question 19
As part of a cognitive evaluation, can you tell me the name of the current Prime Minister? This will help assess which type of memory?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Semantic
Explanation:According to Gelder (2009), semantic memory pertains to knowledge of facts and concepts that can be consciously recalled. Unlike episodic memory, which is also a type of declarative memory, semantic memory is not tied to any particular personal experience.
Memory Forms
Memory is the ability to store, retain, and retrieve information. There are different forms of memory, including sensory memory, short-term/working memory, and long-term memory.
Sensory memory is the capacity for briefly retaining the large amounts of information that people encounter daily. It includes echoic memory (gathered through auditory stimuli), iconic memory (gathered through sight), and haptic memory (acquired through touch).
Short-term memory is the ability to keep a small amount of information available for a short period of time. Atkinson and Shiffrin’s multistore model (1968) suggests the existence of a short-term storehouse with limited capacity. Baddeley and Hitch (1974) further developed the concept of short-term memory, which eventually became known as Baddeley’s multi-storehouse model (2000). This model includes the central executive, visuospatial sketchpad, phonological buffer/loop, and episodic buffer.
Long-term memory includes declarative (of explicit) memories, which can be consciously retrieved, and nondeclarative (of implicit) memories, which cannot. Declarative memory includes episodic memory (stores personal experiences) and semantic memory (stores information about facts and concepts). Non-declarative memory includes procedural memory (recalls motor and executive skills), associative memory (storage and retrieval of information through association with other information), and non-associative memory (refers to newly learned behavior through repeated exposure to an isolated stimulus).
Overall, memory is a complex and essential cognitive function that plays a crucial role in learning, reasoning, and understanding.
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- Social Psychology
Question 20
What is the estimated degree of genetic influence on autism?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 70%
Explanation:Heritability: Understanding the Concept
Heritability is a concept that is often misunderstood. It is not a measure of the extent to which genes cause a condition in an individual. Rather, it is the proportion of phenotypic variance attributable to genetic variance. In other words, it tells us how much of the variation in a condition seen in a population is due to genetic factors. Heritability is calculated using statistical techniques and can range from 0.0 to 1.0. For human behavior, most estimates of heritability fall in the moderate range of .30 to .60.
The quantity (1.0 – heritability) gives the environment ability of the trait. This is the proportion of phenotypic variance attributable to environmental variance. The following table provides estimates of heritability for major conditions:
Condition Heritability estimate (approx)
ADHD 85%
Autism 70%
Schizophrenia 55%
Bipolar 55%
Anorexia 35%
Alcohol dependence 35%
Major depression 30%
OCD 25%It is important to note that heritability tells us nothing about individuals. It is a population-level measure that helps us understand the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors to a particular condition.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Genetics
Question 21
How can the four principles of medical ethics be stated?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice
Explanation:Ethical theory and principles are important in medical ethics. There are three key ethical theories that have dominated medical ethics: utilitarianism, deontological, and virtue-based. Utilitarianism is based on the greatest good for the greatest number and is a consequentialist theory. Deontological ethics emphasize moral duties and rules, rather than consequences. Virtue ethics is based on the ethical characteristics of a person and is associated with the concept of a good, happy, flourishing life.
More recent frameworks have attempted to reconcile different theories and values. The ‘four principles’ of ‘principlism’ approach, developed in the United States, is based on four common, basic prima facie moral commitments: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. Autonomy refers to a patient’s right to make their own decisions, beneficence refers to the expectation that a doctor will act in a way that will be helpful to the patient, non-maleficence refers to the fact that doctors should avoid harming their patients, and justice refers to the expectation that all people should be treated fairly and equally.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Social Psychology
Question 22
Among the given medications, which one is the most probable cause of delirium?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Pethidine
Explanation:Prescribing in the Elderly: Iatrogenic Consequences
Many medications, both prescribed and over-the-counter, can have significant adverse effects in the elderly population. It is important to note that the lists provided below are not exhaustive, and only the most common and important examples are given.
Medications Linked to Delirium and Other Cognitive Disorders
Medications are the most common reversible cause of delirium and dementia in the elderly. Many medications can cause cognitive impairment, but the classes of drugs most strongly associated with the development of drug-induced dementia are opioids, benzodiazepines, and anticholinergics.
According to a systematic review done in 2011 (Clegg, 2011), long-acting benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam) are more troublesome than those that are shorter-acting. Opioids are associated with an approximately 2-fold increased risk of delirium in medical and surgical patients (Clegg, 2011). Pethidine appears to have a higher risk of delirium compared with other members of the opioid class. This may be because pethidine can accumulate when renal function is impaired and is converted to a metabolite with anticholinergic properties.
Some antipsychotic drugs have considerable antimuscarinic (anticholinergic) activity (e.g., chlorpromazine and clozapine), which may cause of worsen delirium. Delirium is uncommon in newer antipsychotics (but has been reported).
Medications Linked to Mood Changes
The following medications are well known to precipitate mood changes:
– Centrally-acting antihypertensives (e.g., methyldopa, reserpine, and clonidine) can cause depressive symptoms.
– Interferon-a is capable of inducing depressive symptoms.
– Digoxin is capable of inducing depressive symptoms.
– Corticosteroids can cause depressive, manic, and mixed symptoms with of without psychosis.
– Antidepressants can precipitate mania.Medications Linked to Psychosis
The following medications are well known to precipitate psychosis:
– Anti-Parkinson’s Medications (e.g., bromocriptine, amantadine, selegiline, anticholinergics (e.g., trihexyphenidyl, benztropine, benzhexol), and levodopa).
– CorticosteroidsMedications Linked to Anxiety
The following medications are well known to precipitate anxiety:
– Stimulants
– β adrenergic inhalers -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychopharmacology
Question 23
A 25-year-old man is admitted to hospital experiencing accusatory auditory hallucinations and feelings of persecution. During assessment by a psychiatrist, he begins to describe early experiences of childhood trauma but is dismissed by the doctor who tells him that these experiences are false memories. This leaves him feeling frustrated and determined to become a mental health professional himself to prove the psychiatrist wrong.
Over the next decade, he completes his training as a licensed therapist. Despite continuing to experience auditory hallucinations, he has learned to manage them and even finds them helpful in his work with clients. He chooses not to take antipsychotic medication due to the sedating side effects he has experienced in the past. Drawing on his personal experience, he is able to provide empathetic support to his clients during times of distress.
What is a possible account of his personal experience with mental illness?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Personal recovery
Explanation:The concept of recovery in mental disorder goes beyond symptom resolution and focuses on developing a rewarding and meaningful life while accepting the impact of mental distress on the self. Clinical remission, on the other hand, refers to the cessation of symptoms and is often measured through clinical outcome scales. Chronic psychosis is the ongoing experience of psychotic symptoms. Recovery in mental disorder is a rephrasing of the conventional medical definition of remission and recognizes the need for a holistic approach to treatment while still involving clinicians and allied professionals. For further reading, Anthony’s Recovery From Mental Illness and Davidson and Roe’s Recovery from versus recovery in serious mental illness offer valuable insights.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Advanced Psychological Processes And Treatments
Question 24
What is the BMI of a girl who visited the clinic due to concerns from her GP about her lack of eating, and has a weight of 50 kg and a height of 165cm?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 18 of above
Explanation:Assessment and Management of Obesity
Obesity is a condition that can increase the risk of various health problems, including type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, some types of cancer, and stroke. The body mass index (BMI) is a commonly used tool to assess obesity, calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared. For adults over 20 years old, BMI falls into one of the following categories: underweight, normal of healthy weight, pre-obesity/overweight, obesity class I, obesity class II, and obesity class III.
Waist circumference can also be used in combination with BMI to guide interventions. Diet and exercise are the main interventions up to a BMI of 35, unless there are comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, dyslipidemia, and sleep apnea. Physical activity recommendations suggest that adults should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity of 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity per week. Dietary recommendations suggest diets that have a 600 kcal/day deficit.
Pharmacological options such as Orlistat of Liraglutide may be considered for those with a BMI of 30 kg/m2 of more, of 28 if associated risk factors. Surgical options such as bariatric surgery may be considered for those with a BMI of 40 kg/m2 of more, of between 35 kg/m2 and 40 kg/m2 with other significant diseases that could be improved with weight loss.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Classification And Assessment
Question 25
What is the protein that binds to undesired cellular proteins to mark them for breakdown by the proteasome?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ubiquitin
Explanation:The Function of Proteasomes in Protein Degradation
Proteasomes play a crucial role in breaking down proteins that are produced within the cell. These cylindrical complexes are present in both the nucleus and cytoplasm of the cell. The process of protein degradation involves the tagging of proteins with a small protein called ubiquitin. The proteasome consists of a core structure made up of four stacked rings surrounding a central pore. Each ring is composed of seven individual proteins. This structure allows for the efficient degradation of proteins, ensuring that the cell can maintain proper protein levels and function.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Genetics
Question 26
What was the amount of drug X ingested by a patient who has overdosed, given that the drug has a volume of distribution of 4L and their blood concentration of X is 10 mg/L, assuming 100% bioavailability via the route of administration?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 40mg
Explanation:Understanding the Volume of Distribution in Pharmacology
The volume of distribution (Vd) is a crucial concept in pharmacology that helps determine how a drug distributes in the body. It is also known as the apparent volume of distribution, as it is an abstract volume. The Vd indicates whether a drug concentrates in the plasma of spreads out in the body. Drugs that are highly polar tend to stay in central compartments such as the plasma, resulting in a low Vd. Conversely, drugs that are more lipid-soluble are distributed widely, such as in fat, resulting in a high Vd.
The Vd is calculated by dividing the amount of drug in the body by the concentration in the plasma. Clinically, the Vd is used to determine the loading dose of a drug required for a desired blood concentration and to estimate blood concentration in the treatment of overdose. The units of Vd are in volume.
The apparent volume of distribution is dependent on the drug’s lipid of water solubility, plasma protein binding, and tissue binding. Plasma protein binding affects the Vd, as drugs that bind to plasma proteins like albumin have a smaller apparent volume of distribution. This is because they are extracted from plasma and included in drug concentration measurements, which can give a misleading impression of their volume of distribution. Understanding the Vd is essential in pharmacology to ensure the safe and effective use of drugs.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychopharmacology
Question 27
Which statement about neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is incorrect?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: It is usually caused by benzodiazepine use
Explanation:When apomorphine is withdrawn, it results in a decrease in dopamine activity in the brain, similar to the effect of starting an antipsychotic medication that blocks dopamine receptors.
Serotonin Syndrome and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome are two conditions that can be difficult to differentiate. Serotonin Syndrome is caused by excess serotonergic activity in the CNS and is characterized by neuromuscular abnormalities, altered mental state, and autonomic dysfunction. On the other hand, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome is a rare acute disorder of thermoregulation and neuromotor control that is almost exclusively caused by antipsychotics. The symptoms of both syndromes can overlap, but there are some distinguishing clinical features. Hyperreflexia, ocular clonus, and tremors are more prominent in Serotonin Syndrome, while Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome is characterized by uniform ‘lead-pipe’ rigidity and hyporeflexia. Symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome usually resolve within a few days of stopping the medication, while Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome can take up to 14 days to remit with appropriate treatment. The following table provides a useful guide to the main differentials of Serotonin Syndrome and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 28
What psychological defense mechanism is being used by a woman who was raised in foster care and creates a non-profit organization to offer guidance and assistance to other children in the system?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Altruism
Explanation:The defence mechanism of altruism is considered to be a sign of emotional maturity, as it involves channeling one’s own psychological distress towards aiding others.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dynamic Psychopathology
Question 29
What is the theory that is linked to the idea of the 'internal working model'?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Bowlby's attachment theory
Explanation:Attachment Theory and Harlow’s Monkeys
Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby, suggests that children have an innate tendency to form relationships with people around them to increase their chance of survival. This attachment is different from bonding, which concerns the mother’s feelings for her infant. Children typically single out a primary caregiver, referred to as the principle attachment figure, from about 1-3 months. The quality of a person’s early attachments is associated with their adult behavior, with poor attachments leading to withdrawn individuals who struggle to form relationships and good attachments leading to socially competent adults who can form healthy relationships.
Bowlby’s attachment model has four stages: preattachment, attachment in the making, clear-cut attachment, and formation of reciprocal attachment. The time from 6 months to 36 months is known as the critical period, during which a child is most vulnerable to interruptions in its attachment. Attachments are divided into secure and insecure types, with insecure types further divided into avoidant and ambivalent types.
Harlow’s experiment with young rhesus monkeys demonstrated the importance of the need for closeness over food. The experiment involved giving the monkeys a choice between two different mothers, one made of soft terry cloth but provided no food and the other made of wire but provided food from an attached baby bottle. The baby monkeys spent significantly more time with their cloth mother than with their wire mother, showing the importance of attachment and closeness in early development.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychological Development
Question 30
Which structure is thought to play a major role in processing rewards?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Nucleus accumbens
Explanation:Drug addiction is closely linked to reward processing, which is primarily regulated by the nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmental area (VTA).
The Basal Ganglia: Functions and Disorders
The basal ganglia are a group of subcortical structures that play a crucial role in controlling movement and some cognitive processes. The components of the basal ganglia include the striatum (caudate, putamen, nucleus accumbens), subthalamic nucleus, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra (divided into pars compacta and pars reticulata). The putamen and globus pallidus are collectively referred to as the lenticular nucleus.
The basal ganglia are connected in a complex loop, with the cortex projecting to the striatum, the striatum to the internal segment of the globus pallidus, the internal segment of the globus pallidus to the thalamus, and the thalamus back to the cortex. This loop is responsible for regulating movement and cognitive processes.
However, problems with the basal ganglia can lead to several conditions. Huntington’s chorea is caused by degeneration of the caudate nucleus, while Wilson’s disease is characterized by copper deposition in the basal ganglia. Parkinson’s disease is associated with degeneration of the substantia nigra, and hemiballism results from damage to the subthalamic nucleus.
In summary, the basal ganglia are a crucial part of the brain that regulate movement and some cognitive processes. Disorders of the basal ganglia can lead to significant neurological conditions that affect movement and other functions.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurosciences
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