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  • Question 1 - A 65-year-old male with chronic cardiac failure visits his doctor and reports experiencing...


    • A 65-year-old male with chronic cardiac failure visits his doctor and reports experiencing dyspnoea even with minimal physical exertion, and only feeling comfortable when at rest. What class of the New York Heart Association scale does he fall under?

      Your Answer: I

      Correct Answer: III


      The NYHA Scale for Cardiac Failure Patients

      The NYHA scale is a tool used to standardize the description of the severity of cardiac failure patients. It classifies patients into four categories based on their symptoms and limitations of activities. Class I patients have no limitations and do not experience any symptoms during ordinary activities. Class II patients have mild limitations and are comfortable with rest or mild exertion. Class III patients have marked limitations and are only comfortable at rest. Finally, Class IV patients should be at complete rest and are confined to bed or chair. Any physical activity brings discomfort and symptoms occur even at rest.

      The NYHA scale is an important tool for healthcare professionals to assess the severity of cardiac failure in patients. It helps to determine the appropriate treatment plan and level of care needed for each patient. By using this scale, healthcare professionals can communicate more effectively with each other and with patients about the severity of their condition. It also helps patients to understand their limitations and adjust their activities accordingly. Overall, the NYHA scale is a valuable tool in the management of cardiac failure patients.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 2 - Sarah is a 52-year-old patient with hypertension. Her blood pressure remains high despite...


    • Sarah is a 52-year-old patient with hypertension. Her blood pressure remains high despite taking ramipril therefore add-on therapy with a thiazide-like diuretic is being considered.

      What is a contraindication to starting this therapy?

      Your Answer: Afro-Caribbean family origin

      Correct Answer: Gout


      Thiazide diuretics are medications that work by blocking the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl− symporter, which inhibits sodium reabsorption at the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). This results in the loss of potassium as more sodium reaches the collecting ducts. While thiazide diuretics are useful in treating mild heart failure, loop diuretics are more effective in reducing overload. Bendroflumethiazide was previously used to manage hypertension, but recent NICE guidelines recommend other thiazide-like diuretics such as indapamide and chlorthalidone.

      Common side effects of thiazide diuretics include dehydration, postural hypotension, and electrolyte imbalances such as hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypercalcemia. Other potential adverse effects include gout, impaired glucose tolerance, and impotence. Rare side effects may include thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, photosensitivity rash, and pancreatitis.

      It is worth noting that while thiazide diuretics may cause hypercalcemia, they can also reduce the incidence of renal stones by decreasing urinary calcium excretion. According to current NICE guidelines, the management of hypertension involves the use of thiazide-like diuretics, along with other medications and lifestyle changes, to achieve optimal blood pressure control and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 3 - A 57-year-old man presents to the emergency department with a severe headache that...


    • A 57-year-old man presents to the emergency department with a severe headache that started 3 weeks ago and is localised to the back of the head. He rates it 8/10 on a pain scale and reports that it has gradually become worse. The patient has a medical history of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

      Unfortunately, the patient passes away after suffering a brainstem stroke.

      During the autopsy, a vertebral artery dissection is discovered at the point of entry into the cranial cavity.

      Where is this location?

      Your Answer: Supraorbital foramen

      Correct Answer: Foramen magnum


      The vertebral arteries pass through the foramen magnum to enter the cranial cavity.

      Other foramina and their corresponding arteries include the stylomastoid foramen for the posterior auricular artery (stylomastoid branch), the foramen ovale for the accessory meningeal artery, and the foramen spinosum for the middle meningeal artery.

      The Circle of Willis is an anastomosis formed by the internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries on the bottom surface of the brain. It is divided into two halves and is made up of various arteries, including the anterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, internal carotid artery, posterior communicating artery, and posterior cerebral arteries. The circle and its branches supply blood to important areas of the brain, such as the corpus striatum, internal capsule, diencephalon, and midbrain.

      The vertebral arteries enter the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum and lie in the subarachnoid space. They then ascend on the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata and unite to form the basilar artery at the base of the pons. The basilar artery has several branches, including the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, labyrinthine artery, pontine arteries, superior cerebellar artery, and posterior cerebral artery.

      The internal carotid arteries also have several branches, such as the posterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, and anterior choroid artery. These arteries supply blood to different parts of the brain, including the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes. Overall, the Circle of Willis and its branches play a crucial role in providing oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 4 - A 67-year-old man with heart failure visits his physician and inquires about the...


    • A 67-year-old man with heart failure visits his physician and inquires about the factors that influence stroke volume. What interventions can enhance stroke volume in a healthy person?

      Your Answer: Decreased inotropy

      Correct Answer: Increased central venous pressure


      There are four factors that impact stroke volume: cardiac size, contractility, preload, and afterload. When someone has heart failure, their stroke volume decreases. If there is an increase in parasympathetic activation, it would lead to a reduction in contractility. Hypertension would increase afterload, which means the ventricle would have to work harder to pump blood into the aorta. If there is an increase in central venous pressure, it would lead to an increase in preload due to an increase in venous return.

      The stroke volume refers to the amount of blood that is pumped out of the ventricle during each cycle of cardiac contraction. This volume is usually the same for both ventricles and is approximately 70ml for a man weighing 70Kg. To calculate the stroke volume, the end systolic volume is subtracted from the end diastolic volume. Several factors can affect the stroke volume, including the size of the heart, its contractility, preload, and afterload.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 5 - A 60-year-old woman complains of persistent diarrhoea, wheezing, and flushing. During the physical...


    • A 60-year-old woman complains of persistent diarrhoea, wheezing, and flushing. During the physical examination, an irregular pulsatile hepatomegaly and a pansystolic murmur that is most pronounced during inspiration are detected. What diagnostic test could provide insight into the probable underlying condition?

      Your Answer: Peak flow

      Correct Answer: Urinary 5-HIAA (5-hydroxyindole acetic acid)


      Carcinoid Syndrome and its Diagnosis

      Carcinoid syndrome is characterized by the presence of vasoactive amines such as serotonin in the bloodstream, leading to various clinical features. The primary carcinoid tumor is usually found in the small intestine or appendix, but it may not cause significant symptoms as the liver detoxifies the blood of these amines. However, systemic effects occur when malignant cells spread to other organs, such as the lungs, which are not part of the portal circulation. One of the complications of carcinoid syndrome is damage to the right heart valves, which can cause tricuspid regurgitation, as evidenced by a pulsatile liver and pansystolic murmur.

      To diagnose carcinoid syndrome, the 5-HIAA test is usually performed, which measures the breakdown product of serotonin in a 24-hour urine collection. If the test is positive, imaging and histology are necessary to confirm malignancy.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 6 - Which one of the following nerves is not found in the posterior triangle...


    • Which one of the following nerves is not found in the posterior triangle of the neck?

      Your Answer: Ansa cervicalis


      The anterior triangle of the neck contains the ansa cervicalis.

      The posterior triangle of the neck is an area that is bound by the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles, the occipital bone, and the middle third of the clavicle. Within this triangle, there are various nerves, vessels, muscles, and lymph nodes. The nerves present include the accessory nerve, phrenic nerve, and three trunks of the brachial plexus, as well as branches of the cervical plexus such as the supraclavicular nerve, transverse cervical nerve, great auricular nerve, and lesser occipital nerve. The vessels found in this area are the external jugular vein and subclavian artery. Additionally, there are muscles such as the inferior belly of omohyoid and scalene, as well as lymph nodes including the supraclavicular and occipital nodes.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 7 - A 47-year-old woman has a laparoscopic cholecystectomy as a day case procedure. The...


    • A 47-year-old woman has a laparoscopic cholecystectomy as a day case procedure. The surgery proves to be more challenging than expected, and a drain is inserted at the surgical site. During recovery, the patient experiences a significant loss of 1800ml of visible blood into the drain. Which of the following outcomes is not expected?

      Your Answer: Fall in parasympathetic discharge to the sino atrial node

      Correct Answer: Release of aldosterone via the Bainbridge reflex


      The Bainbridge reflex is a response where the heart rate is elevated due to the activation of atrial stretch receptors following a sudden infusion of blood.

      The heart has four chambers and generates pressures of 0-25 mmHg on the right side and 0-120 mmHg on the left. The cardiac output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, typically 5-6L per minute. The cardiac impulse is generated in the sino atrial node and conveyed to the ventricles via the atrioventricular node. Parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers project to the heart via the vagus and release acetylcholine and noradrenaline, respectively. The cardiac cycle includes mid diastole, late diastole, early systole, late systole, and early diastole. Preload is the end diastolic volume and afterload is the aortic pressure. Laplace’s law explains the rise in ventricular pressure during the ejection phase and why a dilated diseased heart will have impaired systolic function. Starling’s law states that an increase in end-diastolic volume will produce a larger stroke volume up to a point beyond which stroke volume will fall. Baroreceptor reflexes and atrial stretch receptors are involved in regulating cardiac output.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 8 - During a tricuspid valve repair, the right atrium is opened after establishing cardiopulmonary...


    • During a tricuspid valve repair, the right atrium is opened after establishing cardiopulmonary bypass. Which of the following structures is not located within the right atrium?

      Your Answer: Fossa ovalis

      Correct Answer: Trabeculae carnae


      The walls of each cardiac chamber are made up of the epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium. The heart and roots of the great vessels are related anteriorly to the sternum and the left ribs. The coronary sinus receives blood from the cardiac veins, and the aortic sinus gives rise to the right and left coronary arteries. The left ventricle has a thicker wall and more numerous trabeculae carnae than the right ventricle. The heart is innervated by autonomic nerve fibers from the cardiac plexus, and the parasympathetic supply comes from the vagus nerves. The heart has four valves: the mitral, aortic, pulmonary, and tricuspid valves.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 9 - Sarah, a 68-year-old woman, visits her doctor complaining of shortness of breath and...


    • Sarah, a 68-year-old woman, visits her doctor complaining of shortness of breath and swollen ankles that have been worsening for the past four months. During the consultation, the doctor observes that Sarah is using more pillows than usual. She has a medical history of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and a previous myocardial infarction. The doctor also notices a raised jugular venous pressure (JVP) and suspects congestive heart failure. What would indicate a normal JVP?

      Your Answer: 5cm from the vertical height above the sternal angle

      Correct Answer: 2 cm from the vertical height above the sternal angle


      The normal range for jugular venous pressure is within 3 cm of the vertical height above the sternal angle. This measurement is used to estimate central venous pressure by observing the internal jugular vein, which connects to the right atrium. To obtain this measurement, the patient is positioned at a 45º angle, the right internal jugular vein is observed between the two heads of sternocleidomastoid, and a ruler is placed horizontally from the highest pulsation point of the vein to the sternal angle, with an additional 5cm added to the measurement. A JVP measurement greater than 3 cm from the sternal angle may indicate conditions such as right-sided heart failure, cardiac tamponade, superior vena cava obstruction, or fluid overload.

      Understanding the Jugular Venous Pulse

      The jugular venous pulse is a useful tool in assessing right atrial pressure and identifying underlying valvular disease. The waveform of the jugular vein can provide valuable information, such as a non-pulsatile JVP indicating superior vena caval obstruction and Kussmaul’s sign indicating constrictive pericarditis.

      The ‘a’ wave of the jugular venous pulse represents atrial contraction and can be large in conditions such as tricuspid stenosis, pulmonary stenosis, and pulmonary hypertension. However, it may be absent in atrial fibrillation. Cannon ‘a’ waves occur when atrial contractions push against a closed tricuspid valve and are seen in complete heart block, ventricular tachycardia/ectopics, nodal rhythm, and single chamber ventricular pacing.

      The ‘c’ wave represents the closure of the tricuspid valve and is not normally visible. The ‘v’ wave is due to passive filling of blood into the atrium against a closed tricuspid valve and can be giant in tricuspid regurgitation. The ‘x’ descent represents the fall in atrial pressure during ventricular systole, while the ‘y’ descent represents the opening of the tricuspid valve.

      Understanding the jugular venous pulse and its various components can aid in the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular conditions.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 10 - A 48-year-old man visits his local doctor complaining of chest pain that occurs...


    • A 48-year-old man visits his local doctor complaining of chest pain that occurs during physical activity and subsides with rest. He first noticed it 10 months ago and feels that it has gradually worsened. He now experiences this pain while climbing a few stairs. Previously, he could walk down to the newsagent and back, a distance of 200 yards, without any discomfort. He has a medical history of hypertension and appendectomy.

      His close friend had similar symptoms that were relieved by sublingual glyceryl nitrates. He asks the doctor to prescribe something similar.

      What is the mechanism by which nitrates work?

      Your Answer: Nitrates deactivate K+ channels which leads to hyperpolarisation and relaxation

      Correct Answer: Nitrates cause a decrease in intracellular calcium which results in smooth muscle relaxation


      The reason why nitrates cause a decrease in intracellular calcium is because nitric oxide triggers the activation of smooth muscle soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC) to produce cGMP. This increase in intracellular cGMP inhibits calcium entry into the cell, resulting in a reduction in intracellular calcium levels and inducing smooth muscle relaxation. Additionally, nitric oxide activates K+ channels, leading to hyperpolarization and relaxation. Furthermore, nitric oxide stimulates a cGMP-dependent protein kinase that activates myosin light chain phosphatase, which dephosphorylates myosin light chains, ultimately leading to relaxation. Therefore, the correct answer is the second option.

      Understanding Nitrates and Their Effects on the Body

      Nitrates are a type of medication that can cause blood vessels to widen, which is known as vasodilation. They are commonly used to manage angina and treat heart failure. One of the most frequently prescribed nitrates is sublingual glyceryl trinitrate, which is used to relieve angina attacks in patients with ischaemic heart disease.

      The mechanism of action for nitrates involves the release of nitric oxide in smooth muscle, which activates guanylate cyclase. This enzyme then converts GTP to cGMP, leading to a decrease in intracellular calcium levels. In the case of angina, nitrates dilate the coronary arteries and reduce venous return, which decreases left ventricular work and reduces myocardial oxygen demand.

      However, nitrates can also cause side effects such as hypotension, tachycardia, headaches, and flushing. Additionally, many patients who take nitrates develop tolerance over time, which can reduce their effectiveness. To combat this, the British National Formulary recommends that patients who develop tolerance take the second dose of isosorbide mononitrate after 8 hours instead of 12 hours. This allows blood-nitrate levels to fall for 4 hours and maintains effectiveness. It’s important to note that this effect is not seen in patients who take modified release isosorbide mononitrate.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 11 - A 65-year-old patient presents with sudden onset of chest pain, ankle edema, and...


    • A 65-year-old patient presents with sudden onset of chest pain, ankle edema, and difficulty breathing. The diagnosis is heart failure. Which of the following is the cause of the inadequate response of his stroke volume?

      Your Answer: Vagus nerve impulses

      Correct Answer: Preload


      The response of stroke volume in a normal heart to changes in preload is governed by Starling’s Law. This means that an increase in end diastolic volume in the left ventricle should result in a higher stroke volume, as the cardiac myocytes stretch. However, this effect has a limit, as seen in cases of heart failure where excessive stretch of the cardiac myocytes prevents this response.

      The heart has four chambers and generates pressures of 0-25 mmHg on the right side and 0-120 mmHg on the left. The cardiac output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, typically 5-6L per minute. The cardiac impulse is generated in the sino atrial node and conveyed to the ventricles via the atrioventricular node. Parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers project to the heart via the vagus and release acetylcholine and noradrenaline, respectively. The cardiac cycle includes mid diastole, late diastole, early systole, late systole, and early diastole. Preload is the end diastolic volume and afterload is the aortic pressure. Laplace’s law explains the rise in ventricular pressure during the ejection phase and why a dilated diseased heart will have impaired systolic function. Starling’s law states that an increase in end-diastolic volume will produce a larger stroke volume up to a point beyond which stroke volume will fall. Baroreceptor reflexes and atrial stretch receptors are involved in regulating cardiac output.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 12 - Where is troponin T located within the body? ...


    • Where is troponin T located within the body?

      Your Answer: Liver

      Correct Answer: Heart


      Troponin and Its Significance in Cardiac Health

      Troponin is an enzyme that is specific to the heart and is used to detect injury to the heart muscle. It is commonly measured in patients who present with chest pain that may be related to heart problems. Elevated levels of troponin can indicate a heart attack or other acute coronary syndromes. However, it is important to note that troponin levels may also be slightly elevated in other conditions such as renal failure, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, and large pulmonary embolism.

      Troponin is a crucial marker in the diagnosis and management of cardiac conditions. It is a reliable indicator of heart muscle damage and can help healthcare professionals determine the best course of treatment for their patients. Additionally, troponin levels can provide prognostic information, allowing doctors to predict the likelihood of future cardiac events. It is important for individuals to understand the significance of troponin in their cardiac health and to seek medical attention if they experience any symptoms of heart problems.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 13 - A 35-year-old man visits his GP complaining of feeling increasingly unwell for the...


    • A 35-year-old man visits his GP complaining of feeling increasingly unwell for the past few weeks. He reports experiencing heavy night sweats, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Upon further questioning, he reveals a history of intravenous drug use for many years and has been using methadone exclusively for the last 2 months. During the physical examination, the GP observes splinter haemorrhages. What is the probable causative organism?

      Your Answer: Staphylococcus epidermidis

      Correct Answer: Staphylococcus aureus


      The patient is exhibiting symptoms that are indicative of infective endocarditis and has a past of using intravenous drugs. Infective endocarditis can be caused by various factors, but in developed countries, S. aureus is the most prevalent cause. This is especially true for individuals who use intravenous drugs, as in this case.

      Aetiology of Infective Endocarditis

      Infective endocarditis is a condition that affects patients with previously normal valves, rheumatic valve disease, prosthetic valves, congenital heart defects, intravenous drug users, and those who have recently undergone piercings. The strongest risk factor for developing infective endocarditis is a previous episode of the condition. The mitral valve is the most commonly affected valve.

      The most common cause of infective endocarditis is Staphylococcus aureus, particularly in acute presentations and intravenous drug users. Historically, Streptococcus viridans was the most common cause, but this is no longer the case except in developing countries. Coagulase-negative Staphylococci such as Staphylococcus epidermidis are commonly found in indwelling lines and are the most common cause of endocarditis in patients following prosthetic valve surgery. Streptococcus bovis is associated with colorectal cancer, with the subtype Streptococcus gallolyticus being most linked to the condition.

      Culture negative causes of infective endocarditis include prior antibiotic therapy, Coxiella burnetii, Bartonella, Brucella, and HACEK organisms (Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, Kingella). It is important to note that systemic lupus erythematosus and malignancy, specifically marantic endocarditis, can also cause non-infective endocarditis.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 14 - A 47-year-old patient is scheduled for an emergency laparotomy due to bowel perforation....


    • A 47-year-old patient is scheduled for an emergency laparotomy due to bowel perforation. While performing the procedure, the surgeon comes across the marginal artery of Drummond and decides to preserve it. Can you name the two arteries that combine to form the marginal artery of Drummond?

      Your Answer: Inferior mesenteric artery and the coeliac trunk

      Correct Answer: Superior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric artery


      The anastomosis known as the marginal artery of Drummond is created by the joining of the superior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric artery. This results in a continuous arterial circle that runs along the inner edge of the colon. The artery gives rise to straight vessels, also known as vasa recta, which supply the colon. The ileocolic, right colic, and middle colic branches of the SMA, as well as the left colic and sigmoid branches of the IMA, combine to form the marginal artery of Drummond. All other options are incorrect as they do not contribute to this particular artery.

      The Superior Mesenteric Artery and its Branches

      The superior mesenteric artery is a major blood vessel that branches off the aorta at the level of the first lumbar vertebrae. It supplies blood to the small intestine from the duodenum to the mid transverse colon. However, due to its more oblique angle from the aorta, it is more susceptible to receiving emboli than the coeliac axis.

      The superior mesenteric artery is closely related to several structures, including the neck of the pancreas superiorly, the third part of the duodenum and uncinate process postero-inferiorly, and the left renal vein posteriorly. Additionally, the right superior mesenteric vein is also in close proximity.

      The superior mesenteric artery has several branches, including the inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery, jejunal and ileal arcades, ileo-colic artery, right colic artery, and middle colic artery. These branches supply blood to various parts of the small and large intestine. An overview of the superior mesenteric artery and its branches can be seen in the accompanying image.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 15 - A 75-year-old man presents to the emergency department with sudden onset chest pain...


    • A 75-year-old man presents to the emergency department with sudden onset chest pain that started 3 hours ago and is radiating to his left shoulder. He reports feeling a heavy pressure over his sternum. The patient has a 40-year history of smoking one pack of cigarettes per day and was diagnosed with hyperlipidaemia 25 years ago. An initial ECG reveals ST elevation in V3 and V4. Despite resuscitative efforts, the patient passes away. Upon autopsy, a section of the left anterior descending artery stained with haematoxylin and eosin shows atheroma formation.

      What is the final step in the pathogenesis of the autopsy finding in this case?

      Your Answer: Development of fatty streaks

      Correct Answer: Smooth muscle migration from tunica media


      An elderly patient with typical anginal pain is likely suffering from ischaemic heart disease, which is commonly caused by atherosclerosis. This patient has risk factors for atherosclerosis, including smoking and hyperlipidaemia.

      Atherosclerosis begins with thickening of the tunica intima, which is mainly composed of proteoglycan-rich extracellular matrix and acellular lipid pools. Fatty streaks, which are minimal lipid depositions on the luminal surface, can be seen in normal individuals and are not necessarily a part of the atheroma. They can begin as early as in the twenties.

      As the disease progresses, fibroatheroma develops, characterized by infiltration of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, with the formation of a well-demarcated lipid-rich necrotic core. Foam cells appear early in the disease process and play a major role in atheroma formation.

      Further progression leads to thin cap fibroatheroma, where the necrotic core becomes bigger and the fibrous cap thins out. Throughout the process, there is a progressive increase in the number of inflammatory cells. Finally, smooth muscle cells from the tunica media proliferate and migrate into the tunica intima, completing the formation of the atheroma.

      Understanding Atherosclerosis and its Complications

      Atherosclerosis is a complex process that occurs over several years. It begins with endothelial dysfunction triggered by factors such as smoking, hypertension, and hyperglycemia. This leads to changes in the endothelium, including inflammation, oxidation, proliferation, and reduced nitric oxide bioavailability. As a result, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles infiltrate the subendothelial space, and monocytes migrate from the blood and differentiate into macrophages. These macrophages that phagocytose oxidized LDL, slowly turning into large ‘foam cells’. Smooth muscle proliferation and migration from the tunica media into the intima result in the formation of a fibrous capsule covering the fatty plaque.

      Once a plaque has formed, it can cause several complications. For example, it can form a physical blockage in the lumen of the coronary artery, leading to reduced blood flow and oxygen to the myocardium, resulting in angina. Alternatively, the plaque may rupture, potentially causing a complete occlusion of the coronary artery and resulting in a myocardial infarction. It is essential to understand the process of atherosclerosis and its complications to prevent and manage cardiovascular diseases effectively.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 16 - A 68-year-old woman arrives at the emergency department with complaints of shortness of...


    • A 68-year-old woman arrives at the emergency department with complaints of shortness of breath and palpitations. During the examination, you observe an irregularly irregular pulse. To check for signs of atrial fibrillation, you opt to conduct an ECG. In a healthy individual, where is the SA node located in the heart?

      Your Answer: Right atrium


      The SA node is situated at the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium, and is responsible for initiating cardiac impulses in a healthy heart. The AV node, located in the atrioventricular septum, regulates the spread of excitation from the atria to the ventricles. The patient’s symptoms of palpitations and shortness of breath, along with an irregularly irregular pulse, strongly indicate atrial fibrillation. ECG findings consistent with atrial fibrillation include an irregularly irregular rhythm and the absence of P waves.

      The heart has four chambers and generates pressures of 0-25 mmHg on the right side and 0-120 mmHg on the left. The cardiac output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, typically 5-6L per minute. The cardiac impulse is generated in the sino atrial node and conveyed to the ventricles via the atrioventricular node. Parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers project to the heart via the vagus and release acetylcholine and noradrenaline, respectively. The cardiac cycle includes mid diastole, late diastole, early systole, late systole, and early diastole. Preload is the end diastolic volume and afterload is the aortic pressure. Laplace’s law explains the rise in ventricular pressure during the ejection phase and why a dilated diseased heart will have impaired systolic function. Starling’s law states that an increase in end-diastolic volume will produce a larger stroke volume up to a point beyond which stroke volume will fall. Baroreceptor reflexes and atrial stretch receptors are involved in regulating cardiac output.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 17 - Which of the structures listed below overlies the cephalic vein? ...


    • Which of the structures listed below overlies the cephalic vein?

      Your Answer: Extensor retinaculum

      Correct Answer: None of the above


      The cephalic vein is a superficial vein in the upper limb that runs over the fascial planes and terminates in the axillary vein after piercing the coracoid membrane. It is located anterolaterally to the biceps.

      The Cephalic Vein: Path and Connections

      The cephalic vein is a major blood vessel that runs along the lateral side of the arm. It begins at the dorsal venous arch, which drains blood from the hand and wrist, and travels up the arm, crossing the anatomical snuffbox. At the antecubital fossa, the cephalic vein is connected to the basilic vein by the median cubital vein. This connection is commonly used for blood draws and IV insertions.

      After passing through the antecubital fossa, the cephalic vein continues up the arm and pierces the deep fascia of the deltopectoral groove to join the axillary vein. This junction is located near the shoulder and marks the end of the cephalic vein’s path.

      Overall, the cephalic vein plays an important role in the circulation of blood in the upper limb. Its connections to other major veins in the arm make it a valuable site for medical procedures, while its path through the deltopectoral groove allows it to contribute to the larger network of veins that drain blood from the upper body.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 18 - A man in his 50s arrives at the emergency department with bleeding following...


    • A man in his 50s arrives at the emergency department with bleeding following a car accident. Despite significant blood loss, his blood pressure has remained stable. What can be said about the receptors responsible for regulating his blood pressure?

      Your Answer: The baroreceptor reflex only acts on the sympathetic nervous system

      Correct Answer: Baroreceptors are stimulated by arterial stretch


      Arterial stretch stimulates baroreceptors, which are located at the aortic arch and carotid sinus. The baroreceptor reflex acts on the medulla to regulate parasympathetic and sympathetic activity. When baroreceptors are more stimulated, there is an increase in parasympathetic discharge to the SA node and a decrease in sympathetic discharge. Conversely, reduced stimulation of baroreceptors leads to decreased parasympathetic discharge and increased sympathetic discharge. Baroreceptors are always active, and changes in arterial stretch can either increase or decrease their level of stimulation.

      The heart has four chambers and generates pressures of 0-25 mmHg on the right side and 0-120 mmHg on the left. The cardiac output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, typically 5-6L per minute. The cardiac impulse is generated in the sino atrial node and conveyed to the ventricles via the atrioventricular node. Parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers project to the heart via the vagus and release acetylcholine and noradrenaline, respectively. The cardiac cycle includes mid diastole, late diastole, early systole, late systole, and early diastole. Preload is the end diastolic volume and afterload is the aortic pressure. Laplace’s law explains the rise in ventricular pressure during the ejection phase and why a dilated diseased heart will have impaired systolic function. Starling’s law states that an increase in end-diastolic volume will produce a larger stroke volume up to a point beyond which stroke volume will fall. Baroreceptor reflexes and atrial stretch receptors are involved in regulating cardiac output.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 19 - A 75-year-old man arrives at the emergency department complaining of lightheadedness and difficulty...


    • A 75-year-old man arrives at the emergency department complaining of lightheadedness and difficulty breathing. Upon examination, his ECG reveals supraventricular tachycardia, which may be caused by an irregularity in the cardiac electrical activation sequence. He is successfully cardioverted to sinus rhythm.

      What is the anticipated sequence of his cardiac electrical activation following the procedure?

      Your Answer: SA node- atria- AV node- right and left bundle branches- Bundle of His- Purkinje fibres

      Correct Answer: SA node- atria- AV node- Bundle of His- right and left bundle branches- Purkinje fibres


      The correct order of cardiac electrical activation is as follows: SA node, atria, AV node, Bundle of His, right and left bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers. Understanding this sequence is crucial as it is directly related to interpreting ECGs.

      Understanding the Cardiac Action Potential and Conduction Velocity

      The cardiac action potential is a series of electrical events that occur in the heart during each heartbeat. It is responsible for the contraction of the heart muscle and the pumping of blood throughout the body. The action potential is divided into five phases, each with a specific mechanism. The first phase is rapid depolarization, which is caused by the influx of sodium ions. The second phase is early repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The third phase is the plateau phase, which is caused by the slow influx of calcium ions. The fourth phase is final repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The final phase is the restoration of ionic concentrations, which is achieved by the Na+/K+ ATPase pump.

      Conduction velocity is the speed at which the electrical signal travels through the heart. The speed varies depending on the location of the signal. Atrial conduction spreads along ordinary atrial myocardial fibers at a speed of 1 m/sec. AV node conduction is much slower, at 0.05 m/sec. Ventricular conduction is the fastest in the heart, achieved by the large diameter of the Purkinje fibers, which can achieve velocities of 2-4 m/sec. This allows for a rapid and coordinated contraction of the ventricles, which is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. Understanding the cardiac action potential and conduction velocity is crucial for diagnosing and treating heart conditions.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 20 - An ENT surgeon is performing a radical neck dissection. She wishes to fully...


    • An ENT surgeon is performing a radical neck dissection. She wishes to fully expose the external carotid artery. To do so she inserts a self retaining retractor close to its origin. Which one of the following structures lies posterolaterally to the external carotid at this point?

      Your Answer: Superior thyroid artery

      Correct Answer: Internal carotid artery


      At its origin from the common carotid, the internal carotid artery is located at the posterolateral position in relation to the external carotid artery. Its anterior surface gives rise to the superior thyroid, lingual, and facial arteries.

      Anatomy of the External Carotid Artery

      The external carotid artery begins on the side of the pharynx and runs in front of the internal carotid artery, behind the posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles. It is covered by sternocleidomastoid muscle and passed by hypoglossal nerves, lingual and facial veins. The artery then enters the parotid gland and divides into its terminal branches within the gland.

      To locate the external carotid artery, an imaginary line can be drawn from the bifurcation of the common carotid artery behind the angle of the jaw to a point in front of the tragus of the ear.

      The external carotid artery has six branches, with three in front, two behind, and one deep. The three branches in front are the superior thyroid, lingual, and facial arteries. The two branches behind are the occipital and posterior auricular arteries. The deep branch is the ascending pharyngeal artery. The external carotid artery terminates by dividing into the superficial temporal and maxillary arteries within the parotid gland.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 21 - An 80-year-old man visits his GP with complaints of worsening shortness of breath,...


    • An 80-year-old man visits his GP with complaints of worsening shortness of breath, dry cough, and fatigue over the past 6 weeks. The patient reports having to stop multiple times during his daily walk to catch his breath and sleeping with an extra pillow at night to aid his breathing. He has a medical history of hypertension and a smoking history of 30 pack-years. His current medications include ramipril, amlodipine, and atorvastatin.

      During the examination, the GP observes end-inspiratory crackles at both lung bases. The patient's oxygen saturation is 94% on room air, his pulse is regular at 110 /min, and his respiratory rate is 24 /min.

      What is the most probable underlying diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Pulmonary embolism

      Correct Answer: Chronic heart failure


      Orthopnoea is a useful indicator to distinguish between heart failure and COPD.

      The Framingham diagnostic criteria for heart failure include major criteria such as acute pulmonary oedema and cardiomegaly, as well as minor criteria like ankle oedema and dyspnoea on exertion. Other minor criteria include hepatomegaly, nocturnal cough, pleural effusion, tachycardia (>120 /min), neck vein distension, and a third heart sound.

      In this case, the patient exhibits orthopnoea (needing an extra pillow to alleviate breathlessness), rales (crackles heard during inhalation), and dyspnoea on exertion, all of which are indicative of heart failure.

      While COPD can present with similar symptoms such as coughing, fatigue, shortness of breath, and desaturation, the presence of orthopnoea helps to differentiate between the two conditions.

      Pulmonary fibrosis, on the other hand, does not typically present with orthopnoea.

      Features of Chronic Heart Failure

      Chronic heart failure is a condition that affects the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively. It is characterized by several features that can help in its diagnosis. Dyspnoea, or shortness of breath, is a common symptom of chronic heart failure. Patients may also experience coughing, which can be worse at night and accompanied by pink or frothy sputum. Orthopnoea, or difficulty breathing while lying down, and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, or sudden shortness of breath at night, are also common symptoms.

      Another feature of chronic heart failure is the presence of a wheeze, known as a cardiac wheeze. Patients may also experience weight loss, known as cardiac cachexia, which occurs in up to 15% of patients. However, this may be hidden by weight gained due to oedema. On examination, bibasal crackles may be heard, and signs of right-sided heart failure, such as a raised JVP, ankle oedema, and hepatomegaly, may be present.

      In summary, chronic heart failure is a condition that can be identified by several features, including dyspnoea, coughing, orthopnoea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, wheezing, weight loss, bibasal crackles, and signs of right-sided heart failure. Early recognition and management of these symptoms can help improve outcomes for patients with chronic heart failure.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 22 - Which segment of the ECG waveform corresponds to the shutting of the mitral...


    • Which segment of the ECG waveform corresponds to the shutting of the mitral valve?

      Your Answer: T wave

      Correct Answer: QRS complex


      A diagram depicting the various stages of the cardiac cycle can be accessed through the external link provided.

      Heart sounds are the sounds produced by the heart during its normal functioning. The first heart sound (S1) is caused by the closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves, while the second heart sound (S2) is due to the closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves. The intensity of these sounds can vary depending on the condition of the valves and the heart. The third heart sound (S3) is caused by the diastolic filling of the ventricle and is considered normal in young individuals. However, it may indicate left ventricular failure, constrictive pericarditis, or mitral regurgitation in older individuals. The fourth heart sound (S4) may be heard in conditions such as aortic stenosis, HOCM, and hypertension, and is caused by atrial contraction against a stiff ventricle. The different valves can be best heard at specific sites on the chest wall, such as the left second intercostal space for the pulmonary valve and the right second intercostal space for the aortic valve.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 23 - A 55-year-old male with hypertension visits his GP complaining of a persistent dry...


    • A 55-year-old male with hypertension visits his GP complaining of a persistent dry cough. He reports that this started two weeks ago after he was prescribed ramipril. What alternative medication class might the GP consider switching him to?

      Your Answer: Diuretics

      Correct Answer: Angiotensin receptor blockers


      A dry cough is a common and bothersome side effect of ACE inhibitors like ramipril. However, angiotensin receptor blockers work by blocking angiotensin II receptors and have similar adverse effects to ACE inhibitors, but without the cough. According to guidelines, ACE inhibitors are the first line of treatment for white patients under 55 years old. If they are ineffective, angiotensin receptor blockers should be used instead. Beta-blockers, diuretics, calcium channel blockers, and alpha blockers are reserved for later use.

      Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are commonly used as the first-line treatment for hypertension and heart failure in younger patients. However, they may not be as effective in treating hypertensive Afro-Caribbean patients. ACE inhibitors are also used to treat diabetic nephropathy and prevent ischaemic heart disease. These drugs work by inhibiting the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II and are metabolized in the liver.

      While ACE inhibitors are generally well-tolerated, they can cause side effects such as cough, angioedema, hyperkalaemia, and first-dose hypotension. Patients with certain conditions, such as renovascular disease, aortic stenosis, or hereditary or idiopathic angioedema, should use ACE inhibitors with caution or avoid them altogether. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid these drugs.

      Patients taking high-dose diuretics may be at increased risk of hypotension when using ACE inhibitors. Therefore, it is important to monitor urea and electrolyte levels before and after starting treatment, as well as any changes in creatinine and potassium levels. Acceptable changes include a 30% increase in serum creatinine from baseline and an increase in potassium up to 5.5 mmol/l. Patients with undiagnosed bilateral renal artery stenosis may experience significant renal impairment when using ACE inhibitors.

      The current NICE guidelines recommend using a flow chart to manage hypertension, with ACE inhibitors as the first-line treatment for patients under 55 years old. However, individual patient factors and comorbidities should be taken into account when deciding on the best treatment plan.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 24 - A 12-year-old male patient has been diagnosed with Friedreich's ataxia, an autosomal recessive...


    • A 12-year-old male patient has been diagnosed with Friedreich's ataxia, an autosomal recessive genetic disease that causes difficulty walking, a loss of sensation in the arms and legs and impaired speech that worsens over time. What condition should this patient be screened for as a result of having this disease?

      Your Answer: Coarctation of aorta

      Correct Answer: Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy


      Friedreich’s ataxia is a genetic disorder caused by a deficiency of the frataxin protein, which can lead to cardiac neuropathy and hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. This condition is not associated with haemophilia, coarctation of the aorta, streptococcal pharyngitis, Kawasaki disease, or coronary artery aneurysm. However, Group A streptococcal infections can cause acute rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic heart disease, which are autoimmune diseases that affect the heart.

      Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) is a genetic disorder that affects muscle tissue and is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. It is caused by mutations in genes that encode contractile proteins, with the most common defects involving the β-myosin heavy chain protein or myosin-binding protein C. HOCM is characterized by left ventricle hypertrophy, which leads to decreased compliance and cardiac output, resulting in predominantly diastolic dysfunction. Biopsy findings show myofibrillar hypertrophy with disorganized myocytes and fibrosis. HOCM is often asymptomatic, but exertional dyspnea, angina, syncope, and sudden death can occur. Jerky pulse, systolic murmurs, and double apex beat are also common features. HOCM is associated with Friedreich’s ataxia and Wolff-Parkinson White. ECG findings include left ventricular hypertrophy, non-specific ST segment and T-wave abnormalities, and deep Q waves. Atrial fibrillation may occasionally be seen.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 25 - An 80-year-old patient comes in for a routine follow-up appointment and reports a...


    • An 80-year-old patient comes in for a routine follow-up appointment and reports a decline in exercise tolerance. They mention having difficulty with stairs and experiencing occasional central chest pain that radiates to their back, which is relieved by rest. The pain is not present at rest.

      During the examination, you observe a regular, slow-rising pulse and record a blood pressure of 110/95mmHg. Upon auscultation of the precordium, you detect an ejection systolic murmur.

      To further assess cardiac function and valves, an echocardiogram is scheduled. Based on the likely diagnosis, what additional exam findings are you most likely to discover?

      Your Answer: Quincke's sign

      Correct Answer: Fourth heart sound (S4)


      The patient’s symptoms and physical exam suggest the presence of aortic stenosis. This is indicated by the ejection systolic murmur, slow-rising pulse, and progressive heart failure symptoms. The fourth heart sound (S4) is also present, which occurs when the left atrium contracts forcefully to compensate for a stiff ventricle. In aortic stenosis, the left ventricle is hypertrophied due to the narrowed valve, leading to the S4 sound.

      While hepatomegaly is more commonly associated with right heart valvular disease, it is not entirely ruled out in this case. However, the patient’s history is more consistent with aortic stenosis.

      Malar flush, a pink flushed appearance across the cheeks, is typically seen in mitral stenosis due to hypercarbia causing arteriole vasodilation.

      Pistol shot femoral pulses, a sound heard during systole when auscultating the femoral artery, is a finding associated with aortic regurgitation and not present in this case.

      Heart sounds are the sounds produced by the heart during its normal functioning. The first heart sound (S1) is caused by the closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves, while the second heart sound (S2) is due to the closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves. The intensity of these sounds can vary depending on the condition of the valves and the heart. The third heart sound (S3) is caused by the diastolic filling of the ventricle and is considered normal in young individuals. However, it may indicate left ventricular failure, constrictive pericarditis, or mitral regurgitation in older individuals. The fourth heart sound (S4) may be heard in conditions such as aortic stenosis, HOCM, and hypertension, and is caused by atrial contraction against a stiff ventricle. The different valves can be best heard at specific sites on the chest wall, such as the left second intercostal space for the pulmonary valve and the right second intercostal space for the aortic valve.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 26 - At what age is a ventricular septal defect typically diagnosed, and what cardiovascular...


    • At what age is a ventricular septal defect typically diagnosed, and what cardiovascular structure is responsible for its development due to embryological failure?

      Your Answer: Endocardial cushions


      The heart’s development starts at approximately day 18 in the embryo, originating from a group of cells in the cardiogenic area of the mesoderm. The underlying endoderm signals the formation of the cardiogenic cords, which fuse together to create the primitive heart tube.

      Around day 22, the primitive heart tube develops into five regions: the truncus arteriosus, bulbus cordis, primitive ventricle, primitive atrium, and sinus venosus. These regions eventually become the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk, right and left ventricles, anterior atrial walls and appendages, and coronary sinus and sino-atrial node, respectively.

      Over the next week, the heart undergoes morphogenesis, twisting and looping from a vertical tube into a premature heart with atrial and ventricular orientation present by day 28. The endocardial cushions, thickenings of mesoderm in the inner lining of the heart walls, appear and grow towards each other, dividing the atrioventricular canal into left and right sides. Improper development of the endocardial cushions can result in a ventricular septal defect.

      By the end of the fifth week, the four heart chamber positions are complete, and the atrioventricular and semilunar valves form between the fifth and ninth weeks.

      Understanding Ventricular Septal Defect

      Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a common congenital heart disease that affects many individuals. It is caused by a hole in the wall that separates the two lower chambers of the heart. In some cases, VSDs may close on their own, but in other cases, they require specialized management.

      There are various causes of VSDs, including chromosomal disorders such as Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, Patau syndrome, and cri-du-chat syndrome. Congenital infections and post-myocardial infarction can also lead to VSDs. The condition can be detected during routine scans in utero or may present post-natally with symptoms such as failure to thrive, heart failure, hepatomegaly, tachypnea, tachycardia, pallor, and a pansystolic murmur.

      Management of VSDs depends on the size and symptoms of the defect. Small VSDs that are asymptomatic may require monitoring, while moderate to large VSDs may result in heart failure and require nutritional support, medication for heart failure, and surgical closure of the defect.

      Complications of VSDs include aortic regurgitation, infective endocarditis, Eisenmenger’s complex, right heart failure, and pulmonary hypertension. Eisenmenger’s complex is a severe complication that results in cyanosis and clubbing and is an indication for a heart-lung transplant. Women with pulmonary hypertension are advised against pregnancy as it carries a high risk of mortality.

      In conclusion, VSD is a common congenital heart disease that requires specialized management. Early detection and appropriate treatment can prevent severe complications and improve outcomes for affected individuals.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 27 - You are requested to assess a patient in the emergency department who has...


    • You are requested to assess a patient in the emergency department who has experienced abrupt onset chest pain, dyspnoea and diaphoresis. After reviewing the patient's ECG, you identify changes within a specific section and promptly arrange for transfer to the catheterisation laboratory.

      What is the underlying process indicated by the affected section of the ECG?

      Your Answer: Atrial depolarisation

      Correct Answer: Period between ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation


      The ST segment on an ECG indicates the period when the entire ventricle is depolarized. In the case of a suspected myocardial infarction, it is crucial to examine the ST segment for any elevation or depression, which can indicate a STEMI or NSTEMI, respectively.

      The ECG does not have a specific section that corresponds to the firing of the sino-atrial node, which triggers atrial depolarization (represented by the p wave). The T wave represents ventricular repolarization.

      In atrial fibrillation, the p wave is absent or abnormal due to the irregular firing of the atria.

      Understanding the Normal ECG

      The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a diagnostic tool used to assess the electrical activity of the heart. The normal ECG consists of several waves and intervals that represent different phases of the cardiac cycle. The P wave represents atrial depolarization, while the QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization. The ST segment represents the plateau phase of the ventricular action potential, and the T wave represents ventricular repolarization. The Q-T interval represents the time for both ventricular depolarization and repolarization to occur.

      The P-R interval represents the time between the onset of atrial depolarization and the onset of ventricular depolarization. The duration of the QRS complex is normally 0.06 to 0.1 seconds, while the duration of the P wave is 0.08 to 0.1 seconds. The Q-T interval ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 seconds depending upon heart rate. At high heart rates, the Q-T interval is expressed as a ‘corrected Q-T (QTc)’ by taking the Q-T interval and dividing it by the square root of the R-R interval.

      Understanding the normal ECG is important for healthcare professionals to accurately interpret ECG results and diagnose cardiac conditions. By analyzing the different waves and intervals, healthcare professionals can identify abnormalities in the electrical activity of the heart and provide appropriate treatment.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 28 - You are working with a consultant paediatrician in an outpatient clinic and have...


    • You are working with a consultant paediatrician in an outpatient clinic and have a 14-month-old patient who is failing to thrive. The GP suspects the presence of an audible murmur. The consultant informs you that this child has an atrial septal defect (ASD). What is the most prevalent form of ASD?

      Your Answer: Unroofed coronary sinus

      Correct Answer: Ostium secundum


      Atrial Septal Defects

      Atrial septal defects (ASDs) are a type of congenital heart defect that occur when there is a hole in the wall separating the two upper chambers of the heart. The most common type of ASD is the ostium secundum defect, accounting for 75% of all cases. It is important to note that patent ductus arteriosus is not an ASD, but rather a connection between the aorta and pulmonary trunk that remains open after birth.

      Most patients with ASDs are asymptomatic, but symptoms may occur depending on the size of the defect and the resistance in the pulmonary and systemic circulation. Typically, there is shunting of blood from the left to the right atrium, causing an increase in pulmonary blood flow and diastolic overload of the right ventricle. This can lead to enlargement of the right atrium, right ventricle, and pulmonary arteries, as well as incompetence of the pulmonary and tricuspid valves. In severe cases, pulmonary arterial hypertension may develop, which can lead to cyanosis if the shunt reverses from right to left.

      It is important to note that right to left shunts cause cyanosis, while left to right shunts are generally not associated with cyanosis in the absence of other pathology. the pathophysiology of ASDs is crucial for proper diagnosis and management of this condition.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 29 - A 67-year-old woman is visiting the cardiology clinic due to experiencing shortness of...


    • A 67-year-old woman is visiting the cardiology clinic due to experiencing shortness of breath. She has been having difficulty swallowing food, especially meat and bread, which feels like it is getting stuck.

      During the examination, a mid-late diastolic murmur is detected, which is most audible during expiration.

      What is the probable diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Aortic regurgitation

      Correct Answer: Mitral stenosis


      Left atrial enlargement in mitral stenosis can lead to compression of the esophagus, resulting in difficulty swallowing. This is the correct answer. Aortic regurgitation would present with an early diastolic murmur, while mitral regurgitation would cause a pansystolic murmur. Pulmonary regurgitation would result in a Graham-Steel murmur, which is a high-pitched, blowing, early diastolic decrescendo murmur.

      Understanding Mitral Stenosis

      Mitral stenosis is a condition where the mitral valve, which controls blood flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle, becomes obstructed. This leads to an increase in pressure within the left atrium, pulmonary vasculature, and right side of the heart. The most common cause of mitral stenosis is rheumatic fever, but it can also be caused by other rare conditions such as mucopolysaccharidoses, carcinoid, and endocardial fibroelastosis.

      Symptoms of mitral stenosis include dyspnea, hemoptysis, a mid-late diastolic murmur, a loud S1, and a low volume pulse. Severe cases may also present with an increased length of murmur and a closer opening snap to S2. Chest x-rays may show left atrial enlargement, while echocardiography can confirm a cross-sectional area of less than 1 sq cm for a tight mitral stenosis.

      Management of mitral stenosis depends on the severity of the condition. Asymptomatic patients are monitored with regular echocardiograms, while symptomatic patients may undergo percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy or mitral valve surgery. Patients with associated atrial fibrillation require anticoagulation, with warfarin currently recommended for moderate/severe cases. However, there is an emerging consensus that direct-acting anticoagulants may be suitable for mild cases with atrial fibrillation.

      Overall, understanding mitral stenosis is important for proper diagnosis and management of this condition.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 30 - A 63-year-old man comes to the clinic for a hypertension follow-up. He was...


    • A 63-year-old man comes to the clinic for a hypertension follow-up. He was diagnosed with high blood pressure two months ago and started on amlodipine. However, his blood pressure remained uncontrolled, so ramipril was added four weeks ago. During his visit today, his blood pressure is measured at 155/92 mmHg. You decide to prescribe indapamide, a thiazide-like diuretic. Can you explain the mechanism of action of thiazide-like diuretics?

      Your Answer: Inhibit Na+ Cl- cotransporter


      Thiazide-like drugs such as indapamide work by blocking the Na+-Cl− symporter at the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule, which inhibits sodium reabsorption. Loop diuretics, on the other hand, inhibit the Na+ K+ 2Cl- cotransporters in the thick ascending loop of Henle. Amiloride, a potassium-sparing diuretic, inhibits the epithelial sodium channels in the cortical collecting ducts, while spironolactone, another potassium-sparing diuretic, blocks the action of aldosterone on aldosterone receptors and inhibits the Na+/K+ exchanger in the cortical collecting ducts.

      Thiazide diuretics are medications that work by blocking the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl− symporter, which inhibits sodium reabsorption at the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). This results in the loss of potassium as more sodium reaches the collecting ducts. While thiazide diuretics are useful in treating mild heart failure, loop diuretics are more effective in reducing overload. Bendroflumethiazide was previously used to manage hypertension, but recent NICE guidelines recommend other thiazide-like diuretics such as indapamide and chlorthalidone.

      Common side effects of thiazide diuretics include dehydration, postural hypotension, and electrolyte imbalances such as hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypercalcemia. Other potential adverse effects include gout, impaired glucose tolerance, and impotence. Rare side effects may include thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, photosensitivity rash, and pancreatitis.

      It is worth noting that while thiazide diuretics may cause hypercalcemia, they can also reduce the incidence of renal stones by decreasing urinary calcium excretion. According to current NICE guidelines, the management of hypertension involves the use of thiazide-like diuretics, along with other medications and lifestyle changes, to achieve optimal blood pressure control and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 31 - A 20-year-old man has a tonsillectomy due to recurrent acute tonsillitis. During recovery,...


    • A 20-year-old man has a tonsillectomy due to recurrent acute tonsillitis. During recovery, he experiences a postoperative bleeding. Which vessel is the most probable cause of the bleeding?

      Your Answer: Facial vein

      Correct Answer: External palatine vein


      If the external palatine vein is harmed during tonsillectomy, it can result in reactionary bleeding and is located adjacent to the tonsil.

      Tonsil Anatomy and Tonsillitis

      The tonsils are located in the pharynx and have two surfaces, a medial and lateral surface. They vary in size and are usually supplied by the tonsillar artery and drained by the jugulodigastric and deep cervical nodes. Tonsillitis is a common condition that is usually caused by bacteria, with group A Streptococcus being the most common culprit. It can also be caused by viruses. In some cases, tonsillitis can lead to the development of an abscess, which can distort the uvula. Tonsillectomy is recommended for patients with recurrent acute tonsillitis, suspected malignancy, or enlargement causing sleep apnea. The preferred technique for tonsillectomy is dissection, but it can be complicated by hemorrhage, which is the most common complication. Delayed otalgia may also occur due to irritation of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 32 - A newborn with Down's syndrome presents with a murmur at birth. Upon performing...


    • A newborn with Down's syndrome presents with a murmur at birth. Upon performing an echocardiogram, what is the most probable congenital cardiac abnormality that will be detected?

      Your Answer: Coarctation of the aorta

      Correct Answer: Atrio-ventricular septal defect


      Congenital Cardiac Anomalies in Down Syndrome

      Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that is characterized by a range of congenital abnormalities. One of the most common abnormalities associated with Down syndrome is duodenal atresia. However, Down syndrome is also frequently associated with congenital cardiac anomalies. The most common cardiac anomaly in Down syndrome is an atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD), followed by ventricular septal defect (VSD), patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), tetralogy of Fallot, and atrial septal defect (ASD). These anomalies can cause a range of symptoms and complications, including heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and developmental delays. It is important for individuals with Down syndrome to receive regular cardiac evaluations and appropriate medical care to manage these conditions.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 33 - A 63-year-old male on the wards has come to you with recent onset...


    • A 63-year-old male on the wards has come to you with recent onset indigestion. He denies any red flag symptoms and has a medical history of hypertension, congestive heart failure, depression, and gout. Later in the day, while reviewing his routine blood results, you notice an abnormality.

      Here are his blood results from two days ago and today:

      Parameter 2 days ago Today
      Hb 135 g/l 134 g/l
      Platelets 310 * 109/l 312 * 109/l
      WBC 6.5 * 109/l 6.4 * 109/l
      Na+ 142 mmol/l 128 mmol/l
      K+ 4.2 mmol/l 3.8 mmol/l
      Urea 4.8 mmol/l 4.8 mmol/l
      Creatinine 60 µmol/l 61 µmol/l

      What could be the reason for the discrepancy in his blood results?

      Your Answer: Excessive 0.9% NaCl infusions

      Correct Answer: Combined use of indapamide and omeprazole


      Severe hyponatraemia can occur when PPIs and thiazide diuretics are used together. The patient in question has recently experienced hyponatraemia, which is most likely caused by the combination of indapamide and omeprazole. It is probable that omeprazole was prescribed for his indigestion, while he is likely taking indapamide due to his history of congestive heart failure. It is important to note that the other options listed can cause hypernatraemia, not hyponatraemia.

      Thiazide diuretics are medications that work by blocking the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl− symporter, which inhibits sodium reabsorption at the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). This results in the loss of potassium as more sodium reaches the collecting ducts. While thiazide diuretics are useful in treating mild heart failure, loop diuretics are more effective in reducing overload. Bendroflumethiazide was previously used to manage hypertension, but recent NICE guidelines recommend other thiazide-like diuretics such as indapamide and chlorthalidone.

      Common side effects of thiazide diuretics include dehydration, postural hypotension, and electrolyte imbalances such as hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypercalcemia. Other potential adverse effects include gout, impaired glucose tolerance, and impotence. Rare side effects may include thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, photosensitivity rash, and pancreatitis.

      It is worth noting that while thiazide diuretics may cause hypercalcemia, they can also reduce the incidence of renal stones by decreasing urinary calcium excretion. According to current NICE guidelines, the management of hypertension involves the use of thiazide-like diuretics, along with other medications and lifestyle changes, to achieve optimal blood pressure control and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 34 - Which nerve is most vulnerable to damage when there is a cut on...


    • Which nerve is most vulnerable to damage when there is a cut on the upper lateral margin of the popliteal fossa in older adults?

      Your Answer: Sciatic nerve

      Correct Answer: Common peroneal nerve


      The lower infero-lateral aspect of the fossa is where the sural nerve exits, and it is at a higher risk during short saphenous vein surgery. On the other hand, the tibial nerve is located more medially and is less susceptible to injury in this area.

      Anatomy of the Popliteal Fossa

      The popliteal fossa is a diamond-shaped space located at the back of the knee joint. It is bound by various muscles and ligaments, including the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and gastrocnemius. The floor of the popliteal fossa is formed by the popliteal surface of the femur, posterior ligament of the knee joint, and popliteus muscle, while the roof is made up of superficial and deep fascia.

      The popliteal fossa contains several important structures, including the popliteal artery and vein, small saphenous vein, common peroneal nerve, tibial nerve, posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh, genicular branch of the obturator nerve, and lymph nodes. These structures are crucial for the proper functioning of the lower leg and foot.

      Understanding the anatomy of the popliteal fossa is important for healthcare professionals, as it can help in the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions affecting the knee joint and surrounding structures.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 35 - A 65-year-old woman with confirmed heart failure visits her GP with swelling and...


    • A 65-year-old woman with confirmed heart failure visits her GP with swelling and discomfort in both legs. During the examination, the GP observes pitting edema and decides to prescribe a brief trial of a diuretic. Which diuretic targets the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle?

      Your Answer: Mannitol (osmotic diuretic)

      Correct Answer: Furosemide (loop diuretic)


      Loop Diuretics: Mechanism of Action and Clinical Applications

      Loop diuretics, such as furosemide and bumetanide, are medications that inhibit the Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC) in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. By doing so, they reduce the absorption of NaCl, resulting in increased urine output. Loop diuretics act on NKCC2, which is more prevalent in the kidneys. These medications work on the apical membrane and must first be filtered into the tubules by the glomerulus before they can have an effect. Patients with poor renal function may require higher doses to ensure sufficient concentration in the tubules.

      Loop diuretics are commonly used in the treatment of heart failure, both acutely (usually intravenously) and chronically (usually orally). They are also indicated for resistant hypertension, particularly in patients with renal impairment. However, loop diuretics can cause adverse effects such as hypotension, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypochloremic alkalosis, ototoxicity, hypocalcemia, renal impairment, hyperglycemia (less common than with thiazides), and gout. Therefore, careful monitoring of electrolyte levels and renal function is necessary when using loop diuretics.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 36 - With respect to the basilic vein, which statement is not true? ...


    • With respect to the basilic vein, which statement is not true?

      Your Answer: Its deep anatomical location makes it unsuitable for use as an arteriovenous access site in fistula surgery


      A basilic vein transposition is a surgical procedure that utilizes it during arteriovenous fistula surgery.

      The Basilic Vein: A Major Pathway of Venous Drainage for the Arm and Hand

      The basilic vein is one of the two main pathways of venous drainage for the arm and hand, alongside the cephalic vein. It begins on the medial side of the dorsal venous network of the hand and travels up the forearm and arm. Most of its course is superficial, but it passes deep under the muscles midway up the humerus. Near the region anterior to the cubital fossa, the basilic vein joins the cephalic vein.

      At the lower border of the teres major muscle, the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral veins feed into the basilic vein. It is often joined by the medial brachial vein before draining into the axillary vein. The basilic vein is continuous with the palmar venous arch distally and the axillary vein proximally. Understanding the path and function of the basilic vein is important for medical professionals in diagnosing and treating conditions related to venous drainage in the arm and hand.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 37 - Which of the following clotting factors is unaffected by warfarin? ...


    • Which of the following clotting factors is unaffected by warfarin?

      Your Answer: Factor IX

      Correct Answer: Factor XII


      Understanding Warfarin: Mechanism of Action, Indications, Monitoring, Factors, and Side-Effects

      Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant that has been widely used for many years to manage venous thromboembolism and reduce stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation. However, it has been largely replaced by direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) due to their ease of use and lack of need for monitoring. Warfarin works by inhibiting epoxide reductase, which prevents the reduction of vitamin K to its active hydroquinone form. This, in turn, affects the carboxylation of clotting factor II, VII, IX, and X, as well as protein C.

      Warfarin is indicated for patients with mechanical heart valves, with the target INR depending on the valve type and location. Mitral valves generally require a higher INR than aortic valves. It is also used as a second-line treatment after DOACs for venous thromboembolism and atrial fibrillation, with target INRs of 2.5 and 3.5 for recurrent cases. Patients taking warfarin are monitored using the INR, which may take several days to achieve a stable level. Loading regimes and computer software are often used to adjust the dose.

      Factors that may potentiate warfarin include liver disease, P450 enzyme inhibitors, cranberry juice, drugs that displace warfarin from plasma albumin, and NSAIDs that inhibit platelet function. Warfarin may cause side-effects such as haemorrhage, teratogenic effects, skin necrosis, temporary procoagulant state, thrombosis, and purple toes.

      In summary, understanding the mechanism of action, indications, monitoring, factors, and side-effects of warfarin is crucial for its safe and effective use in patients. While it has been largely replaced by DOACs, warfarin remains an important treatment option for certain patients.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 38 - A 65-year-old woman experiences chest discomfort during physical activity and is diagnosed with...


    • A 65-year-old woman experiences chest discomfort during physical activity and is diagnosed with angina.

      What alterations are expected to be observed in her arteries?

      Your Answer: Infiltration of HDLs into the tunica intima

      Correct Answer: Smooth muscle proliferation and migration from the tunica media to the intima


      The final stage in the development of an atheroma involves the proliferation and migration of smooth muscle from the tunica media into the intima. While monocytes do migrate, they differentiate into macrophages which then phagocytose LDLs and form foam cells. Additionally, there is infiltration of LDLs. The formation of fibrous capsules is a result of the smooth muscle proliferation and migration. Atherosclerosis is also associated with a reduction in nitric oxide availability.

      Understanding Atherosclerosis and its Complications

      Atherosclerosis is a complex process that occurs over several years. It begins with endothelial dysfunction triggered by factors such as smoking, hypertension, and hyperglycemia. This leads to changes in the endothelium, including inflammation, oxidation, proliferation, and reduced nitric oxide bioavailability. As a result, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles infiltrate the subendothelial space, and monocytes migrate from the blood and differentiate into macrophages. These macrophages then phagocytose oxidized LDL, slowly turning into large ‘foam cells’. Smooth muscle proliferation and migration from the tunica media into the intima result in the formation of a fibrous capsule covering the fatty plaque.

      Once a plaque has formed, it can cause several complications. For example, it can form a physical blockage in the lumen of the coronary artery, leading to reduced blood flow and oxygen to the myocardium, resulting in angina. Alternatively, the plaque may rupture, potentially causing a complete occlusion of the coronary artery and resulting in a myocardial infarction. It is essential to understand the process of atherosclerosis and its complications to prevent and manage cardiovascular diseases effectively.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 39 - During a routine visit, a 76-year-old man with a history of stable angina...


    • During a routine visit, a 76-year-old man with a history of stable angina informs his GP about his recent hospitalization due to decompensated heart failure. The hospital staff had taken a brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) level which was found to be significantly elevated. He was treated with intravenous furosemide and responded positively. What are the cardiovascular impacts of BNP?

      Your Answer: Increases preload and decreases afterload

      Correct Answer: Decreases preload and afterload


      Brain natriuretic peptide is a peptide that is secreted by the myocardium in response to excessive stretching, typically seen in cases of heart failure. Its primary physiological roles include reducing systemic vascular resistance, thereby decreasing afterload, and increasing natriuresis and diuresis. This increased diuresis results in a decrease in venous blood volume, leading to a reduction in preload. The BNP level can be a valuable diagnostic tool for heart failure and may also serve as a prognostic indicator.

      B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a hormone that is primarily produced by the left ventricular myocardium in response to strain. Although heart failure is the most common cause of elevated BNP levels, any condition that causes left ventricular dysfunction, such as myocardial ischemia or valvular disease, may also raise levels. In patients with chronic kidney disease, reduced excretion may also lead to elevated BNP levels. Conversely, treatment with ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-2 receptor blockers, and diuretics can lower BNP levels.

      BNP has several effects, including vasodilation, diuresis, natriuresis, and suppression of both sympathetic tone and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Clinically, BNP is useful in diagnosing patients with acute dyspnea. A low concentration of BNP (<100 pg/mL) makes a diagnosis of heart failure unlikely, but elevated levels should prompt further investigation to confirm the diagnosis. Currently, NICE recommends BNP as a helpful test to rule out a diagnosis of heart failure. In patients with chronic heart failure, initial evidence suggests that BNP is an extremely useful marker of prognosis and can guide treatment. However, BNP is not currently recommended for population screening for cardiac dysfunction.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 40 - Which one of the following structures lies deepest in the popliteal fossa? ...


    • Which one of the following structures lies deepest in the popliteal fossa?

      Your Answer: Popliteal vein

      Correct Answer: Popliteal artery


      Starting from the surface and moving towards the depths, the common peroneal nerve emerges from the popliteal fossa adjacent to the inner edge of the biceps tendon. Subsequently, the tibial nerve runs alongside the popliteal vessels, first posteriorly and then medially. The popliteal vein is situated above the popliteal artery, which is the most internal structure in the fossa.

      Anatomy of the Popliteal Fossa

      The popliteal fossa is a diamond-shaped space located at the back of the knee joint. It is bound by various muscles and ligaments, including the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and gastrocnemius. The floor of the popliteal fossa is formed by the popliteal surface of the femur, posterior ligament of the knee joint, and popliteus muscle, while the roof is made up of superficial and deep fascia.

      The popliteal fossa contains several important structures, including the popliteal artery and vein, small saphenous vein, common peroneal nerve, tibial nerve, posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh, genicular branch of the obturator nerve, and lymph nodes. These structures are crucial for the proper functioning of the lower leg and foot.

      Understanding the anatomy of the popliteal fossa is important for healthcare professionals, as it can help in the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions affecting the knee joint and surrounding structures.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 41 - During ward round, you have been presented with an ECG of a 50-year-old...


    • During ward round, you have been presented with an ECG of a 50-year-old female who was admitted with blackouts and a heart rate of 43bpm. On the ECG you note that the QRS complex is narrow but is missing after every other P wave. What is this condition called?

      Your Answer: First-degree heart block

      Correct Answer: 2:1 heart block


      The patient has a bradycardia with a narrow QRS complex, ruling out bundle branch blocks. It is not a first-degree heart block or a Wenckebach heart block. The correct diagnosis is a 2:1 heart block with 2 P waves to each QRS complex.

      Understanding Heart Blocks: Types and Features

      Heart blocks are a type of cardiac conduction disorder that can lead to serious complications such as syncope and heart failure. There are three types of heart blocks: first degree, second degree, and third degree (complete) heart block.

      First degree heart block is characterized by a prolonged PR interval of more than 0.2 seconds. Second degree heart block can be further divided into two types: type 1 (Mobitz I, Wenckebach) and type 2 (Mobitz II). Type 1 is characterized by a progressive prolongation of the PR interval until a dropped beat occurs, while type 2 has a constant PR interval but the P wave is often not followed by a QRS complex.

      Third degree (complete) heart block is the most severe type of heart block, where there is no association between the P waves and QRS complexes. This can lead to a regular bradycardia with a heart rate of 30-50 bpm, wide pulse pressure, and cannon waves in the neck JVP. Additionally, variable intensity of S1 can be observed.

      It is important to recognize the features of heart blocks and differentiate between the types in order to provide appropriate management and prevent complications. Regular monitoring and follow-up with a healthcare provider is recommended for individuals with heart blocks.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 42 - A 67-year-old man with a stable angina history for two years visits his...


    • A 67-year-old man with a stable angina history for two years visits his cardiologist for a regular check-up. During the review, the cardiologist observes that the patient's heart rate is low at 46 bpm. As a result, the cardiologist decides to replace his beta-blocker with a new anti-anginal drug called nicorandil.

      What is the mode of action of the patient's new medication?

      Your Answer: Sodium channel activator through activation of guanylyl cyclase

      Correct Answer: Potassium channel activator through activation of guanylyl cyclase


      Nicorandil activates potassium channels, leading to vasodilation. This activation triggers guanylyl cyclase, which increases the production of cyclic GMP (cGMP) and activates protein kinase G (PKG). PKG phosphorylates and inhibits GTPase RhoA, reducing Rho-kinase activity and increasing myosin phosphatase activity. As a result, the smooth muscle becomes less sensitive to calcium, leading to dilation of the large coronary arteries and improved perfusion. Nicorandil does not significantly affect calcium or sodium channels. This mechanism helps alleviate anginal symptoms.

      Nicorandil is a medication that is commonly used to treat angina. It works by activating potassium channels, which leads to vasodilation. This process is achieved through the activation of guanylyl cyclase, which results in an increase in cGMP. However, there are some adverse effects associated with the use of nicorandil, including headaches, flushing, and the development of ulcers on the skin, mucous membranes, and eyes. Additionally, gastrointestinal ulcers, including anal ulceration, may also occur. It is important to note that nicorandil should not be used in patients with left ventricular failure.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 43 - Following a minor heart attack, how does atorvastatin work to reduce the risk...


    • Following a minor heart attack, how does atorvastatin work to reduce the risk of a subsequent MI in a 65-year-old patient?

      Your Answer: Decreases LDLs in the blood by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase in the liver


      The primary goal of statins is to lower cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, which in turn reduces the risk of cardiovascular events. This is achieved by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase in the liver, which prevents the synthesis of mevalonate, a precursor to LDLs. As a result, statins decrease the amount of cholesterol being transported to body tissues by LDLs. However, statins do not affect the levels of HDLs, which transport cholesterol from body tissues back to the liver.

      Statins are drugs that inhibit the action of HMG-CoA reductase, which is the enzyme responsible for cholesterol synthesis in the liver. However, they can cause adverse effects such as myopathy, liver impairment, and an increased risk of intracerebral hemorrhage in patients with a history of stroke. Statins should not be taken during pregnancy or in combination with macrolides. NICE recommends statins for patients with established cardiovascular disease, a 10-year cardiovascular risk of 10% or higher, type 2 diabetes mellitus, or type 1 diabetes mellitus with certain criteria. It is recommended to take statins at night, especially simvastatin, which has a shorter half-life than other statins. NICE recommends atorvastatin 20mg for primary prevention and atorvastatin 80 mg for secondary prevention.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 44 - As a young medical trainee participating in the ward round for diabetic foot,...


    • As a young medical trainee participating in the ward round for diabetic foot, your consultant requests you to evaluate the existence of the posterior tibial pulse. Can you identify its location?

      Your Answer: In front and above the medial ankle

      Correct Answer: Behind and below the medial ankle


      The lower limb has 4 primary pulse points, which include the femoral pulse located 2-3 cm below the mid-inguinal point, the popliteal pulse that can be accessed by partially flexing the knee to loosen the popliteal fascia, the posterior tibial pulse located behind and below the medial ankle, and the dorsal pedis pulse found on the dorsum of the foot.

      Lower Limb Pulse Points

      The lower limb has four main pulse points that are important to check for proper circulation. These pulse points include the femoral pulse, which can be found 2-3 cm below the mid-inguinal point. The popliteal pulse can be found with a partially flexed knee to lose the popliteal fascia. The posterior tibial pulse can be found behind and below the medial ankle, while the dorsal pedis pulse can be found on the dorsum of the foot. It is important to check these pulse points regularly to ensure proper blood flow to the lower limb. By doing so, any potential circulation issues can be detected early on and treated accordingly. Proper circulation is essential for maintaining healthy lower limbs and overall physical well-being.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 45 - An 80-year-old man arrives at the emergency department with intense crushing chest pain....


    • An 80-year-old man arrives at the emergency department with intense crushing chest pain. His ECG reveals ST-segment elevation in leads V1, V2, V3, and V4, and troponin levels are positive, indicating a provisional diagnosis of STEMI.

      The following morning, nursing staff discovers that the patient has passed away.

      Based on the timeline of his hospitalization, what is the probable cause of his death?

      Your Answer: Pericardial effusion secondary to Dressler's syndrome

      Correct Answer: Ventricular fibrillation (VF)


      The most likely cause of sudden death within the first 24 hours following a STEMI is ventricular fibrillation (VF). Histology findings during this time period include early coagulative necrosis, neutrophils, wavy fibers, and hypercontraction of myofibrils. Patients with these findings are at high risk of developing ventricular arrhythmia, heart failure, and cardiogenic shock. Acute mitral regurgitation, left ventricular free wall rupture, and pericardial effusion secondary to Dressler’s syndrome are less likely causes of sudden death in this time frame.

      Myocardial infarction (MI) can lead to various complications, which can occur immediately, early, or late after the event. Cardiac arrest is the most common cause of death following MI, usually due to ventricular fibrillation. Cardiogenic shock may occur if a large part of the ventricular myocardium is damaged, and it is difficult to treat. Chronic heart failure may result from ventricular myocardium dysfunction, which can be managed with loop diuretics, ACE-inhibitors, and beta-blockers. Tachyarrhythmias, such as ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia, are common complications. Bradyarrhythmias, such as atrioventricular block, are more common following inferior MI. Pericarditis is common in the first 48 hours after a transmural MI, while Dressler’s syndrome may occur 2-6 weeks later. Left ventricular aneurysm and free wall rupture, ventricular septal defect, and acute mitral regurgitation are other complications that may require urgent medical attention.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 46 - A 67-year-old male arrives at the emergency department with an abrupt onset of...


    • A 67-year-old male arrives at the emergency department with an abrupt onset of intense chest pain that he describes as tearing through his body. He is promptly diagnosed with a Stanford Type A aortic dissection and immediately undergoes surgical repair. What embryonic structure is responsible for the region where the dissection occurred?

      Your Answer: Bulbus cordis

      Correct Answer: Truncus arteriosus


      The truncus arteriosus is responsible for giving rise to both the ascending aorta and the pulmonary trunk during embryonic development.

      When a Stanford Type A aortic dissection occurs, it typically affects the ascending aorta, which originates from the truncus arteriosus.

      During fetal development, the ductus arteriosus allows blood to bypass the pulmonary circuit by shunting it from the pulmonary arteries back into the aortic arch. In adults, the remnant of this structure is known as the ligamentum arteriosum, which serves as an anchor for the aortic arch.

      The bulbus cordis plays a role in the formation of the ventricles, while the common cardinal vein ultimately becomes the superior vena cava.

      During cardiovascular embryology, the heart undergoes significant development and differentiation. At around 14 days gestation, the heart consists of primitive structures such as the truncus arteriosus, bulbus cordis, primitive atria, and primitive ventricle. These structures give rise to various parts of the heart, including the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk, right ventricle, left and right atria, and majority of the left ventricle. The division of the truncus arteriosus is triggered by neural crest cell migration from the pharyngeal arches, and any issues with this migration can lead to congenital heart defects such as transposition of the great arteries or tetralogy of Fallot. Other structures derived from the primitive heart include the coronary sinus, superior vena cava, fossa ovalis, and various ligaments such as the ligamentum arteriosum and ligamentum venosum. The allantois gives rise to the urachus, while the umbilical artery becomes the medial umbilical ligaments and the umbilical vein becomes the ligamentum teres hepatis inside the falciform ligament. Overall, cardiovascular embryology is a complex process that involves the differentiation and development of various structures that ultimately form the mature heart.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 47 - A 61-year-old man recovering from severe community-acquired pneumonia is being assessed by a...


    • A 61-year-old man recovering from severe community-acquired pneumonia is being assessed by a consultant and a medical student. He has a medical history of hypertension, heart failure, depression, and gout, and is currently taking ramipril, atenolol, furosemide, sertraline, allopurinol, and ibuprofen. The consultant suspects that his slightly low blood pressure may be due to his medications. The patient's urea and electrolyte levels are provided below. Can you identify the role of atenolol in reducing blood pressure?

      Na+ 142 mmol/l
      K+ 4.2 mmol/l
      Urea 6 mmol/l
      Creatinine 68 µmol/l

      Your Answer: Acts predominantly on beta-2 receptors in the heart causing a negative lusitropy effect

      Correct Answer: Inhibits the release of renin from the kidneys


      Beta-blockers have an added advantage in treating hypertension as they can suppress the release of renin from the kidneys. This is because the release of renin is partly regulated by β1-adrenoceptors in the kidney, which are inhibited by beta-blockers. By reducing the amount of circulating plasma renin, the levels of angiotensin II and aldosterone decrease, leading to increased renal loss of sodium and water, ultimately lowering arterial pressure.

      It is important to note that atenolol does not compete with aldosterone, unlike spironolactone, a potassium-sparing diuretic that does compete with aldosterone for its receptor. Additionally, atenolol does not inhibit the conversion of ATI to ATII, which is achieved by ACE-inhibitors like ramipril.

      While both beta-1 and beta-2 receptors are present in the heart, atenolol primarily acts on beta-1 receptors, resulting in negative inotropic, negative chronotropic, and positive lusitropic effects. Lusitropy refers to the relaxation of the heart.

      Therefore, the statement that atenolol inhibits the release of renin is correct, and the fifth option is incorrect.

      Beta-blockers are a class of drugs that are primarily used to manage cardiovascular disorders. They have a wide range of indications, including angina, post-myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmias, hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, migraine prophylaxis, and anxiety. Beta-blockers were previously avoided in heart failure, but recent evidence suggests that certain beta-blockers can improve both symptoms and mortality. They have also replaced digoxin as the rate-control drug of choice in atrial fibrillation. However, their role in reducing stroke and myocardial infarction has diminished in recent years due to a lack of evidence.

      Examples of beta-blockers include atenolol and propranolol, which was one of the first beta-blockers to be developed. Propranolol is lipid-soluble, which means it can cross the blood-brain barrier.

      Like all drugs, beta-blockers have side-effects. These can include bronchospasm, cold peripheries, fatigue, sleep disturbances (including nightmares), and erectile dysfunction. There are also some contraindications to using beta-blockers, such as uncontrolled heart failure, asthma, sick sinus syndrome, and concurrent use with verapamil, which can precipitate severe bradycardia.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 48 - A 75-year-old woman complains of increasing shortness of breath in the past few...


    • A 75-year-old woman complains of increasing shortness of breath in the past few months, especially when lying down at night. She has a history of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, which is managed with ramipril. She smokes 15 cigarettes per day. Her heart rate is 76 bpm, blood pressure is 160/95 mmHg, and oxygen saturation is 94% on room air. An ECG reveals sinus rhythm and left ventricular hypertrophy. On physical examination, there are no heart murmurs, but there is wheezing throughout the chest and coarse crackles at both bases. She has pitting edema in both ankles. Her troponin T level is 0.01 (normal range <0.02). What is the diagnosis for this patient?

      Your Answer: Myocardial infarction

      Correct Answer: Biventricular failure


      Diagnosis and Assessment of Biventricular Failure

      This patient is exhibiting symptoms of both peripheral and pulmonary edema, indicating biventricular failure. The ECG shows left ventricular hypertrophy, which is likely due to her long-standing hypertension. While she is at an increased risk for a myocardial infarction as a diabetic and smoker, her low troponin T levels suggest that this is not the immediate cause of her symptoms. However, it is important to rule out acute coronary syndromes in diabetics, as they may not experience pain.

      Mitral stenosis, if present, would be accompanied by a diastolic murmur and left atrial hypertrophy. In severe cases, back-pressure can lead to pulmonary edema. Overall, a thorough assessment and diagnosis of biventricular failure is crucial in determining the appropriate treatment plan for this patient.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 49 - An 82-year-old woman visits her doctor with a medical history of myocardial infarction...


    • An 82-year-old woman visits her doctor with a medical history of myocardial infarction that has resulted in permanent damage to the conduction system of her heart. The damage has affected the part of the conduction system with the highest velocities, causing desynchronisation of the ventricles.

      What is the part of the heart that conducts the fastest?

      Your Answer: Ventricular muscle

      Correct Answer: Purkinje fibres


      The Purkinje fibres have the highest conduction velocities in the heart’s electrical conduction system. The process starts with the SA node generating spontaneous action potentials, which are then conducted across both atria through cell to cell conduction at a speed of approximately 1 m/s. The only pathway for the action potential to enter the ventricles is through the AV node, which has a slow conduction speed of 0.05ms to allow for complete atrial contraction and ventricular filling. The action potentials are then conducted through the Bundle of His, which splits into the left and right bundle branches, with a conduction speed of approximately 2m/s. Finally, the action potential reaches the Purkinje fibres, which are specialized conducting cells that allow for a faster conduction speed of 2-4m/s. This fast conduction speed is crucial for a synchronized and efficient contraction of the ventricle, generating pressure during systole.

      Understanding the Cardiac Action Potential and Conduction Velocity

      The cardiac action potential is a series of electrical events that occur in the heart during each heartbeat. It is responsible for the contraction of the heart muscle and the pumping of blood throughout the body. The action potential is divided into five phases, each with a specific mechanism. The first phase is rapid depolarization, which is caused by the influx of sodium ions. The second phase is early repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The third phase is the plateau phase, which is caused by the slow influx of calcium ions. The fourth phase is final repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The final phase is the restoration of ionic concentrations, which is achieved by the Na+/K+ ATPase pump.

      Conduction velocity is the speed at which the electrical signal travels through the heart. The speed varies depending on the location of the signal. Atrial conduction spreads along ordinary atrial myocardial fibers at a speed of 1 m/sec. AV node conduction is much slower, at 0.05 m/sec. Ventricular conduction is the fastest in the heart, achieved by the large diameter of the Purkinje fibers, which can achieve velocities of 2-4 m/sec. This allows for a rapid and coordinated contraction of the ventricles, which is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. Understanding the cardiac action potential and conduction velocity is crucial for diagnosing and treating heart conditions.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 50 - A 68-year-old man arrives at the emergency department complaining of intense abdominal pain...


    • A 68-year-old man arrives at the emergency department complaining of intense abdominal pain that spreads to his back. His medical history shows that he has an abdominal aortic aneurysm. During a FAST scan, it is discovered that the abdominal aorta is widely dilated, with the most significant expansion occurring at the point where it divides into the iliac arteries. What vertebral level corresponds to the location of the most prominent dilation observed in the FAST scan?

      Your Answer: L3

      Correct Answer: L4


      The abdominal aorta divides into two branches at the level of the fourth lumbar vertebrae. At the level of T12, the coeliac trunk arises, while at L1, the superior mesenteric artery branches off. The testicular artery and renal artery originate at L2, and at L3, the inferior mesenteric artery is formed.

      The aorta is a major blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body. At different levels along the aorta, there are branches that supply blood to specific organs and regions. These branches include the coeliac trunk at the level of T12, which supplies blood to the stomach, liver, and spleen. The left renal artery, at the level of L1, supplies blood to the left kidney. The testicular or ovarian arteries, at the level of L2, supply blood to the reproductive organs. The inferior mesenteric artery, at the level of L3, supplies blood to the lower part of the large intestine. Finally, at the level of L4, the abdominal aorta bifurcates, or splits into two branches, which supply blood to the legs and pelvis.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 51 - A 25-year-old man experiences a blunt head trauma and presents with a GCS...


    • A 25-year-old man experiences a blunt head trauma and presents with a GCS of 7 upon admission. What is the primary factor influencing cerebral blood flow in this scenario?

      Your Answer: Hypoxaemia

      Correct Answer: Intracranial pressure


      Cerebral blood flow can be impacted by both hypoxaemia and acidosis, but in cases of trauma, the likelihood of increased intracranial pressure is much higher, particularly when the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is low. This can have a negative impact on cerebral blood flow.

      Understanding Cerebral Blood Flow and Angiography

      Cerebral blood flow is regulated by the central nervous system, which can adjust its own blood supply. Various factors can affect cerebral pressure, including CNS metabolism, trauma, pressure, and systemic carbon dioxide levels. The most potent mediator is PaCO2, while acidosis and hypoxemia can also increase cerebral blood flow to a lesser degree. In patients with head injuries, increased intracranial pressure can impair blood flow. The Monro-Kelly Doctrine governs intracerebral pressure, which considers the brain as a closed box, and changes in pressure are offset by the loss of cerebrospinal fluid. However, when this is no longer possible, intracranial pressure rises.

      Cerebral angiography is an invasive test that involves injecting contrast media into the carotid artery using a catheter. Radiographs are taken as the dye works its way through the cerebral circulation. This test can be used to identify bleeding aneurysms, vasospasm, and arteriovenous malformations, as well as differentiate embolism from large artery thrombosis. Understanding cerebral blood flow and angiography is crucial in diagnosing and treating various neurological conditions.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 52 - A 67-year-old woman has been prescribed amiodarone. She has been advised to take...


    • A 67-year-old woman has been prescribed amiodarone. She has been advised to take higher doses initially and then switch to a lower maintenance dose for long-term use.

      What is the rationale behind this initial dosing regimen?

      Your Answer: Slow renal excretion of amiodarone

      Correct Answer: Slow metabolism of amiodarone due to extensive lipid binding


      A loading dose is necessary for amiodarone to achieve therapeutic levels quickly before transitioning to a maintenance dose. This is because a 50mg once daily maintenance dose would take a long time to reach the required 1000mg for therapeutic effect. The fast metabolism of amiodarone due to extensive protein binding, extensive hepatic P450 breakdown, and slow absorption via the enteral route are not the reasons for a loading regime.

      Amiodarone is a medication used to treat various types of abnormal heart rhythms. It works by blocking potassium channels, which prolongs the action potential and helps to regulate the heartbeat. However, it also has other effects, such as blocking sodium channels. Amiodarone has a very long half-life, which means that loading doses are often necessary. It should ideally be given into central veins to avoid thrombophlebitis. Amiodarone can cause proarrhythmic effects due to lengthening of the QT interval and can interact with other drugs commonly used at the same time. Long-term use of amiodarone can lead to various adverse effects, including thyroid dysfunction, corneal deposits, pulmonary fibrosis/pneumonitis, liver fibrosis/hepatitis, peripheral neuropathy, myopathy, photosensitivity, a ‘slate-grey’ appearance, thrombophlebitis, injection site reactions, and bradycardia. Patients taking amiodarone should be monitored regularly with tests such as TFT, LFT, U&E, and CXR.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 53 - A 63-year-old woman comes to a vascular clinic complaining of varicosities in the...


    • A 63-year-old woman comes to a vascular clinic complaining of varicosities in the area supplied by the short saphenous vein.

      Into which vessel does this vein directly empty?

      Your Answer: Long saphenous vein

      Correct Answer: Popliteal vein


      The correct answer is that the short saphenous vein passes posterior to the lateral malleolus and ascends between the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle to empty directly into the popliteal vein. The long saphenous vein drains directly into the femoral vein and does not receive blood from the short saphenous vein. The dorsal venous arch drains the foot into the short and great saphenous veins but does not receive blood from either. The posterior tibial vein is part of the deep venous system but does not directly receive the short saphenous vein.

      The Anatomy of Saphenous Veins

      The human body has two saphenous veins: the long saphenous vein and the short saphenous vein. The long saphenous vein is often used for bypass surgery or removed as a treatment for varicose veins. It originates at the first digit where the dorsal vein merges with the dorsal venous arch of the foot and runs up the medial side of the leg. At the knee, it runs over the posterior border of the medial epicondyle of the femur bone before passing laterally to lie on the anterior surface of the thigh. It then enters an opening in the fascia lata called the saphenous opening and joins with the femoral vein in the region of the femoral triangle at the saphenofemoral junction. The long saphenous vein has several tributaries, including the medial marginal, superficial epigastric, superficial iliac circumflex, and superficial external pudendal veins.

      On the other hand, the short saphenous vein originates at the fifth digit where the dorsal vein merges with the dorsal venous arch of the foot, which attaches to the great saphenous vein. It passes around the lateral aspect of the foot and runs along the posterior aspect of the leg with the sural nerve. It then passes between the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle and drains into the popliteal vein, approximately at or above the level of the knee joint.

      Understanding the anatomy of saphenous veins is crucial for medical professionals who perform surgeries or treatments involving these veins.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 54 - A 45-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with a severe headache that...


    • A 45-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with a severe headache that started suddenly during exercise. She reports vomiting and recurrent vertigo sensations. On examination, she has an ataxic gait, left-sided horizontal nystagmus, and an intention tremor during the 'finger-to-nose' test. An urgent CT scan is ordered. Which arteries provide blood supply to the affected area of the brain?

      Your Answer: Anterior and middle cerebral arteries

      Correct Answer: Basilar and the vertebral arteries


      The correct answer is the basilar and vertebral arteries, which form branches that supply the cerebellum. The patient’s sudden onset headache, vomiting, and vertigo suggest a pathology focused on the brain, with ataxia, nystagmus, and intention tremor indicating cerebellar syndrome. A CT scan is necessary to rule out a cerebellar haemorrhage or stroke, as the basilar and vertebral arteries are the main arterial supply to the cerebellum.

      The incorrect answer is the anterior and middle cerebral arteries, which supply the cerebral cortex and would present with different symptoms. The anterior and posterior spinal arteries are also incorrect, as they supply the spine and would present with different symptoms. The ophthalmic and central retinal artery is also incorrect, as it would only present with visual symptoms and not the other symptoms seen in this patient.

      The Circle of Willis is an anastomosis formed by the internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries on the bottom surface of the brain. It is divided into two halves and is made up of various arteries, including the anterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, internal carotid artery, posterior communicating artery, and posterior cerebral arteries. The circle and its branches supply blood to important areas of the brain, such as the corpus striatum, internal capsule, diencephalon, and midbrain.

      The vertebral arteries enter the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum and lie in the subarachnoid space. They then ascend on the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata and unite to form the basilar artery at the base of the pons. The basilar artery has several branches, including the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, labyrinthine artery, pontine arteries, superior cerebellar artery, and posterior cerebral artery.

      The internal carotid arteries also have several branches, such as the posterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, and anterior choroid artery. These arteries supply blood to different parts of the brain, including the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes. Overall, the Circle of Willis and its branches play a crucial role in providing oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 55 - A 55-year-old woman with hypertension comes in for a routine check-up with her...


    • A 55-year-old woman with hypertension comes in for a routine check-up with her GP. She mentions feeling fatigued for the past few days and has been taking antihypertensive medication for almost a year, but cannot recall the name. Her ECG appears normal.

      Hb 142 g/L Male: (135-180)
      Female: (115 - 160)
      Platelets 180 * 109/L (150 - 400)
      WBC 7.5 * 109/L (4.0 - 11.0)

      Na+ 133 mmol/L (135 - 145)
      K+ 3.8 mmol/L (3.5 - 5.0)
      Urea 5.5 mmol/L (2.0 - 7.0)
      Creatinine 98 µmol/L (55 - 120)

      What medication might she be taking?

      Your Answer: Hydrochlorothiazide


      Thiazide diuretics have been known to cause hyponatremia, as seen in the clinical scenario and blood tests. The question aims to test knowledge of antihypertensive medications that may lead to hyponatremia.

      The correct answer is Hydrochlorothiazide, as ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, and calcium channel blockers may also cause hyponatremia. Beta-blockers, such as Atenolol, typically do not cause hyponatremia. Similarly, central agonists like Clonidine and alpha-blockers like Doxazosin are not known to cause hyponatremia.

      Thiazide diuretics are medications that work by blocking the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl− symporter, which inhibits sodium reabsorption at the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). This results in the loss of potassium as more sodium reaches the collecting ducts. While thiazide diuretics are useful in treating mild heart failure, loop diuretics are more effective in reducing overload. Bendroflumethiazide was previously used to manage hypertension, but recent NICE guidelines recommend other thiazide-like diuretics such as indapamide and chlorthalidone.

      Common side effects of thiazide diuretics include dehydration, postural hypotension, and electrolyte imbalances such as hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypercalcemia. Other potential adverse effects include gout, impaired glucose tolerance, and impotence. Rare side effects may include thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, photosensitivity rash, and pancreatitis.

      It is worth noting that while thiazide diuretics may cause hypercalcemia, they can also reduce the incidence of renal stones by decreasing urinary calcium excretion. According to current NICE guidelines, the management of hypertension involves the use of thiazide-like diuretics, along with other medications and lifestyle changes, to achieve optimal blood pressure control and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 56 - The T wave in a typical electrocardiogram is mainly generated by what mechanisms?...


    • The T wave in a typical electrocardiogram is mainly generated by what mechanisms?

      Your Answer: A slow transmission through the A-V node and junctional fibers

      Correct Answer: Ventricular repolarization


      The Glasgow coma scale is a widely used tool to assess the severity of brain injuries. It is scored between 3 and 15, with 3 being the worst and 15 the best. The scale comprises three parameters: best eye response, best verbal response, and best motor response. The verbal response is scored from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating no response and 5 indicating orientation.

      A score of 13 or higher on the Glasgow coma scale indicates a mild brain injury, while a score of 9 to 12 indicates a moderate injury. A score of 8 or less indicates a severe brain injury. Healthcare professionals rely on the Glasgow coma scale to assess the severity of brain injuries and determine appropriate treatment. The score is the sum of the scores as well as the individual elements. For example, a score of 10 might be expressed as GCS10 = E3V4M3.

      Best eye response:
      1- No eye opening
      2- Eye opening to pain
      3- Eye opening to sound
      4- Eyes open spontaneously

      Best verbal response:
      1- No verbal response
      2- Incomprehensible sounds
      3- Inappropriate words
      4- Confused
      5- Orientated

      Best motor response:
      1- No motor response.
      2- Abnormal extension to pain
      3- Abnormal flexion to pain
      4- Withdrawal from pain
      5- Localizing pain
      6- Obeys commands

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 57 - A newborn male delivered at 38 weeks gestation presents with severe cyanosis within...


    • A newborn male delivered at 38 weeks gestation presents with severe cyanosis within the first hour of life. He experiences worsening respiratory distress and is unable to feed properly. The infant is immediately transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit for supportive care. The mother did not receive any prenatal care and the baby was delivered via an uncomplicated spontaneous vaginal delivery.

      During physical examination, the neonate appears lethargic and cyanotic. His vital signs are as follows: respiratory rate 60/min, oxygen saturation 82% (on 65% oxygen), heart rate 155/min, blood pressure 98/68 mmHg. Cardiac auscultation reveals a loud S2 heart sound.

      A chest x-ray shows an 'eggs on a string' appearance of the cardiac silhouette. An electrocardiogram (ECG) indicates right ventricular dominance. Further diagnostic testing with echocardiography confirms a congenital heart defect.

      What is the most likely embryological pathology underlying this neonate's congenital heart defect?

      Your Answer: Absent tricuspid valve and hypoplastic right ventricle

      Correct Answer: Failure of the aorticopulmonary septum to spiral


      Transposition of great vessels is caused by the failure of the aorticopulmonary septum to spiral during early life, resulting in a cyanotic heart disease. The classic X-ray description and clinical findings support this diagnosis. Other cyanotic heart defects, such as tricuspid atresia and Tetralogy of Fallot, have different clinical features and X-ray findings. Non-cyanotic heart defects, such as atrial septal defect, have a defect in the interatrial septum. Aortic coarctation is characterized by a narrowing near the insertion of ductus arteriosus.

      Understanding Transposition of the Great Arteries

      Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is a type of congenital heart disease that results in cyanosis. This condition occurs when the aorticopulmonary septum fails to spiral during septation, causing the aorta to leave the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk to leave the left ventricle. Infants born to diabetic mothers are at a higher risk of developing TGA.

      The clinical features of TGA include cyanosis, tachypnea, a loud single S2, and a prominent right ventricular impulse. Chest x-rays may show an egg-on-side appearance. To manage TGA, prostaglandins can be used to maintain the ductus arteriosus. However, surgical correction is the definitive treatment for this condition.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 58 - A teenage boy suddenly collapses outside his home. He is found to be...


    • A teenage boy suddenly collapses outside his home. He is found to be in cardiac arrest and unfortunately passed away in the hospital. Posthumously, he is diagnosed with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. What alterations would this condition bring about in the heart?

      Your Answer: Asymmetrical thickening of the ventricle and septum

      Correct Answer: Myocardium replaced by fatty and fibrofatty tissue


      Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy is characterized by the replacement of the right ventricular myocardium with fatty and fibrofatty tissue. Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, which is the leading cause of sudden cardiac death, is associated with asymmetrical thickening of the septum. Left ventricular hypertrophy can be caused by hypertension, aortic valve stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and athletic training. While arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy can cause ventricular dilation in later stages, it is not transient. Transient ballooning would suggest a diagnosis of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, which is triggered by acute stress.

      Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), also known as arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia or ARVD, is a type of inherited cardiovascular disease that can lead to sudden cardiac death or syncope. It is considered the second most common cause of sudden cardiac death in young individuals, following hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The disease is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern with variable expression, and it is characterized by the replacement of the right ventricular myocardium with fatty and fibrofatty tissue. Approximately 50% of patients with ARVC have a mutation in one of the several genes that encode components of desmosome.

      The presentation of ARVC may include palpitations, syncope, or sudden cardiac death. ECG abnormalities in V1-3, such as T wave inversion, are typically observed. An epsilon wave, which is best described as a terminal notch in the QRS complex, is found in about 50% of those with ARVC. Echo changes may show an enlarged, hypokinetic right ventricle with a thin free wall, although these changes may be subtle in the early stages. Magnetic resonance imaging is useful in showing fibrofatty tissue.

      Management of ARVC may involve the use of drugs such as sotalol, which is the most widely used antiarrhythmic. Catheter ablation may also be used to prevent ventricular tachycardia, and an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator may be recommended. Naxos disease is an autosomal recessive variant of ARVC that is characterized by a triad of ARVC, palmoplantar keratosis, and woolly hair.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 59 - A 50-year-old man has a long femoral line inserted to measure CVP. The...


    • A 50-year-old man has a long femoral line inserted to measure CVP. The catheter travels from the common iliac vein to the inferior vena cava. At what vertebral level does this occur?

      Your Answer: S1

      Correct Answer: L5


      At the level of L5, the common iliac veins join together to form the inferior vena cava (IVC).

      Anatomy of the Inferior Vena Cava

      The inferior vena cava (IVC) originates from the fifth lumbar vertebrae and is formed by the merging of the left and right common iliac veins. It passes to the right of the midline and receives drainage from paired segmental lumbar veins throughout its length. The right gonadal vein empties directly into the cava, while the left gonadal vein usually empties into the left renal vein. The renal veins and hepatic veins are the next major veins that drain into the IVC. The IVC pierces the central tendon of the diaphragm at the level of T8 and empties into the right atrium of the heart.

      The IVC is related anteriorly to the small bowel, the first and third parts of the duodenum, the head of the pancreas, the liver and bile duct, the right common iliac artery, and the right gonadal artery. Posteriorly, it is related to the right renal artery, the right psoas muscle, the right sympathetic chain, and the coeliac ganglion.

      The IVC is divided into different levels based on the veins that drain into it. At the level of T8, it receives drainage from the hepatic vein and inferior phrenic vein before piercing the diaphragm. At the level of L1, it receives drainage from the suprarenal veins and renal vein. At the level of L2, it receives drainage from the gonadal vein, and at the level of L1-5, it receives drainage from the lumbar veins. Finally, at the level of L5, the common iliac vein merges to form the IVC.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 60 - A 47-year-old woman is recuperating in the ICU after undergoing a Whipples surgery....


    • A 47-year-old woman is recuperating in the ICU after undergoing a Whipples surgery. She has a central venous line inserted. What will cause the 'y' descent on the waveform trace?

      Your Answer: Emptying of the right atrium


      The JVP waveform consists of 3 upward deflections and 2 downward deflections. The upward deflections include the a wave, which represents atrial contraction, the c wave, which represents ventricular contraction, and the v wave, which represents atrial venous filling. The downward deflections include the x wave, which occurs when the atrium relaxes and the tricuspid valve moves down, and the y wave, which represents ventricular filling. The y descent in the waveform indicates the emptying of the atrium and the filling of the right ventricle.

      The heart has four chambers and generates pressures of 0-25 mmHg on the right side and 0-120 mmHg on the left. The cardiac output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, typically 5-6L per minute. The cardiac impulse is generated in the sino atrial node and conveyed to the ventricles via the atrioventricular node. Parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers project to the heart via the vagus and release acetylcholine and noradrenaline, respectively. The cardiac cycle includes mid diastole, late diastole, early systole, late systole, and early diastole. Preload is the end diastolic volume and afterload is the aortic pressure. Laplace’s law explains the rise in ventricular pressure during the ejection phase and why a dilated diseased heart will have impaired systolic function. Starling’s law states that an increase in end-diastolic volume will produce a larger stroke volume up to a point beyond which stroke volume will fall. Baroreceptor reflexes and atrial stretch receptors are involved in regulating cardiac output.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 61 - A 28-year-old male with ankylosing spondylitis presents to his GP for examination. During...


    • A 28-year-old male with ankylosing spondylitis presents to his GP for examination. During palpation of the carotid pulse, the GP observes a pulse that quickly rises and falls. Upon auscultation of the heart, the GP detects a high-pitched early diastolic murmur that is decrescendo in nature. What cardiac abnormality is indicated by these examination findings?

      Your Answer: Aortic regurgitation


      Aortic regurgitation results in an early diastolic murmur, which is caused by the backflow of blood from the aorta into the left ventricle through an incompetent aortic valve. This condition also leads to a rapid rise in the carotid pulse due to the forceful ejection of blood from an overloaded left ventricle, followed by a rapid fall due to the backflow of blood into the left ventricle. Patients with aortic regurgitation may also experience an ejection murmur, which is caused by the turbulent ejection of blood from the overloaded left ventricle. Aortic regurgitation can be caused by various factors, including aortic root dilation associated with ankylosing spondylitis, Marfan syndrome, or aortic dissection, as well as aortic valve leaflet disease resulting from calcific degeneration, congenital bicuspid aortic valve, rheumatic heart disease, or infective endocarditis.

      Aortic regurgitation is a condition where the aortic valve of the heart leaks, causing blood to flow in the opposite direction during ventricular diastole. This can be caused by disease of the aortic valve or by distortion or dilation of the aortic root and ascending aorta. The most common causes of AR due to valve disease include rheumatic fever, calcific valve disease, and infective endocarditis. On the other hand, AR due to aortic root disease can be caused by conditions such as aortic dissection, hypertension, and connective tissue diseases like Marfan and Ehler-Danlos syndrome.

      The features of AR include an early diastolic murmur, a collapsing pulse, wide pulse pressure, Quincke’s sign, and De Musset’s sign. In severe cases, a mid-diastolic Austin-Flint murmur may also be present. Suspected AR should be investigated with echocardiography.

      Management of AR involves medical management of any associated heart failure and surgery in symptomatic patients with severe AR or asymptomatic patients with severe AR who have LV systolic dysfunction.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 62 - A 34-year-old woman visits her doctor after discovering she is pregnant. She is...


    • A 34-year-old woman visits her doctor after discovering she is pregnant. She is currently taking the following medications:

      - Loratadine 10mg once daily
      - Omeprazole 10mg once daily
      - Metformin 500mg three times daily
      - Warfarin 5 mg once daily
      - Senna 15mg at night

      Which medication(s) should she discontinue during her pregnancy?

      Your Answer: Omeprazole

      Correct Answer: Warfarin


      Understanding Warfarin: Mechanism of Action, Indications, Monitoring, Factors, and Side-Effects

      Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant that has been widely used for many years to manage venous thromboembolism and reduce stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation. However, it has been largely replaced by direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) due to their ease of use and lack of need for monitoring. Warfarin works by inhibiting epoxide reductase, which prevents the reduction of vitamin K to its active hydroquinone form. This, in turn, affects the carboxylation of clotting factor II, VII, IX, and X, as well as protein C.

      Warfarin is indicated for patients with mechanical heart valves, with the target INR depending on the valve type and location. Mitral valves generally require a higher INR than aortic valves. It is also used as a second-line treatment after DOACs for venous thromboembolism and atrial fibrillation, with target INRs of 2.5 and 3.5 for recurrent cases. Patients taking warfarin are monitored using the INR, which may take several days to achieve a stable level. Loading regimes and computer software are often used to adjust the dose.

      Factors that may potentiate warfarin include liver disease, P450 enzyme inhibitors, cranberry juice, drugs that displace warfarin from plasma albumin, and NSAIDs that inhibit platelet function. Warfarin may cause side-effects such as haemorrhage, teratogenic effects, skin necrosis, temporary procoagulant state, thrombosis, and purple toes.

      In summary, understanding the mechanism of action, indications, monitoring, factors, and side-effects of warfarin is crucial for its safe and effective use in patients. While it has been largely replaced by DOACs, warfarin remains an important treatment option for certain patients.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 63 - An 80-year-old patient is initiated on warfarin after being diagnosed with atrial fibrillation....


    • An 80-year-old patient is initiated on warfarin after being diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. The patient has a medical history of a metallic heart valve.

      The patient is informed that INR levels will be used to monitor the effects of warfarin. INR is a ratio of the value during warfarin treatment to the normal value, which is used to measure a specific aspect of clotting.

      What is the value that is utilized during this monitoring process?

      Your Answer: Fibrinogen levels

      Correct Answer: Prothrombin time


      Warfarin leads to an extended prothrombin time, which is the correct answer. The prothrombin time assesses the extrinsic and common pathways of the clotting cascade, and warfarin affects factor VII from the extrinsic pathway, as well as factor II (prothrombin) and factor X from the common pathway. This results in a prolonged prothrombin time, and the INR is a ratio of the prothrombin time during warfarin treatment to the normal prothrombin time.

      The activated partial thromboplastin time is an incorrect answer. Although high levels of warfarin may prolong the activated partial thromboplastin time, the INR is solely based on the prothrombin time.

      Bleeding time is also an incorrect answer. While warfarin can cause a prolonged bleeding time, the INR measures the prothrombin time.

      Fibrinogen levels are another incorrect answer. Fibrinogen is necessary for blood clotting, and warfarin can decrease fibrinogen levels after prolonged use. However, fibrinogen levels are not used in the INR measurement.

      Understanding Warfarin: Mechanism of Action, Indications, Monitoring, Factors, and Side-Effects

      Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant that has been widely used for many years to manage venous thromboembolism and reduce stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation. However, it has been largely replaced by direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) due to their ease of use and lack of need for monitoring. Warfarin works by inhibiting epoxide reductase, which prevents the reduction of vitamin K to its active hydroquinone form. This, in turn, affects the carboxylation of clotting factor II, VII, IX, and X, as well as protein C.

      Warfarin is indicated for patients with mechanical heart valves, with the target INR depending on the valve type and location. Mitral valves generally require a higher INR than aortic valves. It is also used as a second-line treatment after DOACs for venous thromboembolism and atrial fibrillation, with target INRs of 2.5 and 3.5 for recurrent cases. Patients taking warfarin are monitored using the INR, which may take several days to achieve a stable level. Loading regimes and computer software are often used to adjust the dose.

      Factors that may potentiate warfarin include liver disease, P450 enzyme inhibitors, cranberry juice, drugs that displace warfarin from plasma albumin, and NSAIDs that inhibit platelet function. Warfarin may cause side-effects such as haemorrhage, teratogenic effects, skin necrosis, temporary procoagulant state, thrombosis, and purple toes.

      In summary, understanding the mechanism of action, indications, monitoring, factors, and side-effects of warfarin is crucial for its safe and effective use in patients. While it has been largely replaced by DOACs, warfarin remains an important treatment option for certain patients.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 64 - A 28-year-old man arrives at the emergency department complaining of chest pain. The...


    • A 28-year-old man arrives at the emergency department complaining of chest pain. The ECG strip shows an irregularly irregular tachycardia that is not in sinus rhythm.

      Where is the site of this pathology?

      Your Answer: Discordance of electrical activity from the myocytes surrounding the pulmonary veins


      Atrial fibrillation occurs when irregular electrical activity from the myocytes surrounding the pulmonary veins overwhelms the regular impulses from the sinus node. This leads to discordance of electrical activity in the atria, causing the irregularly irregular tachycardia characteristic of AF. It is important to note that AF is not caused by an absence of electrical activity in the atria or bundle of His.

      Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a heart condition that requires prompt management. The management of AF depends on the patient’s haemodynamic stability and the duration of the AF. For haemodynamically unstable patients, electrical cardioversion is recommended. For haemodynamically stable patients, rate control is the first-line treatment strategy, except in certain cases. Medications such as beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, and digoxin are commonly used to control the heart rate. Rhythm control is another treatment option that involves the use of medications such as beta-blockers, dronedarone, and amiodarone. Catheter ablation is recommended for patients who have not responded to or wish to avoid antiarrhythmic medication. The procedure involves the use of radiofrequency or cryotherapy to ablate the faulty electrical pathways that cause AF. Anticoagulation is necessary before and during the procedure to reduce the risk of stroke. The success rate of catheter ablation varies, with around 50% of patients experiencing an early recurrence of AF within three months. However, after three years, around 55% of patients who have undergone a single procedure remain in sinus rhythm.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 65 - A 40-year-old woman visits her GP complaining of muscle cramps, fatigue, and tingling...


    • A 40-year-old woman visits her GP complaining of muscle cramps, fatigue, and tingling in her fingers and toes for the past two weeks. Upon conducting a blood test, the doctor discovers low levels of serum calcium and parathyroid hormone. The patient is new to the clinic and seems a bit confused, possibly due to hypocalcemia, and is unable to provide a complete medical history. However, she mentions that she was recently hospitalized. What is the most probable cause of her hypoparathyroidism?

      Your Answer: Thyroidectomy


      Due to their location behind the thyroid gland, the parathyroid glands are at risk of damage during a thyroidectomy, leading to iatrogenic hypoparathyroidism. This condition is characterized by low levels of both parathyroid hormone and calcium, indicating that the parathyroid glands are not responding to the hypocalcemia. The patient’s confusion and prolonged hospital stay are likely related to the surgery.

      Hypocalcemia can also be caused by chronic kidney disease, which triggers an increase in parathyroid hormone production in an attempt to raise calcium levels, resulting in hyperparathyroidism. Additionally, a deficiency in vitamin D, which is activated by the kidneys and aids in calcium absorption in the terminal ileum, can also lead to hyperparathyroidism.

      While a parathyroid adenoma is a common occurrence, it is more likely to cause hyperparathyroidism than hypoparathyroidism, which is a relatively rare side effect of thyroidectomy.

      Anatomy and Development of the Parathyroid Glands

      The parathyroid glands are four small glands located posterior to the thyroid gland within the pretracheal fascia. They develop from the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches, with those derived from the fourth pouch located more superiorly and associated with the thyroid gland, while those from the third pouch lie more inferiorly and may become associated with the thymus.

      The blood supply to the parathyroid glands is derived from the inferior and superior thyroid arteries, with a rich anastomosis between the two vessels. Venous drainage is into the thyroid veins. The parathyroid glands are surrounded by various structures, with the common carotid laterally, the recurrent laryngeal nerve and trachea medially, and the thyroid anteriorly. Understanding the anatomy and development of the parathyroid glands is important for their proper identification and preservation during surgical procedures.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 66 - An 80-year-old man presents with progressive shortness of breath, easy fatigue, and ankle...


    • An 80-year-old man presents with progressive shortness of breath, easy fatigue, and ankle swelling over the past few weeks. He has a significant smoking history of 50 pack-years. Physical examination reveals bibasilar crackles, and echocardiography shows no valvular disease and a non-dilated left ventricle with an ejection fraction of 55%. What is the most likely cause of the patient's current condition?

      Your Answer: Left ventricular thrombus formation

      Correct Answer: Increased left ventricular afterload


      The correct answer is increased left ventricular afterload. HFpEF, which is characterized by diastolic dysfunction, often develops due to prolonged systemic hypertension, leading to increased afterload on the left ventricle.

      Glomerular hyper-filtration is not the correct answer as heart failure leads to decreased renal perfusion pressure and glomerular hypo-filtration.

      Increased left ventricular compliance is also not the correct answer as diastolic dysfunction involves a decrease in LV compliance. LV compliance may increase with eccentric hypertrophy, which occurs in response to left ventricular volume overload.

      Left ventricular thrombus formation is not typically associated with diastolic dysfunction and HFpEF. It typically results from localized stagnation of blood, which can occur with a left ventricular aneurysm or in the setting of a severely dilated left ventricle cavity with systolic dysfunction.

      Types of Heart Failure

      Heart failure is a clinical syndrome where the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s metabolic needs. It can be classified in multiple ways, including by ejection fraction, time, and left/right side. Patients with heart failure may have a normal or abnormal left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), which is measured using echocardiography. Reduced LVEF is typically defined as < 35 to 40% and is termed heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HF-rEF), while preserved LVEF is termed heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HF-pEF). Heart failure can also be described as acute or chronic, with acute heart failure referring to an acute exacerbation of chronic heart failure. Left-sided heart failure is more common and may be due to increased left ventricular afterload or preload, while right-sided heart failure is caused by increased right ventricular afterload or preload. High-output heart failure is another type of heart failure that occurs when a normal heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's metabolic needs. By classifying heart failure in these ways, healthcare professionals can better understand the underlying causes and tailor treatment plans accordingly. It is important to note that many guidelines for the management of heart failure only cover HF-rEF patients and do not address the management of HF-pEF patients. Understanding the different types of heart failure can help healthcare professionals provide more effective care for their patients.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 67 - As a medical student observing a parathyroidectomy in the short-stay surgical theatre, you...


    • As a medical student observing a parathyroidectomy in the short-stay surgical theatre, you witness the ligation of blood vessels supplying the parathyroid glands. The ENT consultant requests you to identify the arteries responsible for supplying oxygenated blood to the parathyroid gland. Can you correctly name these arteries?

      Your Answer: Super and inferior parathyroid arteries

      Correct Answer: Superior and inferior thyroid arteries


      The superior and inferior thyroid arteries provide oxygenated blood supply to the parathyroid glands. The existence of inferior parathyroid arteries and superior parathyroid arteries is not supported by anatomical evidence. While a middle thyroid artery may exist in some individuals, it is a rare variation that is not relevant to the question at hand.

      Anatomy and Development of the Parathyroid Glands

      The parathyroid glands are four small glands located posterior to the thyroid gland within the pretracheal fascia. They develop from the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches, with those derived from the fourth pouch located more superiorly and associated with the thyroid gland, while those from the third pouch lie more inferiorly and may become associated with the thymus.

      The blood supply to the parathyroid glands is derived from the inferior and superior thyroid arteries, with a rich anastomosis between the two vessels. Venous drainage is into the thyroid veins. The parathyroid glands are surrounded by various structures, with the common carotid laterally, the recurrent laryngeal nerve and trachea medially, and the thyroid anteriorly. Understanding the anatomy and development of the parathyroid glands is important for their proper identification and preservation during surgical procedures.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 68 - A 73-year-old male arrives at the ER with ventricular tachycardia and fainting. Despite...


    • A 73-year-old male arrives at the ER with ventricular tachycardia and fainting. Despite defibrillation, the patient's condition does not improve and amiodarone is administered. Amiodarone is a class 3 antiarrhythmic that extends the plateau phase of the myocardial action potential.

      What is responsible for sustaining the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential?

      Your Answer: Slow efflux of calcium

      Correct Answer: Slow influx of calcium and efflux of potassium


      The plateau phase (phase 2) of the cardiac action potential is sustained by the slow influx of calcium and efflux of potassium ions. Rapid efflux of potassium and chloride occurs during phase 1, while rapid influx of sodium occurs during phase 0. Slow efflux of calcium is not a characteristic of the plateau phase.

      Understanding the Cardiac Action Potential and Conduction Velocity

      The cardiac action potential is a series of electrical events that occur in the heart during each heartbeat. It is responsible for the contraction of the heart muscle and the pumping of blood throughout the body. The action potential is divided into five phases, each with a specific mechanism. The first phase is rapid depolarization, which is caused by the influx of sodium ions. The second phase is early repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The third phase is the plateau phase, which is caused by the slow influx of calcium ions. The fourth phase is final repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The final phase is the restoration of ionic concentrations, which is achieved by the Na+/K+ ATPase pump.

      Conduction velocity is the speed at which the electrical signal travels through the heart. The speed varies depending on the location of the signal. Atrial conduction spreads along ordinary atrial myocardial fibers at a speed of 1 m/sec. AV node conduction is much slower, at 0.05 m/sec. Ventricular conduction is the fastest in the heart, achieved by the large diameter of the Purkinje fibers, which can achieve velocities of 2-4 m/sec. This allows for a rapid and coordinated contraction of the ventricles, which is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. Understanding the cardiac action potential and conduction velocity is crucial for diagnosing and treating heart conditions.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 69 - A 50-year-old male is diagnosed with hypertension with a blood pressure reading of...


    • A 50-year-old male is diagnosed with hypertension with a blood pressure reading of 180/100 mmHg during ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The physician prescribes Ramipril, an ACE inhibitor. What is the most frequent adverse effect associated with this medication?

      Your Answer: Excessive urine output

      Correct Answer: A dry cough


      Hypotension, particularly on the first dose, and deterioration of renal function are common side effects of ACE inhibitors in patients. Although angioedema is a rare side effect of ACE inhibitors, oedema is typically associated with calcium channel blockers. Diuretics may cause excessive urine output, while shortness of breath and headaches are uncommon.

      Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are commonly used as the first-line treatment for hypertension and heart failure in younger patients. However, they may not be as effective in treating hypertensive Afro-Caribbean patients. ACE inhibitors are also used to treat diabetic nephropathy and prevent ischaemic heart disease. These drugs work by inhibiting the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II and are metabolized in the liver.

      While ACE inhibitors are generally well-tolerated, they can cause side effects such as cough, angioedema, hyperkalaemia, and first-dose hypotension. Patients with certain conditions, such as renovascular disease, aortic stenosis, or hereditary or idiopathic angioedema, should use ACE inhibitors with caution or avoid them altogether. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid these drugs.

      Patients taking high-dose diuretics may be at increased risk of hypotension when using ACE inhibitors. Therefore, it is important to monitor urea and electrolyte levels before and after starting treatment, as well as any changes in creatinine and potassium levels. Acceptable changes include a 30% increase in serum creatinine from baseline and an increase in potassium up to 5.5 mmol/l. Patients with undiagnosed bilateral renal artery stenosis may experience significant renal impairment when using ACE inhibitors.

      The current NICE guidelines recommend using a flow chart to manage hypertension, with ACE inhibitors as the first-line treatment for patients under 55 years old. However, individual patient factors and comorbidities should be taken into account when deciding on the best treatment plan.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 70 - A 2-year-old child presents with cyanosis shortly after birth. The child has no...


    • A 2-year-old child presents with cyanosis shortly after birth. The child has no family history of paediatric problems and the pregnancy was uneventful. Upon examination, the child is cyanotic, has a respiratory rate of 60 breaths per minute, and nasal flaring. An urgent echocardiogram reveals Ebstein's anomaly. Which valvular defect is commonly associated with this condition?

      Your Answer: Mitral regurgitation

      Correct Answer: Tricuspid regurgitation


      Ebstein’s anomaly is a congenital heart defect that results in the right ventricle being smaller than normal and the right atrium being larger than normal, a condition known as ‘atrialisation’. Tricuspid regurgitation is often present as well.

      While aortic regurgitation is commonly associated with infective endocarditis, ascending aortic dissection, or connective tissue disorders like Marfan’s or Ehlers-Danlos, it is not typically seen in Ebstein’s anomaly. Similarly, aortic stenosis is usually caused by senile calcification rather than congenital heart disease.

      The mitral valve is located on the left side of the heart and is not affected by Ebstein’s anomaly. Mitral regurgitation, on the other hand, can be caused by conditions such as rheumatic heart disease or left ventricular dilatation.

      Pulmonary stenosis is typically associated with other congenital heart defects like Turner’s syndrome or Noonan’s syndrome, rather than Ebstein’s anomaly.

      Understanding Ebstein’s Anomaly

      Ebstein’s anomaly is a type of congenital heart defect that is characterized by the tricuspid valve being inserted too low, resulting in a large atrium and a small ventricle. This condition is also known as the atrialization of the right ventricle. It is believed that exposure to lithium during pregnancy may cause this condition.

      Ebstein’s anomaly is often associated with other heart defects such as patent foramen ovale (PFO) or atrial septal defect (ASD), which can cause a shunt between the right and left atria. Additionally, patients with this condition may also have Wolff-Parkinson White syndrome.

      Clinical features of Ebstein’s anomaly include cyanosis, a prominent a wave in the distended jugular venous pulse, hepatomegaly, tricuspid regurgitation, and a pansystolic murmur that worsens during inspiration. Patients may also exhibit right bundle branch block, which can lead to widely split S1 and S2 heart sounds.

      In summary, Ebstein’s anomaly is a congenital heart defect that affects the tricuspid valve and can cause a range of symptoms and complications. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for managing this condition and improving patient outcomes.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 71 - A 58-year-old man has an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and is pronounced dead at...


    • A 58-year-old man has an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and is pronounced dead at the scene. A post-mortem examination is carried out to determine the cause of death, which demonstrates 90% stenosis of the left anterior descending artery.

      What is the ultimate stage in the development of this stenosis?

      Your Answer: Fatty infiltration of the subendothelial space by low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

      Correct Answer: Smooth muscle proliferation and migration from the tunica media into the intima


      Understanding Atherosclerosis and its Complications

      Atherosclerosis is a complex process that occurs over several years. It begins with endothelial dysfunction triggered by factors such as smoking, hypertension, and hyperglycemia. This leads to changes in the endothelium, including inflammation, oxidation, proliferation, and reduced nitric oxide bioavailability. As a result, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles infiltrate the subendothelial space, and monocytes migrate from the blood and differentiate into macrophages. These macrophages then phagocytose oxidized LDL, slowly turning into large ‘foam cells’. Smooth muscle proliferation and migration from the tunica media into the intima result in the formation of a fibrous capsule covering the fatty plaque.

      Once a plaque has formed, it can cause several complications. For example, it can form a physical blockage in the lumen of the coronary artery, leading to reduced blood flow and oxygen to the myocardium, resulting in angina. Alternatively, the plaque may rupture, potentially causing a complete occlusion of the coronary artery and resulting in a myocardial infarction. It is essential to understand the process of atherosclerosis and its complications to prevent and manage cardiovascular diseases effectively.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 72 - A 55-year-old Hispanic man visits his GP for a blood pressure check-up. As...


    • A 55-year-old Hispanic man visits his GP for a blood pressure check-up. As he experienced ankle swelling with amlodipine, the GP recommends trying bendroflumethiazide. Can you explain the mechanism of action of this diuretic?

      Your Answer: Aldosterone receptor antagonist

      Correct Answer: Inhibits the sodium-chloride transporter


      Thiazides and thiazide-like drugs, such as indapamide, work by blocking the Na+-Cl− symporter at the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule, which inhibits sodium reabsorption. Bendroflumethiazide is a thiazide diuretic that prevents the absorption of sodium and chloride by inhibiting the sodium-chloride transporter, resulting in water remaining in the tubule through osmosis. Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic that is used to reduce intracranial pressure after a head injury. Spironolactone is an aldosterone antagonist, while furosemide acts on the thick ascending loop of Henle to prevent the reabsorption of potassium, sodium, and chloride. Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that is used to treat acute angle closure glaucoma.

      Thiazide diuretics are medications that work by blocking the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl− symporter, which inhibits sodium reabsorption at the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). This results in the loss of potassium as more sodium reaches the collecting ducts. While thiazide diuretics are useful in treating mild heart failure, loop diuretics are more effective in reducing overload. Bendroflumethiazide was previously used to manage hypertension, but recent NICE guidelines recommend other thiazide-like diuretics such as indapamide and chlorthalidone.

      Common side effects of thiazide diuretics include dehydration, postural hypotension, and electrolyte imbalances such as hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypercalcemia. Other potential adverse effects include gout, impaired glucose tolerance, and impotence. Rare side effects may include thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, photosensitivity rash, and pancreatitis.

      It is worth noting that while thiazide diuretics may cause hypercalcemia, they can also reduce the incidence of renal stones by decreasing urinary calcium excretion. According to current NICE guidelines, the management of hypertension involves the use of thiazide-like diuretics, along with other medications and lifestyle changes, to achieve optimal blood pressure control and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 73 - A 49-year-old man arrived at the emergency department with chest discomfort persisting for...


    • A 49-year-old man arrived at the emergency department with chest discomfort persisting for 2 hours and flu-like symptoms for the past 4 days. His ECG revealed widespread ST-segment alterations. The cTnI test showed elevated values for this particular troponin subunit. What is the most precise explanation of the role of this subunit?

      Your Answer: Cardiac muscle relaxation

      Correct Answer: Binding to actin to hold the troponin-tropomyosin complex in place


      The function of troponin I is to bind to actin and hold the troponin-tropomyosin complex in place.

      Understanding Troponin: The Proteins Involved in Muscle Contraction

      Troponin is a group of three proteins that play a crucial role in the contraction of skeletal and cardiac muscles. These proteins work together to regulate the interaction between actin and myosin, which is essential for muscle contraction. The three subunits of troponin are troponin C, troponin T, and troponin I.

      Troponin C is responsible for binding to calcium ions, which triggers the contraction of muscle fibers. Troponin T binds to tropomyosin, forming a complex that helps regulate the interaction between actin and myosin. Finally, troponin I binds to actin, holding the troponin-tropomyosin complex in place and preventing muscle contraction when it is not needed.

      Understanding the role of troponin is essential for understanding how muscles work and how they can be affected by various diseases and conditions. By regulating the interaction between actin and myosin, troponin plays a critical role in muscle contraction and is a key target for drugs used to treat conditions such as heart failure and skeletal muscle disorders.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 74 - A 32-year-old woman arrives at the emergency department with a sudden and severe...


    • A 32-year-old woman arrives at the emergency department with a sudden and severe headache, describing it as the worst she has ever experienced. She has a medical history of hypertension and polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The emergency physician diagnoses a subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is a common complication of her PKD.

      What is the gold standard investigation for intracranial vascular disease?

      Your Answer: Flow-Sensitive MRI (FS MRI)

      Correct Answer: Cerebral angiography


      The gold standard investigation for intracranial vascular disease is cerebral angiography, which can diagnose intracranial aneurysms and other vascular diseases by visualizing arteries and veins using contrast dye injected into the bloodstream. This technique can also create 3-D reconstructed images that allow for a comprehensive view of the cerebral vessels and accompanying pathology from all angles.

      Individuals with PKD are at an increased risk of cerebral aneurysms, which can lead to subarachnoid hemorrhages.

      Flow-Sensitive MRI (FS MRI) is a useful tool that combines functional MRI with images of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow. It can aid in planning the surgical removal of skull base tumors, spinal cord tumors, or tumors causing hydrocephalus.

      While contrast and non-contrast CT scans are commonly used as the first line of investigation for intracranial lesions, they are not the gold standard and are superseded by cerebral angiography.

      Understanding Cerebral Blood Flow and Angiography

      Cerebral blood flow is regulated by the central nervous system, which can adjust its own blood supply. Various factors can affect cerebral pressure, including CNS metabolism, trauma, pressure, and systemic carbon dioxide levels. The most potent mediator is PaCO2, while acidosis and hypoxemia can also increase cerebral blood flow to a lesser degree. In patients with head injuries, increased intracranial pressure can impair blood flow. The Monro-Kelly Doctrine governs intracerebral pressure, which considers the brain as a closed box, and changes in pressure are offset by the loss of cerebrospinal fluid. However, when this is no longer possible, intracranial pressure rises.

      Cerebral angiography is an invasive test that involves injecting contrast media into the carotid artery using a catheter. Radiographs are taken as the dye works its way through the cerebral circulation. This test can be used to identify bleeding aneurysms, vasospasm, and arteriovenous malformations, as well as differentiate embolism from large artery thrombosis. Understanding cerebral blood flow and angiography is crucial in diagnosing and treating various neurological conditions.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 75 - A 67-year-old man comes to the emergency department with concerns of pain in...


    • A 67-year-old man comes to the emergency department with concerns of pain in his right foot. Upon examination, you observe a slow capillary refill and a cold right foot. The patient is unable to move his toes, and the foot is tender. You can detect a pulse behind his medial malleolus and in his popliteal fossa, but there are no pulses in his foot. Which artery is likely affected in this patient's condition?

      Your Answer: Popliteal

      Correct Answer: Anterior tibial


      The dorsalis pedis artery in the foot is a continuation of the anterior tibial artery. However, in a patient presenting with acute limb ischemia and an absent dorsalis pedis artery pulse, it is likely that the anterior tibial artery is occluded. This can cause severe ischemia, as evidenced by a cold and tender foot with decreased motor function. The presence of a palpable popliteal pulse suggests that the femoral artery is not occluded. Occlusion of the fibular artery would not typically result in an absent dorsalis pedis pulse, while occlusion of the posterior tibial artery would result in no pulse present posterior to the medial malleolus, where this artery runs.

      The anterior tibial artery starts opposite the lower border of the popliteus muscle and ends in front of the ankle, where it continues as the dorsalis pedis artery. As it descends, it runs along the interosseous membrane, the distal part of the tibia, and the front of the ankle joint. The artery passes between the tendons of the extensor digitorum and extensor hallucis longus muscles as it approaches the ankle. The deep peroneal nerve is closely related to the artery, lying anterior to the middle third of the vessel and lateral to it in the lower third.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 76 - A 75-year-old man with confirmed heart failure visits the GP clinic for wound...


    • A 75-year-old man with confirmed heart failure visits the GP clinic for wound dressing on his left leg. During the visit, the nurse informs the GP that she suspects the patient's legs are swollen. Upon examination, the GP observes bilateral pitting edema that extends up to the knee and decides to prescribe a diuretic. Which diuretic inhibits the sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter?

      Your Answer: Spironolactone (potassium-sparing diuretic)

      Correct Answer: Furosemide (loop diuretic)


      Loop Diuretics: Mechanism of Action and Clinical Applications

      Loop diuretics, such as furosemide and bumetanide, are medications that inhibit the Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC) in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. By doing so, they reduce the absorption of NaCl, resulting in increased urine output. Loop diuretics act on NKCC2, which is more prevalent in the kidneys. These medications work on the apical membrane and must first be filtered into the tubules by the glomerulus before they can have an effect. Patients with poor renal function may require higher doses to ensure sufficient concentration in the tubules.

      Loop diuretics are commonly used in the treatment of heart failure, both acutely (usually intravenously) and chronically (usually orally). They are also indicated for resistant hypertension, particularly in patients with renal impairment. However, loop diuretics can cause adverse effects such as hypotension, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypochloremic alkalosis, ototoxicity, hypocalcemia, renal impairment, hyperglycemia (less common than with thiazides), and gout. Therefore, careful monitoring of electrolyte levels and renal function is necessary when using loop diuretics.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 77 - A 12-year-old child presents to the emergency department with polyarthritis and chest pain...


    • A 12-year-old child presents to the emergency department with polyarthritis and chest pain that is relieved by leaning forward. Blood tests reveal a raised ESR and leucocytosis, but are otherwise normal. The child's parents mention that they have never vaccinated their child as they themselves are unvaccinated and rarely fall ill. In light of this information, you decide to order an anti-streptolysin-O-titre to investigate for recent streptococcal infection. What is the immunological term used to describe the mechanism behind the development of this condition?

      Your Answer: Bystander activation

      Correct Answer: Molecular mimicry


      Rheumatic fever is caused by molecular mimicry, where the M protein on the cell wall of Streptococcus pyogenes cross-reacts with myosin in the smooth muscles of arteries, leading to autoimmunity. This is evidenced by the patient’s symptoms of polyarthritis and chest pain, as well as the presence of anti-streptolysin-O-titre in their blood. Bystander activation, exposure to cryptic antigens, and super-antigens are all pathophysiological mechanisms that can lead to autoimmune destruction of tissues.

      Rheumatic fever is a condition that occurs as a result of an immune response to a recent Streptococcus pyogenes infection, typically occurring 2-4 weeks after the initial infection. The pathogenesis of rheumatic fever involves the activation of the innate immune system, leading to antigen presentation to T cells. B and T cells then produce IgG and IgM antibodies, and CD4+ T cells are activated. This immune response is thought to be cross-reactive, mediated by molecular mimicry, where antibodies against M protein cross-react with myosin and the smooth muscle of arteries. This response leads to the clinical features of rheumatic fever, including Aschoff bodies, which are granulomatous nodules found in rheumatic heart fever.

      To diagnose rheumatic fever, evidence of recent streptococcal infection must be present, along with 2 major criteria or 1 major criterion and 2 minor criteria. Major criteria include erythema marginatum, Sydenham’s chorea, polyarthritis, carditis and valvulitis, and subcutaneous nodules. Minor criteria include raised ESR or CRP, pyrexia, arthralgia, and prolonged PR interval.

      Management of rheumatic fever involves antibiotics, typically oral penicillin V, as well as anti-inflammatories such as NSAIDs as first-line treatment. Any complications that develop, such as heart failure, should also be treated. It is important to diagnose and treat rheumatic fever promptly to prevent long-term complications such as rheumatic heart disease.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 78 - An elderly man in his late 60s is admitted to the cardiology ward...


    • An elderly man in his late 60s is admitted to the cardiology ward due to worsening shortness of breath. He has a medical history of hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. During examination, bibasal crackles and pitting oedema to the knees bilaterally are observed. Blood tests are conducted, and the results show a brain natriuretic peptide level of 4990 pg/mL (< 400). What is the most probable physiological change that occurs in response to this finding?

      Your Answer: Increased renin activity

      Correct Answer: Decreased afterload


      BNP has several actions, including vasodilation which can decrease cardiac afterload, diuretic and natriuretic effects, and suppression of both sympathetic tone and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. In the case of heart failure, BNP is primarily secreted by the ventricular myocardium to compensate for symptoms by promoting diuresis, natriuresis, vasodilation, and suppression of sympathetic tone and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone activity. Vasodilation of the peripheral vascular system leads to a decrease in afterload, reducing the force that the left ventricle has to contract against and lowering the risk of left ventricular failure progression. BNP also suppresses sympathetic tone and the RAAS, which would exacerbate heart failure symptoms, and contributes to natriuresis, aiding diuresis and improving dyspnea.

      B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a hormone that is primarily produced by the left ventricular myocardium in response to strain. Although heart failure is the most common cause of elevated BNP levels, any condition that causes left ventricular dysfunction, such as myocardial ischemia or valvular disease, may also raise levels. In patients with chronic kidney disease, reduced excretion may also lead to elevated BNP levels. Conversely, treatment with ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-2 receptor blockers, and diuretics can lower BNP levels.

      BNP has several effects, including vasodilation, diuresis, natriuresis, and suppression of both sympathetic tone and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Clinically, BNP is useful in diagnosing patients with acute dyspnea. A low concentration of BNP (<100 pg/mL) makes a diagnosis of heart failure unlikely, but elevated levels should prompt further investigation to confirm the diagnosis. Currently, NICE recommends BNP as a helpful test to rule out a diagnosis of heart failure. In patients with chronic heart failure, initial evidence suggests that BNP is an extremely useful marker of prognosis and can guide treatment. However, BNP is not currently recommended for population screening for cardiac dysfunction.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 79 - A 73-year-old woman is admitted to the acute surgical unit with profuse vomiting....


    • A 73-year-old woman is admitted to the acute surgical unit with profuse vomiting. Admission bloods show the following:

      Na+ 131 mmol/l
      K+ 2.2 mmol/l
      Urea 3.1 mmol/l
      Creatinine 56 mol/l
      Glucose 4.3 mmol/l

      What ECG feature is most likely to be seen in this patient?

      Your Answer: J waves

      Correct Answer: U waves


      Hypokalaemia, a condition characterized by low levels of potassium in the blood, can be detected through ECG features. These include the presence of U waves, small or absent T waves (which may occasionally be inverted), a prolonged PR interval, ST depression, and a long QT interval. The ECG image provided shows typical U waves and a borderline PR interval. To remember these features, one user suggests the following rhyme: In Hypokalaemia, U have no Pot and no T, but a long PR and a long QT.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 80 - A 40-year-old male patient complains of shortness of breath, weight loss, and night...


    • A 40-year-old male patient complains of shortness of breath, weight loss, and night sweats for the past six weeks. Despite being generally healthy, he is experiencing these symptoms. During the examination, the patient's fingers show clubbing, and his temperature is 37.8°C. His pulse is 88 beats per minute, and his blood pressure is 128/80 mmHg. Upon listening to his heart, a pansystolic murmur is audible. What signs are likely to be found in this patient?

      Your Answer: Pulsus paradoxus

      Correct Answer: Splinter haemorrhages


      Symptoms and Diagnosis of Infective Endocarditis

      This individual has a lengthy medical history of experiencing night sweats and has developed clubbing of the fingers, along with a murmur. These symptoms are indicative of infective endocarditis. In addition to splinter hemorrhages in the nails, other symptoms that may be present include Roth spots in the eyes, Osler’s nodes and Janeway lesions in the palms and fingers of the hands, and splenomegaly instead of cervical lymphadenopathy. Cyanosis is not typically associated with clubbing and may suggest idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or cystic fibrosis in younger individuals. However, this individual has no prior history of cystic fibrosis and has only been experiencing symptoms for six weeks.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 81 - Sophie, a 6-week-old baby, presents to the emergency department for evaluation. Her mother...


    • Sophie, a 6-week-old baby, presents to the emergency department for evaluation. Her mother has observed that Sophie has been experiencing shortness of breath for the past 3 weeks, particularly during feeding. Sophie was born at 36 weeks and her mother reports no other issues since birth.

      During the examination, a continuous machinery murmur with a left-sided sub-clavicular thrill is detected, and a diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus is made. Surgery is not deemed necessary, but a medication that inhibits prostaglandin synthesis is recommended.

      What is the most probable pharmacological treatment that will be offered?

      Your Answer: Dexamethasone

      Correct Answer: Indomethacin


      The inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in infants with patent ductus arteriosus is achieved through the use of indomethacin. This medication (or ibuprofen) is effective in promoting closure of the ductus arteriosus by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis.

      Beta-blockers such as bisoprolol are not used in the management of PDA, making this answer incorrect.

      Steroids like dexamethasone and prednisolone are not typically used in the treatment of PDA, although they may be given to the mother if premature delivery is expected. Therefore, these answers are also incorrect.

      Understanding Patent Ductus Arteriosus

      Patent ductus arteriosus is a type of congenital heart defect that is generally classified as ‘acyanotic’. However, if left uncorrected, it can eventually result in late cyanosis in the lower extremities, which is termed differential cyanosis. This condition is caused by a connection between the pulmonary trunk and descending aorta. Normally, the ductus arteriosus closes with the first breaths due to increased pulmonary flow, which enhances prostaglandins clearance. However, in some cases, this connection remains open, leading to patent ductus arteriosus.

      This condition is more common in premature babies, those born at high altitude, or those whose mothers had rubella infection in the first trimester. The features of patent ductus arteriosus include a left subclavicular thrill, continuous ‘machinery’ murmur, large volume, bounding, collapsing pulse, wide pulse pressure, and heaving apex beat.

      The management of patent ductus arteriosus involves the use of indomethacin or ibuprofen, which are given to the neonate. These medications inhibit prostaglandin synthesis and close the connection in the majority of cases. If patent ductus arteriosus is associated with another congenital heart defect amenable to surgery, then prostaglandin E1 is useful to keep the duct open until after surgical repair. Understanding patent ductus arteriosus is important for early diagnosis and management of this condition.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 82 - A 79-year-old man has just noticed that his heart is beating irregularly. Upon...


    • A 79-year-old man has just noticed that his heart is beating irregularly. Upon examination, his pulse is found to be irregularly irregular with a rate of 56 bpm. What ECG findings would you anticipate?

      Your Answer: No P wave preceding each QRS complex


      Atrial Fibrillation and its Causes

      Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a condition characterized by irregular heartbeats due to the constant activity of the atria. This can lead to the absence of distinct P waves, making it difficult to diagnose. AF can be caused by various factors such as hyperthyroidism, alcohol excess, mitral stenosis, and fibrous degeneration. The primary risks associated with AF are strokes and cardiac failure. Blood clots can form in the atria due to the lack of atrial movement, which can then be distributed into the systemic circulation, leading to strokes. High rates of AF can also cause syncopal episodes and cardiac failure.

      The treatment of AF can be divided into controlling the rate or rhythm. If the rhythm cannot be controlled reliably, long-term anticoagulation with warfarin may be necessary to reduce the risk of stroke, depending on other risk factors. Bifid P waves are associated with hypertrophy of the left atrium, while regular P waves with no relation to QRS complexes are seen in complete heart block. Small P waves can be seen in hypokalaemia.

      In cases of AF with shock, immediate medical attention is necessary, and emergency drug or electronic cardioversion may be needed. the causes and risks associated with AF is crucial in managing the condition and preventing complications.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 83 - An 80-year-old man arrives at the emergency department complaining of chest pain, sweating,...


    • An 80-year-old man arrives at the emergency department complaining of chest pain, sweating, and nausea. His ECG reveals ST elevation. Which phase of the cardiac action potential does this correspond to? The ST segment of the ECG represents a period of sluggish calcium influx in the cardiac action potential.

      Your Answer: Phase 0

      Correct Answer: Phase 2


      The ST segment in the ECG is caused by the slow influx of calcium during phase 2 of the cardiac action potential. Understanding the cardiac action potential is important for interpreting the electrical activity of the heart as reflected in the ECG waveform. The QRS complex represents rapid depolarisation, the ST segment represents the plateau phase, and the T wave represents repolarisation.

      Understanding the Cardiac Action Potential and Conduction Velocity

      The cardiac action potential is a series of electrical events that occur in the heart during each heartbeat. It is responsible for the contraction of the heart muscle and the pumping of blood throughout the body. The action potential is divided into five phases, each with a specific mechanism. The first phase is rapid depolarization, which is caused by the influx of sodium ions. The second phase is early repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The third phase is the plateau phase, which is caused by the slow influx of calcium ions. The fourth phase is final repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The final phase is the restoration of ionic concentrations, which is achieved by the Na+/K+ ATPase pump.

      Conduction velocity is the speed at which the electrical signal travels through the heart. The speed varies depending on the location of the signal. Atrial conduction spreads along ordinary atrial myocardial fibers at a speed of 1 m/sec. AV node conduction is much slower, at 0.05 m/sec. Ventricular conduction is the fastest in the heart, achieved by the large diameter of the Purkinje fibers, which can achieve velocities of 2-4 m/sec. This allows for a rapid and coordinated contraction of the ventricles, which is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. Understanding the cardiac action potential and conduction velocity is crucial for diagnosing and treating heart conditions.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 84 - A 79-year-old man arrives at the emergency department with severe, crushing chest pain....


    • A 79-year-old man arrives at the emergency department with severe, crushing chest pain. His ECG reveals ST-segment elevation in leads V1-4. What electrical state of the heart is likely to be impacted based on his ECG findings?

      Your Answer: The time between the onset of atrial depolarisation and the onset of ventricular depolarisation

      Correct Answer: The period when the entire ventricle is depolarised


      The ST segment on an ECG represents the time when the ventricles are fully depolarized, occurring between the QRS complex and the T wave. The P wave represents atrial depolarization, while the PR interval represents the time between atrial and ventricular depolarization. The QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization, and the T wave represents repolarization. Overall, the ECG reflects the various electrical states of the heart.

      Understanding the Normal ECG

      The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a diagnostic tool used to assess the electrical activity of the heart. The normal ECG consists of several waves and intervals that represent different phases of the cardiac cycle. The P wave represents atrial depolarization, while the QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization. The ST segment represents the plateau phase of the ventricular action potential, and the T wave represents ventricular repolarization. The Q-T interval represents the time for both ventricular depolarization and repolarization to occur.

      The P-R interval represents the time between the onset of atrial depolarization and the onset of ventricular depolarization. The duration of the QRS complex is normally 0.06 to 0.1 seconds, while the duration of the P wave is 0.08 to 0.1 seconds. The Q-T interval ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 seconds depending upon heart rate. At high heart rates, the Q-T interval is expressed as a ‘corrected Q-T (QTc)’ by taking the Q-T interval and dividing it by the square root of the R-R interval.

      Understanding the normal ECG is important for healthcare professionals to accurately interpret ECG results and diagnose cardiac conditions. By analyzing the different waves and intervals, healthcare professionals can identify abnormalities in the electrical activity of the heart and provide appropriate treatment.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 85 - A 65-year-old man was effectively cardioverted for an unstable broad complex tachycardia. The...


    • A 65-year-old man was effectively cardioverted for an unstable broad complex tachycardia. The physician opts to initiate oral amiodarone at 200 mg thrice daily, and gradually decrease at weekly intervals until a maintenance dose of 200 mg once daily.

      What is the rationale behind this dosing plan?

      Your Answer: For monitoring of adverse effects as an inpatient

      Correct Answer: Amiodarone has a very long half-life


      Amiodarone’s long half-life is due to its high lipophilicity and extensive tissue absorption, resulting in reduced bioavailability in serum. To achieve stable therapeutic levels, a prolonged loading regimen is necessary.

      To quickly achieve therapeutic levels, high doses of oral amiodarone are required due to poor absorption. Once achieved, a once-daily regimen can be continued. Amiodarone’s plasma half-life ranges from 20 to 100 days, meaning its effects persist long after discontinuation. Patients should be counseled on this and advised to recognize adverse effects and avoid drugs that interact with amiodarone even after stopping it.

      The statement that amiodarone has a short half-life is incorrect; it has a long half-life.

      Patients do not need to stay admitted for monitoring during the loading regimen. However, thyroid and liver function tests should be performed every 6 months for up to 12 months after discontinuation due to the long half-life.

      Amiodarone is excreted via the liver and biliary system, not rapidly metabolized and eliminated by the kidneys. Therefore, patients with amiodarone overdose or toxicity are not suitable for dialysis.

      Amiodarone is a medication used to treat various types of abnormal heart rhythms. It works by blocking potassium channels, which prolongs the action potential and helps to regulate the heartbeat. However, it also has other effects, such as blocking sodium channels. Amiodarone has a very long half-life, which means that loading doses are often necessary. It should ideally be given into central veins to avoid thrombophlebitis. Amiodarone can cause proarrhythmic effects due to lengthening of the QT interval and can interact with other drugs commonly used at the same time. Long-term use of amiodarone can lead to various adverse effects, including thyroid dysfunction, corneal deposits, pulmonary fibrosis/pneumonitis, liver fibrosis/hepatitis, peripheral neuropathy, myopathy, photosensitivity, a ‘slate-grey’ appearance, thrombophlebitis, injection site reactions, and bradycardia. Patients taking amiodarone should be monitored regularly with tests such as TFT, LFT, U&E, and CXR.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 86 - Which ions are responsible for the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential...


    • Which ions are responsible for the plateau phase of the cardiac action potential in stage 2?

      Your Answer: Calcium in, potassium out


      The Phases of Cardiac Action Potential

      The cardiac action potential is a complex process that involves four distinct phases. The first phase, known as phase 0 or the depolarisation phase, is initiated by the opening of fast Na channels, which allows an influx of Na ions into the cell. This influx of positively charged ions creates a positive current that rapidly depolarises the cell membrane.

      In the second phase, known as phase 1 or initial repolarisation, the fast Na channels close, causing a brief period of repolarisation. This is followed by phase 2 or the plateau phase, which is characterised by the opening of K and Ca channels. The influx of calcium ions into the cell is balanced by the efflux of potassium ions, resulting in a net neutral current.

      The final phase, phase 3 or repolarisation, is initiated by the closure of Ca channels, which causes a net negative current as K+ ions continue to leave the cell. It is important to note that the inward movement of sodium alone would not result in a plateau, as it represents a positive current. The normal action of the sodium-potassium pump involves the inward movement of potassium combined with the outward movement of sodium.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 87 - Mrs. Smith is a 75-year-old woman who presents to the emergency department with...


    • Mrs. Smith is a 75-year-old woman who presents to the emergency department with progressive shortness of breath over the past 5 days. Last night she woke up suddenly because she couldn't catch her breath and developed a dry cough. Her breathing improved when she sat upright on the edge of her bed. She denies any chest pain, leg pain or fainting spells.

      Her past medical history includes a myocardial infarction 5 years ago for which she underwent a coronary artery bypass graft, hypertension and type 2 diabetes. She has been smoking for 30 years and doesn't drink any alcohol.

      What is the most likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Myocardial infarction

      Correct Answer: Left-sided heart failure


      The likely diagnosis for a patient experiencing paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea is left-sided heart failure. This symptom, which involves sudden waking at night due to shortness of breath, is a common feature of heart failure, particularly on the left side. Aortic dissection, myocardial infarction, and pulmonary embolism are unlikely diagnoses as they present with different symptoms. Right-sided heart failure is also an unlikely diagnosis as it presents with different features such as raised JVP, ankle oedema, and hepatomegaly.

      Features of Chronic Heart Failure

      Chronic heart failure is a condition that affects the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively. It is characterized by several features that can help in its diagnosis. Dyspnoea, or shortness of breath, is a common symptom of chronic heart failure. Patients may also experience coughing, which can be worse at night and accompanied by pink or frothy sputum. Orthopnoea, or difficulty breathing while lying down, and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, or sudden shortness of breath at night, are also common symptoms.

      Another feature of chronic heart failure is the presence of a wheeze, known as a cardiac wheeze. Patients may also experience weight loss, known as cardiac cachexia, which occurs in up to 15% of patients. However, this may be hidden by weight gained due to oedema. On examination, bibasal crackles may be heard, and signs of right-sided heart failure, such as a raised JVP, ankle oedema, and hepatomegaly, may be present.

      In summary, chronic heart failure is a condition that can be identified by several features, including dyspnoea, coughing, orthopnoea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, wheezing, weight loss, bibasal crackles, and signs of right-sided heart failure. Early recognition and management of these symptoms can help improve outcomes for patients with chronic heart failure.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 88 - A 67-year-old woman arrives at the emergency department complaining of palpitations. Upon examination,...


    • A 67-year-old woman arrives at the emergency department complaining of palpitations. Upon examination, her ECG reveals tall tented T waves. What causes the distinctive shape of the T wave, which corresponds to phase 3 of the cardiac action potential?

      Your Answer: Slow depolarisation due to influx of sodium

      Correct Answer: Repolarisation due to efflux of potassium


      Understanding the Cardiac Action Potential and Conduction Velocity

      The cardiac action potential is a series of electrical events that occur in the heart during each heartbeat. It is responsible for the contraction of the heart muscle and the pumping of blood throughout the body. The action potential is divided into five phases, each with a specific mechanism. The first phase is rapid depolarization, which is caused by the influx of sodium ions. The second phase is early repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The third phase is the plateau phase, which is caused by the slow influx of calcium ions. The fourth phase is final repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The final phase is the restoration of ionic concentrations, which is achieved by the Na+/K+ ATPase pump.

      Conduction velocity is the speed at which the electrical signal travels through the heart. The speed varies depending on the location of the signal. Atrial conduction spreads along ordinary atrial myocardial fibers at a speed of 1 m/sec. AV node conduction is much slower, at 0.05 m/sec. Ventricular conduction is the fastest in the heart, achieved by the large diameter of the Purkinje fibers, which can achieve velocities of 2-4 m/sec. This allows for a rapid and coordinated contraction of the ventricles, which is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. Understanding the cardiac action potential and conduction velocity is crucial for diagnosing and treating heart conditions.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 89 - As a medical student in a cardiology clinic, you encounter a 54-year-old woman...


    • As a medical student in a cardiology clinic, you encounter a 54-year-old woman who has been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation by her GP after experiencing chest pain for 12 hours. She informs you that she had a blood clot in her early 30s following lower limb surgery and was previously treated with warfarin. Her CHA2DS2‑VASc score is 3. What is the first-line anticoagulant recommended to prevent future stroke in this patient?

      Your Answer: Low molecular weight heparin

      Correct Answer: Edoxaban


      According to the 2021 NICE guidelines on preventing stroke in individuals with atrial fibrillation, DOACs should be the first-line anticoagulant therapy offered. The correct answer is ‘edoxaban’. ‘Aspirin’ is not appropriate for managing atrial fibrillation as it is an antiplatelet agent. ‘Low molecular weight heparin’ and ‘unfractionated heparin’ are not recommended for long-term anticoagulation in this case as they require subcutaneous injections.

      Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a condition that requires careful management, including the use of anticoagulation therapy. The latest guidelines from NICE recommend assessing the need for anticoagulation in all patients with a history of AF, regardless of whether they are currently experiencing symptoms. The CHA2DS2-VASc scoring system is used to determine the most appropriate anticoagulation strategy, with a score of 2 or more indicating the need for anticoagulation. However, it is important to ensure a transthoracic echocardiogram has been done to exclude valvular heart disease, which is an absolute indication for anticoagulation.

      When considering anticoagulation therapy, doctors must also assess the patient’s bleeding risk. NICE recommends using the ORBIT scoring system to formalize this risk assessment, taking into account factors such as haemoglobin levels, age, bleeding history, renal impairment, and treatment with antiplatelet agents. While there are no formal rules on how to act on the ORBIT score, individual patient factors should be considered. The risk of bleeding increases with a higher ORBIT score, with a score of 4-7 indicating a high risk of bleeding.

      For many years, warfarin was the anticoagulant of choice for AF. However, the development of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) has changed this. DOACs have the advantage of not requiring regular blood tests to check the INR and are now recommended as the first-line anticoagulant for patients with AF. The recommended DOACs for reducing stroke risk in AF are apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban, and rivaroxaban. Warfarin is now used second-line, in patients where a DOAC is contraindicated or not tolerated. Aspirin is not recommended for reducing stroke risk in patients with AF.

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      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 90 - A 45-year-old patient presents to the emergency department with increasing dyspnea on exertion...


    • A 45-year-old patient presents to the emergency department with increasing dyspnea on exertion and swelling in both legs. A recent outpatient echocardiogram revealed a left ventricular ejection fraction of 31%. During chest examination, an extra heart sound is detected just prior to the first.

      What is the cause of this additional heart sound?

      Your Answer: Atria contracting forcefully to overcome an abnormally stiff ventricle


      The presence of S4, which sounds like a ‘gallop rhythm’, can be heard after S2 and in conjunction with a third heart sound. However, if the ventricles are contracting against a stiffened aorta, it would not produce a significant heart sound during this phase of the cardiac cycle. Any sound that may be heard in this scenario would occur between the first and second heart sounds during systole, and it would also cause a raised pulse pressure and be visible on chest X-ray as calcification. Delayed closure of the aortic valve could cause a split second heart sound, but it would appear around the time of S2, not before S1. On the other hand, retrograde flow of blood from the right ventricle into the right atrium, known as tricuspid regurgitation, would cause a systolic murmur instead of an additional isolated heart sound. This condition is often caused by infective endocarditis in intravenous drug users or a history of rheumatic fever.

      Heart sounds are the sounds produced by the heart during its normal functioning. The first heart sound (S1) is caused by the closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves, while the second heart sound (S2) is due to the closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves. The intensity of these sounds can vary depending on the condition of the valves and the heart. The third heart sound (S3) is caused by the diastolic filling of the ventricle and is considered normal in young individuals. However, it may indicate left ventricular failure, constrictive pericarditis, or mitral regurgitation in older individuals. The fourth heart sound (S4) may be heard in conditions such as aortic stenosis, HOCM, and hypertension, and is caused by atrial contraction against a stiff ventricle. The different valves can be best heard at specific sites on the chest wall, such as the left second intercostal space for the pulmonary valve and the right second intercostal space for the aortic valve.

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      • Cardiovascular System


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