Question 1
A 30-year-old man presents to you with complaints of numbness and pain in his hands and feet since this morning. He had visited for gastroenteritis 2 weeks ago. On examination, he has a bilateral reduction in power of 3/5 in his upper and lower limbs. He has no history of any other medical conditions and is usually in good health. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Guillain-Barre syndrome
Explanation:Guillain-Barre syndrome is a condition where the immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system, leading to demyelination. It is often triggered by an infection and causes rapidly advancing ascending motor neuropathy. Proximal muscles are more affected than distal muscles.
A stroke or transient ischaemic attack usually has a sudden onset and causes unilateral symptoms such as facial droop, arm weakness, and slurred speech.
Raynaud’s disease causes numbness and pain in the fingers and toes, typically in response to cold weather or stress.
Understanding Guillain-Barre Syndrome: Symptoms and Features
Guillain-Barre syndrome is a condition that affects the peripheral nervous system and is caused by an immune-mediated demyelination. It is often triggered by an infection, with Campylobacter jejuni being a common culprit. The initial symptoms of the illness include back and leg pain, which is experienced by around 65% of patients. The characteristic feature of Guillain-Barre syndrome is a progressive, symmetrical weakness of all the limbs, with the weakness typically starting in the legs and ascending upwards. Reflexes are reduced or absent, and sensory symptoms tend to be mild, with very few sensory signs.
Other features of Guillain-Barre syndrome may include a history of gastroenteritis, respiratory muscle weakness, cranial nerve involvement, diplopia, bilateral facial nerve palsy, oropharyngeal weakness, and autonomic involvement. Autonomic involvement may manifest as urinary retention or diarrhea. Less common findings may include papilloedema, which is thought to be secondary to reduced CSF resorption.
To diagnose Guillain-Barre syndrome, a lumbar puncture may be performed, which can reveal a rise in protein with a normal white blood cell count (albuminocytologic dissociation) in 66% of cases. Nerve conduction studies may also be conducted, which can show decreased motor nerve conduction velocity due to demyelination, prolonged distal motor latency, and increased F wave latency. Understanding the symptoms and features of Guillain-Barre syndrome is crucial for prompt diagnosis and treatment.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 2
A 35-year-old man visits his primary care physician complaining of dysuria and frequent urination since yesterday. He has also observed that his urine is cloudy and has a foul odor. He has no flank pain and is in good health overall. He has never had these symptoms before. Upon urinalysis, nitrites and leukocytes are detected. What is the most suitable initial treatment?
Your Answer: Nitrofurantoin for 7 days
Explanation:If a man presents with symptoms of a lower UTI such as dysuria and urinary frequency, and urinalysis confirms the diagnosis with the presence of nitrates and leucocytes, treatment with either trimethoprim or nitrofurantoin is recommended. However, if there is suspicion of prostatitis or an upper UTI, referral to a specialist may be necessary. It is important to note that men require a 7-day course of antibiotics for lower UTIs, and recurrence may require further evaluation by a Urologist. Women, on the other hand, may be treated with a 3-day course of antibiotics for lower UTIs.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in adults and can affect different parts of the urinary tract. The management of UTIs depends on various factors such as the patient’s age, gender, and pregnancy status. For non-pregnant women, local antibiotic guidelines should be followed if available. Trimethoprim or nitrofurantoin for three days are recommended by NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries. However, if the patient is aged over 65 years or has visible or non-visible haematuria, a urine culture should be sent. Pregnant women with UTIs should be treated with nitrofurantoin, amoxicillin, or cefalexin for seven days. Trimethoprim should be avoided during pregnancy as it is teratogenic in the first trimester. Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women should also be treated to prevent progression to acute pyelonephritis. Men with UTIs should be offered a seven-day course of trimethoprim or nitrofurantoin unless prostatitis is suspected. A urine culture should be sent before antibiotics are started. Catheterised patients should not be treated for asymptomatic bacteria, but if symptomatic, a seven-day course of antibiotics should be given. Acute pyelonephritis requires hospital admission and treatment with a broad-spectrum cephalosporin or quinolone for 10-14 days. Referral to urology is not routinely required for men who have had one uncomplicated lower UTI.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Renal Medicine/Urology
Question 3
A 39-year-old male patient comes to the clinic complaining of scrotal swelling and discomfort that has been going on for three months. Upon examination, there is swelling on one side of the scrotum that illuminates when light is shone on it. The swelling is soft and painless, and the testis cannot be fully felt due to the presence of fluid. What is the best next step to take?
Your Answer: Refer urgently for testicular ultrasound
Explanation:An ultrasound is necessary for adult patients with a hydrocele to rule out any underlying causes, such as a tumor. Although the most common cause of a non-acute hydrocele is unknown, it is crucial to exclude malignancy first. Therefore, providing reassurance or reevaluating the patient at a later time would only be appropriate after a testicular ultrasound has ruled out cancer. Testicular biopsy should not be used to investigate suspected testicular cancer as it may spread the malignancy through seeding along the needle’s track. While a unilateral hydrocele may be an uncommon presentation of a renal carcinoma invading the renal vein, a CTAP would not be the initial investigation in this case. If malignancy is confirmed, CT may be useful in staging the malignancy.
A hydrocele is a condition where fluid accumulates within the tunica vaginalis. There are two types of hydroceles: communicating and non-communicating. Communicating hydroceles occur when the processus vaginalis remains open, allowing peritoneal fluid to drain into the scrotum. This type of hydrocele is common in newborn males and usually resolves within a few months. Non-communicating hydroceles occur when there is excessive fluid production within the tunica vaginalis. Hydroceles can develop secondary to conditions such as epididymo-orchitis, testicular torsion, or testicular tumors.
The main feature of a hydrocele is a soft, non-tender swelling of the hemi-scrotum that is usually located anterior to and below the testicle. The swelling is confined to the scrotum and can be transilluminated with a pen torch. If the hydrocele is large, the testis may be difficult to palpate. Diagnosis can be made clinically, but ultrasound is necessary if there is any doubt about the diagnosis or if the underlying testis cannot be palpated.
Management of hydroceles depends on the severity of the presentation. Infantile hydroceles are generally repaired if they do not resolve spontaneously by the age of 1-2 years. In adults, a conservative approach may be taken, but further investigation, such as an ultrasound, is usually warranted to exclude any underlying cause, such as a tumor.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Renal Medicine/Urology
Question 4
A 62-year-old man is admitted to the Acute Medical Ward with lower back pain. He has a past medical history of prostate cancer and hypertension. His pain radiates down the left leg and he has reduced power in that leg. He also has a reduced anal tone. The lumbar spine X-ray shows no obvious fracture and there is no history of trauma.
Given the likely diagnosis of metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC), he was referred urgently for oncological and neurosurgical assessment.
Which medication is the patient most likely to be started on?Your Answer: High-dose dexamethasone
Explanation:Treatment Options for Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression
Metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) is a serious condition that requires urgent medical attention. Red flags for lower back pain include associated lower limb pain, limb weakness, paraesthesia/numbness, and reduced perianal tone. If these features are present, especially in a patient with an oncological past medical history, urgent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should be performed to rule out spinal cord compression.
Patients with MSCC should be referred urgently to the oncology and neurosurgical teams for immediate treatment and consideration of surgical intervention to relieve the compression. Management should include high-dose oral dexamethasone and urgent oncological assessment for consideration of radiotherapy or surgery. Diclofenac is not indicated in MSCC treatment, and high-dose prednisolone is not the corticosteroid of choice.
Intravenous ceftriaxone is not effective in treating MSCC, as it is used to treat meningitis. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy is also not indicated in MSCC treatment, as it is used to treat conditions such as immune thrombocytopenia, Kawasaki disease, and Guillain–Barré syndrome.
In conclusion, early recognition and prompt treatment of MSCC are crucial to prevent permanent neurological damage. High-dose dexamethasone and urgent oncological assessment for consideration of radiotherapy or surgery are the recommended treatment options for MSCC.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 5
A 67-year-old woman comes to the clinic complaining of experiencing electric shock-like pains on the right side of her face for the past two months. She reports having 10-20 episodes per day, each lasting for 30-60 seconds. She recently had a dental check-up, which was normal. Upon neurological examination, no abnormalities were found. What is the most appropriate initial treatment?
Your Answer: Amitriptyline
Correct Answer: Carbamazepine
Explanation:Carbamazepine is the first-line treatment for trigeminal neuralgia.
Understanding Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia is a type of pain syndrome that is characterized by severe pain on one side of the face. While most cases are idiopathic, some may be caused by compression of the trigeminal roots due to tumors or vascular problems. According to the International Headache Society, trigeminal neuralgia is defined as a disorder that causes brief electric shock-like pains that are limited to one or more divisions of the trigeminal nerve. The pain is often triggered by light touch, such as washing, shaving, or brushing teeth, and can occur spontaneously. Certain areas of the face, such as the nasolabial fold or chin, may be more susceptible to pain. The pain may also remit for varying periods.
Red flag symptoms and signs that suggest a serious underlying cause include sensory changes, ear problems, a history of skin or oral lesions that could spread perineurally, pain only in the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, optic neuritis, a family history of multiple sclerosis, and onset before the age of 40.
The first-line treatment for trigeminal neuralgia is carbamazepine. If there is a failure to respond to treatment or atypical features are present, such as onset before the age of 50, referral to neurology is recommended. Understanding the symptoms and management of trigeminal neuralgia is important for proper diagnosis and treatment.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 6
A 50-year-old woman presents to the Emergency Department with sudden, painless loss of vision in her right eye. On examination, fundoscopy reveals a pale retina with a cherry-red spot at the macula in her right eye. Her left eye is normal.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Central retinal-artery occlusion (CRAO)
Explanation:Differentiating Eye Conditions: A Brief Overview
Central retinal-artery occlusion (CRAO) is characterized by a sudden loss of vision due to the lack of blood supply to the inner layer of the retina. On fundoscopy, the retina appears pale with a ‘cherry-red spot’ at the macula.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of irreversible vision loss in the developed world. However, deterioration in vision is usually gradual in AMD unless there is a retinal haemorrhage, which would be seen on fundoscopy.
Central retinal-vein occlusion (CRVO) results in retinal hypoxia and is characterized by tortuous vessels, retinal-vein engorgement, haemorrhages, cotton-wool spots, and optic disc swelling.
Glaucoma is a progressive optic neuropathy that can result in irreversible loss of nerve fibres if left untreated. On fundoscopy, you may see ‘cupping of the optic disc or an increased cup-to-disc ratio.
Retinal detachment refers to the separation of the inner layers of the retina from the underlying retinal pigment epithelium. It may present with four Fs: floaters, flashing lights (photopsia), field loss, and fall in visual acuity. Retinal detachment is one of the most time-critical eye emergencies encountered in the emergency setting.
In summary, understanding the different presentations and fundoscopic findings of these eye conditions is crucial in making an accurate diagnosis and providing appropriate management.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ophthalmology
Question 7
A young girl from a nomadic group has been diagnosed with measles. What is the potential immediate complication she may face following the initial infection?
Your Answer: Arthritis
Correct Answer: Pneumonia
Explanation:Pneumonia is a possible complication of measles, while subacute sclerosing panencephalitis may develop 5-10 years after the illness. Mumps infection may lead to pancreatitis and infertility.
Measles: A Highly Infectious Viral Disease
Measles is a viral disease caused by an RNA paramyxovirus. It is one of the most infectious known viruses and is spread through aerosol transmission. The disease has an incubation period of 10-14 days and is infective from the prodromal phase until four days after the rash starts. Measles is now rare in developed countries due to immunization programs, but outbreaks can occur when vaccination rates drop, such as during the MMR controversy of the early 2000s.
The disease is characterized by a prodromal phase, which includes irritability, conjunctivitis, fever, and Koplik spots. The latter typically develop before the rash and are white spots on the buccal mucosa. The rash starts behind the ears and then spreads to the whole body, becoming a discrete maculopapular rash that may become blotchy and confluent. Desquamation may occur after a week, typically sparing the palms and soles. Diarrhea occurs in around 10% of patients.
Measles is mainly managed through supportive care, and admission may be considered in immunosuppressed or pregnant patients. The disease is notifiable, and public health should be informed. Complications of measles include otitis media, pneumonia (the most common cause of death), encephalitis (typically occurring 1-2 weeks following the onset of the illness), subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (very rare, may present 5-10 years following the illness), febrile convulsions, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal ulceration, diarrhea, increased incidence of appendicitis, and myocarditis.
If an unimmunized child comes into contact with measles, MMR should be offered within 72 hours. Vaccine-induced measles antibody develops more rapidly than that following natural infection.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Paediatrics
Question 8
A 75-year-old man presents to his GP with persistent itch that has been bothering him for several months. The itch is widespread, affecting his torso and back, and he has not noticed any changes in his skin or overall health. Despite having an extensive medical history, there have been no recent changes to his medications. Upon examination, there are no focal skin changes other than widespread excoriation marks. The GP suspects that a systemic condition may be the underlying cause of the patient's itch. Based on his medical history, which of the following conditions is most likely to be responsible for his symptoms?
Your Answer: Hyperlipidaemia
Correct Answer: Chronic kidney disease
Explanation:Pruritus is a symptom of chronic kidney disease, which can cause severe itching and distress for patients. Even in the early stages of the disease, hyperuricemia can lead to intense itchiness.
Causes of Pruritus and their Characteristics
Pruritus, commonly known as itching, can be caused by various underlying conditions. Liver disease, often associated with a history of alcohol excess, can present with stigmata of chronic liver disease such as spider naevi, bruising, palmar erythema, and gynaecomastia. Iron deficiency anaemia can cause pallor and other signs such as koilonychia, atrophic glossitis, post-cricoid webs, and angular stomatitis. Pruritus in polycythaemia is particularly noticeable after a warm bath and is accompanied by a ruddy complexion. Chronic kidney disease can present with lethargy, pallor, oedema, weight gain, hypertension, and fatigue. Lymphoma can cause night sweats, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and fatigue. Other causes of pruritus include hyper- and hypothyroidism, diabetes, pregnancy, senile pruritus, urticaria, and skin disorders such as eczema, scabies, psoriasis, and pityriasis rosea. It is important to identify the underlying cause of pruritus to provide appropriate treatment and alleviate symptoms.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 9
A 42-year-old woman requests a referral to the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic from her General Practitioner. She wishes to discuss the potential removal of unilateral nasal polyps which have failed to respond to a steroid nasal spray.
Which of the following conditions is most likely associated with this patient’s pathology?Your Answer: Kartagener syndrome
Explanation:Medical Conditions and Their Association with Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps are abnormal growths that develop in the lining of the nasal passages or sinuses. While they can occur in anyone, certain medical conditions may increase the likelihood of their development. Here are some medical conditions and their association with nasal polyps:
Kartagener Syndrome: This rare autosomal recessive condition is characterized by primary ciliary dyskinesia and situs inversus. Patients with this condition tend to develop chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis, recurrent chest and ENT infections, and nasal polyps.
Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia: This condition is characterized by fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations, and jaundice as a consequence of haemolysis driving high levels of bilirubin. However, it does not affect the nose and is not linked to nasal polyps.
Crohn’s Disease: This inflammatory bowel disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and can also cause extraintestinal manifestations such as arthritis, iritis, and rashes. However, nasal polyps are not associated with this condition.
Diabetes Mellitus: While nasal polyps are not associated with diabetes mellitus, other conditions including coeliac disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and thyroid dysfunction can all develop in affected individuals.
Hereditary Spherocytosis: This condition is characterized by abnormally shaped erythrocytes and symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath. Clinical signs include pallor, jaundice, and splenomegaly. However, nasal polyps are not associated with this condition.
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Question 10
What is the most commonly associated condition with primary sclerosing cholangitis?
Your Answer: Ulcerative colitis
Explanation:Understanding Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Primary sclerosing cholangitis is a condition that affects the bile ducts, causing inflammation and fibrosis. The cause of this disease is unknown, but it is often associated with ulcerative colitis, with 4% of UC patients having PSC and 80% of PSC patients having UC. Crohn’s disease and HIV are also less common associations. Symptoms of PSC include cholestasis, jaundice, pruritus, right upper quadrant pain, and fatigue. Diagnosis is typically made through endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) or magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), which show multiple biliary strictures giving a ‘beaded’ appearance. A liver biopsy may also be performed, but it has a limited role in diagnosis. Complications of PSC include cholangiocarcinoma in 10% of cases and an increased risk of colorectal cancer.
Overall, understanding primary sclerosing cholangitis is important for early diagnosis and management of the disease. With proper treatment and monitoring, patients can manage their symptoms and reduce the risk of complications.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology/Nutrition
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