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  • Question 1 - Which muscle is innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve? ...


    • Which muscle is innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve?

      Your Answer: Brachialis


      The musculocutaneous nerve innervates the following muscles: Biceps brachii, Brachialis, and Coracobrachialis.

      The Musculocutaneous Nerve: Function and Pathway

      The musculocutaneous nerve is a nerve branch that originates from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus. Its pathway involves penetrating the coracobrachialis muscle and passing obliquely between the biceps brachii and the brachialis to the lateral side of the arm. Above the elbow, it pierces the deep fascia lateral to the tendon of the biceps brachii and continues into the forearm as the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm.

      The musculocutaneous nerve innervates the coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, and brachialis muscles. Injury to this nerve can cause weakness in flexion at the shoulder and elbow. Understanding the function and pathway of the musculocutaneous nerve is important in diagnosing and treating injuries or conditions that affect this nerve.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurological System
  • Question 2 - A patient's ECG displays broad complex QRS complexes, indicating a possible ventricular origin...


    • A patient's ECG displays broad complex QRS complexes, indicating a possible ventricular origin issue or aberrant conduction. What is the typical resting membrane potential of ventricular contractile fibers in the heart?

      Your Answer: -90mV


      Understanding the Cardiac Action Potential and Conduction Velocity

      The cardiac action potential is a series of electrical events that occur in the heart during each heartbeat. It is responsible for the contraction of the heart muscle and the pumping of blood throughout the body. The action potential is divided into five phases, each with a specific mechanism. The first phase is rapid depolarization, which is caused by the influx of sodium ions. The second phase is early repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The third phase is the plateau phase, which is caused by the slow influx of calcium ions. The fourth phase is final repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The final phase is the restoration of ionic concentrations, which is achieved by the Na+/K+ ATPase pump.

      Conduction velocity is the speed at which the electrical signal travels through the heart. The speed varies depending on the location of the signal. Atrial conduction spreads along ordinary atrial myocardial fibers at a speed of 1 m/sec. AV node conduction is much slower, at 0.05 m/sec. Ventricular conduction is the fastest in the heart, achieved by the large diameter of the Purkinje fibers, which can achieve velocities of 2-4 m/sec. This allows for a rapid and coordinated contraction of the ventricles, which is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. Understanding the cardiac action potential and conduction velocity is crucial for diagnosing and treating heart conditions.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 3 - A 44-year-old woman arrives at the Emergency Department with intermittent sharp pain in...


    • A 44-year-old woman arrives at the Emergency Department with intermittent sharp pain in her right flank and haematuria. She reports feeling slightly nauseous, but otherwise feels well. She has a medical history of hyperparathyroidism, but has never experienced these symptoms before. Her body mass index is 28kg/m² and she admits to regularly consuming takeaways. During examination, she appears restless and exhibits tenderness in her right flank.

      What is the probable substance responsible for causing this patient's pain?

      Your Answer: Calcium phosphate

      Correct Answer: Calcium oxalate


      Renal stones are predominantly made up of calcium phosphate, and individuals with renal tubular acidosis are at a higher risk of developing them. Uric acid stones, which make up only 5-10% of cases, are often associated with malignancies.

      Renal stones can be classified into different types based on their composition. Calcium oxalate stones are the most common, accounting for 85% of all calculi. These stones are formed due to hypercalciuria, hyperoxaluria, and hypocitraturia. They are radio-opaque and may also bind with uric acid stones. Cystine stones are rare and occur due to an inherited recessive disorder of transmembrane cystine transport. Uric acid stones are formed due to purine metabolism and may precipitate when urinary pH is low. Calcium phosphate stones are associated with renal tubular acidosis and high urinary pH. Struvite stones are formed from magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate and are associated with chronic infections. The pH of urine can help determine the type of stone present, with calcium phosphate stones forming in normal to alkaline urine, uric acid stones forming in acidic urine, and struvate stones forming in alkaline urine. Cystine stones form in normal urine pH.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Renal System
  • Question 4 - A senior citizen with diabetes expresses their disapproval towards the health minister's use...


    • A senior citizen with diabetes expresses their disapproval towards the health minister's use of the terms incidence and prevalence of diabetes, stating that they are essentially the same thing. Do you share the patient's opinion that these terms hold similar meanings when it comes to chronic illnesses?

      Your Answer: No. In chronic disease prevalence is greater than incidence.


      It is common for health professionals to confuse the terms incidence and prevalence, but it is important to understand their distinct meanings. In chronic diseases, prevalence is typically higher than incidence, while in acute diseases, incidence is usually higher than prevalence. Therefore, the patient’s statement that incidence is greater than prevalence in chronic diseases is incorrect.

      Understanding Incidence and Prevalence

      Incidence and prevalence are two terms used to describe the frequency of a condition in a population. The incidence refers to the number of new cases per population in a given time period, while the prevalence refers to the total number of cases per population at a particular point in time. Prevalence can be further divided into point prevalence and period prevalence, depending on the time frame used to measure it.

      To calculate prevalence, one can use the formula prevalence = incidence * duration of condition. This means that in chronic diseases, the prevalence is much greater than the incidence, while in acute diseases, the prevalence and incidence are similar. For example, the incidence of the common cold may be greater than its prevalence.

      Understanding the difference between incidence and prevalence is important in epidemiology and public health, as it helps to identify the burden of a disease in a population and inform healthcare policies and interventions. By measuring both incidence and prevalence, researchers can track the spread of a disease over time and assess the effectiveness of prevention and treatment strategies.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 5 - A 55-year-old man comes in for his regular check-up with his GP. He...


    • A 55-year-old man comes in for his regular check-up with his GP. He has a medical history of chronic pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus and is currently taking the maximum doses of metformin and gliclazide. During a random plasma glucose test, his levels show 18.0 mmol/l and his urinalysis reveals glycosuria with minimal ketones. The GP suspects that his body is not producing enough insulin and decides to initiate insulin therapy. Can you identify the location in the body where insulin is produced?

      Your Answer: Pancreatic beta cells


      Diabetes mellitus in this patient is most likely caused by chronic pancreatitis, which has resulted in the destruction of the pancreatic endocrine cells responsible for producing endogenous insulin. These cells are located in the Islets of Langerhans and are known as pancreatic beta cells (β-cells). Other cells in the pancreas, such as alpha cells (which secrete glucagon) and delta cells (which secrete somatostatin), do not produce insulin. Similarly, gastric G cells secrete gastrin and are not involved in insulin production.

      Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that plays a crucial role in regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in the body. It works by causing cells in the liver, muscles, and fat tissue to absorb glucose from the bloodstream, which is then stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles or as triglycerides in fat cells. The human insulin protein is made up of 51 amino acids and is a dimer of an A-chain and a B-chain linked together by disulfide bonds. Pro-insulin is first formed in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of pancreatic beta cells and then cleaved to form insulin and C-peptide. Insulin is stored in secretory granules and released in response to high levels of glucose in the blood. In addition to its role in glucose metabolism, insulin also inhibits lipolysis, reduces muscle protein loss, and increases cellular uptake of potassium through stimulation of the Na+/K+ ATPase pump.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Endocrine System
  • Question 6 - A 4-week-old infant born in the UK presents to the emergency department with...


    • A 4-week-old infant born in the UK presents to the emergency department with a non-blanching rash that is rapidly progressing. The baby is irritable and has a fever. The initial diagnosis is meningitis, and further investigations are pending. What is the probable causative agent?

      Your Answer: Neisseria meningitidis

      Correct Answer: Group B streptococci


      Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi.

      Meningitis is a serious medical condition that can be caused by various types of bacteria. The causes of meningitis differ depending on the age of the patient and their immune system. In neonates (0-3 months), the most common cause of meningitis is Group B Streptococcus, followed by E. coli and Listeria monocytogenes. In children aged 3 months to 6 years, Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Haemophilus influenzae are the most common causes. For individuals aged 6 to 60 years, Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae are the primary causes. In those over 60 years old, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, and Listeria monocytogenes are the most common causes. For immunosuppressed individuals, Listeria monocytogenes is the primary cause of meningitis.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 7 - A 28-year-old pregnant woman discusses her varicose veins with her midwife. She has...


    • A 28-year-old pregnant woman discusses her varicose veins with her midwife. She has noticed these veins for a couple of weeks now, and they appeared during her pregnancy. Lately, she has observed red-brown discoloration around the veins on the back of her calf. What could be the probable root cause of this?

      Your Answer: Haemosiderin deposition


      The hyperpigmentation observed in patients with varicose eczema/venous ulcers is likely caused by haemosiderin deposition. This occurs when red blood cells burst due to venous stasis, leading to the release of haemoglobin which is stored as haemosiderin. The excess haemosiderin causes a local red-brown discolouration around areas of varicose veins.

      Acanthosis nigricans is an unlikely cause as it is associated with metabolic disorders and not varicose veins. Atrophie blanche describes hypopigmentation seen in venous ulcers, while lipodermatosclerosis causes thickening of the skin in varicose veins without changing the skin color. Melanoma, a skin cancer that causes dark discolouration, is unlikely to be associated with varicose veins and is an unlikely explanation for the observed discolouration on the back of the calf.

      Understanding Varicose Veins

      Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins that occur when the valves in the veins become weak or damaged, causing blood to flow backward and pool in the veins. They are most commonly found in the legs and can be caused by various factors such as age, gender, pregnancy, obesity, and genetics. While many people seek treatment for cosmetic reasons, others may experience symptoms such as aching, throbbing, and itching. In severe cases, varicose veins can lead to skin changes, bleeding, superficial thrombophlebitis, and venous ulceration.

      To diagnose varicose veins, a venous duplex ultrasound is typically performed to detect retrograde venous flow. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the condition. Conservative treatments such as leg elevation, weight loss, regular exercise, and compression stockings may be recommended for mild cases. However, patients with significant or troublesome symptoms, skin changes, or a history of bleeding or ulcers may require referral to a specialist for further evaluation and treatment. Possible treatments include endothermal ablation, foam sclerotherapy, or surgery.

      In summary, varicose veins are a common condition that can cause discomfort and cosmetic concerns. While many cases do not require intervention, it is important to seek medical attention if symptoms or complications arise. With proper diagnosis and treatment, patients can manage their condition and improve their quality of life.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 8 - A teenage girl is hospitalized with E-coli 0157 following a trip to Germany...


    • A teenage girl is hospitalized with E-coli 0157 following a trip to Germany during an outbreak. What statement about the condition is false?

      Your Answer: Plasmids typically confer antibiotic resistance.

      Correct Answer: Adults typically develop haemolytic uraemic syndome.


      This complication is typically developed by children.

      Gastroenteritis can occur either at home or while traveling abroad, which is known as travelers’ diarrhea. This type of diarrhea is characterized by at least three loose to watery stools in 24 hours, along with abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, vomiting, or blood in the stool. The most common cause of travelers’ diarrhea is Escherichia coli. Another type of illness is acute food poisoning, which is caused by the ingestion of a toxin and results in sudden onset of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and Clostridium perfringens are the typical causes of acute food poisoning.

      Different infections have stereotypical histories and presentations. Escherichia coli is common among travelers and causes watery stools, abdominal cramps, and nausea. Giardiasis results in prolonged, non-bloody diarrhea. Cholera causes profuse, watery diarrhea and severe dehydration resulting in weight loss, but it is not common among travelers. Shigella causes bloody diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Staphylococcus aureus causes severe vomiting with a short incubation period. Campylobacter usually starts with a flu-like prodrome and is followed by crampy abdominal pains, fever, and diarrhea, which may be bloody and may mimic appendicitis. Bacillus cereus has two types of illness: vomiting within six hours, typically due to rice, and diarrheal illness occurring after six hours. Amoebiasis has a gradual onset of bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and tenderness that may last for several weeks.

      The incubation period for different infections varies. Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus have an incubation period of 1-6 hours, while Salmonella and Escherichia coli have an incubation period of 12-48 hours. Shigella and Campylobacter have an incubation period of 48-72 hours, while Giardiasis and Amoebiasis have an incubation period of more than seven days. The vomiting subtype of Bacillus cereus has an incubation period of 6-14 hours, while the diarrheal illness has an incubation period of more than six hours.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 9 - Which option is false regarding the trigeminal nerve? ...


    • Which option is false regarding the trigeminal nerve?

      Your Answer: The maxillary nerve exits via the foramen rotundum

      Correct Answer: The posterior scalp is supplied by the trigeminal nerve


      The blood supply to the posterior scalp is provided by the C2-C3 nerves.

      The trigeminal nerve is the main sensory nerve of the head and also innervates the muscles of mastication. It has sensory distribution to the scalp, face, oral cavity, nose and sinuses, and dura mater, and motor distribution to the muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor tympani, and tensor palati. The nerve originates at the pons and has three branches: ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular. The ophthalmic and maxillary branches are sensory only, while the mandibular branch is both sensory and motor. The nerve innervates various muscles, including the masseter, temporalis, and pterygoids.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurological System
  • Question 10 - A 30-year-old expectant mother complains of feeling tired. During the examination, her nail...


    • A 30-year-old expectant mother complains of feeling tired. During the examination, her nail beds and conjunctiva appear pale, and her haemoglobin level is below 98 g/L, indicating significant anaemia. What is the recommended amount of dietary iron that pregnant women should consume?

      Your Answer: 2 mg

      Correct Answer: 15 mg


      Anaemia in Pregnancy

      During pregnancy, anaemia is a common occurrence due to various factors such as reduced absorption, fetal demand, and expansion of plasma volume. As the pregnancy progresses, maternal iron stores tend to become depleted. Although cessation of menstruation prevents iron loss, it is not enough to compensate for the additional fetal requirements. To address this, it is recommended that pregnant women consume 15 mg of dietary iron per day.

      It is important to routinely assess haemoglobin levels throughout each pregnancy. If haemoglobin levels are found to be less than 110 g/L, investigations and management should begin promptly. By monitoring haemoglobin levels and ensuring adequate iron intake, the risk of anaemia during pregnancy can be reduced, promoting better health outcomes for both the mother and the developing fetus.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Pharmacology
  • Question 11 - A 32-year-old man visits his doctor complaining of a leg that has been...


    • A 32-year-old man visits his doctor complaining of a leg that has been getting redder, hotter, and more swollen over the past three days. The doctor suspects cellulitis. As the immune system fights off the infection, it employs various mechanisms to eliminate foreign antigens. During the adaptive phase, which cells present antigens to Helper T cells?

      Your Answer: MHC II


      Helper T cells identify antigens that are displayed by MHC class II molecules. These molecules are exclusively present on professional antigen presenting cells like B cells. During the humoral response, B cells present antigens to Helper T cells (CD4+).

      In the humoral response, B7, a protein found on antigen presenting cells, is a component of the second signal.

      MHC I molecules present antigens to cytotoxic T cells during an intracellular response.

      CD40 is a receptor that is present on B cells. During the humoral response, CD40 ligand (which is present on T Helper cells) binds to CD40 as part of the second signal.

      The adaptive immune response involves several types of cells, including helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells, B cells, and plasma cells. Helper T cells are responsible for the cell-mediated immune response and recognize antigens presented by MHC class II molecules. They express CD4, CD3, TCR, and CD28 and are a major source of IL-2. Cytotoxic T cells also participate in the cell-mediated immune response and recognize antigens presented by MHC class I molecules. They induce apoptosis in virally infected and tumor cells and express CD8 and CD3. Both helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells mediate acute and chronic organ rejection.

      B cells are the primary cells of the humoral immune response and act as antigen-presenting cells. They also mediate hyperacute organ rejection. Plasma cells are differentiated from B cells and produce large amounts of antibody specific to a particular antigen. Overall, these cells work together to mount a targeted and specific immune response to invading pathogens or abnormal cells.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 12 - A 5-year-old male is referred to a paediatrician for recurrent seizures. He is...


    • A 5-year-old male is referred to a paediatrician for recurrent seizures. He is observed to have poor cognitive performance and is significantly lagging behind his peers in school. During chest examination, a pansystolic murmur is detected on the left sternal edge, and he displays an unusual facial appearance. Blood tests reveal hypocalcaemia, hyperphosphataemia, and low parathyroid hormone levels. The paediatrician suspects Di George syndrome and orders a test to determine the total number of T cells. Which cell surface marker is used to quantify the total T cell count?

      Your Answer: CD4

      Correct Answer: CD3


      The presence of CD3 on the surface of all T cells makes it a useful marker for determining the total number of T cells. Individuals with Di George syndrome, which is characterized by underdevelopment of the thymus, typically have low CD3 counts. CD4 is a cell surface marker specific to T helper cells, while CD5 is commonly found in mantle cell lymphomas. CD8, on the other hand, is a cell surface marker present on cytotoxic T cells.

      Cell Surface Proteins and Their Functions

      Cell surface proteins play a crucial role in identifying and distinguishing different types of cells. The table above lists the most common cell surface markers associated with particular cell types, such as CD34 for haematopoietic stem cells and CD19 for B cells. Meanwhile, the table below describes the major clusters of differentiation (CD) molecules and their functions. For instance, CD3 is the signalling component of the T cell receptor (TCR) complex, while CD4 is a co-receptor for MHC class II and is used by HIV to enter T cells. CD56, on the other hand, is a unique marker for natural killer cells, while CD95 acts as the FAS receptor and is involved in apoptosis.

      Understanding the functions of these cell surface proteins is crucial in various fields, such as immunology and cancer research. By identifying and targeting specific cell surface markers, researchers can develop more effective treatments for diseases and disorders.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 13 - A 32-year-old overweight woman comes to you complaining of a severe headache that...


    • A 32-year-old overweight woman comes to you complaining of a severe headache that is affecting both sides of her head. She also reports blurred vision in her left eye. Upon examination, you notice papilloedema and a CNVI palsy in her left eye. Her blood pressure is 160/100 mmHg, and she is currently taking the combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP). What is the probable diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension


      The correct answer is: Headache, blurred vision, papilloedema, and CNVI palsy in a young, obese female on COCP are highly indicative of idiopathic intracranial hypertension. PKD may lead to hypertension and rupture of a berry aneurysm, but it would present with stroke-like symptoms. The presence of a berry aneurysm on its own would not cause any symptoms. Acute-angle closure glaucoma would present with a painful acute red eye and vomiting.

      Understanding Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

      Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, also known as pseudotumour cerebri, is a medical condition that is commonly observed in young, overweight females. The condition is characterized by a range of symptoms, including headache, blurred vision, and papilloedema, which is usually present. Other symptoms may include an enlarged blind spot and sixth nerve palsy.

      There are several risk factors associated with idiopathic intracranial hypertension, including obesity, female sex, pregnancy, and certain drugs such as the combined oral contraceptive pill, steroids, tetracyclines, vitamin A, and lithium.

      Management of idiopathic intracranial hypertension may involve weight loss, diuretics such as acetazolamide, and topiramate, which can also cause weight loss in most patients. Repeated lumbar puncture may also be necessary, and surgery may be required to prevent damage to the optic nerve. This may involve optic nerve sheath decompression and fenestration, or a lumboperitoneal or ventriculoperitoneal shunt to reduce intracranial pressure.

      It is important to note that if intracranial hypertension is thought to occur secondary to a known cause, such as medication, it is not considered idiopathic. Understanding the risk factors and symptoms associated with idiopathic intracranial hypertension can help individuals seek appropriate medical attention and management.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurological System
  • Question 14 - A 55-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with cellulitis. The physician initiates...


    • A 55-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with cellulitis. The physician initiates fluid and antibiotic therapy upon observing significant inflammation in her leg. What are the four primary indicators of inflammation to assess during the examination?

      Your Answer: Erythema, swelling, heat and pain


      Cornelius Celsus, in the 1st century AD, identified the four primary indicators of inflammation as erythema, swelling, heat, and pain.

      Acute inflammation is a response to cell injury in vascularized tissue. It is triggered by chemical factors produced in response to a stimulus, such as fibrin, antibodies, bradykinin, and the complement system. The goal of acute inflammation is to neutralize the offending agent and initiate the repair process. The main characteristics of inflammation are fluid exudation, exudation of plasma proteins, and migration of white blood cells.

      The vascular changes that occur during acute inflammation include transient vasoconstriction, vasodilation, increased permeability of vessels, RBC concentration, and neutrophil margination. These changes are followed by leukocyte extravasation, margination, rolling, and adhesion of neutrophils, transmigration across the endothelium, and migration towards chemotactic stimulus.

      Leukocyte activation is induced by microbes, products of necrotic cells, antigen-antibody complexes, production of prostaglandins, degranulation and secretion of lysosomal enzymes, cytokine secretion, and modulation of leukocyte adhesion molecules. This leads to phagocytosis and termination of the acute inflammatory response.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 15 - A 55-year-old man presents to the clinic with a one-month history of progressive...


    • A 55-year-old man presents to the clinic with a one-month history of progressive burning and tingling sensations in his hands and feet. He enjoys restoring antique cars as a hobby. The patient has no known medical conditions and is not taking any medications. He does not smoke or drink alcohol. His blood pressure is 110/75 mmHg, and his pulse is 72/min. The palms and soles of his feet have hyperkeratosis and scaling. There is weakness in ankle plantarflexion and dorsiflexion, as well as in the interossei and wrist flexors and extensors.

      The following are the patient's laboratory results:
      Hb 100 g/L Male: (135-180)
      Female: (115 - 160)
      Platelets 1.2 * 109/L (150 - 400)
      WBC 4.1 * 109/L (4.0 - 11.0)

      What is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?

      Your Answer: Arsenic poisoning


      If a patient presents with painful sensorimotor polyneuropathy, skin lesions (including hypo- and hyperpigmented and hyperkeratotic lesions), pancytopenia, and mild transaminase elevation, it is important to consider the possibility of arsenic toxicity. This is especially true if the patient has a history of exposure to antique wood. Chronic exposure to arsenic can cause a specific type of neuropathy that affects the hands and feet, causing burning, pain, hypersensitivity, weakness, and reduced reflexes. Later on, patients may develop hyperkeratosis and scaling on the palms and soles.

      It is important to differentiate arsenic toxicity from other conditions that can cause similar symptoms. Chronic lead poisoning can also cause neuropathy, but it typically presents with microcytic anemia and does not cause skin changes. Vitamin A deficiency can cause xerophthalmia, night blindness, and follicular hyperkeratosis, but it is not associated with polyneuropathy. Vitamin D deficiency can cause bone pain, myopathy, and an increased risk of fractures.

      Heavy metal poisoning is the accumulation of heavy metals in the soft tissues of the body, which can be caused by ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through the skin or mucous membranes. The most commonly linked metals to poisoning are lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, but other metals like iron, thallium, and bismuth may also be implicated. Heavy metal poisoning is rare in the UK, and the incidence of lead poisoning has decreased in affluent countries due to the removal of lead paint. The symptoms and signs of heavy metal poisoning depend on the metal involved, but fatigue, nausea, and vomiting are common. Arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium poisoning are the most commonly encountered, and each has its own set of symptoms and signs. Investigations may include a full history, examination, blood and urine levels, and X-rays.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 16 - A public health doctor is researching the efficacy of a new exercise program...


    • A public health doctor is researching the efficacy of a new exercise program for individuals over the age of 60 in her region. She gathers exercise data on two groups, one of which participated in the program, and one which did not. At the end of the study, she records how many individuals in each group had improved their physical fitness.

      Which statistical method would be most appropriate to assess the efficacy of the exercise program?

      Your Answer: Weighted correlation coefficient

      Correct Answer: Chi-squared test


      The Chi-squared test is utilized to compare proportions or percentages, such as comparing the percentage of patients who improved following two different interventions. It assesses whether there is a statistically significant difference between continuous data in two distinct categories. This test is useful in determining whether video-based smoking led to a significant change in the number of people who quit smoking compared to those who received the standard smoking cessation leaflet.

      The Pearson correlation coefficient is used to indicate whether a correlation exists between two sets of continuous data. It produces a value between -1 and 1, where a value below zero indicates a negative correlation and above zero indicates a positive correlation. However, it is not useful for comparing data in two separate categories.

      Regression analysis is a statistical modeling technique used to assess whether there is a relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Linear regression is the most common form of regression analysis. However, it is not used to compare two proportions or percentages.

      The weighted correlation coefficient is a variant of the Pearson correlation coefficient that adjusts particular observations for varying degrees of importance. However, this statistical method does not use weighting and is therefore not the correct answer.

      Types of Significance Tests

      Significance tests are used to determine whether the results of a study are statistically significant or simply due to chance. The type of significance test used depends on the type of data being analyzed. Parametric tests are used for data that can be measured and are usually normally distributed, while non-parametric tests are used for data that cannot be measured in this way.

      Parametric tests include the Student’s t-test, which can be paired or unpaired, and Pearson’s product-moment coefficient, which is used for correlation analysis. Non-parametric tests include the Mann-Whitney U test, which compares ordinal, interval, or ratio scales of unpaired data, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, which compares two sets of observations on a single sample. The chi-squared test is used to compare proportions or percentages, while Spearman and Kendall rank are used for correlation analysis.

      It is important to choose the appropriate significance test for the type of data being analyzed in order to obtain accurate and reliable results. By understanding the different types of significance tests available, researchers can make informed decisions about which test to use for their particular study.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 17 - A 9-month-old baby is presented to the emergency department by their mother with...


    • A 9-month-old baby is presented to the emergency department by their mother with recurrent seizures and an increasing head circumference. The infant has been experiencing excessive sleeping, vomiting, and irritability. An MRI scan of the brain reveals an enlarged posterior fossa and an absent cerebellar vermis. Which structure is anticipated to be in a raised position in this infant?

      Your Answer: Tentorium cerebelli


      The Dandy-Walker malformation causes an enlargement of the posterior fossa, resulting in an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid that pushes the tentorium cerebelli upwards. This can lead to symptoms due to the mass effect. The falx cerebri, pituitary gland, sphenoid sinus, and superior cerebellar peduncle are unlikely to be significantly affected by this condition.

      The Three Layers of Meninges

      The meninges are a group of membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, providing support to the central nervous system and the blood vessels that supply it. These membranes can be divided into three distinct layers: the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater.

      The outermost layer, the dura mater, is a thick fibrous double layer that is fused with the inner layer of the periosteum of the skull. It has four areas of infolding and is pierced by small areas of the underlying arachnoid to form structures called arachnoid granulations. The arachnoid mater forms a meshwork layer over the surface of the brain and spinal cord, containing both cerebrospinal fluid and vessels supplying the nervous system. The final layer, the pia mater, is a thin layer attached directly to the surface of the brain and spinal cord.

      The meninges play a crucial role in protecting the brain and spinal cord from injury and disease. However, they can also be the site of serious medical conditions such as subdural and subarachnoid haemorrhages. Understanding the structure and function of the meninges is essential for diagnosing and treating these conditions.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurological System
  • Question 18 - Samantha is an 80-year-old woman who has been experiencing painless obstructive jaundice. Upon...


    • Samantha is an 80-year-old woman who has been experiencing painless obstructive jaundice. Upon investigation, a malignancy is discovered. The surgeon recommends a Whipple's procedure to remove the malignancy.

      What type of malignancy is the most probable diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Adenocarcinoma


      Ductal adenocarcinoma is the most frequently occurring type of pancreatic cancer, particularly in the head of the pancreas. Endocrine tumors of the pancreas are uncommon.

      Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that is often diagnosed late due to its non-specific symptoms. The majority of pancreatic tumors are adenocarcinomas and are typically found in the head of the pancreas. Risk factors for pancreatic cancer include increasing age, smoking, diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma, and mutations in the BRCA2 and KRAS genes.

      Symptoms of pancreatic cancer can include painless jaundice, pale stools, dark urine, and pruritus. Courvoisier’s law states that a palpable gallbladder is unlikely to be due to gallstones in the presence of painless obstructive jaundice. However, patients often present with non-specific symptoms such as anorexia, weight loss, and epigastric pain. Loss of exocrine and endocrine function can also occur, leading to steatorrhea and diabetes mellitus. Atypical back pain and migratory thrombophlebitis (Trousseau sign) are also common.

      Ultrasound has a sensitivity of around 60-90% for detecting pancreatic cancer, but high-resolution CT scanning is the preferred diagnostic tool. The ‘double duct’ sign, which is the simultaneous dilatation of the common bile and pancreatic ducts, may be seen on imaging.

      Less than 20% of patients with pancreatic cancer are suitable for surgery at the time of diagnosis. A Whipple’s resection (pancreaticoduodenectomy) may be performed for resectable lesions in the head of the pancreas, but side-effects such as dumping syndrome and peptic ulcer disease can occur. Adjuvant chemotherapy is typically given following surgery, and ERCP with stenting may be used for palliation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal System
  • Question 19 - A 50-year-old male is brought to the trauma unit following a car accident,...


    • A 50-year-old male is brought to the trauma unit following a car accident, with an estimated blood loss of 1200ml. His vital signs are as follows: heart rate of 125 beats per minute, blood pressure of 125/100 mmHg, and he feels cold to the touch.

      Which component of his cardiovascular system has played the biggest role in maintaining his blood pressure stability?

      Your Answer: Arteries

      Correct Answer: Arterioles


      The highest resistance in the cardiovascular system is found in the arterioles, which means they contribute the most to the total peripheral resistance. In cases of compensated hypovolaemic shock, such as in this relatively young patient, the body compensates by increasing heart rate and causing peripheral vasoconstriction to maintain blood pressure.

      Arteriole vasoconstriction in hypovolaemic shock patients leads to an increase in total peripheral resistance, which in turn increases mean arterial blood pressure. This has a greater effect on diastolic blood pressure, resulting in a narrowing of pulse pressure and clinical symptoms such as cold peripheries and delayed capillary refill time.

      Capillaries are microscopic channels that provide blood supply to the tissues and are the primary site for gas and nutrient exchange. Venules, on the other hand, are small veins with diameters ranging from 8-100 micrometers and join multiple capillaries exiting from a capillary bed.

      The heart has four chambers and generates pressures of 0-25 mmHg on the right side and 0-120 mmHg on the left. The cardiac output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, typically 5-6L per minute. The cardiac impulse is generated in the sino atrial node and conveyed to the ventricles via the atrioventricular node. Parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers project to the heart via the vagus and release acetylcholine and noradrenaline, respectively. The cardiac cycle includes mid diastole, late diastole, early systole, late systole, and early diastole. Preload is the end diastolic volume and afterload is the aortic pressure. Laplace’s law explains the rise in ventricular pressure during the ejection phase and why a dilated diseased heart will have impaired systolic function. Starling’s law states that an increase in end-diastolic volume will produce a larger stroke volume up to a point beyond which stroke volume will fall. Baroreceptor reflexes and atrial stretch receptors are involved in regulating cardiac output.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 20 - You have been asked to prepare a presentation for the geriatric journal club...


    • You have been asked to prepare a presentation for the geriatric journal club on a novel drug in the treatment of osteoporosis.

      You find a relevant recent systematic review and meta-analysis which combines data from multiple randomized controlled trials investigating the effectiveness of the novel drug on bone mineral density in elderly patients with osteoporosis.

      A figure in the meta-analysis shows each study as a dot on a plot where the x-axis represents the effect size for each study and the y-axis is the standard error of the effect size for each study.

      What is the name of the figure?

      Your Answer: Forest plot

      Correct Answer: Funnel plot


      A forest plot is a graphical representation of the results of multiple studies on a particular topic. It displays the effect size and confidence intervals for each study, with a diamond at the bottom indicating the average effect size. On the other hand, a Kaplan-Meier curve is a visual representation of a survival function, showing the probability of an event occurring at a given time. The y-axis typically represents the probability of survival, while the x-axis represents time.

      Understanding Funnel Plots in Meta-Analyses

      Funnel plots are graphical representations used to identify publication bias in meta-analyses. These plots typically display treatment effects on the horizontal axis and study size on the vertical axis. The shape of the funnel plot can provide insight into the presence of publication bias. A symmetrical, inverted funnel shape suggests that publication bias is unlikely. On the other hand, an asymmetrical funnel shape indicates a relationship between treatment effect and study size, which may be due to publication bias or systematic differences between smaller and larger studies (known as small study effects).

      In summary, funnel plots are a useful tool for identifying potential publication bias in meta-analyses. By examining the shape of the plot, researchers can gain insight into the relationship between treatment effect and study size, and determine whether further investigation is necessary to ensure the validity of their findings.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles


Neurological System (3/4) 75%
Cardiovascular System (2/3) 67%
Renal System (0/1) 0%
General Principles (3/9) 33%
Endocrine System (1/1) 100%
Pharmacology (0/1) 0%
Gastrointestinal System (1/1) 100%