Question 1
A 60-year-old man has consistently elevated levels of white blood cells in the blood, despite several courses of antibiotics. His full blood count done (FBC) today shows: Hb: 9.1 g/dL, Plts: 250 x 10^9/L, WCC: 32.2 x 10^9/L, Neutrophils: 28.1 x 10^9/L. However, he has at no point shown signs of any infection. The consultant suggests contacting the haematology department for ascertaining the leucocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP) score. Out of the following, which related condition would have a high LAP score?
Your Answer: Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
Correct Answer: Leukemoid reaction
Explanation:Leukemoid reaction has a high LAP score.
Leukemoid reaction refers to leucocytosis occurring as a physiological response to stress or infection which may be mistaken for leukaemia, especially chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). Leucocytosis occurs, initially, because of accelerated release of cells from the bone marrow and is associated with increased count of more immature neutrophils in the blood (left-shift). In order to differentiate, LAP score is used. Leukocytic alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity is high in a leukemoid reaction but low in CML.
LAP score is high in:
1. Leukemoid reaction
2. Infections
3. Myelofibrosis
4. Polycythaemia rubra vera
5. Steroids, Cushing’s syndrome
6. Pregnancy, oral contraceptive pillLAP score is low in:
1. CML
2. Pernicious anaemia
3. Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH)
4. Infectious mononucleosis -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology & Oncology
Question 2
A 31 year old female complains of bilateral proximal muscle weakness. There is marked blanching of fingers especially in response to cold weather. Lab results are as follows: Anti Jo-1: positive, ANA: positive, CK: 2000 U/L, ESR: 60mm/hr, EMG: myopathic changes. Presence of which of the following signifies the worst prognosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Interstitial lung disease
Explanation:Polymyositis is an inflammatory disorder causing symmetrical, proximal muscle weakness. It is thought to be a T-cell mediated cytotoxic process directed against muscle fibres. It may be idiopathic or associated with connective tissue disorders. It may also be associated with malignancy for example small cell lung carcinoma.
Dermatomyositis is a variant of the disease where skin manifestations are prominent, for example a purple (heliotrope) rash on the cheeks and eyelids.
It typically affects middle-aged, female: male 3:1. Features include proximal muscle weakness +/- tenderness, Raynaud’s phenomenon, respiratory muscle weakness, interstitial lung disease: e.g. fibrosing alveolitis or organising pneumonia, dysphagia, dysphonia. Investigations: elevated creatine kinase, other muscle enzymes (lactate dehydrogenase (LD), aldolase, AST and ALT) are also elevated in 85-95% of patients, EMG, muscle biopsy. Anti-Jo-1 antibodies are seen in pattern of disease associated with lung involvement, Raynaud’s and fever. Interstitial lung disease plays a major role in morbidity and mortality in patients with polymyositis and is considered a major risk factor for premature death in patients with myositis. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Rheumatology
Question 3
A 50 yr. old smoker with a history of hypertension presented with acute severe chest pain and acute myocardial infarction was diagnosed. Which of the following is a contraindication for thrombolysis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: History of likely ischaemic stroke within the past month
Explanation:Absolute contraindications for fibrinolytic use in STEMI
Prior intracranial haemorrhage (ICH)
Known structural cerebral vascular lesion
Known malignant intracranial neoplasm
Ischemic stroke within 3 months
Suspected aortic dissection
Active bleeding or bleeding diathesis (excluding menses)
Significant closed head trauma or facial trauma within 3 months
Intracranial or intraspinal surgery within 2 months
Severe uncontrolled hypertension (unresponsive to emergency therapy)
For streptokinase, prior treatment within the previous 6 months -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiology
Question 4
There are number of diseases that have to be notified to the consultant responsible for communicable disease control. Which of the following conditions does not belong to above category?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Pneumococcal pneumonia
Explanation:There are number of diseases that have to be notified to relevant authorities to prevent or reduce their spread. Those conditions include Cholera, Diphtheria, Food poisoning, Infectious bloody diarrhoea, Malaria, Measles, Meningococcal septicaemia, Mumps, Plague, Rabies and Rubella.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Infectious Diseases
Question 5
A 45-year-old female develops profuse watery diarrhoea with lower abdominal pain seven days after undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Pseudomembranous colitis
Explanation:Pseudomembranous colitis is caused by a C. difficile infection that causes membranes to form on the colon wall. It is caused most commonly by broad-spectrum antibiotics. This would include cephalosporins, broad-spectrum penicillin, and clindamycin. Macrolides and quinolones have also been reported as potential aetiologies, but much less commonly. This woman would have received antibiotics prophylactically before her surgery, predisposing her to a possible c difficile infection. This is a much better answer choice than pseudo obstruction, abdominal sepsis, bile acid diarrhoea, and campylobacter gastroenteritis simply based on history of present illness.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology
Question 6
A 57 year old homeless man presents with fever and a productive cough which has green sputum with streaks of blood. A chest x-ray reveals consolidation in the right upper lobe with evidence of cavitation. He is a known alcoholic. What is the most likely causative agent?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Klebsiella Pneumoniae
Explanation:Infection with Klebsiella organisms occurs in the lungs, where they cause destructive changes. Necrosis, inflammation, and haemorrhage occur within lung tissue, sometimes producing a thick, bloody, mucoid sputum described as currant jelly sputum.
The illness typically affects middle-aged and older men with debilitating diseases such as alcoholism, diabetes, or chronic bronchopulmonary disease. An increased tendency exists toward abscess formation, cavitation, empyema, and pleural adhesions. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Respiratory
Question 7
A 70 year old thyroid cancer patient is admitted due to dyspnoea. Which investigation should be done to assess for possible compression of the upper airways?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Flow volume loop
Explanation:Flow-volume loop is an easy, non-invasive diagnostic tool that can be used even in severely-ill patients. It can provide information about the location of the obstruction and can differentiate between obstructive pulmonary disease and upper-airway obstruction. Therefore, it is recommended to obtain a flow-volume loop during the assessment of patients with upper airway obstruction.
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- Respiratory
Question 8
A study is performed to assess a new proton pump inhibitor (PPI) in 120 elderly patients who are receiving aspirin. A control group of 240 elderly patients is given the standard PPI. The final evaluation after five years revealed that 24 individuals receiving the new PPI experienced an upper GI bleed. What is the absolute risk reduction if 60 individuals receiving the standard PPI experienced the same condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 5%
Explanation:Absolute risk reduction (ARR) – also called risk difference (RD) – is the most useful way of presenting research results to help your decision-making. Absolute risk reduction = (Control event rate) – (Experimental event rate) = 0.05 = 5% reduction
This question is part of the following fields:
- Clinical Sciences
Question 9
A 28-year-old woman is evaluated in the endocrinology clinic for increased urine output. She weighs 60 kg and has a 24-hour urine output of 3500 ml. Her basal urine osmolality is 210 mOsm/kg. She undergoes a fluid deprivation test and her urine osmolality after fluid deprivation (loss of weight 3 kg) is 650 mOsm/kg. Subsequent injection of subcutaneous DDAVP (desmopressin acetate) did not result in a further significant rise of urine osmolality after 2 hours (655 mOsm/kg). Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Primary polydipsia
Explanation:In central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (DI), urinary osmolality will be less than 300 mOsm/kg after water deprivation. After the administration of ADH, the osmolality will rise to more than 750 mOsm/kg in central DI but will not rise at all in nephrogenic DI.
In primary polydipsia, water deprivation results in an increase in urine osmolality, anywhere between 300 – 800 mOsm/Kg (usually up to 600 – 700 mOsm/Kg), without a substantial increase in plasma osmolality, but the increase in urine osmolality is not as substantial as in a normal response.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Endocrinology
Question 10
A 41 year old man who has had two episodes of pneumonia in succession and an episode of haemoptysis is observed to have paroxysms of coughing and increasing wheezing. A single lesion which is well-defined is seen in the lower right lower lobe on a chest x-ray. There is no necrosis but biopsy shows numerous abnormal cells, occasional nuclear pleomorphism and absent mitoses. Which diagnosis fits the clinical presentation?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Bronchial carcinoid
Explanation:Bronchial carcinoids are uncommon, slow growing, low-grade, malignant neoplasms, comprising 1-2% of all primary lung cancers.
It is believed to be derived from surface of bronchial glandular epithelium. Mostly located centrally, they produce symptoms and signs of bronchial obstruction such as localized wheeze, non resolving recurrent pneumonitis, cough, chest pain, and fever. Haemoptysis is present in approximately 50% of the cases due to their central origin and hypervascularity.
Central bronchial carcinoids are more common than the peripheral type and are seen as endobronchial nodules or hilar/perihilar mass closely related to the adjacent bronchus. Chest X-ray may not show the central lesion depending on how small it is. -
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- Respiratory
Question 11
A 28 year old woman presents with lethargy, arthralgia and cough. Over the past three weeks she has also developed painful erythematous nodules on both shins. Respiratory examination is normal. A chest x-ray is performed which is reported as follows: Bilateral mediastinal nodal enlargement. No evidence of lung parenchymal disease. Normal cardiac size. Given the likely diagnosis, what would be the most appropriate course of action?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Observation
Explanation:Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that affects one or more organs but most commonly affects the lungs and lymph glands. The inflammation may change the normal structure and possibly the function of the affected organ(s).
The presentation in sarcoidosis varies with the extent and severity of organ involvement, as follows:
Asymptomatic (incidentally detected on chest imaging): Approximately 5% of cases.
Systemic complaints (fever, anorexia): 45% of cases
Pulmonary complaints (dyspnoea on exertion, cough, chest pain, and haemoptysis [rare]): 50% of casesLöfgren syndrome (fever, bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, and polyarthralgias): Common in Scandinavian patients, but uncommon in African-American and Japanese patients.
Dermatologic manifestations may include the following:
– Erythema nodosum
– A lower-extremity panniculitis with painful, erythematous nodules (often with Löfgren syndrome)
– Lupus pernio (the most specific associated cutaneous lesion)
– Violaceous rash on the cheeks or nose (common)
– Maculopapular plaques (uncommon)Staging of sarcoidosis is as follows:
Stage 0: Normal chest radiographic findings
Stage I: Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
Stage II: Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and infiltrates
Stage III: Infiltrates alone
Stage IV: FibrosisNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are indicated for the treatment of arthralgias and other rheumatic complaints. Patients with stage I sarcoidosis often require only occasional treatment with NSAIDs.
Treatment in patients with pulmonary involvement is as follows:
Asymptomatic patients may not require treatment
In patients with minimal symptoms, serial re-evaluation is prudent
Treatment is indicated for patients with significant respiratory symptoms
Corticosteroids can produce small improvements in the functional vital capacity and in the radiographic appearance in patients with more severe stage II and III disease.This patient has Stage 1 Sarcoidosis so observation is the most appropriate action.
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- Respiratory
Question 12
An 18-year-old woman has been diagnosed with human papillomavirus infection. What is the most significant long-term risk following this infection?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Cervical cancer
Explanation:Human-papilloma virus (HPV) can lead to cervical cancer. There are many different types, but the types associated with cervical cancer most commonly are 16, 18, 31, 33, and 35. The vaccination against HPV protects against the most common types of HPV that are seen in cervical cancer and is recommended for children/young teens. Cervical cancer has a clear association with HPV, making this the best answer over all of the other answer choices.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Infectious Diseases
Question 13
An elderly man presents with complaints of a chronic cough with haemoptysis and night sweats on a few nights per week for the past four months. He is known to smoke 12 cigarettes per day and he had previously undergone treatment for Tuberculosis seven years ago. His blood pressure was found to be 143/96mmHg and he is mildly pyrexial 37.5°C. Evidence of consolidation affecting the right upper lobe was also found. Investigations; Hb 11.9 g/dL, WCC 11.1 x109/L, PLT 190 x109/L, Na+ 138 mmol/L, K+ 4.8 mmol/L, Creatinine 105 μmol/L, CXR Right upper lobe cavitating lesion Aspergillus precipitins positive Which of the following is most likely the diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Aspergilloma
Explanation:An aspergilloma is a fungus ball (mycetoma) that develops in a pre-existing cavity in the lung parenchyma. Underlying causes of the cavitary disease may include treated tuberculosis or other necrotizing infection, sarcoidosis, cystic fibrosis, and emphysematous bullae. The ball of fungus may move within the cavity but does not invade the cavity wall. Aspergilloma may manifest as an asymptomatic radiographic abnormality in a patient with pre-existing cavitary lung disease due to sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, or other necrotizing pulmonary processes. In patients with HIV disease, aspergilloma may occur in cystic areas resulting from prior Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia. Of patients with aspergilloma, 40-60% experience haemoptysis, which may be massive and life threatening. Less commonly, aspergilloma may cause cough and fever.
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- Respiratory
Question 14
A 53-year-old female teacher asks about hormone replacement therapy (HRT). What is the most compelling indication for starting HRT?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Control of vasomotor symptoms such as flushing
Explanation:Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) involves the use of a small dose of oestrogen, combined with a progestogen (in women with a uterus), to help alleviate menopausal symptoms. The main indication is the control of vasomotor symptoms. The other indications, such as reversal of vaginal atrophy and prevention of osteoporosis, should be treated with other agents as first-line therapies.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology
Question 15
A 14-year-old boy presents with a rash on his buttocks and extensor surfaces following a sore throat. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP)
Explanation:Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) rashes are commonly found on the legs, feet, and buttocks while Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) rashes manifest predominantly on the lower legs. HSP happens following a sore throat while ITP usually happens following an URTI or Flu. HSP is an inflammation of a blood vessel (vasculitis) while ITP is immune mediated insufficiency of platelets.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 16
A 44-year-old woman is investigated for hot flushes and night sweats. Her blood tests show a significantly raised FSH level and her symptoms are attributed to menopause. Following discussions with the patient, she elects to have hormone replacement treatment. What is the most significant risk of prescribing an oestrogen-only preparation rather than a combined oestrogen-progestogen preparation?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Increased risk of endometrial cancer
Explanation:The use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) based on unopposed oestrogen increases the risk of endometrial cancer, and uterine hyperplasia or cancer.
Evidence from randomized controlled studies showed a definite association between HRT and uterine hyperplasia and cancer. HRT based on unopposed oestrogen is associated with this observed risk, which is unlike the increased risk of breast cancer linked with combined rather than unopposed HRT. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Endocrinology
Question 17
A 64-year-old woman presents with malaise, ankle swelling and shortness of breath. Her blood pressure is 215/140 mmHg, she has +2 peripheral oedema and the skin over her fingers appears very tight. Fundoscopy discloses bilateral papilledema. Plasma creatinine concentration is 370 μmol/l, potassium is 4.9 mmol/l, haemoglobin is 8.9 g/dl and her platelet count is 90 x 109 /ml. What is the pathological hallmark of this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Mucoid intimal thickening of vascular endothelium
Explanation:The history is suggestive of scleroderma renal crisis, where we would expect thrombotic microangiopathy process with vascular endothelium involvement manifesting as mucoid intimal thickening or onion skin effect.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Nephrology
Question 18
A 33 year old female presents with dyspnoea, myalgia, arthralgia and a skin rash. The presence of which of the following antibodies would be the most specific for SLE?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Anti-Sm
Explanation:Anti-Sm antibodies are essential for diagnosis of SLE, especially in anti-dsDNA-negative patients. ANA are also found in 95% of the patients with SLE but they may also occur with other conditions like Juvenile inflammatory arthritis, chronic activity hepatitis, and Sjogren’s syndrome. Anti-Ro, although also found with SLE are more characteristic of Sjogren Syndrome. RF is usually associated with rheumatoid arthritis and cANCA with Wegener’s granulomatosis, Churg Strauss, and microscopic polyangiitis.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Rheumatology
Question 19
A 32 year old man presents with blistering and hyperpigmentation on his face and hands, after a beach holiday with friends. Tests reveal high levels of uroporphyrinogen in the urine. The most likely diagnosis is:
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Porphyria cutanea tarda
Explanation:Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is the most common of the porphyries. It is characterised by fragility and blistering of exposed skin. Typically, patients who are ultimately diagnosed with PCT first seek treatment following the development photosensitivities in the form of blisters and erosions on commonly exposed areas of the skin. This is usually observed in the face, hands, forearms, and lower legs. It heals slowly and with scarring. Though blisters are the most common skin manifestations of PCT, other skin manifestations like hyperpigmentation (as if they are getting a tan) and hypertrichosis (mainly on top of the cheeks) also occur. Risk factors for the development of PCT include alcohol and sun.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 20
A patient has been diagnosed with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis and is currently bring treated with rifampicin, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide. He is commenced on streptomycin. Which among the following is the most likely neurological side-effect of streptomycin?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Vestibular damage
Explanation:Vestibular damage is a neurological side effect of streptomycin.
Streptomycin is an aminoglycoside bactericidal antibiotic. It is used in the treatment of tularaemia and resistant mycobacterial infections.
The most common neurological side-effect is vestibular damage leading to vertigo and vomiting.
Cochlear damage is less frequent and results in deafness.
Other side-effects include rashes, angioneurotic oedema, and nephrotoxicity. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology
Question 21
A 56-year-old woman has a family history of haemochromatosis and is homozygous for the C282Y mutation. Her ferritin is 927 mg/L (normal range 15-150), haemoglobin 12.5 g/dL (normal range 11.5-16) and aspartate aminotransferase 87 U/L (normal range <40). Which is the best course of action?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Weekly venesection to drop her ferritin into the low-normal range
Explanation:Venesection should be done (essentially blood-letting) to decrease the too-high ferratin level. IV Desterrioxamine would have the opposite effect. ASA does not have to do with ferritin. You do not just watch this and recheck. And you do not want to make the patient anaemic.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology
Question 22
Which among the following antihypertensives is centrally acting?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Moxonidine
Explanation:Moxonidine and alpha-methyl dopa are centrally acting antihypertensives and modify blood pressure through modifying sympathetic activity.
Other options:
Verapamil is a calcium antagonist.
Minoxidil and hydralazine are both vasodilators.
Phenoxybenzamine is an alpha-blocker.Adverse effects:
Dry mouth and somnolence were the most frequently reported adverse events, followed by headache, dizziness, nausea and allergic skin reactions. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology
Question 23
In which part of the body is conjugated bilirubin metabolised to urobilinogen?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Large intestine
Explanation:Urobiligen is produced by the action of bacteria on bilirubin in the intestine. As a reminder, unconjugated bilirubin becomes conjugated in the hepatocyte. Conjugated bilirubin goes through enterohepatic circulation. About half of the urobiligen is reabsorbed and excreted by the kidneys in the urine. The rest is converted to stercobilinogen –> stercobilin, which is excreted in stool, giving it its brown colour.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology
Question 24
Which one of the following skin conditions is matched correctly with its treatment?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Psoriasis and Vitamin D analogues
Explanation:One of the options of Psoriasis treatment is vitamin D analogues i.e. calcipotriol. Acne is exacerbated by steroids. Erythema nodosum can be caused by various diseases and the treatment of the primary condition resolves the symptoms. Lipomas require surgery, whereas Steven-Johnson syndrome requires use of steroids and eliminating the culprit drug, which is one of the most common causes.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 25
What are the most common types of transformation seen in patients with polycythaemia vera?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Myelofibrosis + acute myeloid leukaemia
Explanation:5–15% of the cases of polycythaemia vera progress to myelofibrosis or acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).
Polycythaemia vera (PV), also known as polycythaemia rubra vera, is a myeloproliferative disorder caused by clonal proliferation of marrow stem cells leading to an increase in red cell volume, often accompanied by overproduction of neutrophils and platelets. It has peak incidence in the sixth decade of life, with typical features including hyperviscosity, pruritus, splenomegaly, haemorrhage (secondary to abnormal platelet function), and plethoric appearance.
Some management options of PV include lose-dose aspirin, venesection (first-line treatment), hydroxyurea (slightly increased risk of secondary leukaemia), and radioactive phosphorus (P-32) therapy.
In PV, thrombotic events are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. 5–15% of the cases progress to myelofibrosis or AML. The risk of having AML is increased with chemotherapy treatment.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology & Oncology
Question 26
A 29 year-old new mother presented with a headache that was first noticed as she was picking up her 5 week-old baby. On admission, she was unable to tolerate the lights and complained of feeling sick. Fundoscopy showed bilateral papilledema, and she was complaining that she was unable to see on her left side. CT head showed a small right occipital bleed. Which of the following treatments is most appropriate?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Heparin
Explanation:This patient has developed a venous sinus thrombosis peri-partum, resulting in her symptoms. Anticoagulation therapy including Heparin improves outcomes.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 27
A 65 yr. old male presented with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction and thrombolysis was planned. Which of the following is an absolute contraindication for thrombolysis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Intracerebral Haemorrhage
Explanation:Absolute contraindications for fibrinolytic use in STEMI
Prior intracranial haemorrhage (ICH)
Known structural cerebral vascular lesion
Known malignant intracranial neoplasm
Ischemic stroke within 3 months
Suspected aortic dissection
Active bleeding or bleeding diathesis (excluding menses)
Significant closed head trauma or facial trauma within 3 months
Intracranial or intraspinal surgery within 2 months
Severe uncontrolled hypertension (unresponsive to emergency therapy)
For streptokinase, prior treatment within the previous 6 months -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiology
Question 28
A 70-year-old male patient presents to the urology clinic with a one-month history of passing frank haematuria. Flexible cystoscopy shows a mass of the bladder wall and biopsy reveals transitional cell carcinoma. Out of the following, which industry has he most likely worked in?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Dyestuffs and pigment manufacture
Explanation:Exposure to aniline dyes is a risk factor for transitional cell carcinoma. Aniline dyes are used in dyestuffs and pigment manufacturing.
The other aforementioned options are ruled out because:
1. Feed production may expose to aflatoxin (hepatocellular carcinoma).2. Being a military personnel may expose to mustard gas (lung cancer).
3. Rubber industry may expose to nitrosamines (oesophageal and gastric cancer).
4. Refrigerant production before 1974 may expose to vinyl chloride (hepatic angiosarcoma).
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology & Oncology
Question 29
A 23 year old male presents with a history of lower back pain for the last one year. Presence of which of the following features most likely points towards ankylosing spondylitis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Bilateral erosion of sacroiliac joints on X-ray
Explanation:Bilateral erosions of the sacroiliac joints on pelvic radiographs of patients with ankylosing spondylitis are an important feature of the modified New York classification criteria. Although HLA-B27 is commonly associated with AS, it can also be found in normal individuals. Back stiffness is worse in the morning and gets better as the day progresses. Tenderness and limited lumbar motion can be associated with other spine problems as well and is not characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Rheumatology
Question 30
A 78 year old male presents to the emergency department with shortness of breath that has developed gradually over the last 4 days. His symptoms include fever and cough productive of greenish sputum. Past history is notable for COPD for which he was once admitted to the ICU, 2 years back. He now takes nebulizers (ipratropium bromide) at home. The patient previously suffered from myocardial infarction 7 years ago. He also has Diabetes Mellitus type II controlled by lifestyle modification. On examination, the following vitals are obtained. BP : 159/92 mmHg Pulse: 91/min (regular) Temp: Febrile On auscultation, there are scattered ronchi bilaterally and right sided basal crackles. Cardiovascular and abdominal examinations are unremarkable. Lab findings are given below: pH 7.31 pa(O2) 7.6 kPa pa(CO2) 6.3 kPa Bicarbonate 30 mmol/L, Sodium 136 mmol/L, Potassium 3.7 mmol/L, Urea 7.0 mmol/L, Creatinine 111 μmol/L, Haemoglobin 11.3 g/dL, Platelets 233 x 109 /l Mean cell volume (MCV) 83 fl White blood cells (WBC) 15.2 x 109 /l. CXR shows an opacity obscuring the right heart border. Which of the following interventions should be started immediately while managing this patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Salbutamol and ipratropium bromide nebulisers
Explanation:Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are immediately treated with inhaled beta2 agonists and inhaled anticholinergics, followed by antibiotics (if indicated) and systemic corticosteroids. Methylxanthine therapy may be considered in patients who do not respond to other bronchodilators.
High flow oxygen would worsen his symptoms. Usually titrated oxygen (88 to 92 %) is given in such patients to avoid the risk of hyperoxic hypercarbia in which increasing oxygen saturation in a chronic carbon dioxide retainer can inadvertently lead to respiratory acidosis and death. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Respiratory
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