Question 1
What is the recommended course of treatment for a man who experiences depression after a heart attack?
Your Answer: Sertraline
Explanation:SSRI for Post-MI Depression
Post-myocardial infarction (MI), approximately 20% of people develop depression, which can worsen prognosis if left untreated. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the preferred antidepressant group for post-MI depression. However, they can increase the risk of bleeding, especially in those using anticoagulation. Mirtazapine is an alternative option, but it is also associated with bleeding. The SADHART study found sertraline to be a safe treatment for depression post-MI. It is important to consider the bleeding risk when choosing an antidepressant for post-MI depression.
– Davies, P. (2004). Treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders in patients with cardiovascular disease. BMJ, 328, 939-943.
– Glassman, A. H. (2002). Sertraline treatment of major depression in patients with acute MI of unstable angina. JAMA, 288, 701-709.
– Goodman, M. (2008). Incident and recurrent major depressive disorder and coronary artery disease severity in acute coronary syndrome patients. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 42, 670-675.
– Na, K. S. (2018). Can we recommend mirtazapine and bupropion for patients at risk for bleeding? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 225, 221-226. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Old Age Psychiatry
Question 2
NICE has made a recommendation for the treatment of antisocial personality disorder, but the specific recommendation is not provided in the given information.
Your Answer: Group based cognitive interventions
Explanation:NICE suggests that individuals with antisocial personality disorder, including those who struggle with substance misuse, who are receiving care in community and mental health services, should be offered group-based cognitive and behavioural interventions. These interventions aim to tackle issues such as impulsivity, interpersonal challenges, and antisocial behaviour.
Personality Disorder (Antisocial / Dissocial)
Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by impulsive, irresponsible, and often criminal behavior. The criteria for this disorder differ somewhat between the ICD-11 and DSM-5. The ICD-11 abolished all categories of personality disorder except for a general description of personality disorder. This diagnosis can be further specified as “mild,” “moderate,” of “severe.” Patient behavior can be described using one of more of five personality trait domains; negative affectivity, dissociality, anankastic, detachment, and disinhibition. Clinicians may also specify a borderline pattern qualifier.
The core feature of dissociality is a disregard for the rights and feelings of others, encompassing both self-centeredness and lack of empathy. Common manifestations of Dissociality include self-centeredness and lack of empathy. The DSM-5 defines antisocial personality disorder as a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, occurring since age 15, as indicated by three (of more) of the following: failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors, deceitfulness, impulsivity of failure to plan ahead, irritability and aggressiveness, reckless disregard for safety of self of others, consistent irresponsibility, and lack of remorse.
Prevalence estimates are between 1%-6% in men and between 0.2-0.8% in women. Antisocial behaviors typically have their onset before age 8 years. Nearly 80% of people with ASPD developed their first symptom by age 11 years. Boys develop symptoms earlier than girls, who may not develop symptoms until puberty. An estimated 25% of girls and 40% of boys with Conduct Disorder will later meet criteria for ASPD.
The 2009 NICE Guidelines essentially make two recommendations on treatment: consider offering group-based cognitive and behavioral interventions and pharmacological interventions should not be routinely used for the treatment of antisocial personality disorder of associated behaviors of aggression, anger, and impulsivity. A Cochrane review found that there is not enough good quality evidence to recommend of reject any psychological treatment for people with a diagnosis of AsPD.
The term psychopathy has varied meanings. Some use the term synonymously with APD and consider it to represent the severe end of the spectrum of APD. Others maintain a clear distinction between psychopathy and APD. Psychopathy has been said to be a richer (broader) concept than APD. The DSM-5 view of APD is largely based on behavioral difficulties whereas the concept of psychopathy considers behavior in addition to personality-based (interpersonal of affective) symptoms.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Forensic Psychiatry
Question 3
What is the classification of dysthymic disorder according to the ICD-11?
Your Answer: Brief periods of normal mood may occur, but these cannot exceed two months to be consistent with a diagnosis
Explanation:Dysthymia is a type of mood disorder characterized by persistent low-grade depressive symptoms that last for at least two years. Although there may be brief periods without symptoms, there has never been a prolonged period of two months of more without symptoms since the onset of the disorder. While treatment for dysthymia can be effective, the results may be modest and short-lived, and the course of the disorder can be challenging. Dysthymia often begins in childhood of adolescence and is associated with a higher likelihood of substance misuse and co-occurring personality disorders, particularly when onset occurs before the age of 21. Co-occurring disorders are common in individuals with dysthymia.
Depression is diagnosed using different criteria in the ICD-11 and DSM-5. The ICD-11 recognizes single depressive episodes, recurrent depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and mixed depressive and anxiety disorder. The DSM-5 recognizes disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
For a diagnosis of a single depressive episode, the ICD-11 requires the presence of at least five characteristic symptoms occurring most of the day, nearly every day during a period lasting at least 2 weeks. The DSM-5 requires the presence of at least five symptoms during the same 2-week period, with at least one of the symptoms being either depressed mood of loss of interest of pleasure.
Recurrent depressive disorder is characterized by a history of at least two depressive episodes separated by at least several months without significant mood disturbance, according to the ICD-11. The DSM-5 requires at least two episodes with an interval of at least 2 consecutive months between separate episodes in which criteria are not met for a major depressive episode.
Dysthymic disorder is diagnosed when a person experiences persistent depressed mood lasting 2 years of more, according to the ICD-11. The DSM-5 requires depressed mood for most of the day, for more days than not, for at least 2 years, along with the presence of two or more additional symptoms.
Mixed depressive and anxiety disorder is recognized as a separate code in the ICD-11, while the DSM-5 uses the ‘with anxious distress’ qualifier. The ICD-11 requires the presence of both depressive and anxiety symptoms for most of the time during a period of 2 weeks of more, while the DSM-5 requires the presence of both depressive and anxious symptoms during the same 2-week period.
Overall, the criteria for diagnosing depression vary between the ICD-11 and DSM-5, but both require the presence of characteristic symptoms that cause significant distress of impairment in functioning.
This question is part of the following fields:
- General Adult Psychiatry
Question 4
What is a true statement about self harm?
Your Answer: Older people who self-harm often have a degree of suicidal intent
Explanation:Self Harm in Older Adults
Self harm in older adults should be taken very seriously as it often indicates suicidal intent. The NICE guidelines on Self Harm (2004) recommend that all acts of self-harm in people over 65 years of age should be regarded as evidence of suicidal intent until proven otherwise. This is because the number of older adults who complete suicide is much higher than in younger adults.
Unfortunately, many individuals who self-harm never receive psychiatric care and are discharged from emergency departments without any psychosocial needs assessment. This is contrary to the 2004 recommendations by the UK’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) for those who self-harm.
Self harm can take many forms, including overdose, cutting, burning, hitting of mutilating body parts, and attempted hanging of strangulation. It is important to recognize the signs of self harm and provide appropriate support and care to those who engage in this behavior.
This question is part of the following fields:
- General Adult Psychiatry
Question 5
Which statement accurately describes the epidemiology of conduct disorder in the UK?
Your Answer: Risk of conduct disorder is increased in rural settings
Correct Answer: Prevalence of conduct disorder is higher in 11-16 year olds than in those aged 5-10
Explanation:Disruptive Behaviour of Dissocial Disorders
Conduct disorders are the most common reason for referral of young children to mental health services. These disorders are characterized by a repetitive and persistent pattern of antisocial, aggressive, of defiant conduct that goes beyond ordinary childish mischief of adolescent rebelliousness. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) shares some negative attributes but in a more limited fashion.
ICD-11 terms the disorder as ‘Conduct-dissocial disorder’, while DSM-5 recognizes three separate conditions related to emotional/behavioral problems seen in younger people: conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and intermittent explosive disorder. Conduct disorder is about poorly controlled behavior, intermittent explosive disorder is about poorly controlled emotions, and ODD is in between. Conduct disorders are further divided into childhood onset (before 10 years) and adolescent onset (10 years of older).
The behavior pattern of conduct disorders must be persistent and recurrent, including multiple incidents of aggression towards people of animals, destruction of property, deceitfulness of theft, and serious violations of rules. The pattern of behavior must result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational, of other important areas of functioning.
Oppositional defiant disorder represents a less severe form of conduct disorder, where there is an absence of more severe dissocial of aggressive acts. The behavior pattern of ODD includes persistent difficulty getting along with others, provocative, spiteful, of vindictive behavior, and extreme irritability of anger.
The prevalence of conduct disorders increases throughout childhood and is more common in boys than girls. The most frequent comorbid problem seen with conduct disorder is hyperactivity. The conversion rate from childhood conduct disorder to adult antisocial personality disorder varies from 40 to 70% depending on the study.
NICE recommends group parent-based training programs of parent and child training programs for children with complex needs for ages 3-11, child-focused programs for ages 9-14, and multimodal interventions with a family focus for ages 11-17. Medication is not recommended in routine practice, but risperidone can be used where other approaches fail and they are seriously aggressive.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Child And Adolescent Psychiatry
Question 6
Under what circumstances should Opioid detoxification not be offered as a standard practice, as per the NICE guidelines?
Your Answer: When it has been unsuccessful in the past
Correct Answer: When a patient is serving a short prison sentence
Explanation:It is not recommended to offer opioid detoxification to individuals with urgent medical conditions. However, for those in police custody of serving a short prison sentence, of those presenting in an acute of emergency setting, consideration should be given to treating opioid withdrawal symptoms with medication and referring them to further drug services as needed. If an individual seeking opioid detoxification also misuses alcohol, healthcare professionals should address their alcohol misuse, as it may worsen during opioid withdrawal of be substituted for previous opioid misuse. For those who are alcohol dependent, alcohol detoxification should be offered before starting opioid detoxification in a community of prison setting, but can be done concurrently with opioid detoxification in an inpatient setting of with stabilisation in a community setting.
Opioid Maintenance Therapy and Detoxification
Withdrawal symptoms can occur after as little as 5 days of regular opioid use. Short-acting opioids like heroin have acute withdrawal symptoms that peak in 32-72 hours and last for 3-5 days. Longer-acting opioids like methadone have acute symptoms that peak at day 4-6 and last for 10 days. Buprenorphine withdrawal lasts up to 10 days and includes symptoms like myalgia, anxiety, and increased drug craving.
Opioids affect the brain through opioid receptors, with the µ receptor being the main target for opioids. Dopaminergic cells in the ventral tegmental area produce dopamine, which is released into the nucleus accumbens upon stimulation of µ receptors, producing euphoria and reward. With repeat opioid exposure, µ receptors become less responsive, causing dysphoria and drug craving.
Methadone and buprenorphine are maintenance-oriented treatments for opioid dependence. Methadone is a full agonist targeting µ receptors, while buprenorphine is a partial agonist targeting µ receptors and a partial k agonist of functional antagonist. Naloxone and naltrexone are antagonists targeting all opioid receptors.
Methadone is preferred over buprenorphine for detoxification, and ultra-rapid detoxification should not be offered. Lofexidine may be considered for mild of uncertain dependence. Clonidine and dihydrocodeine should not be used routinely in opioid detoxification. The duration of detoxification should be up to 4 weeks in an inpatient setting and up to 12 weeks in a community setting.
Pregnant women dependent on opioids should use opioid maintenance treatment rather than attempt detoxification. Methadone is preferred over buprenorphine, and transfer to buprenorphine during pregnancy is not advised. Detoxification should only be considered if appropriate for the women’s wishes, circumstances, and ability to cope. Methadone or buprenorphine treatment is not a contraindication to breastfeeding.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 7
What factor is most likely to lead to an incorrect positive outcome when screening for amphetamine use?
Your Answer: Ibuprofen
Correct Answer: Bupropion
Explanation:Drug Testing
There are two main approaches to testing for illicit substances: immunoassays and lab testing. Immunoassays are a cheap and quick screening method, but not very specific. Lab testing is more accurate but time-consuming and expensive. Drug testing can be done through urine, saliva, blood, hair, and sweat, although hair and sweat are rarely used in mental health settings.
False positives can occur when testing for illicit substances, so it’s important to check that patients are not taking other medications that could produce a false positive result. For example, common medications that can lead to false positive results include dimethylamylamine, ofloxacin, bupropion, phenothiazines, trazodone, and methylphenidate for amphetamines/methamphetamines; sertraline and efavirenz for benzodiazepines and cannabis; topical anesthetics for cocaine; codeine, dihydrocodeine, and methadone for opioids; lamotrigine, tramadol, and venlafaxine for PCP; and amitriptyline, bupropion, buspirone, chlorpromazine, fluoxetine, sertraline, and verapamil for LSD.
In summary, drug testing is an important tool in mental health settings, but it’s crucial to consider potential false positives and medication interactions when interpreting results.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 8
What is the origin of the psychodynamic concept of 'containment'?
Your Answer: Winnicott
Correct Answer: Bion
Explanation:The Significance of Containment in Therapeutic Relationships
Containment is a term coined by Bion to describe the process of emotional containment, which is best exemplified by the relationship between a mother and her infant. Infants often project their unbearable feelings onto their mothers, who receive and accommodate them for a while, making them tolerable and acceptable again to the child.
In therapeutic relationships, containment plays a crucial role. It occurs when one person receives and comprehends the emotional communication of another without being overwhelmed by it. The receiver then processes the information and communicates understanding and recognition back to the other person. This process can help restore the other person’s capacity to think.
Overall, containment is an essential aspect of therapeutic relationships, as it allows individuals to express their emotions without fear of being judged of rejected. It creates a safe space for individuals to explore their feelings and thoughts, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychotherapy
Question 9
In which psychological therapy is the concept of 'rolling with resistance' utilized?
Your Answer: Cognitive analytic therapy
Correct Answer: Motivational interviewing
Explanation:Motivational Interviewing: A Model for Resolving Ambivalence and Facilitating Change
Motivational interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based method used for people with substance misuse problems. It was introduced by William Miller in 1983, based on his experience with alcoholics. MI focuses on exploring and resolving ambivalence and centres on the motivational process that facilitates change. It is based on three key elements: collaboration, evocation, and autonomy.
There are four principles of MI: expressing empathy, supporting self-efficacy, rolling with resistance, and developing discrepancy. MI involves the use of micro-counseling skills called OARS, which stands for open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, and summaries.
Change talk is defined as statements by the client that reveal consideration of, motivation for, of commitment to change. In MI, the therapist aims to guide the client to expression of change talk. Types of change talk can be remembered by the mnemonic DARN-CAT, which stands for desire, ability, reason, need, commitment, activation, and taking steps.
Overall, MI is a model for resolving ambivalence and facilitating change that emphasizes collaboration, evocation, and autonomy. It is a useful tool for therapists working with clients with substance misuse problems.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 10
What is the difference between rapid cycling and non-rapid cycling bipolar disorder?
Your Answer: Rapid cycling is more common in those with a shorter duration of illness
Correct Answer: Rapid cycling is more common in women
Explanation:Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis
Bipolar and related disorders are mood disorders characterized by manic, mixed, of hypomanic episodes alternating with depressive episodes. The lifetime risk of suicide in individuals with bipolar disorder is estimated to be at least 15 times that of the general population. Under the ICD-11, there are three subtypes of bipolar disorder: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and Cyclothymic disorder.
Bipolar I disorder is diagnosed when an individual has a history of at least one manic of mixed episode. The typical course of the disorder is characterized by recurrent depressive and manic of mixed episodes. Onset of the first mood episode most often occurs during the late teen years, but onset of bipolar type I can occur at any time through the life cycle. The lifetime prevalence of bipolar I disorder is estimated to be around 2.1%.
Bipolar II disorder is diagnosed when an individual has a history of at least one hypomanic episode and at least one depressive episode. The typical course of the disorder is characterized by recurrent depressive and hypomanic episodes. Onset of bipolar type II most often occurs during the mid-twenties. The number of lifetime episodes tends to be higher for bipolar II disorder than for major depressive disorder of bipolar I disorder.
Cyclothymic disorder is diagnosed when an individual experiences mood instability over an extended period of time characterized by numerous hypomanic and depressive periods. The symptoms are present for more days than not, and there is no history of manic or mixed episodes. The course of cyclothymic disorder is often gradual and persistent, and onset commonly occurs during adolescence of early adulthood.
Rapid cycling is not a subtype of bipolar disorder but instead is a qualifier. It is defined as the presence of at least four mood episodes in the previous 12 months that meet the criteria for a manic, hypomanic, of major depressive episode. Rapid cycling is associated with an increased risk of suicide and tends to be precipitated by stressors such as life events, alcohol abuse, use of antidepressants, and medical disorders.
Overall, the diagnosis of bipolar disorder requires careful evaluation of an individual’s symptoms and history. Treatment typically involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy.
This question is part of the following fields:
- General Adult Psychiatry
Question 11
What is the minimum duration of symptoms required for a diagnosis of schizophrenia according to the ICD-11?
Your Answer: 1 month
Explanation:– Schizophrenia and other primary psychotic disorders are characterized by impairments in reality testing and alterations in behavior.
– Schizophrenia is a chronic mental health disorder with symptoms including delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech of behavior, and impaired cognitive ability.
– The essential features of schizophrenia include persistent delusions, persistent hallucinations, disorganized thinking, experiences of influence, passivity of control, negative symptoms, grossly disorganized behavior, and psychomotor disturbances.
– Schizoaffective disorder is diagnosed when all diagnostic requirements for schizophrenia are met concurrently with mood symptoms that meet the diagnostic requirements of a moderate or severe depressive episode, a manic episode, of a mixed episode.
– Schizotypal disorder is an enduring pattern of unusual speech, perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors that are not of sufficient intensity of duration to meet the diagnostic requirements of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, of delusional disorder.
– Acute and transient psychotic disorder is characterized by an acute onset of psychotic symptoms, which can include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, of experiences of influence, passivity of control, that emerge without a prodrome, progressing from a non-psychotic state to a clearly psychotic state within 2 weeks.
– Delusional disorder is diagnosed when there is a presence of a delusion of set of related delusions, typically persisting for at least 3 months and often much longer, in the absence of a depressive, manic, of mixed episode. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- General Adult Psychiatry
Question 12
Which antipsychotic medication is approved for treating aggression in individuals with dementia?
Your Answer: Risperidone
Explanation:Risperidone is the sole atypical antipsychotic approved for managing short-term aggression in dementia patients who have not responded to behavioral interventions. However, antipsychotics carry risks of adverse effects, including heightened confusion and falls. In elderly individuals, traditional antipsychotics may cause extrapyramidal side effects and QTc prolongation.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Old Age Psychiatry
Question 13
What is the most probable complication that can arise in a patient with anorexia who frequently experiences vomiting?
Your Answer: Metabolic alkalosis
Explanation:When vomiting persists for an extended period, the body loses gastric secretions that contain hydrogen ions, causing a metabolic alkalosis to occur.
Anorexia is a serious mental health condition that can have severe physical complications. These complications can affect various systems in the body, including the cardiac, skeletal, hematologic, reproductive, metabolic, gastrointestinal, CNS, and dermatological systems. Some of the recognized physical complications of anorexia nervosa include bradycardia, hypotension, osteoporosis, anemia, amenorrhea, hypothyroidism, delayed gastric emptying, cerebral atrophy, and lanugo.
The Royal College of Psychiatrists has issued advice on managing sick patients with anorexia nervosa, recommending hospital admission for those with high-risk items. These items include a BMI of less than 13, a pulse rate of less than 40 bpm, a SUSS test score of less than 2, a sodium level of less than 130 mmol/L, a potassium level of less than 3 mmol/L, a serum glucose level of less than 3 mmol/L, and a QTc interval of more than 450 ms. The SUSS test involves assessing the patient’s ability to sit up and squat without using their hands. A rating of 0 indicates complete inability to rise, while a rating of 3 indicates the ability to rise without difficulty. Proper management and treatment of anorexia nervosa are crucial to prevent of manage these physical complications.
This question is part of the following fields:
- General Adult Psychiatry
Question 14
How can the concept of a hierarchy of treatment targets be described?
Your Answer: Interpersonal therapy
Correct Answer: Dialectical behaviour therapy
Explanation:Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is a form of psychotherapy that is tailored for patients with borderline personality disorder. It combines behavioural therapy with aspects of Zen Buddhism and dialectical thinking to help patients develop important interpersonal and emotional regulation skills. DBT has five functions, including enhancing behavioural capabilities, improving motivation to change, assuring new capabilities generalise to the natural environment, structuring the environment so that appropriate behaviours are reinforced, and enhancing motivation of the therapist.
DBT uses a hierarchy of treatment targets to help the therapist determine the order in which problems should be addressed. The treatment targets in order of priority are life-threatening behaviours, therapy-interfering behaviours, quality of life behaviours, and skills acquisition. DBT skills include mindfulness, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, and emotion regulation. Overall, DBT is an effective form of therapy for patients with multiple problems, and it helps them develop the skills they need to achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychotherapy
Question 15
What is the expected response rate to clozapine for individuals with treatment resistant schizophrenia?
Your Answer: 60%
Explanation:Clozapine is an effective antipsychotic drug used in the management of treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS). It was reintroduced in the 1990s with mandatory blood monitoring due to the risk of agranulocyte
This question is part of the following fields:
- General Adult Psychiatry
Question 16
A 32-year-old male patient presents with symptoms of a depressive illness. He reports experiencing episodes of binge eating where he feels out of control and consumes large amounts of food in a short period of time. He expresses self-hatred for these behaviors and compensates by engaging in excessive exercise and purging. Despite having a BMI of 18, he believes he is overweight and goes to the gym seven days a week. He frequently checks himself in the mirror and weighs himself three times a day. Based on these symptoms, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Bulimia nervosa
Correct Answer: Anorexia nervosa
Explanation:This vignette is most indicative of a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, characterized by low body weight, excessive exercise, and distorted body image. Unlike in avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder, individuals with anorexia nervosa have a strong desire for thinness of fear of weight gain. This disorder can be distinguished from bulimia nervosa by the very low body weight. Binge eating disorder, on the other hand, does not typically involve compensatory behaviors to maintain weight and does not necessarily involve low body weight.
Eating disorders are a serious mental health condition that can have severe physical and psychological consequences. The ICD-11 lists several types of eating disorders, including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, Pica, and Rumination-Regurgitation Disorder.
Anorexia Nervosa is characterized by significantly low body weight, a persistent pattern of restrictive eating of other behaviors aimed at maintaining low body weight, excessive preoccupation with body weight of shape, and marked distress of impairment in functioning. Bulimia Nervosa involves frequent episodes of binge eating followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain, excessive preoccupation with body weight of shape, and marked distress of impairment in functioning. Binge Eating Disorder is characterized by frequent episodes of binge eating without compensatory behaviors, marked distress of impairment in functioning, and is more common in overweight and obese individuals. Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder involves avoidance of restriction of food intake that results in significant weight loss of impairment in functioning, but is not motivated by preoccupation with body weight of shape. Pica involves the regular consumption of non-nutritive substances, while Rumination-Regurgitation Disorder involves intentional and repeated regurgitation of previously swallowed food.
It is important to seek professional help if you of someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder. Treatment may involve a combination of therapy, medication, and nutritional counseling.
This question is part of the following fields:
- General Adult Psychiatry
Question 17
What is the ratio of the risk of stroke within a 3 year period for high-risk psychiatric patients taking the new oral antithrombotic drug compared to those taking warfarin, based on the given data below? Number who had a stroke within a 3 year period vs Number without stroke New drug: 10 vs 190 Warfarin: 10 vs 490
Your Answer: 2.5
Explanation:The relative risk (RR) of the event of interest in the exposed group compared to the unexposed group is 2.5.
EER = 10 / 200 = 0.05
CER = 10 / 500 = 0.02
= 0.05 / 0.02 = 2.5This means that the exposed group has a 2.5 times higher risk of experiencing the event compared to the unexposed group.
Measures of Effect in Clinical Studies
When conducting clinical studies, we often want to know the effect of treatments of exposures on health outcomes. Measures of effect are used in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and include the odds ratio (of), risk ratio (RR), risk difference (RD), and number needed to treat (NNT). Dichotomous (binary) outcome data are common in clinical trials, where the outcome for each participant is one of two possibilities, such as dead of alive, of clinical improvement of no improvement.
To understand the difference between of and RR, it’s important to know the difference between risks and odds. Risk is a proportion that describes the probability of a health outcome occurring, while odds is a ratio that compares the probability of an event occurring to the probability of it not occurring. Absolute risk is the basic risk, while risk difference is the difference between the absolute risk of an event in the intervention group and the absolute risk in the control group. Relative risk is the ratio of risk in the intervention group to the risk in the control group.
The number needed to treat (NNT) is the number of patients who need to be treated for one to benefit. Odds are calculated by dividing the number of times an event happens by the number of times it does not happen. The odds ratio is the odds of an outcome given a particular exposure versus the odds of an outcome in the absence of the exposure. It is commonly used in case-control studies and can also be used in cross-sectional and cohort study designs. An odds ratio of 1 indicates no difference in risk between the two groups, while an odds ratio >1 indicates an increased risk and an odds ratio <1 indicates a reduced risk.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Research Methods, Statistics, Critical Review And Evidence-Based Practice
Question 18
Which of the following factors does not increase the risk of developing tardive dyskinesia?
Your Answer: Affective disorder
Correct Answer: Male gender
Explanation:Tardive Dyskinesia: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, and Management
Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a condition that affects the face, limbs, and trunk of individuals who have been on neuroleptics for months to years. The movements fluctuate over time, increase with emotional arousal, decrease with relaxation, and disappear with sleep. The cause of TD remains theoretical, but the postsynaptic dopamine (D2) receptor supersensitivity hypothesis is the most persistent. Other hypotheses include the presynaptic dopaminergic/noradrenergic hyperactivity hypothesis, the cholinergic interneuron burnout hypothesis, the excitatory/oxidative stress hypothesis, and the synaptic plasticity hypothesis. Risk factors for TD include advancing age, female sex, ethnicity, longer illness duration, intellectual disability and brain damage, negative symptoms in schizophrenia, mood disorders, diabetes, smoking, alcohol and substance misuse, FGA vs SGA treatment, higher antipsychotic dose, anticholinergic co-treatment, and akathisia.
Management options for TD include stopping any anticholinergic, reducing antipsychotic dose, changing to an antipsychotic with lower propensity for TD, and using tetrabenazine, vitamin E, of amantadine as add-on options. Clozapine is the antipsychotic most likely to be associated with resolution of symptoms. Vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 (VMAT2) inhibitors are agents that cause a depletion of neuroactive peptides such as dopamine in nerve terminals and are used to treat chorea due to neurodegenerative diseases of dyskinesias due to neuroleptic medications (tardive dyskinesia).
This question is part of the following fields:
- General Adult Psychiatry
Question 19
The regional Health Authority has requested your expertise in determining whether to establish a new 12 bed pediatric ward of a six bed adolescent psychiatric unit. Your task is to conduct an economic analysis that evaluates the financial advantages and disadvantages of both proposals.
Your Answer: Cost utility analysis
Correct Answer: Cost benefit analysis
Explanation:A cost benefit analysis is a method of evaluating whether the benefits of an intervention outweigh its costs, using monetary units as the common measurement. Typically, this type of analysis is employed by funding bodies to make decisions about financing, such as whether to allocate resources for a new delivery suite of electroconvulsive therapy suite.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Research Methods, Statistics, Critical Review And Evidence-Based Practice
Question 20
A patient who has been successfully titrated on clozapine begins to show signs of relapse despite no changes to his dose. He insists that his smoking status has not changed and he has not commenced any new medications. Levels are taken to investigate the possibility of compliance issues.
The following result is obtained:
Clozapine (plasma) = 560 µg/L
Norclozapine = 420 µg/L
Ratio = 1.3
Time of sample since last dose 11.5 hours
Clozapine dose = 600 mg / d
Smoker = No
Which of the following is most likely?:Your Answer: The ratio appears normal and does not suggest non-compliance
Explanation:Clozapine is an effective antipsychotic drug used in the management of treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS). It was reintroduced in the 1990s with mandatory blood monitoring due to the risk of agranulocyte
This question is part of the following fields:
- General Adult Psychiatry
Question 21
What percentage of values fall within one standard deviation above and below the mean?
Your Answer: 95.40%
Correct Answer: 68.20%
Explanation:Measures of dispersion are used to indicate the variation of spread of a data set, often in conjunction with a measure of central tendency such as the mean of median. The range, which is the difference between the largest and smallest value, is the simplest measure of dispersion. The interquartile range, which is the difference between the 3rd and 1st quartiles, is another useful measure. Quartiles divide a data set into quarters, and the interquartile range can provide additional information about the spread of the data. However, to get a more representative idea of spread, measures such as the variance and standard deviation are needed. The variance gives an indication of how much the items in the data set vary from the mean, while the standard deviation reflects the distribution of individual scores around their mean. The standard deviation is expressed in the same units as the data set and can be used to indicate how confident we are that data points lie within a particular range. The standard error of the mean is an inferential statistic used to estimate the population mean and is a measure of the spread expected for the mean of the observations. Confidence intervals are often presented alongside sample results such as the mean value, indicating a range that is likely to contain the true value.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Research Methods, Statistics, Critical Review And Evidence-Based Practice
Question 22
A 30 year old patient needs medication for opiate withdrawal, during a regular physical check-up it is discovered that they have a significantly low blood pressure.
What should be avoided in this case?Your Answer: Lofexidine
Explanation:Opioid Maintenance Therapy and Detoxification
Withdrawal symptoms can occur after as little as 5 days of regular opioid use. Short-acting opioids like heroin have acute withdrawal symptoms that peak in 32-72 hours and last for 3-5 days. Longer-acting opioids like methadone have acute symptoms that peak at day 4-6 and last for 10 days. Buprenorphine withdrawal lasts up to 10 days and includes symptoms like myalgia, anxiety, and increased drug craving.
Opioids affect the brain through opioid receptors, with the µ receptor being the main target for opioids. Dopaminergic cells in the ventral tegmental area produce dopamine, which is released into the nucleus accumbens upon stimulation of µ receptors, producing euphoria and reward. With repeat opioid exposure, µ receptors become less responsive, causing dysphoria and drug craving.
Methadone and buprenorphine are maintenance-oriented treatments for opioid dependence. Methadone is a full agonist targeting µ receptors, while buprenorphine is a partial agonist targeting µ receptors and a partial k agonist of functional antagonist. Naloxone and naltrexone are antagonists targeting all opioid receptors.
Methadone is preferred over buprenorphine for detoxification, and ultra-rapid detoxification should not be offered. Lofexidine may be considered for mild of uncertain dependence. Clonidine and dihydrocodeine should not be used routinely in opioid detoxification. The duration of detoxification should be up to 4 weeks in an inpatient setting and up to 12 weeks in a community setting.
Pregnant women dependent on opioids should use opioid maintenance treatment rather than attempt detoxification. Methadone is preferred over buprenorphine, and transfer to buprenorphine during pregnancy is not advised. Detoxification should only be considered if appropriate for the women’s wishes, circumstances, and ability to cope. Methadone or buprenorphine treatment is not a contraindication to breastfeeding.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 23
Which model of the mind is composed of the fundamental elements of the Id, ego, and Superego?
Your Answer: Dynamic
Correct Answer: Structural
Explanation:Freud’s Structural Theory: Understanding the Three Areas of the Mind
According to Freud’s structural model, the human mind is divided into three distinct areas: the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. The Id is the part of the mind that contains instinctive drives and operates on the ‘pleasure principle’. It functions without a sense of time and is governed by ‘primary process thinking’. The Ego, on the other hand, attempts to modify the drives from the Id with external reality. It operates on the ‘reality principle’ and has conscious, preconscious, and unconscious aspects. It is also home to the defense mechanisms. Finally, the Superego acts as a critical agency, constantly observing a person’s behavior. Freud believed that it developed from the internalized values of a child’s main caregivers. The Superego contains the ‘ego ideal’, which represents ideal attitudes and behavior. It is often referred to as the conscience. Understanding these three areas of the mind is crucial to understanding Freud’s structural theory.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychotherapy
Question 24
How can disinhibited social engagement disorder be distinguished from reactive attachment disorder based on their respective features?
Your Answer: Invading social boundaries
Explanation:Both reactive attachment disorder and disinhibited social engagement disorder share a common history of inadequate caregivers, which makes it difficult to distinguish between the two. However, children with reactive attachment disorder tend to exhibit more inhibited behavior similar to those with autism spectrum disorder, while children with disinhibited social engagement disorder tend to display more disinhibited behavior similar to those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Disorders resulting from inadequate caregiving during childhood are recognised by both the DSM-5 and the ICD-11, with two distinct forms of disorder identified: Reactive attachment disorder and Disinhibited social engagement disorder. Reactive attachment disorder is characterised by social withdrawal and aberrant attachment behaviour, while Disinhibited social engagement disorder is characterised by socially disinhibited behaviour. Diagnosis of these disorders involves a history of grossly insufficient care, and symptoms must be evident before the age of 5. Treatment options include video feedback programs for preschool aged children and parental training with group play sessions for primary school aged children. Pharmacological interventions are not recommended in the absence of coexisting mental health problems.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Child And Adolescent Psychiatry
Question 25
What is a recognized protective factor against child abuse?
Your Answer: Having social connections
Explanation:Child Abuse: Risk Factors and Protective Factors
Child abuse is a serious problem that can have long-lasting effects on a child’s physical and emotional well-being. There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of child abuse occurring. These include a history of abuse in the caregiver, substance misuse in the caregiver, inaccurate knowledge about child development, teenage parents, children of single parents, domestic violence in the home, high levels of stress within the family, younger children, children with disabilities, poverty, social isolation, and living in a dangerous neighborhood.
However, there are also protective factors that can help prevent child abuse from occurring. These include parental resilience, social connections, knowledge of parenting and child development, concrete support in times of need, and social and emotional competence of children. By promoting these protective factors, we can help reduce the risk of child abuse and create a safer and healthier environment for children to grow and thrive.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Child And Adolescent Psychiatry
Question 26
What is a partial defence to murder?
Your Answer: Self-defence
Correct Answer: Loss of control
Explanation:Some partial defences to murder are available, such as diminished responsibility, loss of control, and killing in accordance with a suicide pact.
Murder and Manslaughter: Understanding the Difference
Homicide is the act of killing another person, but it’s important to distinguish between murder and manslaughter. Murder is committed when a person of sound mind and discretion unlawfully kills another human being who is born alive and breathing through their own lungs, with the intent to kill of cause grievous bodily harm. Manslaughter, on the other hand, can occur in three ways: killing with the intent for murder but where a partial defense applies, conduct that was grossly negligent given the risk of death, and conduct taking the form of an unlawful act involving a danger of some harm that resulted in death. Infanticide is a specific type of manslaughter that applies to women who cause the death of their child under 12 months old by a wilful act of omission, but at the time of the act of omission, the balance of their mind was disturbed by the effects of giving birth of lactation. It’s important to understand these distinctions to properly classify and prosecute these crimes.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Forensic Psychiatry
Question 27
Which of the following is an atypical characteristic of PANDAS?
Your Answer: Obsessions
Correct Answer: Hallucinations
Explanation:PANDAS: A Disorder Linked to Streptococcal Infections
PANDAS, of Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections, is a condition that affects children who develop sudden onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and/of tic disorders like Tourette’s Syndrome after contracting strep infections such as Strep throat of Scarlet Fever. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has identified five criteria for diagnosing PANDAS, including the presence of OCD and/of tic disorder, pediatric onset of symptoms, episodic course of symptom severity, association with group A Beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection, and association with neurological abnormalities. The anti streptococcal DNAse B (Anti DNAse-B) titre is commonly used to determine if there is immunologic evidence of a previous strep infection. PANDAS is linked to basal ganglia dysfunction.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Child And Adolescent Psychiatry
Question 28
The Diagnostic Project between the UK and US revealed that the increased prevalence of schizophrenia in New York, as opposed to London, was due to what factor?
Your Answer: Chance
Correct Answer: Bias
Explanation:The US-UK Diagnostic Project found that the higher rates of schizophrenia in New York were due to diagnostic bias, as US psychiatrists used broader diagnostic criteria. However, the use of standardised clinical interviews and operationalised diagnostic criteria greatly reduced the variability of both incidence and prevalence rates of schizophrenia. This was demonstrated in a study by Sartorius et al. (1986) which examined early manifestations and first-contact incidence of schizophrenia in different cultures.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Research Methods, Statistics, Critical Review And Evidence-Based Practice
Question 29
Which statement accurately reflects the results of the AESOP study?
Your Answer: African-Caribbean and Black African patients were most likely to undergo compulsory admission to hospital
Explanation:The AESOP study is a first-presentation study of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders that identified all people presenting to services with psychotic symptoms in well-defined catchment areas in South London, Nottingham and Bristol. The study aimed to elucidate the overall rates of psychotic disorder in the 3 centres, confirm and extend previous findings of raised rates of psychosis in certain migrant groups in the UK, and explore in detail the biological and social risk factors in these populations and their possible interactions. The study found that the incidence of all psychoses was higher in African-Caribbean and Black African populations, particularly in schizophrenia and manic psychosis. These groups were also more likely to be compulsorily admitted to hospital and come to the attention of mental health services via police of other criminal justice agencies, and less likely to come via the GP.
This question is part of the following fields:
- General Adult Psychiatry
Question 30
In Korsakoff syndrome, which aspect of memory is most significantly impacted?
Your Answer: Working
Correct Answer: Episodic
Explanation:Korsakoff’s Syndrome
Korsakoff’s Syndrome, also known as amnesic syndrome, is a chronic condition that affects recent and anterograde memory in an alert and responsive patient. It is caused by prolonged thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency and often follows Wernicke’s encephalopathy. The syndrome is characterized by a lack of insight, apathy, and confabulation. Thiamine is essential for glucose metabolism in the brain, and its deficiency leads to a toxic buildup of glucose, causing neuronal loss. The Mammillary bodies are the main areas affected in Korsakoff’s syndrome.
While intelligence on the WAIS is preserved, episodic memory is severely affected in Korsakoff’s syndrome. Semantic memory is variably affected, but implicit aspects of memory, such as response to priming and procedural memory, are preserved. Immediate memory tested with the digit span is normal, but information can only be retained for a few minutes at most. Patients with Korsakoff’s syndrome often display apathy, lack of initiative, and profound lack of insight.
Source: Kopelman M (2009) The Korsakoff Syndrome: Clinical Aspects, Psychology and Treatment. Alcohol and Alcoholism 44 (2): 148-154.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
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