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  • Question 1 - The main function of the cilia of the fallopian tube is? ...


    • The main function of the cilia of the fallopian tube is?

      Your Answer: Transport the ovum towards the uterus


      Cilia are small hair line projections in the fallopian tube. Their main function is to transport the egg through he fallopian tube towards the uterus. It is present in many other tubular organs and its function varies accordingly to the organ.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 2 - Regarding the uterine artery which of the following statements are FALSE? ...


    • Regarding the uterine artery which of the following statements are FALSE?

      Your Answer: Typically anastomoses with branches of the Ovarian artery

      Correct Answer: It crosses the Ureter posteriorly


      The Uterine artery typically arises from the anterior branch of the internal iliac artery. It crosses the ureter ANTERIORLY. It is the primary source of arterial supply to the uterus and its branches anastomose with branches of the ovarian and vaginal arteries.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 3 - The superficial inguinal ring is an aperture in which structure? ...


    • The superficial inguinal ring is an aperture in which structure?

      Your Answer: Aponeurosis external oblique


      The superficial ring is the exit to the inguinal canal. It is a triangular aperture in the aponeurosis of external oblique. The conjoint tendon reinforces the ring posteriorly

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 4 - Which two nerves provide the primary cutaneous sensory innervation to the labia majora?...


    • Which two nerves provide the primary cutaneous sensory innervation to the labia majora?

      Your Answer: Ilioinguinal and pudendal


      The Pudendal provides cutaneous innervation to the posterior external genitalia via one of its terminal branches called the perineal nerve (this further branches into the posterior labial nerves or posterior scrotal nerve in men). The ilioinguinal nerve provides anterior sensation via the anterior labial nerves (anterior scrotal nerve in men). The genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve contributes some fibres to the skin of the mons pubis and labia majora in females. The posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh sometimes overlaps sensory areas.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 5 - You are asked to assess a patients perineal tear following labour by vaginal...


    • You are asked to assess a patients perineal tear following labour by vaginal delivery. You note a laceration that extends through the vaginal mucosa into the perineal muscle and fascia. The external anal sphincter appears to be in tact. How would you classify this tear?

      Your Answer: 2nd


      If the external anal sphincter is in tact then this is a 1st or 2nd degree tear. As the perineal muscles are involved this is 2nd degree tear.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 6 - How many seminiferous tubules would you typically expect to find in a testicular...


    • How many seminiferous tubules would you typically expect to find in a testicular lobule?

      Your Answer: 20

      Correct Answer: 2


      There are between 250 and 400 lobules in each testis. The lobule is a structural unit of the testis with each lobule contained in one of the intervals between fibrous septa which extend between the mediastinum testis and the tunica albuginea. Each lobule contains 1 to 3 seminiferous tubules.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 7 - Which structure reinforces the inguinal canal anterolaterally? ...


    • Which structure reinforces the inguinal canal anterolaterally?

      Your Answer: Conjoint tendon

      Correct Answer: Internal oblique


      The anatomy of the inguinal canal is of surgical importance. In the male, the inguinal canal carries the spermatic cord, ilioinguinal nerve and important blood vessels, while in females the inguinal canal holds the round ligament, ilioinguinal nerve and blood vessels. The floor of the inguinal canal is made of the inguinal ligament (a thickened portion of the inguinal ligament), while the posterior wall is made of the transversalis muscle. The anterior wall is made of the external oblique aponeurosis, and the roof is made up of fibres of the internal oblique, transversus abdominis and its aponeurosis, and the conjoint tendon. This means that the anterolateral support structure of the inguinal canal would be the fibres of the internal oblique.

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      • Anatomy
  • Question 8 - Which nerves innervate the internal anal sphincter? ...


    • Which nerves innervate the internal anal sphincter?

      Your Answer: Inferior rectal

      Correct Answer: Pelvic Splanchnic


      The anal sphincters are responsible for closing the anal canal to the passage of faeces and flatus. The smooth muscle or involuntary internal sphincter sustains contraction to prevent the leakage of faeces between bowel movements and is innervated by the pelvic splanchnic nerves, which are a branch of the spinal segment 4. The external sphincter is made up of skeletal muscle and can therefore contract and relax voluntarily. Its innervation comes from the inferior rectal branch of the pudendal nerve, and the perineal branch of S4 nerve roots.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 9 - The roof of the femoral triangle is formed by which structure? ...


    • The roof of the femoral triangle is formed by which structure?

      Your Answer: Femoral sheath

      Correct Answer: Fascia lata


      Boundaries of the Femoral Triangle: Superior: Inguinal ligament Medial: Medial border of the adductor longus Lateral: Medial border of the sartorius Floor: Pectineus, Adductor longus and Iliopsoas muscles Roof: Fascia Lata (cribriform fascia at the saphenous opening) Trasversalis fascia forms part of the roof of the inguinal canal

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 10 - Regarding the pubic symphysis, what type of joint is it ...


    • Regarding the pubic symphysis, what type of joint is it

      Your Answer: Fibrous

      Correct Answer: Secondary Cartilaginous


      The pubic symphysis is a cartilaginous joint. The cartilaginous joints are divided further into primary and secondary joints. The primary joint is called the synchondrosis. It articulates with the pubis of the other side.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 11 - The arterial blood supply to the bladder is via branches of which artery?...


    • The arterial blood supply to the bladder is via branches of which artery?

      Your Answer: Inferior epigastric artery

      Correct Answer: Internal Iliac


      The bladder is supplied by branches of the internal iliac artery, including the superior vesical artery, branches of the gluteal and obturator arteries and the inferior vesical artery in males and the vaginal and the uterine arteries in females.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 12 - Regarding the Pituitary gland which of the following statements is true? ...


    • Regarding the Pituitary gland which of the following statements is true?

      Your Answer: It is surrounded by the sella turcica


      The Sella turcica is composed of three parts:
      1. The tuberculum sellae (horn of saddle): a variable slight to prominent median elevation forming the posterior
      boundary of the prechiasmatic sulcus and the anterior boundary of the hypophysial fossa.
      2. The hypophysial fossa (pituitary fossa): a median depression (seat of saddle) in the body of the sphenoid that accommodates the pituitary gland (L. hypophysis).
      3. The dorsum sellae (back of saddle): a square plate of bone projecting superiorly from the body of the sphenoid.
      It forms the posterior boundary of the Sella turcica, and its prominent superolateral angles make up the posterior clinoid processes.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 13 - A patient undergoes surgery for a vaginal vault prolapse. After surgery she complains...


    • A patient undergoes surgery for a vaginal vault prolapse. After surgery she complains of numbness of the anterior aspect of the labia. Which nerve has likely been damaged during surgery?

      Your Answer: Ilioinguinal


      The anterior aspect of the vulva (mons pubis, anterior labia) is supplied by derivatives of the lumbar plexus: the anterior labial nerves, derived from the
      ilio-inguinal nerve, and the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve.
      The posterior aspect of the vulva is supplied by derivatives of the sacral plexus: the perineal branch of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh laterally, and the pudendal nerve centrally.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 14 - After a vaginal delivery, a patient suffers a perineal tear. On examination the...


    • After a vaginal delivery, a patient suffers a perineal tear. On examination the laceration involves the external anal sphincter and has partially torn the internal anal sphincter. Which of the following classifies this tear?

      Your Answer: 3c


      During childbearing the vagina and perineum are prone to lacerations that may involve the skin or can extend into the anal sphincter complex. It is important to be able to identify obstetric and anal sphincter injuries to provide adequate care and prevent complications. In the classification of obstetric tears according to RCOG guidelines:

      First degree tear: injury to the perineal skin and/or the vaginal mucosa
      Second degree tears: Injury to perineum involving perineal muscles but not the anal sphincter.
      Third-degree tear: Injury to perineum involving the anal sphincter complex:
      Grade 3a tear: Less than 50% of external anal sphincter (EAS) thickness torn.
      Grade 3b tear: More than 50% of EAS thickness torn.
      Grade 3c tear: Both EAS and internal anal sphincter (IAS) torn.
      Fourth-degree tear: Injury to perineum involving the anal sphincter complex (EAS and IAS)
      and anorectal mucosa.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 15 - Which of the following arteries branches directly from the aorta? ...


    • Which of the following arteries branches directly from the aorta?

      Your Answer: Ovarian


      The ovarian artery takes its origin directly from the aorta. While the uterine and the vaginal arteries are all branches of the internal iliac artery.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 16 - The typical female breast contains how many lobes? ...


    • The typical female breast contains how many lobes?

      Your Answer: 15-20


      The female breast is made of about 15 to 20 individual lobes. The lobules each consists of alveoli which drain into a single lactiferous duct. The ductal system leads to lactiferous sinuses and collecting ducts which expel milk from openings in the nipple.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 17 - Which of the following statements regarding the vaginal artery is typically TRUE? ...


    • Which of the following statements regarding the vaginal artery is typically TRUE?

      Your Answer: It arises from the Uterine artery

      Correct Answer: It arises from the Internal iliac artery


      The vaginal artery is the homolog to the inferior vesical artery in males. In most of the cases it arises from the internal iliac artery.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 18 - What is the anterior boundary of the pelvic outlet? ...


    • What is the anterior boundary of the pelvic outlet?

      Your Answer: pubic arch


      The pelvic outlet is bounded anteriorly by the inferior border of the pubic arch, posteriorly by the sacrotuberous ligament and the tip of the coccyx and laterally by the ischial tuberosities.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 19 - The pelvis includes which of the following bones: ...


    • The pelvis includes which of the following bones:

      Your Answer: Ilium, ischium, pubis, sacrum & coccyx


      The pelvic skeleton is formed posteriorly (in the area of the back), by the sacrum and the coccyx and laterally and anteriorly (forward and to the sides), by a pair of hip bones. Each hip bone consists of 3 sections, ilium, ischium, and pubis.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 20 - You see a patient who is 32 weeks pregnant. She complains of tingling...


    • You see a patient who is 32 weeks pregnant. She complains of tingling to the right buttock and shooting pain down the leg. You suspect Piriformis syndrome. Regarding Piriformis which of the following statements are true?

      Your Answer: Main action is internal rotation of the hip

      Correct Answer: Insertion is onto the greater trochanter


      The proximal attachment of the piriformis muscles is from the anterior surface of sacrum and it attaches distally to the superior border of the greater trochanter of the femur. It is innervated by the anterior rami of S1 and S2.

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      • Anatomy
  • Question 21 - Presence of which one of the following features at term makes spontaneous delivery...


    • Presence of which one of the following features at term makes spontaneous delivery incompatible?

      Your Answer: Mentum posterior


      When face presentation is diagnosed, around 60% of cases are in the mentum anterior position, 25% are mentum posterior and 15% are mentum transverse; most malpositions rotate spontaneously into mentum anterior. A vaginal birth at term is possible only if the foetus is in the mentum anterior position.

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      • Anatomy
  • Question 22 - Which spinal segment is the lumbar plexus derived from? ...


    • Which spinal segment is the lumbar plexus derived from?

      Your Answer: T10-L5

      Correct Answer: T12-L4


      The lumbar plexus is formed via contributions from the T12-L4 spinal cord segment. The plexus is responsible for the motor and sensory innervation of portions of the lower extremities and some parts of the lower abdomen and pelvis. Nerves arising from the plexus include the Iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, genitofemoral, lateral femoral cutaneous, femoral nerve, obturator, and nerve to the lumbosacral trunk.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 23 - The femoral triangle is bounded medially by which of the following structures? ...


    • The femoral triangle is bounded medially by which of the following structures?

      Your Answer: Adductor longus


      The femoral triangle is bounded superiorly by the inguinal ligament which forms the base of the triangle, medially by the lateral border of the adductor longus and laterally by the sartorius muscle.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 24 - Regarding the round ligament, it leaves the pelvis via which structure? ...


    • Regarding the round ligament, it leaves the pelvis via which structure?

      Your Answer: Superficial inguinal ring

      Correct Answer: Deep inguinal ring


      The round ligament is a band of fibromuscular connective tissue attached to the cornua of the uterus, near the attachment of the ovaries. On each side of the body, the ligament exits the pelvis through the deep inguinal ring, travels through the inguinal canal and enters the labia majora where its fibres terminate at the mons pubis. It is also important to know the embryological origins of the round ligament from the gubernaculum.

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      • Anatomy
  • Question 25 - Regarding the rectus sheath which of the following statements are true? ...


    • Regarding the rectus sheath which of the following statements are true?

      Your Answer: Below the arcuate line the transversus divides into two to encompass the rectus abdominus

      Correct Answer: Above the arcuate line the internal oblique divides into two lamellae


      The rectus sheath is formed by the aponeurosis of the internal and external oblique muscles and the transversus abdominus muscle. The internal oblique divides into two lamellae and encloses the rectus muscle. Anteriorly it fuses with the aponeurosis of the external oblique and posteriorly with that of the transverus abdominus. Below the arcuate line the aponeurosis of all the flat muscles lies anteriorly and posteriorly it is only enclosed by the transveralis fascia.

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      • Anatomy
  • Question 26 - The juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) lies within which part of the kidney? ...


    • The juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) lies within which part of the kidney?

      Your Answer: Renal Medulla

      Correct Answer: Renal Cortex


      The substructures of the nephrons are mainly located within the cortex. The JGA sits next to the glomerulus in the cortex (click on the magnifying glass of the image to see the arrangement). They play an important role in blood pressure homeostasis as the juxtaglomerular cells produce renin. The descending and ascending limbs of the loop of Henle and collecting ducts have sections within both the cortex and medulla

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 27 - Which one of the following measurements is usually taken during clinical exam of...


    • Which one of the following measurements is usually taken during clinical exam of the pelvis?

      Your Answer: Transverse diameter of the inlet

      Correct Answer: Shape of the pubic arch


      During pelvimetry, the shape of the pubic arch is usually examined. It helps in determining the outcome of the type of fetal delivery.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 28 - All of the following anatomical features of the pelvis favour a vaginal delivery,...


    • All of the following anatomical features of the pelvis favour a vaginal delivery, except?

      Your Answer: Obstetric conjugate is less than 10 cm


      For the foetus to pass through the vagina, the obstetric conjugate should be 11cm or greater. If the diameter is less than 10 cm then its better to perform C-section as the labour might not progress. All the other options favour a normal vaginal delivery.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 29 - What is the anatomical landmark used for gauging the station of the fetal...


    • What is the anatomical landmark used for gauging the station of the fetal head during labour?

      Your Answer: Ischial Spine


      The ischial spine is the anatomical landmark for assessing the station of the fetal head and also placing pudendal nerve blocks. (the pudendal nerve runs posterior to the ischial spine). The ischial spine can be palpated approximately 8cm into the vagina, at 4 and 8 o’clock.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
  • Question 30 - From which of the following spinal segments do both the internal and external...


    • From which of the following spinal segments do both the internal and external anal sphincters receive their innervation?

      Your Answer: S2

      Correct Answer: S4


      The anal sphincters are responsible for closing the anal canal to the passage of faeces and flatus. The smooth muscle of the involuntary internal sphincter sustains contraction to prevent the leakage of faeces between bowel movements and is innervated by the pelvic splanchnic nerves, which are a branch of the spinal segment 4. The external sphincter is made up of skeletal muscle and can therefore contract and relax voluntarily. Its innervation comes from the inferior rectal branch of the pudendal nerve, and the perineal branch of S4 nerve roots.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy


Anatomy (15/30) 50%