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  • Question 1 - You are asked to review the early pregnancy ultrasound scan of a 27...


    • You are asked to review the early pregnancy ultrasound scan of a 27 year old lady. The transvaginal ultrasound results show a gestational sac of 26mm with no fetal pole and no fetal heartbeat. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Pregnancy of uncertain viability

      Correct Answer: Miscarriage


      Ultrasound findings in early pregnancy can help determine the viability of an intrauterine pregnancy. In the absence of a fetal heartbeat and no visible fetal pole, the mean gestational sac diameter should be measured. A sac diameter of less than 25mm on a transvaginal ultrasound scan is likely an indication of a miscarriage. In the presence of a fetal heartbeat, the crown-rump length should be less than 7mm according to NICE guidelines. Further scans are indicated 14 days later to confirm the diagnosis. The diagnosis of ‘pregnancy of uncertain viability’ is given in situations where there is inadequate ultrasound evidence to diagnose a miscarriage, such as a developing sac but no visualisation of a foetus with a heartbeat.
      Ultrasound findings for partial molar pregnancy are an enlarged placenta with multiple diffuse anechogenic patches, while findings in a complete molar pregnancy include an enlarged uterus with multiple small anechogenic spaces (snowstorm appearance), or the bunch of grapes sign representing hydropic trophoblastic villi.

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      • Data Interpretation
  • Question 2 - A 47 year old women has a transvaginal ultrasound that shows a partially...


    • A 47 year old women has a transvaginal ultrasound that shows a partially echogenic mass with posterior sound attenuation owing to sebaceous material and hair within the cyst cavity. What is the likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Mature teratoma


      These are the most common ovarian tumours in young women. The most common form is the mature dermoid cyst (cystic teratoma). It can consist of a combination of all the type of tissues (mesenchymal, stromal and epithelial). Any mature tissue type can be present such as muscle, cartilage, bone, teeth and often hair. Treatment is cystectomy.

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  • Question 3 - A 32 year old patient has a transvaginal ultrasound scan that shows a...


    • A 32 year old patient has a transvaginal ultrasound scan that shows a mass in the left ovary. It is anechoic, thin walled, is without internal structures and measures 36mm in diameter. What is the likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Functional cyst


      The diagnosis of functional ovarian cyst is made when the cyst measures more than 3 cm and rarely grows more than 10 cm. It appears as a simple anechoic unilocular cyst on USS. It is usually asymptomatic. If it is symptomatic then laparoscopic cystectomy should be performed.

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  • Question 4 - The transvaginal ultrasound of a 37 year old woman reveals a left ovarian...


    • The transvaginal ultrasound of a 37 year old woman reveals a left ovarian mass. The mass is a unilocular cyst with diffuse homogenous ground glass echoes as a result of hemorrhagic debris. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Germ cell tumour

      Correct Answer: Endometrioma


      An endometrioma, also known as a chocolate cyst is a benign ovarian cyst that occurs as a result of the trapping of endometriosis tissue inside the ovary. The findings on transvaginal ultrasound are often a unilocular cyst, with ground glass echogenicity due to haemorrhage. Other benign masses that can be evaluated using transvaginal ultrasound are functional cysts, serous and mucinous cystadenomas and mature teratomas.

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  • Question 5 - A 31 year old is being seen in EPU and you are asked...


    • A 31 year old is being seen in EPU and you are asked to review her ultrasound. There is a solid collection of echoes with numerous small (3-10 mm) anechoic spaces. What is the likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Partial Molar Pregnancy

      Correct Answer: Molar Pregnancy


      This is typical appearance of molar pregnancy. This used to be referred to as ‘snowstorm sign’ as with older poorer resolution ultrasound the anechoic species looked like a snowstorm.

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  • Question 6 - What frequency is used for trans-abdominal ultrasound? ...


    • What frequency is used for trans-abdominal ultrasound?

      Your Answer: 3.0 MHz


      The transabdominal ultrasound uses a frequency of 3.5-7 MHz emitted from a transducer. Transvaginal 5-7.5 MHz (post bladder void.

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  • Question 7 - Regarding CTG (cardiotocography) analysis what is the normal range for variability? ...


    • Regarding CTG (cardiotocography) analysis what is the normal range for variability?

      Your Answer: 5-25 bpm


      Fetal hypoxia may cause absent, increased or decreased variability. Other causes of decreased variability include: normal fetal sleep-wake pattern, prematurity and following maternal administration of certain drugs including opioids.

      Variability Range:
      Normal – 5 bpm – 25bpm
      Increased – >25 bpm
      Decreased – <5 bpm
      Absent – <2 bpm

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  • Question 8 - A 40 year old women has a transvaginal ultrasound reported as showing a...


    • A 40 year old women has a transvaginal ultrasound reported as showing a 6cm x 5cm cystic mass of the right ovary with multiple septa noted and varying degrees of echogenicity within locules. What is the likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Endometrioma

      Correct Answer: Mucinous cystadenoma


      The characteristics of the mucinous cystic adenoma of the ovaries is the presence of a large tumour which is multicystic and the penetration of the peritoneum into the cavities forming septas. The serous tumours can only be differentiated on the bases of the contents.

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  • Question 9 - A patient who has been seen in fertility clinic phones regarding the timing...


    • A patient who has been seen in fertility clinic phones regarding the timing of her progesterone blood test. She has regular 35 day menstrual cycles. When testing for ovulation what day of her cycle should she have the test on?

      Your Answer: 21

      Correct Answer: 28


      When testing for ovulation the best test is to check the progesterone level. The mid luteal progesterone levels should be checked 7 days prior to the next period. That will be the 28th day in a 35 day cycle.

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  • Question 10 - What is the normal range for urea concentration in an adult? ...


    • What is the normal range for urea concentration in an adult?

      Your Answer: 2.1 - 6.2 mmol/l

      Correct Answer: 2.5 - 7.8 mmol/l


      The normal range of Urea in Adults in 2.5-6.6 mmol/l.

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  • Question 11 - A 16 week pregnant patient presents to the antenatal clinic. Protein values of...


    • A 16 week pregnant patient presents to the antenatal clinic. Protein values of ++ are found on urinalysis. Significant proteinuria is indicated in which of the following protein:creatinine values?

      Your Answer: 30 mg/mmol


      Proteinuria of more than 1+ on dipstick should be investigated to quantify the amount of proteinuria. A protein: creatinine ratio can be used to determine the severity of proteinuria, where levels of more than 30 mg/mmol indicate significant proteinuria.

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  • Question 12 - A 29 year old patient has a transvaginal ultrasound scan that shows a...


    • A 29 year old patient has a transvaginal ultrasound scan that shows a mass in the left ovary. It is anechoic, thin walled, is without internal structures and measures 36mm in diameter. What is the likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Functional cyst


      Features of functional ovarian cysts on ultrasound are: Thin walled and unilocular Must be >3cm diameter (if <3cm described as follicle) Anechoic (absence of internal echoes) No colour flow No solid components

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  • Question 13 - What is the lower reference limit for sperm concentration according to the WHO...


    • What is the lower reference limit for sperm concentration according to the WHO criteria?

      Your Answer: 15 million spermatozoa per ml


      WHO guidelines
      Semen volume: Greater than or equal to 1.5 ml
      pH: Greater than or equal to 7.2
      Sperm concentration: Greater than or equal to 15 million spermatozoa per ml
      Total sperm number: 39 million spermatozoa per ejaculate or more
      Total motility (% of progressive motility and nonprogressive motility): 40% or more motile or 32% or more with progressive motility
      Vitality: 58% or more live spermatozoa
      Sperm morphology (percentage of normal forms): 4% or more

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  • Question 14 - A patient who is 12 weeks pregnant is being seen in the antenatal...


    • A patient who is 12 weeks pregnant is being seen in the antenatal clinic. Urinalysis shows protein ++. A 24 hour urine collection is organised. Greater than what level would indicate significant proteinuria?

      Your Answer: 300 mg over 24 hours


      pre-eclampsia is defined as hypertension of at least 140/90 mmHg recorded on at least two separate occasions and at least 4 hours apart and in the presence of at least 300 mg protein in a 24 hour collection of urine, arising de novo after the 20th week of pregnancy in a previously normotensive woman and resolving completely by the sixth postpartum week.

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  • Question 15 - A patient who has been seen in fertility clinic phones regarding the timing...


    • A patient who has been seen in fertility clinic phones regarding the timing of her progesterone blood test. She has regular 35 day menstrual cycles. When testing for ovulation what day of her cycle should she have the test on?

      Your Answer: 21

      Correct Answer: 28


      The mid-luteal progesterone sample should be taken 7 days before the expected period i.e. day 21 in a 28-day cycle or day 28 of a 35 day cycle

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  • Question 16 - A midwife is concerned regarding CTG changes and suggests a fetal blood sample...


    • A midwife is concerned regarding CTG changes and suggests a fetal blood sample (FBS). At what dilatation would you NOT perform FBS?

      Your Answer: Less than 3cm


      Fetal Blood Sampling (FBS) should only be performed when the cervix is >3cm dilated.

      Indications for FBS:
      1. Pathological CTG in labour
      2. Suspected acidosis in labour

      Contraindications to FBS
      – Maternal infection e.g. HIV, HSV and Hepatitis
      – Known fetal coagulopathy
      – Prematurity (< 34 weeks gestation)
      – Acute fetal compromise

      Interpretation of FBS results:
      pH >7.25 = Normal -Repeat in 1 hour if CTG remains abnormal
      7.21 to 7.24 = Borderline – Repeat in 30 minutes
      <7.20 = Abnormal - Consider delivery

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  • Question 17 - Regarding CTG analysis what is considered the normal baseline fetal heart rate (FHR)?...


    • Regarding CTG analysis what is considered the normal baseline fetal heart rate (FHR)?

      Your Answer: 110-160


      The normal fetal heart rate is between 110-150 bpm.

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  • Question 18 - What frequency is used for trans-vaginal ultrasound? ...


    • What frequency is used for trans-vaginal ultrasound?

      Your Answer: 7.0 MHz


      The ultrasound used a frequency of 3.5-7 MHz emitted from a transducer.

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  • Question 19 - What is the normal range for variability in cardiotocography (CTG) analysis? ...


    • What is the normal range for variability in cardiotocography (CTG) analysis?

      Your Answer: 5-25 bpm


      Cardiotocography, also known as the non-stress test is used to monitor fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions of the uterus. An abnormal CTG may indicate fetal distress and prompt an early intervention. Variability refers to the variation in the fetal heartbeat form one beat to another. Normal variability is between 5-25 beats per minute while an abnormal variability is less than 5 bpm for more than 50 minutes, or more than 25 bpm for more than 25 minutes.

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  • Question 20 - A 45 year old women has a transvaginal ultrasound that is reported as...


    • A 45 year old women has a transvaginal ultrasound that is reported as showing a partially echogenic mass with posterior sound attenuation owing to sebaceous material and hair within the cyst cavity. What is the likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Mature teratoma


      Dermoid cysts and teratomas contain elements from multiple germ cell layers. They are often considered the same entity (even in medical texts) however a dermoid is composed only of dermal and epidermal elements. A teratoma has mesodermal and endodermal elements Mature teratomas are composed of well-differentiated derivations from at least 2/3 germ cell layers (i.e. ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm). They contain developmentally mature skin complete with hair follicles, sweat glands, sometimes hair, and sometimes sebum, blood, fat, bone, nails, teeth, eyes, cartilage, and thyroid tissue.

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  • Question 21 - You are called to a delivery as the midwife is concerned about CTG...


    • You are called to a delivery as the midwife is concerned about CTG changes. She suggests a fetal blood sample (FBS). You inspect the cervix. At what dilatation would you NOT perform FBS?

      Your Answer: Less than 3cm


      Indications for FBS:
      1. Pathological CTG in labour (cervix dilated >3 cm)
      2. Suspected acidosis in labour (cervix dilated >3 cm)
      Contraindications to FBS:
      – Maternal infection e.g. HIV, HSV and Hepatitis
      – Known fetal coagulopathy
      – Prematurity (< 34 weeks gestation)
      – Acute fetal compromise

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  • Question 22 - A 31 year old is being seen in EPU and you are asked...


    • A 31 year old is being seen in EPU and you are asked to review her ultrasound. There is a solid collection of echoes with numerous small (3-10 mm) anechoic spaces. What is the likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Molar Pregnancy


      Gestational trophoblastic disorder is characterized by an abnormal trophoblastic proliferation and include a complete and partial mole. It is characterized by persistently elevated BHCG levels after pregnancy and on ultrasound a snow storm appearance. These appear as anechoic areas on ultrasound.

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  • Question 23 - Regarding CTG analysis what is considered the normal baseline fetal heart rate (FHR)?...


    • Regarding CTG analysis what is considered the normal baseline fetal heart rate (FHR)?

      Your Answer: 110-160


      The normal FHR is 110-160

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  • Question 24 - You are called to see a 24 year old patient who is currently...


    • You are called to see a 24 year old patient who is currently in labour but is failing to progress. A fetal blood sample is sent for analysis. pH is 7.22. Which of the following is the appropriate course of action?

      Your Answer: Repeat in 30 minutes if CTG remains abnormal

      Correct Answer: Consider delivery


      A normal pH value is above 7.25. A pH below 7.20 is confirmation of fetal compromise. Values between 7.20 and 7.25 are ‘borderline’.

      The base deficit can also be useful in interpretation of the fetal scalp pH. A base excess of more than -10 demonstrates a significant metabolic acidosis, with
      increasing risk of fetal neurological injury beyond this level. Delivery should be considered.

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      • Data Interpretation


Data Interpretation (16/24) 67%