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  • Question 1 - The mechanism of action of abciximab is by: ...


    • The mechanism of action of abciximab is by:

      Your Answer: Blocking the binding of fibrinogen to GPIIb/IIIa receptor sites


      Abciximab is a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors and prevents platelet aggregation by blocking the binding of fibrinogen to receptors on platelets.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 2 - Fenestrated capillaries are typically found where in the body: ...


    • Fenestrated capillaries are typically found where in the body:

      Your Answer: Renal glomeruli


      Fenestrated capillaries, found in renal glomeruli, endocrine glands and intestinal villi, are more permeable than continuous capillaries with less tight junctions, and the endothelial cells are also punctured by pores which allow large amounts of fluids or metabolites to pass.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 3 - Which of the following is NOT an adverse effect associated with statin therapy:...


    • Which of the following is NOT an adverse effect associated with statin therapy:

      Your Answer: Aplastic anaemia


      Adverse effects of statins include:, Headache, Epistaxis, Gastrointestinal disorders (such as constipation, flatulence, dyspepsia, nausea, and diarrhoea), Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (such as myalgia, arthralgia, pain in the extremity, muscle spasms, joint swelling, and back pain), Hyperglycaemia and diabetes, Myopathy and rhabdomyolysis, Interstitial lung disease and Hepatotoxicity

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 4 - What is the earliest physiological effect that causes postural hypotension: ...


    • What is the earliest physiological effect that causes postural hypotension:

      Your Answer: A fall in central venous pressure


      When autonomic reflexes are impaired or intravascular volume is markedly depleted, a significant reduction in blood pressure occurs upon standing, a phenomenon termed Postural Hypotension (orthostatic hypotension). Orthostatic hypotension can cause dizziness, syncope, and even angina or stroke. When autonomic reflexes are impaired, blood pressure falls progressively after standing because the gravitational pooling of blood in the legs cannot be compensated by sympathetic vasoconstriction.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 5 - Regarding hypertensive crises, which of the following statements is CORRECT: ...


    • Regarding hypertensive crises, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

      Your Answer: In a hypertensive emergency, blood pressure should be reduced by 20 - 25% within 2 hours.


      A hypertensive emergency is defined as severe hypertension (blood pressure ≥ 180/110 mmHg) with acute damage to the target organs. Prompt treatment with intravenous antihypertensive therapy is generally required; over the first few minutes or within 2 hours, blood pressure should be reduced by 20 – 25%. Severe hypertension without acute target organ damage is defined as hypertensive urgency.; blood pressure should be reduced gradually over 24 – 48 hours with oral antihypertensive therapy. If blood pressure is reduced too quickly in the management of hypertensive crises, there is a risk of reduced organ perfusion leading to cerebral infarction, blindness, deterioration in renal function, and myocardial ischaemia.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 6 - Which of the following best characterizes the correct administration of amiodarone for a...


    • Which of the following best characterizes the correct administration of amiodarone for a shockable rhythm in adults on advanced life support:

      Your Answer: Give 300 mg IV amiodarone after 3 shocks


      After three shocks, 300 mg IV amiodarone should be administered. After five defibrillation attempts, a further dose of 150 mg IV amiodarone may be considered. If amiodarone is not available, lidocaine may be used as a substitute, but it should not be given if amiodarone has previously been administered.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 7 - A 60-year-old patient had a sudden onset of palpitations and shortness of breath....


    • A 60-year-old patient had a sudden onset of palpitations and shortness of breath. He had a history of poorly controlled hypertension and ischemic heart disease. His ECG also shows atrial fibrillation. Based on the patient’s condition, which pharmacologic cardioversion would be best to use?

      Your Answer: Amiodarone


      Chemical cardioversion, or pharmacologic cardioversion, is the treatment of abnormal heart rhythms using drugs. Flecainide and propafenone are examples of drugs used as chemical cardioverters. However, given the situation of the patient, these drugs are contraindicated for his ischaemic heart disease. Amiodarone is also an antiarrhythmic drug and is the best choice for this situation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 8 - All of the following are indications for beta-blockers EXCEPT for: ...


    • All of the following are indications for beta-blockers EXCEPT for:

      Your Answer: Raynaud's disease


      Beta-blockers are contraindicated in Raynaud’s syndrome. Beta-blockers may be indicated in:HypertensionPheochromocytoma (only with an alpha-blocker)AnginaSecondary prevention after ACSArrhythmias including atrial fibrillationHeart failureThyrotoxicosisAnxietyProphylaxis of migraineEssential tremorGlaucoma

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 9 - Oedema can occur as a result of any of the following WITH THE...


    • Oedema can occur as a result of any of the following WITH THE EXCEPTION OF:

      Your Answer: Increased interstitial hydrostatic pressure


      Oedema is defined as a palpable swelling produced by the expansion of the interstitial fluid volume. A variety of clinical conditions are associated with the development of oedema, including heart failure, cirrhosis, and nephrotic syndrome. The development of oedema requires an alteration in capillary dynamics in a direction that favours an increase in net filtration and also inadequate removal of the additional filtered fluid by lymphatic drainage. Oedema may form in response to an elevation in capillary hydraulic pressure (which increases the delta hydraulic pressure) or increased capillary permeability, or it can be due to disruption of the endothelial glycocalyx, decreased interstitial compliance, a lower plasma oncotic pressure (which reduces the delta oncotic pressure), or a combination of these changes. Oedema can also be induced by lymphatic obstruction since the fluid that is normally filtered is not returned to the systemic circulation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 10 - Which of the following is NOT an adverse effect associated with warfarin therapy:...


    • Which of the following is NOT an adverse effect associated with warfarin therapy:

      Your Answer: Neutropenia


      Adverse effects of warfarin:The most common adverse effect of warfarin is bleedingOther common adverse effects of warfarin include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, jaundice, hepatic dysfunction, pancreatitis, pyrexia, alopecia, purpura, and rashSkin necrosis is a rare but serious adverse effect of warfarin; treatment with warfarin should be stopped if warfarin related skin necrosis is suspectedCalciphylaxis is a rare, but a very serious condition that causes vascular calcification and cutaneous necrosis

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 11 - What is the main mechanism of action of dopamine as an inotropic sympathomimetic: ...


    • What is the main mechanism of action of dopamine as an inotropic sympathomimetic:

      Your Answer: Dopamine receptor agonist

      Correct Answer: Beta1-receptor agonist


      Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and a metabolic precursor of the catecholamines. It acts on beta1-receptors in cardiac muscle increasing cardiac contractility, and increases renal perfusion by stimulating dopamine receptors in the renal vasculature. This is of benefit in cardiogenic shock where deterioration of renal function is common.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 12 - Captopril should not be used if you have any of the following conditions:...


    • Captopril should not be used if you have any of the following conditions:

      Your Answer: Renal artery stenosis


      Contraindications indications of Captopril include:- Bilateral renal artery stenosis- Hypersensitivity to ACE inhibitors- Anuria- History of ACEI-induced angioedema- Hereditary or idiopathic angioedema- Co-administration of Neprilysin inhibitors (e.g., sacubitril) with ACE inhibitors may increase angioedema risk; do not administer ACE inhibitors within 36 hours of switching to or from sacubitril/valsartan.If ACE inhibitors are used, they should be initiated only under specialist supervision and renal function should be monitored regularly. ACE inhibitors should also be used with particular caution in patients who may have undiagnosed and clinically silent renovascular disease. This includes patients with peripheral vascular disease or those with severe generalised atherosclerosis.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 13 - Regarding alteplase, which of the following statements is INCORRECT: ...


    • Regarding alteplase, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

      Your Answer: Alteplase has a half-life of about 3 - 4 minutes.

      Correct Answer: Alteplase is commonly associated with hypotensive effects.


      Alteplase is a recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), a naturally occurring fibrin-specific enzyme that has selectivity for activation of fibrin-bound plasminogen. It has a short half-life of 3 – 4  minutes and must be given by continuous intravenous infusion but is not associated with antigenic or hypotensive effects, and can be used in patients when recent streptococcal infections or recent use of streptokinase contraindicates the use of streptokinase.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 14 - Digoxin exhibits its positive inotropic effect by which of the following mechanisms: ...


    • Digoxin exhibits its positive inotropic effect by which of the following mechanisms:

      Your Answer: Inhibits the Ca2+ ATPase pump on the sarcoplasmic reticulum

      Correct Answer: Inhibits the Na+/K+ pump on the myocyte membrane


      Cardiac glycosides (e.g. digoxin) slow the removal of Ca2+from the cell by inhibiting the membrane Na+pump (Na+/K+ATPase) which generates the Na+gradient required for driving the export of Ca2+by Na+/Ca2+exchange; consequently the removal of Ca2+from the myocyte is slowed and more Ca2+is available for the next contraction.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 15 - Nitric oxide release from endothelium is stimulated by all of the following EXCEPT...


    • Nitric oxide release from endothelium is stimulated by all of the following EXCEPT for:

      Your Answer: Shear stress

      Correct Answer: Noradrenaline


      Nitric oxide (NO) production by the endothelium is increased by factors that elevate intracellular Ca2+, including local mediators such as bradykinin, histamine and serotonin, and some neurotransmitters (e.g. substance P). Increased flow (shear stress) also stimulates NO production and additionally activates prostacyclin synthesis. The basal production of NO continuously modulates vascular resistance; increased production of nitric oxide acts to cause vasodilation. Nitric oxide also inhibits platelet activation and thrombosis.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 16 - In adult basic life support, chest compressions should be performed at which of...


    • In adult basic life support, chest compressions should be performed at which of the following rates:

      Your Answer: 80 - 100 per minute

      Correct Answer: 100 - 120 per minute


      Chest compressions should be performed at a rate of 100 – 120 per minute.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 17 - Action potentials are transmitted from myocyte to myocyte via which of the following:...


    • Action potentials are transmitted from myocyte to myocyte via which of the following:

      Your Answer: Gap junctions


      Action potentials are transmitted to adjacent myocytes via gap junctions.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 18 - Which of the following drug classes may cause bronchoconstriction: ...


    • Which of the following drug classes may cause bronchoconstriction:

      Your Answer: Beta-blockers


      Beta-blockers, including those considered to be cardioselective, should usually be avoided in patients with a history of asthma, bronchospasm or a history of obstructive airways disease. However, when there is no alternative, a cardioselective beta-blocker can be given to these patients with caution and under specialist supervision. In such cases the risk of inducing bronchospasm should be appreciated and appropriate precautions taken.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 19 - Regarding the cardiac cycle, which of the following statements is INCORRECT: ...


    • Regarding the cardiac cycle, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

      Your Answer: Diastole is usually twice the length of systole.

      Correct Answer: The second heart sound occurs in late diastole caused by closure of the atrioventricular valves.


      Diastole is usually twice the length of systole at rest, but decreases with increased heart rate. During systole, contraction of the ventricles compresses the coronary arteries and suppresses blood flow. This is particularly evident in the left ventricle, where during systole the ventricular pressure is the same as or greater than that in the arteries and as a result more than 85% of left ventricular perfusion occurs during diastole. This becomes a problem if the heart rate is increased as the diastolic interval is shorter and can result in ischaemia. The second heart sound, caused by closure of the semilunar valves, marks the end of systole.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 20 - Which of the following is NOT a typical side effect of digoxin: ...


    • Which of the following is NOT a typical side effect of digoxin:

      Your Answer: Hypokalaemia


      Digoxin does not cause hypokalaemia, but hypokalaemia does potentiate digoxin toxicity. The adverse effects of digoxin are frequently due to its narrow therapeutic window and include: Cardiac adverse effects – Sinoatrial and atrioventricular block, Premature ventricular contractions, PR prolongation and ST-segment depressionNausea, vomiting and diarrhoeaBlurred or yellow visionCNS effects – weakness, dizziness, confusion, apathy, malaise, headache, depression, psychosisThrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis (rare)Gynaecomastia in men in prolonged administration

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 21 - Regarding ACE inhibitors, which of the following statements is CORRECT: ...


    • Regarding ACE inhibitors, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

      Your Answer: Angiotensin-II receptor blockers are a useful alternative in patients who cannot tolerate ACE-inhibitors due a persistent cough.


      ACE inhibitors should be used with caution in patients of Afro-Caribbean descent who may respond less well; calcium channel blockers are first line for hypertension in these patients. ACE inhibitors have a role in the management of diabetic nephropathy. ACE inhibitors are contraindicated in pregnant women. ACE inhibitors inhibit the breakdown of bradykinin; this is the cause of the persistent dry cough. Blocking ACE also diminishes the breakdown of the potent vasodilator bradykinin which is the cause of the persistent dry cough. Angiotensin-II receptor blockers do not have this effect, therefore they are useful alternative for patients who have to discontinue an ACE inhibitor because of persistent cough.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 22 - A patient who is taking ramipril for high blood pressure complains of a...


    • A patient who is taking ramipril for high blood pressure complains of a dry persistent cough. What is the mechanism of cough in ACE inhibitor therapy:

      Your Answer: Increased production of prostaglandin

      Correct Answer: Decreased bradykinin breakdown


      Blocking ACE also diminishes the breakdown of the potent vasodilator bradykinin which is the cause of the persistent dry cough. Angiotensin-II receptor blockers do not have this effect, therefore they are useful alternative for patients who have to discontinue an ACE inhibitor because of persistent cough.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 23 - When an elderly dehydrated patient is moved from a supine to a standing...


    • When an elderly dehydrated patient is moved from a supine to a standing position, her heart rate increases. Which of the following accounts for the increase in heart rate upon standing:

      Your Answer: Decreased total peripheral resistance

      Correct Answer: Decreased venous return


      On standing from a prone position, gravity causes blood to pool in veins in the legs. Central venous pressure (CVP) falls, causing a fall in stroke volume and cardiac output (due to Starling’s law) and thus a fall in blood pressure. Normally this fall in BP is rapidly corrected by the baroreceptor reflex which causes venoconstriction (partially restoring CVP), and an increase in heart rate and contractility, so restoring cardiac output and blood pressure. Impaired autonomic nervous activity in the elderly accounts for the greater likelihood of postural hypotension. Any symptoms of dizziness, blurred vision or syncope is due to a transient fall in cerebral perfusion that occurs before cardiac output and mean arterial pressure (MAP) can be corrected.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 24 - What is the main mechanism of action of dobutamine as an inotropic sympathomimetic:...


    • What is the main mechanism of action of dobutamine as an inotropic sympathomimetic:

      Your Answer: Beta1-receptor agonist


      Dobutamine directly stimulates the beta1-adrenergic receptors in the heart and increases contractility and cardiac output with little effect on the rate. In addition action on beta2-receptors causes vasodilation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 25 - All of the following statement are correct regarding endothelium derived nitric oxide except:...


    • All of the following statement are correct regarding endothelium derived nitric oxide except:

      Your Answer: Nitric oxide inhibits platelet activation and thrombosis.

      Correct Answer: Nitric oxide production is inhibited by local mediators such as bradykinin, histamine and serotonin.


      Factors that elevate intracellular Ca2+ increase nitric oxide (NO) production by the endothelium included local mediators such as histamine and serotonin, bradykinin, and some neurotransmitters like substance P. NO production is also stimulated by increased flow (shear stress) and additionally activates prostacyclin synthesis. As a result of basal production of NO, there is continuous modulation of vascular resistance and as a result, there is increased production of nitric oxide acts which causes vasodilation. Platelet activation and thrombosis are inhibited by nitric oxide.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 26 - A patient has a cardiac output of 4.8 L/min and a heart rate...


    • A patient has a cardiac output of 4.8 L/min and a heart rate of 80 bpm, therefore their stroke volume is:

      Your Answer: 60 mL


      Cardiac output (CO) = Stroke volume (SV) x Heart rate (HR). Therefore SV = CO/HR = 4.8/80 = 0.06 L = 60 mL.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 27 - Which of the following best describes digoxin: ...


    • Which of the following best describes digoxin:

      Your Answer: A positive inotrope and negative chronotrope


      Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside used in the treatment of atrial fibrillation and flutter, and congestive cardiac failure. It acts by inhibiting the membrane Na/K ATPase in cardiac myocytes. This raises intracellular sodium concentration and increases intracellular calcium availability indirectly via Na/Ca exchange. The increase in intracellular calcium levels causes an increases the force of myocardial contraction (positive inotrope), and slows the heart rate (negative chronotrope).

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 28 - For a tachyarrhythmia caused by hypovolaemic shock, which of the following is the...


    • For a tachyarrhythmia caused by hypovolaemic shock, which of the following is the first-line treatment:

      Your Answer: Synchronised DC shock


      If there are any adverse symptoms, immediate cardioversion with synchronized DC shock is recommended. If cardioversion fails to stop the arrhythmia and the symptoms persist, amiodarone 300 mg IV over 10–20 minutes should be administered before attempting another cardioversion. The loading dosage of amiodarone is followed by a 24-hour infusion of 900 mg administered into a large vein.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 29 - Which of the following is most true of the sinoatrial node: ...


    • Which of the following is most true of the sinoatrial node:

      Your Answer: It is a region of specialised nerve cells that can initiate an impulse.

      Correct Answer: Frequency of depolarisation is increased by sympathetic stimulation.


      Cardiac myocyte contraction is not dependent on an external nerve supply but instead the heart generates its own rhythm, demonstrating inherent rhythmicity. The heartbeat is initiated by spontaneous depolarisation of the sinoatrial node (SAN), a region of specialised myocytes in the right atrium close to the coronary sinus, at a rate of 100-110 beats/min. This intrinsic rhythm is primarily influenced by autonomic nerves, with vagal influences being dominant over sympathetic influences at rest. This vagal tone reduces the resting heart rate down to 60-80 beats/min. To increase heart rate, the autonomic nervous system increases sympathetic outflow to the SAN, with concurrent inhibition of vagal tone. These changes mean the pacemaker potential more rapidly reaches the threshold for action potential generation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 30 - Digoxin is predominantly used for which of the following: ...


    • Digoxin is predominantly used for which of the following:

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Rate control in persistent and permanent atrial fibrillation


      Digoxin is most useful for controlling the ventricular response in persistent and permanent atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. Digoxin is usually only effective for controlling the ventricular rate at rest, and should therefore only be used as monotherapy in predominantly sedentary patients with non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. It is now rarely used for rapid control of heart rate, as even with intravenous administration, response may take many hours. Digoxin is reserved for patients with worsening or severe heart failure due to left ventricular systolic dysfunction refractory to combination therapy with first-line agents. Digoxin is contraindicated in supraventricular arrhythmias associated with accessory conduction pathways e.g. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pharmacology


Cardiovascular (19/29) 66%
Pharmacology (14/18) 78%
Physiology (5/11) 45%