Question 1
A 32-year-old woman is diagnosed with mastitis by her General Practitioner (GP) and prescribed antibiotics. Which of the following descriptions is most consistent with this diagnosis?
Your Answer: A wedge-shaped distribution of erythema
Explanation:Understanding Mastitis: Symptoms and Differential Diagnosis
Mastitis is a painful inflammatory condition of the breast that commonly affects lactating women but can also occur in non-lactating women. The condition is characterized by a painful breast, tenderness, swelling, and erythema of the affected area, often in a wedge-shaped distribution. Other symptoms include fever, general malaise, and rapid onset, usually unilateral.
Diagnosis is based on physical examination, and the presence of erythema is a classical symptom of inflammation. A firm, round, non-tender lump in the breast is more suggestive of a fibroadenoma or malignancy, while painless swelling of the breast tissue is not typical of mastitis.
Peau d’orange, a term used to describe the characteristic appearance of skin changes associated with an underlying carcinoma of the breast or inflammatory breast cancer, is not a symptom of mastitis. It represents cutaneous lymphatic edema secondary to obstruction of lymphatic outflow by an underlying malignancy.
In lactating patients, mastitis is often secondary to milk stasis and may be managed conservatively or with antibiotics. In non-lactating women, the condition is always secondary to infection and requires treatment with antibiotics. Understanding the symptoms and differential diagnosis of mastitis is crucial for prompt and effective management of this painful condition.
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Question 2
A patient visits her General Practitioner (GP) with some questions about the Breast Cancer Screening Programme, regarding which she has recently received a letter.
Which of the following most accurately describes the components of breast cancer screening for a patient who is in her 50s?Your Answer: Mammogram every three years
Explanation:Breast Cancer Screening and Assessment: What to Expect Every Three Years
The NHS offers routine breast cancer screening every three years for patients aged 50 to 70. This involves a mammogram, an X-ray of the breast tissue. If a suspicious lesion is found, the patient will be referred for triple assessment, which includes history taking, examination, imaging (mammography or ultrasound), and biopsy.
Ultrasound scans are not used for screening but may be used as an alternative to mammography in younger patients or men. A breast examination by a doctor is not part of the screening program but is performed as part of the triple assessment.
MRI scans are not used for screening but may be used for further assessment after a lesion has been identified. Knowing what to expect every three years can help patients feel more prepared and informed about their breast health.
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Question 3
A 70-year-old woman has been diagnosed with a malignant lesion in the medial part of her left breast. To which one of the following lymph node groups is this site most likely to drain?
Your Answer: Supraclavicular
Correct Answer: Internal thoracic
Explanation:Lymph Nodes and Their Locations in the Body
Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures that play a crucial role in the immune system. They filter lymphatic fluid and trap harmful substances, such as bacteria and cancer cells. Here are some of the lymph nodes found in the body and their locations:
Internal Thoracic: These nodes are located parallel to the internal thoracic artery and vein, draining the medial part of the breast. Metastasis of breast cancer in these nodes can lead to reduced long-term survival.
Coeliac: Found in the abdomen, these nodes drain the stomach, duodenum, spleen, pancreas, and biliary tract.
Infraclavicular: Also known as the deltopectoral group, these nodes are located below the clavicle and receive lymph from the lateral side of the upper limb.
Supraclavicular: These nodes are found above the clavicles and receive lymph from the chest and abdomen.
Tracheobronchial: These nodes drain the trachea and bronchi and can be affected in lung malignancy and inflammatory conditions of the lung.
Understanding the locations of lymph nodes can help in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.
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Question 4
A 30-year-old single mother comes to you with a breast lump. She is concerned because her mother passed away from breast cancer at the age of 50. Upon examination, she appears healthy and the lump is smooth, about 2 cm in size, easily movable, and not attached to the skin or underlying muscle. You cannot feel any masses in the axilla. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Fibroadenoma
Explanation:Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor commonly found in the female breast, usually occurring during the reproductive period of life and peaking at 20-24 years of age. They are often multiple and can affect both breasts. Fibroadenomas develop in breast lobules and consist of fibrous and epithelial tissue. The epithelium of the fibroadenoma is sensitive to hormones and may slightly increase in size during the late phase of each menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, lactational changes or inflammation may cause an increase in size, leading to a fibroadenoma that mimics carcinoma. However, regression typically occurs after menopause.
Fat necrosis can present as a painless, palpable mass with surrounding skin changes or as hyperdensity or calcifications on mammograms. It is more common in larger, fatty breasts in obese women and often occurs after trauma or surgery. It is a self-limiting condition and requires no further treatment once diagnosed.
Fibrocystic change is a hormonal condition that affects women aged 20-50, causing nodularity and varying degrees of pain and tenderness in the breast. Symptoms are most severe about a week before menstruation and decrease when it starts. Treatment involves analgesia and a well-fitting bra.
Carcinoma in situ is less likely in younger women, as breast cancer typically presents with irregular contours, skin changes, nipple discharge, and a family history of breast cancer or genetic mutations. However, any breast lump should undergo full triple assessment, including history and examination, imaging, and histological examination.
Breast cysts are common in perimenopausal women aged 35-50 and often present as tender lumps. They cannot be reliably distinguished from solid tumors on clinical examination and may regress spontaneously or after aspiration. If the lump persists or the aspirate is blood stained, referral for triple assessment is recommended.
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Question 5
A 48-year-old woman is referred for further evaluation after an abnormal routine mammogram. Biopsy of a left breast mass shows high-grade malignant ductal epithelial cells with dark staining nuclei and several mitotic figures visible under high-power field. Necrosis and central calcification are noted and the basement membrane appears intact.
Based on the biopsy findings, which one of the following is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Anaplastic carcinoma
Correct Answer: Comedocarcinoma
Explanation:Breast Cancer Subtypes and Histological Findings
Breast cancer can present in various subtypes, each with unique histological findings and prognoses. Comedocarcinoma is a high-grade ductal carcinoma in situ that often presents with calcification and necrosis due to rapid cellular proliferation. Mucinous carcinoma is a subtype of invasive ductal carcinoma characterized by a large amount of mucin-producing cells and a slightly better prognosis than inflammatory carcinoma. Lobular carcinoma in situ is characterized by malignant cells in the terminal duct lobules that rarely progress to invasive lobular carcinoma. Anaplastic carcinoma is another subtype of invasive ductal carcinoma with a slightly better prognosis than inflammatory carcinoma. Inflammatory carcinoma is characterized by dermal lymphatic invasion of malignant cells and is associated with poor prognosis. Understanding the different subtypes and histological findings of breast cancer can aid in diagnosis and treatment planning.
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Question 6
A 38-year-old woman visits her GP to discuss the possibility of starting tamoxifen treatment to prevent breast cancer. Although the patient is healthy and has no personal history of breast disease, she is worried because her mother was diagnosed with the condition at a young age. The patient has heard that taking tamoxifen can help lower the risk of developing breast cancer. What is the mode of action of tamoxifen?
Your Answer: Selective oestrogen receptor modulator
Explanation:Tamoxifen: A Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulator
Tamoxifen is a medication that acts as a selective oestrogen receptor modulator. It has the ability to exhibit both oestrogenic and anti-oestrogenic actions, depending on the target tissue. In mammary epithelium, it has a strongly anti-oestrogenic action, making it useful in both the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Tamoxifen is indicated for the treatment of oestrogen receptor-positive tumours in pre- and perimenopausal women. It may also be used as a prophylactic in women who are at moderate to high risk of developing breast cancer, such as those with a significant family history of breast and ovarian cancer. However, tamoxifen does not act on progesterone receptors, nor is it an aromatase inhibitor or a progesterone receptor agonist. Tamoxifen is a mixed oestrogen receptor antagonist and partial agonist, making it a unique and valuable medication in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer.
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Question 7
A 52-year-old primary teacher is prescribed tamoxifen for the management of oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer. What is a frequently encountered adverse effect of tamoxifen?
Your Answer: Hot flashes
Explanation:Understanding the Side-Effects of Tamoxifen Therapy
Tamoxifen is a medication used in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. As a selective ER modulator, it has both oestrogenic and anti-oestrogenic actions depending on the target tissue. While it is effective in its intended use, tamoxifen therapy can also cause side-effects.
One of the most common side-effects of tamoxifen therapy is hot flashes and sweats. Other side-effects include changes in menstrual patterns, loss of sex drive, nausea, visual problems, muscle ache, and fatigue. However, hirsutism (abnormal or excessive hair growth) is not a commonly occurring side-effect of tamoxifen. Thinning of the hair may occur, but this usually resolves on cessation of treatment.
Contrary to popular belief, weight gain and not weight loss is a commonly associated side-effect of tamoxifen treatment. Additionally, there is a risk of hypercoagulability and thromboembolic events with tamoxifen therapy, as opposed to bleeding. Haematuria (blood in urine) is not commonly associated with the use of tamoxifen.
In conclusion, while tamoxifen is an effective medication for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, it is important to be aware of its potential side-effects. Patients should discuss any concerns with their healthcare provider and report any unusual symptoms experienced during treatment.
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Question 8
A 32-year-old woman comes to the breast clinic with a firm lump in her breast. She has never been pregnant and is a smoker.
What should be the next appropriate step?Your Answer: Triple test of clinical examination, ultrasound and fine-needle aspiration
Explanation:Triple Testing for Breast Lumps: A Comprehensive Approach
Breast lumps require further investigation through a process called triple testing. This involves a full clinical examination, imaging (mammography or ultrasound), and tissue biopsy (core needle biopsy or fine-needle aspiration). The results of each component are graded on a scale from E1 to E5 for examination, M1/U1 to M5/U5 for imaging, and C1 to C5 for aetiology.
If the lump is obviously a fibroadenoma, which is common in younger patients, it may not require further investigation. However, it is important to be confident in this diagnosis. If further investigation is necessary, a mammogram and return to the clinic for additional tests may be appropriate. In some cases, a lumpectomy may be necessary, but this is typically determined after the triple test has been completed.
Overall, triple testing is a comprehensive approach to investigating breast lumps and can provide valuable information for diagnosis and treatment.
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Question 9
A 45-year-old lady receives an invitation to attend for breast screening at her local hospital.
Which one of the following statements with regard to breast screening is most accurate?Your Answer: Two mammogram views are routinely taken
Explanation:Breast Cancer Screening in the UK: What You Need to Know
Breast cancer screening in the United Kingdom is a three-yearly service offered to women aged between 50-70, with options for those in an at-risk category. The screening involves taking two views of the breast by mammography, a specialised form of plain radiography used exclusively for breast imaging. Recall is on a yearly basis, and triple assessment is performed for any women found to have a breast lump, comprising imaging, clinical assessment, and histopathology. It is important to note that triple assessment is not used in screening, and inclusion criteria for screening currently does not focus on the status of menopause.
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Question 10
A 50-year-old woman underwent a mammogram which showed a 2-cm lump in the upper outer quadrant of her right breast. Assuming the primary tumor has spread to a nearby lymph node, where would the metastatic cells most likely be located?
Your Answer: Axillary
Explanation:Lymph Nodes and Their Drainage Areas
Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures that play a crucial role in the immune system. They filter lymphatic fluid and trap foreign substances, such as bacteria and cancer cells. Here are some of the major lymph nodes in the body and their drainage areas:
Axillary lymph nodes: These nodes receive lymphatic drainage from the mammary glands and upper limb. They are important in breast cancer staging.
Cervical lymph nodes: These nodes drain structures in the head and neck and can be enlarged in various cancers.
Hilar lymph nodes: These nodes drain the lungs and can become enlarged in lung cancer and other conditions.
Mediastinal lymph nodes: These nodes drain the trachea and oesophagus.
Coeliac lymph nodes: These nodes drain the spleen and foregut, including the stomach, duodenum, liver, and pancreas.
Understanding the drainage areas of lymph nodes is important in diagnosing and treating various diseases.
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