Question 1
A 27-year-old man is undergoing respiratory spirometry. He performs a maximal inhalation followed by a maximal exhalation. Which of the following measurements will most accurately depict this process?
Your Answer: Maximum voluntary ventilation
Correct Answer: Vital capacity
Explanation:The maximum amount of air that can be breathed in and out within one minute is known as maximum voluntary ventilation.
Understanding Lung Volumes in Respiratory Physiology
In respiratory physiology, lung volumes can be measured to determine the amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs during breathing. The diagram above shows the different lung volumes that can be measured.
Tidal volume (TV) refers to the amount of air that is inspired or expired with each breath at rest. In males, the TV is 500ml while in females, it is 350ml.
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) is the maximum volume of air that can be inspired at the end of a normal tidal inspiration. The inspiratory capacity is the sum of TV and IRV. On the other hand, expiratory reserve volume (ERV) is the maximum volume of air that can be expired at the end of a normal tidal expiration.
Residual volume (RV) is the volume of air that remains in the lungs after maximal expiration. It increases with age and can be calculated by subtracting ERV from FRC. Speaking of FRC, it is the volume in the lungs at the end-expiratory position and is equal to the sum of ERV and RV.
Vital capacity (VC) is the maximum volume of air that can be expired after a maximal inspiration. It decreases with age and can be calculated by adding inspiratory capacity and ERV. Lastly, total lung capacity (TLC) is the sum of vital capacity and residual volume.
Physiological dead space (VD) is calculated by multiplying tidal volume by the difference between arterial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2) and end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure (PeCO2) and then dividing the result by PaCO2.
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Question 2
A 20-year-old male arrives at the emergency department with a sudden worsening of his asthma symptoms. He is experiencing difficulty in speaking and breathing, with cyanosis of the lips and a respiratory rate of 33 breaths per minute. He reports feeling lightheaded. Although his airways are open, his chest sounds are faint upon auscultation. The patient is administered oxygen, nebulized salbutamol, and intravenous aminophylline.
What is the mechanism of action of aminophylline?Your Answer: Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis and reduces thromboxane A2 associated inflammation
Correct Answer: Binds to adenosine receptors and blocks adenosine-mediated bronchoconstriction
Explanation:Aminophylline works by binding to adenosine receptors and preventing adenosine-induced bronchoconstriction. This mode of action is different from antihistamines like loratadine, which is an incorrect option. Theophylline, a shorter acting form of aminophylline, competitively inhibits type III and type IV phosphodiesterase enzymes responsible for breaking down cyclic AMP in smooth muscle cells, leading to possible bronchodilation. Additionally, theophylline binds to the adenosine A2B receptor and blocks adenosine-mediated bronchoconstriction. In inflammatory conditions, theophylline activates histone deacetylase, which prevents the transcription of inflammatory genes that require histone acetylation for transcription to begin. Therefore, the last three options are incorrect. (Source: Drugbank)
Aminophylline infusions are utilized to manage acute asthma and COPD. In patients who have not received xanthines (theophylline or aminophylline) before, a loading dose of 5 mg/kg is administered through a slow intravenous injection lasting at least 20 minutes. For the maintenance infusion, 1g of aminophylline is mixed with 1 litre of normal saline to create a solution of 1 mg/ml. The recommended dose is 500-700 mcg/kg/hour, or 300 mcg/kg/hour for elderly patients. It is important to monitor plasma theophylline concentrations.
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- Respiratory System
Question 3
A 9-month-old girl is brought to the hospital due to recurrent episodes of breathing difficulties. She has been experiencing a gradual worsening of symptoms, including a wet cough and expiratory wheezing, for the past 4 days.
During the examination, her temperature is recorded at 38.2°C, and her respiratory rate is 60 breaths per minute. Oxygen saturation levels are at 92% on air. Chest examination reveals mild intercostal retractions, scattered crackles, and expiratory wheezing in both lungs.
What is the most probable causative agent responsible for the symptoms?Your Answer: Adenovirus
Correct Answer: Respiratory syncytial virus
Explanation:Bronchiolitis is commonly caused by respiratory syncytial virus, which accounts for the majority of cases of serious lower respiratory tract infections in children under one.
Understanding Bronchiolitis
Bronchiolitis is a condition that is characterized by inflammation of the bronchioles. It is a serious lower respiratory tract infection that is most common in children under the age of one year. The pathogen responsible for 75-80% of cases is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), while other causes include mycoplasma and adenoviruses. Bronchiolitis is more serious in children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, congenital heart disease, or cystic fibrosis.
The symptoms of bronchiolitis include coryzal symptoms, dry cough, increasing breathlessness, and wheezing. Fine inspiratory crackles may also be present. Children with bronchiolitis may experience feeding difficulties associated with increasing dyspnoea, which is often the reason for hospital admission.
Immediate referral to hospital is recommended if the child has apnoea, looks seriously unwell to a healthcare professional, has severe respiratory distress, central cyanosis, or persistent oxygen saturation of less than 92% when breathing air. Clinicians should consider referring to hospital if the child has a respiratory rate of over 60 breaths/minute, difficulty with breastfeeding or inadequate oral fluid intake, or clinical dehydration.
The investigation for bronchiolitis involves immunofluorescence of nasopharyngeal secretions, which may show RSV. Management of bronchiolitis is largely supportive, with humidified oxygen given via a head box if oxygen saturations are persistently < 92%. Nasogastric feeding may be needed if children cannot take enough fluid/feed by mouth, and suction is sometimes used for excessive upper airway secretions.
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- Respiratory System
Question 4
An 80-year-old man visits the GP clinic for a routine hearing examination. He reports a decline in hearing ability in his left ear for the past few months. After conducting Rinne and Weber tests, you determine that he has conductive hearing loss in the left ear. Upon otoscopy, you observe cerumen impaction.
What are the test findings for this patient?Your Answer: Rinne: air conduction > bone conduction in right ear; Weber: lateralising to left ear
Correct Answer: Rinne: bone conduction > air conduction in right ear; Weber: lateralising to right ear
Explanation:Rinne’s and Weber’s Test for Differentiating Conductive and Sensorineural Deafness
Rinne’s and Weber’s tests are used to differentiate between conductive and sensorineural deafness. Rinne’s test involves placing a tuning fork over the mastoid process until the sound is no longer heard, then repositioning it just over the external acoustic meatus. A positive test indicates that air conduction (AC) is better than bone conduction (BC), while a negative test indicates that BC is better than AC, suggesting conductive deafness.
Weber’s test involves placing a tuning fork in the middle of the forehead equidistant from the patient’s ears and asking the patient which side is loudest. In unilateral sensorineural deafness, sound is localized to the unaffected side, while in unilateral conductive deafness, sound is localized to the affected side.
The table below summarizes the interpretation of Rinne and Weber tests. A normal result indicates that AC is greater than BC bilaterally and the sound is midline. Conductive hearing loss is indicated by BC being greater than AC in the affected ear and AC being greater than BC in the unaffected ear, with the sound lateralizing to the affected ear. Sensorineural hearing loss is indicated by AC being greater than BC bilaterally, with the sound lateralizing to the unaffected ear.
Overall, Rinne’s and Weber’s tests are useful tools for differentiating between conductive and sensorineural deafness, allowing for appropriate management and treatment.
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Question 5
A 38-year-old woman visits her GP with a solitary, painless tumour in her left cheek. Upon further examination, she is diagnosed with pleomorphic adenoma. What is the recommended management for this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Surgical resection
Explanation:Surgical resection is the preferred treatment for pleomorphic adenoma, a benign tumor of the parotid gland that may undergo malignant transformation. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are not effective in managing this condition. Additionally, salivary stone removal is not relevant to the treatment of pleomorphic adenoma.
Understanding Pleomorphic Adenoma
Pleomorphic adenoma, also known as a benign mixed tumour, is a non-cancerous growth that commonly affects the parotid gland. This type of tumour usually develops in individuals aged 40 to 60 years old. The condition is characterized by the proliferation of epithelial and myoepithelial cells of the ducts, as well as an increase in stromal components. The tumour is slow-growing, lobular, and not well encapsulated.
The clinical features of pleomorphic adenoma include a gradual onset of painless unilateral swelling of the parotid gland. The swelling is typically movable on examination rather than fixed. The management of pleomorphic adenoma involves surgical excision. The prognosis is generally good, with a recurrence rate of 1-5% with appropriate excision (parotidectomy). However, recurrence may occur due to capsular disruption during surgery. If left untreated, pleomorphic adenoma may undergo malignant transformation, occurring in 2-10% of adenomas observed for long periods. Carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma is the most common type of malignant transformation, occurring most frequently as adenocarcinoma.
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- Respiratory System
Question 6
Which of the following physiological changes does not take place after a tracheostomy?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Work of breathing is increased.
Explanation:HFNC is a popular option for weaning ventilated patients as it reduces work of breathing and humidified air helps to reduce mucous viscosity.
Anatomy of the Trachea
The trachea, also known as the windpipe, is a tube-like structure that extends from the C6 vertebrae to the upper border of the T5 vertebrae where it bifurcates into the left and right bronchi. It is supplied by the inferior thyroid arteries and the thyroid venous plexus, and innervated by branches of the vagus, sympathetic, and recurrent nerves.
In the neck, the trachea is anterior to the isthmus of the thyroid gland, inferior thyroid veins, and anastomosing branches between the anterior jugular veins. It is also surrounded by the sternothyroid, sternohyoid, and cervical fascia. Posteriorly, it is related to the esophagus, while laterally, it is in close proximity to the common carotid arteries, right and left lobes of the thyroid gland, inferior thyroid arteries, and recurrent laryngeal nerves.
In the thorax, the trachea is anterior to the manubrium, the remains of the thymus, the aortic arch, left common carotid arteries, and the deep cardiac plexus. Laterally, it is related to the pleura and right vagus on the right side, and the left recurrent nerve, aortic arch, and left common carotid and subclavian arteries on the left side.
Overall, understanding the anatomy of the trachea is important for various medical procedures and interventions, such as intubation and tracheostomy.
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- Respiratory System
Question 7
A 55-year-old man visits his GP complaining of shortness of breath, haemoptysis, and unintentional weight loss over the past 3 months. The GP refers him to the respiratory clinic for suspected lung cancer, and further investigations reveal a stage 2 squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. What is the most frequently associated paraneoplastic phenomenon with this type of cancer?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP)
Explanation:The correct answer is PTHrP, which is a paraneoplastic syndrome often associated with squamous cell lung cancer. PTHrP is a protein that functions similarly to parathyroid hormone and can cause hypercalcaemia when secreted by cancer cells.
Acanthosis nigricans is another paraneoplastic phenomenon that is commonly associated with gastric adenocarcinoma. This condition causes hyperpigmentation of skin folds, such as the armpits.
The syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion is often linked to small cell lung cancer. This condition involves the hypersecretion of ADH, which leads to dilutional hyponatraemia and its associated symptoms.
Carcinoid syndrome is a paraneoplastic syndrome that is typically associated with neuroendocrine tumours that have metastasised to the liver. This condition causes hypersecretion of serotonin and other substances, resulting in facial flushing, palpitations, and gastrointestinal upset.
Lung cancer can present with paraneoplastic features, which are symptoms caused by the cancer but not directly related to the tumor itself. Small cell lung cancer can cause the secretion of ADH and, less commonly, ACTH, which can lead to hypertension, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, alkalosis, and muscle weakness. Lambert-Eaton syndrome is also associated with small cell lung cancer. Squamous cell lung cancer can cause the secretion of parathyroid hormone-related protein, leading to hypercalcemia, as well as clubbing and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. Adenocarcinoma can cause gynecomastia and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy is a painful condition involving the proliferation of periosteum in the long bones. Although traditionally associated with squamous cell carcinoma, some studies suggest that adenocarcinoma is the most common cause.
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Question 8
A 15-year-old girl presents with difficulty breathing and is unable to speak in full sentences due to panic. She has a history of asthma. Upon examination, her respiratory rate is 28 breaths/minute, heart rate is 105 beats/minute, and her chest is silent. What is the most concerning feature in this girl's history?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Silent chest
Explanation:Identify the life-threatening features of an asthma attack.
Assessing the severity of asthma attacks in children is crucial for effective management. The 2016 BTS/SIGN guidelines provide criteria for assessing the severity of asthma in general practice. These criteria include measuring SpO2 levels, PEF (peak expiratory flow) rates, heart rate, respiratory rate, use of accessory neck muscles, and other symptoms such as breathlessness, agitation, altered consciousness, and cyanosis.
A severe asthma attack is characterized by a SpO2 level below 92%, PEF rates between 33-50% of the best or predicted, being too breathless to talk or feed, and a high heart and respiratory rate. On the other hand, a life-threatening asthma attack is indicated by a SpO2 level below 92%, PEF rates below 33% of the best or predicted, a silent chest, poor respiratory effort, use of accessory neck muscles, agitation, altered consciousness, and cyanosis.
It is important for healthcare professionals to be familiar with these criteria to ensure prompt and appropriate management of asthma attacks in children. Early recognition of the severity of an asthma attack can help prevent complications and reduce the risk of hospitalization or death.
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Question 9
An 75-year-old woman presents to her GP with a 4-month history of dysphagia, weight loss, and a change in her voice tone. After a nasendoscopy, laryngeal carcinoma is confirmed. The surgical team plans her operation based on a head and neck CT scan. Which vertebrae are likely located posterior to the carcinoma?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: C3-C6
Explanation:The larynx is situated in the front of the neck, specifically at the level of the C3-C6 vertebrae. It is positioned below the pharynx and contains the vocal cords that produce sound. The C1-C3 vertebrae are located much higher than the larynx, while the C2-C4 vertebrae cover the area from the oropharynx to the first part of the larynx. The C6-T1 vertebrae are situated behind the larynx and the upper portions of the trachea and esophagus.
Anatomy of the Larynx
The larynx is located in the front of the neck, between the third and sixth cervical vertebrae. It is made up of several cartilaginous segments, including the paired arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages, as well as the single thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottic cartilages. The cricoid cartilage forms a complete ring. The laryngeal cavity extends from the laryngeal inlet to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage and is divided into three parts: the laryngeal vestibule, the laryngeal ventricle, and the infraglottic cavity.
The vocal folds, also known as the true vocal cords, control sound production. They consist of the vocal ligament and the vocalis muscle, which is the most medial part of the thyroarytenoid muscle. The glottis is composed of the vocal folds, processes, and rima glottidis, which is the narrowest potential site within the larynx.
The larynx is also home to several muscles, including the posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, thyroarytenoid, transverse and oblique arytenoids, vocalis, and cricothyroid muscles. These muscles are responsible for various actions, such as abducting or adducting the vocal folds and relaxing or tensing the vocal ligament.
The larynx receives its arterial supply from the laryngeal arteries, which are branches of the superior and inferior thyroid arteries. Venous drainage is via the superior and inferior laryngeal veins. Lymphatic drainage varies depending on the location within the larynx, with the vocal cords having no lymphatic drainage and the supraglottic and subglottic parts draining into different lymph nodes.
Overall, understanding the anatomy of the larynx is important for proper diagnosis and treatment of various conditions affecting this structure.
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- Respiratory System
Question 10
A 26-year-old man has been referred to ENT by his doctor as he has swallowed a small chicken bone that feels stuck in his throat. During laryngoscopy, a chicken bone is observed lodged in the piriform recess. Which of the following nerves is most likely to be affected by the chicken bone?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Internal laryngeal nerve
Explanation:When foreign objects get stuck in the piriform recess, particularly sharp items like bones from fish or chicken, they can harm the internal laryngeal nerve that lies beneath the mucous membrane in that area. Retrieving these objects also poses a risk of damaging the internal laryngeal nerve. However, the other nerves are not likely to be impacted.
Anatomy of the Larynx
The larynx is located in the front of the neck, between the third and sixth cervical vertebrae. It is made up of several cartilaginous segments, including the paired arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages, as well as the single thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottic cartilages. The cricoid cartilage forms a complete ring. The laryngeal cavity extends from the laryngeal inlet to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage and is divided into three parts: the laryngeal vestibule, the laryngeal ventricle, and the infraglottic cavity.
The vocal folds, also known as the true vocal cords, control sound production. They consist of the vocal ligament and the vocalis muscle, which is the most medial part of the thyroarytenoid muscle. The glottis is composed of the vocal folds, processes, and rima glottidis, which is the narrowest potential site within the larynx.
The larynx is also home to several muscles, including the posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, thyroarytenoid, transverse and oblique arytenoids, vocalis, and cricothyroid muscles. These muscles are responsible for various actions, such as abducting or adducting the vocal folds and relaxing or tensing the vocal ligament.
The larynx receives its arterial supply from the laryngeal arteries, which are branches of the superior and inferior thyroid arteries. Venous drainage is via the superior and inferior laryngeal veins. Lymphatic drainage varies depending on the location within the larynx, with the vocal cords having no lymphatic drainage and the supraglottic and subglottic parts draining into different lymph nodes.
Overall, understanding the anatomy of the larynx is important for proper diagnosis and treatment of various conditions affecting this structure.
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- Respiratory System
Question 11
A 20-year-old female presented to the hospital with a complaint of a sore throat. She reported having a high-grade fever and severe pain on the right side of her throat for the past four days. The patient also experienced difficulty in swallowing and had restricted mouth opening. Additionally, she complained of bilateral ear pain and headache. Despite receiving oral antibiotics, her symptoms had worsened.
Upon examination, the patient had a fever of 38.5ºC and prominent cervical lymphadenopathy. Swelling of the right soft palate was observed, and the uvula was deviated to the left.
What is the most probable diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Peritonsillar abscess (quinsy)
Explanation:Trismus, which is difficulty in opening the mouth, is a common symptom of peritonsillar abscess (also known as quinsy). It is important to note that quinsy is a complication of tonsillitis, not acute tonsillitis itself. Epiglottitis may present with muffled voice, drooling, and difficulty in breathing, while infectious mononucleosis is associated with other symptoms such as weight loss, fatigue, and enlarged lymph nodes and organs.
Peritonsillar Abscess: Symptoms and Treatment
A peritonsillar abscess, also known as quinsy, is a complication that can arise from bacterial tonsillitis. This condition is characterized by severe throat pain that is localized to one side, along with difficulty opening the mouth and reduced neck mobility. Additionally, the uvula may be deviated to the unaffected side. It is important to seek urgent medical attention from an ENT specialist if these symptoms are present.
The treatment for a peritonsillar abscess typically involves needle aspiration or incision and drainage, along with intravenous antibiotics. In some cases, a tonsillectomy may be recommended to prevent recurrence of the abscess. It is important to follow the recommended treatment plan and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and prevent complications.
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Question 12
A 57-year-old woman arrives at the emergency department complaining of difficulty breathing. She has a medical history of idiopathic interstitial lung disease. Upon examination, her temperature is 37.1ºC, oxygen saturation is 76% on air, heart rate is 106 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 26 breaths per minute, and blood pressure is 116/60 mmHg.
What pulmonary alteration would take place in response to her low oxygen saturation?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Pulmonary artery vasoconstriction
Explanation:Hypoxia causes vasoconstriction in the pulmonary arteries, which can lead to pulmonary artery hypertension in patients with chronic lung disease and chronic hypoxia. Diffuse bronchoconstriction is not a response to hypoxia, but may cause hypoxia in conditions such as acute asthma exacerbation. Hypersecretion of mucus from goblet cells is a characteristic finding in chronic inflammatory lung diseases, but is not a response to hypoxia. Pulmonary artery vasodilation occurs around well-ventilated alveoli to optimize oxygen uptake into the blood.
The Effects of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Arteries
When the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood decreases, the pulmonary arteries undergo vasoconstriction. This means that the blood vessels narrow, allowing blood to be redirected to areas of the lung that are better aerated. This response is a natural mechanism that helps to improve the efficiency of gaseous exchange in the lungs. By diverting blood to areas with more oxygen, the body can ensure that the tissues receive the oxygen they need to function properly. Overall, hypoxia triggers a physiological response that helps to maintain homeostasis in the body.
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Question 13
A 27-year-old woman is expecting her first baby. During routine midwife appointments, it was discovered that she has hypertension and proteinuria, which are signs of pre-eclampsia. To prevent respiratory distress syndrome, a complication of prematurity caused by inadequate pulmonary surfactant production, she will require steroid doses before induction of preterm labor. Which cell type is being targeted by corticosteroids in this patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Type 2 pneumocytes
Explanation:Types of Pneumocytes and Their Functions
Pneumocytes are specialized cells found in the lungs that play a crucial role in gas exchange. There are two main types of pneumocytes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 pneumocytes are very thin squamous cells that cover around 97% of the alveolar surface. On the other hand, type 2 pneumocytes are cuboidal cells that secrete surfactant, a substance that reduces surface tension in the alveoli and prevents their collapse during expiration.
Type 2 pneumocytes start to develop around 24 weeks gestation, but adequate surfactant production does not take place until around 35 weeks. This is why premature babies are prone to respiratory distress syndrome. In addition, type 2 pneumocytes can differentiate into type 1 pneumocytes during lung damage, helping to repair and regenerate damaged lung tissue.
Apart from pneumocytes, there are also club cells (previously termed Clara cells) found in the bronchioles. These non-ciliated dome-shaped cells have a varied role, including protecting against the harmful effects of inhaled toxins and secreting glycosaminoglycans and lysozymes. Understanding the different types of pneumocytes and their functions is essential in comprehending the complex mechanisms involved in respiration.
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- Respiratory System
Question 14
A 26-year-old male is brought to the emergency department by his mother. He is agitated, restless, and anxious.
Upon examination, dilated pupils are observed, and an ECG reveals sinus tachycardia.
The patient has a medical history of chronic asthma and is currently taking modified-release theophylline tablets.
According to his mother, he returned from a trip to Pakistan last night and has been taking antibiotics for bacterial gastroenteritis for the past four days. He has three days left on his antibiotic course.
What could be the cause of his current presentation?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ciprofloxacin
Explanation:Terbinafine is frequently prescribed for the treatment of fungal nail infections as an antifungal medication.
Theophylline and its Poisoning
Theophylline is a naturally occurring methylxanthine that is commonly used as a bronchodilator in the management of asthma and COPD. Its exact mechanism of action is still unknown, but it is believed to be a non-specific inhibitor of phosphodiesterase, resulting in an increase in cAMP. Other proposed mechanisms include antagonism of adenosine and prostaglandin inhibition.
However, theophylline poisoning can occur and is characterized by symptoms such as acidosis, hypokalemia, vomiting, tachycardia, arrhythmias, and seizures. In such cases, gastric lavage may be considered if the ingestion occurred less than an hour prior. Activated charcoal is also recommended, while whole-bowel irrigation can be performed if theophylline is in sustained-release form. Charcoal hemoperfusion is preferable to hemodialysis in managing theophylline poisoning.
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Question 15
A 59-year-old man comes to you with a dry cough that has been going on for three months and recent episodes of haemoptysis. He stopped smoking five years ago and has had two bouts of pneumonia in his left lower lobe in the last year. On examination, he is apyrexial and there are no notable findings.
What would be your first step in investigating this patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Chest x ray
Explanation:Diagnosis of Bronchial Carcinoma
The patient’s medical history indicates the possibility of bronchial carcinoma. The most appropriate initial investigation to confirm this diagnosis is a chest x-ray. Other tests such as blood cultures may not be useful for an apyrexial patient. However, additional investigations may be considered after the chest x-ray. It is important to prioritize the chest x-ray as the first line investigation to detect any abnormalities in the lungs. Proper diagnosis is crucial for timely treatment and management of bronchial carcinoma.
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- Respiratory System
Question 16
Which of the following laryngeal tumors is unlikely to spread to the cervical lymph nodes?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Glottic
Explanation:The area of the vocal cords lacks lymphatic drainage, making it a lymphatic boundary. The upper portion above the vocal cords drains to the deep cervical nodes through vessels that penetrate the thyrohyoid membrane. The lower portion below the vocal cords drains to the pre-laryngeal, pre-tracheal, and inferior deep cervical nodes. The aryepiglottic and vestibular folds have a significant lymphatic drainage and are prone to early metastasis.
Anatomy of the Larynx
The larynx is located in the front of the neck, between the third and sixth cervical vertebrae. It is made up of several cartilaginous segments, including the paired arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages, as well as the single thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottic cartilages. The cricoid cartilage forms a complete ring. The laryngeal cavity extends from the laryngeal inlet to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage and is divided into three parts: the laryngeal vestibule, the laryngeal ventricle, and the infraglottic cavity.
The vocal folds, also known as the true vocal cords, control sound production. They consist of the vocal ligament and the vocalis muscle, which is the most medial part of the thyroarytenoid muscle. The glottis is composed of the vocal folds, processes, and rima glottidis, which is the narrowest potential site within the larynx.
The larynx is also home to several muscles, including the posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, thyroarytenoid, transverse and oblique arytenoids, vocalis, and cricothyroid muscles. These muscles are responsible for various actions, such as abducting or adducting the vocal folds and relaxing or tensing the vocal ligament.
The larynx receives its arterial supply from the laryngeal arteries, which are branches of the superior and inferior thyroid arteries. Venous drainage is via the superior and inferior laryngeal veins. Lymphatic drainage varies depending on the location within the larynx, with the vocal cords having no lymphatic drainage and the supraglottic and subglottic parts draining into different lymph nodes.
Overall, understanding the anatomy of the larynx is important for proper diagnosis and treatment of various conditions affecting this structure.
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- Respiratory System
Question 17
A 25-year-old man is shot in the chest during a robbery. The right lung is lacerated and is bleeding. An emergency thoracotomy is performed. The surgeons place a clamp over the hilum of the right lung. Which one of the following structures lies most anteriorly at this level?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Phrenic nerve
Explanation:At this location, the phrenic nerve is situated in front. The vagus nerve runs in front and then curves backwards just above the base of the left bronchus, releasing the recurrent laryngeal nerve as it curves.
Anatomy of the Lungs
The lungs are a pair of organs located in the chest cavity that play a vital role in respiration. The right lung is composed of three lobes, while the left lung has two lobes. The apex of both lungs is approximately 4 cm superior to the sternocostal joint of the first rib. The base of the lungs is in contact with the diaphragm, while the costal surface corresponds to the cavity of the chest. The mediastinal surface contacts the mediastinal pleura and has the cardiac impression. The hilum is a triangular depression above and behind the concavity, where the structures that form the root of the lung enter and leave the viscus. The right main bronchus is shorter, wider, and more vertical than the left main bronchus. The inferior borders of both lungs are at the 6th rib in the mid clavicular line, 8th rib in the mid axillary line, and 10th rib posteriorly. The pleura runs two ribs lower than the corresponding lung level. The bronchopulmonary segments of the lungs are divided into ten segments, each with a specific function.
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Question 18
A man in his early fifties comes in with a painful rash caused by herpes on the external auditory meatus. He also has facial palsy on the same side, along with deafness, tinnitus, and vertigo. What is the probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ramsay Hunt syndrome
Explanation:Ramsay Hunt syndrome is characterized by a combination of Bell’s palsy facial paralysis, along with symptoms such as a herpetic rash, deafness, tinnitus, and vertigo. It is important to note that the rash may not always be visible, despite being present.
While Bell’s palsy may present with facial paralysis, it does not typically involve the presence of herpetic rashes.
Understanding Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
Ramsay Hunt syndrome, also known as herpes zoster oticus, is a condition that occurs when the varicella zoster virus reactivates in the geniculate ganglion of the seventh cranial nerve. The first symptom of this syndrome is often auricular pain, followed by facial nerve palsy and a vesicular rash around the ear. Other symptoms may include vertigo and tinnitus.
To manage Ramsay Hunt syndrome, doctors typically prescribe oral acyclovir and corticosteroids. These medications can help reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent complications.
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Question 19
A 50-year-old man suffers a closed head injury and experiences a decline in consciousness upon arrival at the hospital. To monitor his intracranial pressure, an ICP monitor is inserted. What is the normal range for intracranial pressure?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 7 - 15mm Hg
Explanation:The typical range for intracranial pressure is 7 to 15 mm Hg, with the brain able to tolerate increases up to 24 mm Hg before displaying noticeable clinical symptoms.
Understanding the Monro-Kelly Doctrine and Autoregulation in the CNS
The Monro-Kelly doctrine governs the pressure within the cranium by considering the skull as a closed box. The loss of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can accommodate increases in mass until a critical point is reached, usually at 100-120ml of CSF lost. Beyond this point, intracranial pressure (ICP) rises sharply, and pressure will eventually equate with mean arterial pressure (MAP), leading to neuronal death and herniation.
The central nervous system (CNS) has the ability to autoregulate its own blood supply through vasoconstriction and dilation of cerebral blood vessels. However, extreme blood pressure levels can exceed this capacity, increasing the risk of stroke. Additionally, metabolic factors such as hypercapnia can cause vasodilation, which is crucial in ventilating head-injured patients.
It is important to note that the brain can only metabolize glucose, and a decrease in glucose levels can lead to impaired consciousness. Understanding the Monro-Kelly doctrine and autoregulation in the CNS is crucial in managing intracranial pressure and preventing neurological damage.
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- Respiratory System
Question 20
A middle-aged woman who is obese comes in with complaints of polyuria. She has a history of squamous cell lung carcinoma. What could be the possible reason for her polyuria?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Hyperparathyroidism
Explanation:Polyuria is caused by all the options listed above, except for syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion. However, the patient’s age does not match the typical onset of type 1 diabetes, which usually occurs in young individuals. Furthermore, squamous cell lung carcinoma is commonly associated with a paraneoplastic syndrome that results in the release of excess parathyroid hormone by the tumor, leading to hypercalcemia and subsequent polyuria, along with other symptoms such as renal and biliary stones, bone pain, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, depression, and anxiety.
Lung cancer can present with paraneoplastic features, which are symptoms caused by the cancer but not directly related to the tumor itself. Small cell lung cancer can cause the secretion of ADH and, less commonly, ACTH, which can lead to hypertension, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, alkalosis, and muscle weakness. Lambert-Eaton syndrome is also associated with small cell lung cancer. Squamous cell lung cancer can cause the secretion of parathyroid hormone-related protein, leading to hypercalcemia, as well as clubbing and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. Adenocarcinoma can cause gynecomastia and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy is a painful condition involving the proliferation of periosteum in the long bones. Although traditionally associated with squamous cell carcinoma, some studies suggest that adenocarcinoma is the most common cause.
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- Respiratory System
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