Question 1
A 10-year-old girl presents to the general practice clinic with a sore throat and fever that have been present for 3 days. What clinical sign would indicate that the patient may have a bacterial throat infection and could benefit from antibiotics? Choose ONE positive indicator from the options provided.
Your Answer: Cough present
Correct Answer: Tender cervical lymphadenopathy
Explanation:Assessing the Need for Antibiotics in Acute Sore Throat: Understanding the Centor Criteria and Other Indicators
When a patient presents with a sore throat, it is important to determine whether antibiotics are necessary for treatment. The Centor criteria and FeverPAIN score are two approved scoring systems used to predict the likelihood of a bacterial cause for the sore throat.
Tender cervical lymphadenopathy is one of the parameters in the Centor criteria and scores 1 point. Other parameters include age, exudate on tonsils, absence of cough, and fever. A score of 3 or more suggests a high probability of bacterial infection and the need for antibiotic treatment.
Cough present is not an indicator for antibiotic therapy, but its absence is one of the factors in the Centor criteria. Sore throat alone is also not an indicator for antibiotics, but a score of 4-5 on the FeverPAIN score or a Centor criteria score above 3 may indicate the need for antibiotics.
Vomiting and nasal congestion are not included in either scoring system for determining the need for antibiotics. However, vomiting may be a sign of severe illness and dehydration, and any patient presenting with vomiting and a sore throat should be assessed for signs of sepsis and dehydration. Nasal congestion may suggest a viral cause for the sore throat, but alternative causes should still be assessed.
In summary, understanding the Centor criteria and other indicators can help healthcare providers determine whether antibiotics are necessary for treating acute sore throat.
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Question 2
A 72-year-old man who smokes visits your GP clinic and inquires about potential complications associated with surgical resection of his malignant parotid gland tumour. What is the classic complication linked to parotid gland surgery?
Your Answer: Lower motor neurone facial palsy
Explanation:A lower motor neurone facial palsy can be caused by parotid pathology.
After exiting the stylomastoid foramen, the facial nerve passes through the parotid gland and divides into five branches: temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, and cervical. If there is any pathology within the parotid gland, it can lead to a lower motor neurone facial palsy. Additionally, surgery to the parotid gland can also result in this complication.
Facial Nerve Palsy: Causes and Path
Facial nerve palsy is a condition that affects the facial nerve, which supplies the muscles of facial expression, digastric muscle, and glandular structures. It can be caused by various factors, including sarcoidosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Lyme disease, acoustic neuromas, and Bell’s palsy. Bilateral facial nerve palsy is less common and can be caused by the same factors as unilateral palsy, but it can also be a result of neurofibromatosis type 2.
The facial nerve has two paths: the subarachnoid path and the facial canal path. The subarachnoid path originates from the pons and passes through the petrous temporal bone into the internal auditory meatus with the vestibulocochlear nerve. The facial canal path passes superior to the vestibule of the inner ear and contains the geniculate ganglion at the medial aspect of the middle ear. It has three branches: the greater petrosal nerve, the nerve to stapedius, and the chorda tympani. The facial nerve then passes through the stylomastoid foramen and gives rise to the posterior auricular nerve and a branch to the posterior belly of the digastric and stylohyoid muscle.
It is important to differentiate between lower motor neuron and upper motor neuron lesions in facial nerve palsy. An upper motor neuron lesion spares the upper face, while a lower motor neuron lesion affects all facial muscles. Multiple sclerosis and diabetes mellitus can also cause an upper motor neuron palsy. Understanding the causes and path of facial nerve palsy can aid in its diagnosis and treatment.
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Question 3
A 42-year-old man comes to your clinic complaining of ear pain. He had visited the emergency department 3 days ago but was only given advice. He has been experiencing ear pain for 5 days now.
During the examination, his temperature is 38.5ºC and his right ear drum is red and bulging. What is the appropriate management for this patient?Your Answer: Advise on regular paracetamol and return if no better
Correct Answer: Start amoxicillin
Explanation:To improve treatment of tonsillitis and otitis media without relying on antibiotics, medical guidelines suggest waiting 2-3 days before considering treatment if symptoms do not improve. This approach is especially important when a patient has a fever, indicating systemic involvement. Therefore, recommending regular paracetamol is not appropriate in this case. While erythromycin can be a useful alternative for patients with a penicillin allergy, it should not be the first choice for those who can take penicillin. Penicillin V is the preferred antibiotic for tonsillitis, as amoxicillin can cause a rash in cases of glandular fever. However, it is not typically used for otitis media. For otitis media, amoxicillin is the recommended first-line medication at a dosage of 500mg TDS for 7 days. Co-amoxiclav is only used as a second-line option if amoxicillin is ineffective, and is not recommended as a first-line treatment according to current medical guidelines. These recommendations are based on NICE Guidelines and Clinical Knowledge Summaries.
Acute Otitis Media: Causes, Symptoms, and Management
Acute otitis media is a common condition in young children, with around 50% experiencing three or more episodes by the age of 3 years. While viral upper respiratory tract infections often precede otitis media, bacterial infections, particularly Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis, are the primary cause. Viral infections disrupt the normal nasopharyngeal microbiome, allowing bacteria to infect the middle ear through the Eustachian tube.
Symptoms of acute otitis media include ear pain, fever, hearing loss, and recent viral upper respiratory tract infection symptoms. Otoscopy may reveal a bulging tympanic membrane, opacification or erythema of the tympanic membrane, perforation with purulent otorrhoea, or decreased mobility when using a pneumatic otoscope. Diagnosis is typically based on the acute onset of symptoms, otalgia or ear tugging, the presence of a middle ear effusion, bulging of the tympanic membrane, otorrhoea, decreased mobility on pneumatic otoscopy, or inflammation of the tympanic membrane.
Acute otitis media is generally self-limiting and does not require antibiotic treatment. However, antibiotics should be prescribed if symptoms last more than four days or do not improve, if the patient is systemically unwell but not requiring admission, if the patient is immunocompromised or at high risk of complications, if the patient is younger than 2 years with bilateral otitis media, or if there is otitis media with perforation and/or discharge in the canal. Amoxicillin is the first-line antibiotic, but erythromycin or clarithromycin should be given to patients with penicillin allergy.
Common sequelae of acute otitis media include perforation of the tympanic membrane, unresolved acute otitis media with perforation leading to chronic suppurative otitis media, hearing loss, and labyrinthitis. Complications may include mastoiditis, meningitis, brain abscess, and facial nerve paralysis. Parents should seek medical help if symptoms worsen or do not improve after three days.
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Question 4
A 28-year-old woman visits her family doctor with a lump under her chin that causes her discomfort and swelling, especially after eating a big meal. The facial nerve appears to be unaffected. Upon examination, there is a tender swelling in the submandibular triangle. What is the probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Sialolithiasis
Explanation:Differential Diagnosis for a Painful Submandibular Swelling
One possible diagnosis for a painful submandibular swelling is sialolithiasis, which is the formation of stones within the salivary glands. This condition is more common in men over 40 and typically causes pain and swelling after eating. Adenoid cystic carcinoma, on the other hand, presents as a slowly enlarging mass over the parotid area and can invade local structures such as the facial nerve. Pleomorphic adenomas usually present as a painless lump that slowly enlarges, while Sjögren syndrome causes dry mouth, dry eyes, and swelling of the salivary glands bilaterally. Warthin’s tumour, which is commonly found in the tail of the parotid gland, does not typically present as a painful lump.
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Question 5
A 7-year-old girl comes to the emergency department with a 2-day history of right-sided otalgia and otorrhoea. Her mother suspects a middle ear infection as she has had them before. During the examination, she is found to be running a fever and has tenderness behind her right ear. The affected ear appears more prominent than the other, and otoscopy reveals a red tympanic membrane with a visible tear and pus discharge. What is the typical initial treatment for this probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Routine referral to ENT
Correct Answer: IV antibiotics
Explanation:Mastoiditis is usually diagnosed based on clinical symptoms and requires immediate administration of IV antibiotics.
Upon examination, the patient displays symptoms consistent with mastoiditis, an infection of the mastoid air cells located in the temporal bone. This condition often arises as a complication of untreated or recurrent otitis media, as is the case here. Mastoiditis is the probable diagnosis due to tenderness upon palpation of the mastoid bone, swelling of the affected ear, and accompanying symptoms of otitis media.
The correct answer is IV antibiotics. Mastoiditis is typically diagnosed based on clinical presentation and requires urgent treatment with IV antibiotics.
Oral antibiotics are not the correct answer. Although antibiotics are necessary to treat mastoiditis, this condition is considered an emergency and therefore requires IV antibiotics as the preferred treatment method.
Routine referral to an ENT specialist is not the correct answer. Mastoiditis requires immediate treatment, and therefore a routine referral is not appropriate. The patient needs prompt access to IV antibiotics.
Topical antibiotics are not the correct answer. This treatment is not suitable for mastoiditis and is typically used to treat otitis externa.
Understanding Mastoiditis
Mastoiditis is a condition that occurs when an infection spreads from the middle ear to the mastoid air spaces of the temporal bone. It is characterized by severe pain behind the ear, fever, and a history of recurrent otitis media. Patients with mastoiditis are typically very unwell and may experience swelling, erythema, and tenderness over the mastoid process. In some cases, the external ear may protrude forwards and ear discharge may be present if the eardrum has perforated.
Diagnosis of mastoiditis is typically made based on clinical presentation, although a CT scan may be ordered if complications are suspected. Treatment involves the use of IV antibiotics to combat the infection. If left untreated, mastoiditis can lead to complications such as facial nerve palsy, hearing loss, and even meningitis.
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Question 6
A 60-year-old man presents following a fall. During an assessment of his fall, he complained of balance problems, nausea and dizziness whenever he looked upwards, eg to change a light bulb. He denies loss of consciousness and did not injure himself during the fall. His past medical history consists of hypertension and high cholesterol.
On examination, his gait and balance and neurological examination are normal, and there are no injuries. The Hallpike test is positive.
Which of the following is the most appropriate management for this patient’s vertigo?Your Answer: Epley manoeuvre
Explanation:Management Options for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a common vestibular disorder that can cause dizziness and vertigo. The Epley manoeuvre is the best first-line management option for BPPV, as it can reposition the debris in the vestibular canals and provide rapid relief. If symptoms persist, investigations may be necessary to rule out more serious brain pathologies, but a brain MRI is not typically required for a BPPV diagnosis.
Medications such as betahistine or prochlorperazine may provide short-term relief of symptoms, but they do not address the underlying cause of BPPV. Vestibular retraining exercises, such as Brandt-Daroff exercises, can also be effective in reducing symptoms if they persist despite the Epley manoeuvre. Overall, a combination of these management options can help alleviate the symptoms of BPPV and improve quality of life for patients.
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Question 7
A 32-year-old man visits his General Practitioner with complaints of constant fatigue. He wakes up feeling tired and unrefreshed. He has type II diabetes and is taking metformin. His body mass index is 40 kg/m2. Blood tests come back normal. The doctor suspects obstructive sleep apnoea.
What is the most suitable assessment tool to be utilized in primary care to assist in determining the appropriate referral?Your Answer: Epworth Sleepiness Scale
Explanation:Different Sleep Assessment Tools and Their Uses
There are various tools used to assess sleep in individuals, each with its own specific purpose. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is commonly used in the UK to diagnose obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome by measuring an individual’s perception of sleepiness. The Insomnia Severity Index, on the other hand, is used to assess insomnia in adults and monitor treatment response. The Stanford Sleepiness Scale is a quick assessment tool used to measure alertness throughout the day, while the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index is used to evaluate sleep quality over a month, particularly in patients with psychiatric illness. Lastly, the Sleep Quality Scale assesses the subjective effect of poor sleep on the patient. Understanding the different uses of these tools can aid in proper diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders.
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Question 8
As a general practice registrar, you are reviewing a patient who was referred to ENT and has a history of acoustic neuroma on the right side. The patient, who is in their mid-50s, returned 2 months ago with pulsatile tinnitus in the left ear and was diagnosed with a left-sided acoustic neuroma after undergoing an MRI scan. Surgery is scheduled for later this week. What is the probable cause of this patient's recurrent acoustic neuromas?
Your Answer: Neurofibromatosis type 2
Explanation:Neurofibromatosis type 2 is commonly linked to bilateral acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannomas). Additionally, individuals with this condition may also experience benign neurological tumors and lens opacities.
Understanding Vestibular Schwannoma (Acoustic Neuroma)
Vestibular schwannoma, also known as acoustic neuroma, is a type of brain tumor that accounts for 5% of intracranial tumors and 90% of cerebellopontine angle tumors. The condition is characterized by a combination of symptoms such as vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and an absent corneal reflex. The affected cranial nerves can predict the features of the condition. For instance, cranial nerve VIII can cause vertigo, unilateral sensorineural hearing loss, and unilateral tinnitus. On the other hand, cranial nerve V can lead to an absent corneal reflex, while cranial nerve VII can cause facial palsy.
Bilateral vestibular schwannomas are often seen in neurofibromatosis type 2. The diagnosis of vestibular schwannoma is made through an MRI of the cerebellopontine angle, and audiometry is also important since only 5% of patients have a normal audiogram.
The management of vestibular schwannoma involves surgery, radiotherapy, or observation. The choice of treatment depends on the size and location of the tumor, the patient’s age and overall health, and the severity of symptoms. In conclusion, understanding vestibular schwannoma is crucial in managing the condition effectively.
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Question 9
A 35-year-old woman presents to the Emergency Department with a gradual decrease in the hearing from her right ear. On further questioning, she reports that occasionally she hears a buzzing sound in this ear, but denies any episodes of dizziness or vomiting. Otoscopy of her right ear only reveals a reddish tympanic membrane. Rinne’s test is negative on the right, Weber’s test lateralises to the right. Which of the following describes the best management option for this condition?
Your Answer: Betahistine and vestibular rehabilitation exercises
Correct Answer: Hearing aid
Explanation:The best option for managing the patient’s unilateral conductive hearing loss, tinnitus, and pinkish tympanic membrane is either a hearing aid or stapedectomy. The tuning fork tests indicate left-sided conductive hearing loss, which is consistent with otosclerosis. This condition is characterized by the replacement of normal bone with vascular spongy bone, leading to progressive conductive hearing loss due to stapes fixation at the oval window. Amoxicillin, betahistine and vestibular rehabilitation exercises, ear syringing, and prochlorperazine are not effective treatments for otosclerosis. Amoxicillin is used to manage acute otitis media, betahistine and vestibular rehabilitation exercises are used to prevent acute attacks in Ménière’s disease, ear syringing is used to remove impacted ear wax, and prochlorperazine is used to decrease dizziness in viral labyrinthitis.
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Question 10
A 35-year-old man visits the clinic with complaints of decreased hearing and ringing in his right ear, which feels congested, and he experiences frequent bouts of vertigo lasting up to a few hours at a time. There are no abnormalities found during the neurological examination.
What is the most probable diagnosis?Your Answer: Ménière’s disease
Explanation:Differentiating Vertigo Conditions: Ménière’s Disease, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Central Vertigo, Labyrinthitis, and Vestibular Neuronitis
Vertigo is a common symptom that can be caused by various conditions. Ménière’s disease, for instance, is characterized by fluctuant hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus, and aural fullness. Patients are advised to undergo vestibular rehabilitation and avoid risky activities. Prochlorperazine is recommended for acute attacks, while betahistine is used for preventive treatment. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, on the other hand, presents with brief episodes of vertigo triggered by movement, without tinnitus, hearing loss, or ear fullness. Central vertigo has a sudden onset, constant symptoms, and possible neurological abnormalities, requiring urgent hospital admission. Labyrinthitis causes acute vertigo and hearing loss, but the presence of ear fullness suggests Ménière’s disease. Vestibular neuronitis, caused by viral infection, results in isolated and prolonged episodes of vertigo without tinnitus or ear fullness. Accurate diagnosis and appropriate management are crucial in addressing vertigo and its underlying conditions.
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Question 11
A 50-year-old woman presents to her GP on the same day with a sudden onset of hearing loss in her right ear while having breakfast. She reports feeling well otherwise and denies any ear pain, discharge, or previous ENT issues. The patient has no significant medical history and is not taking any regular medications. Otoscopy reveals no abnormalities, and tuning fork tests confirm a sensorineural loss. What is the best course of action for managing this patient's condition?
Your Answer: Refer urgently to ENT
Explanation:If someone experiences sudden onset sensorineural hearing loss, it is important to refer them to an ENT specialist within 24 hours for investigation and potential treatment with steroids.
Understanding Hearing Loss with Weber and Rinnes Tests
Hearing loss can be classified as either conductive or sensorineural, and a formal assessment with pure tone audiometry is often necessary to determine which type is present. However, in a clinical setting, Weber and Rinnes tests can also be helpful in categorizing different types of hearing loss.
The Weber test involves using a tuning fork to determine if a patient has symmetrical or asymmetrical hearing loss. In a normal patient, the sound is heard equally loud in both ears. However, in a patient with asymmetrical hearing loss, the sound is heard louder in one ear than the other. This finding should be confirmed by repeating the procedure and having the patient occlude one ear with a finger.
The Rinne test involves comparing air conduction to bone conduction in both ears. In a patient with normal hearing, air conduction is greater than bone conduction in both ears. However, in a patient with sensorineural hearing loss, air conduction is greater than bone conduction in the unaffected ear. In a patient with conductive hearing loss, bone conduction is greater than air conduction in the affected ear.
Understanding the results of these tests can help healthcare professionals diagnose and treat hearing loss. By identifying the type and severity of hearing loss, appropriate interventions such as hearing aids or cochlear implants can be recommended.
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Question 12
A 42-year-old woman presents to her General Practitioner with a 4-month history of nasal congestion and coughing. Over the previous few days, she has also been experiencing a persistent headache which seems to be worse when she leans forward.
Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Acute sinusitis
Correct Answer: Chronic rhinosinusitis
Explanation:Differentiating Chronic Rhinosinusitis from Other Headache Disorders
Chronic rhinosinusitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and nasal passages that lasts for 12 weeks or longer. Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis typically present with symptoms such as nasal congestion, coughing, persistent headache that worsens on bending forwards, facial pain, nasal discharge, and postnasal drip. Predisposing factors for chronic rhinosinusitis include atopy, nasal obstruction, recent local infection, swimming or diving, and smoking. Management of chronic rhinosinusitis involves avoidance of allergens, intranasal corticosteroids, and nasal irrigation with saline.
Acute sinusitis shares many features with chronic rhinosinusitis, but the history of symptoms is much shorter. Treatment for acute sinusitis includes analgesia, intranasal decongestants or nasal saline, and intranasal corticosteroids if symptoms persist for more than ten days. Oral antibiotics may be given for severe presentations.
Cluster headaches are characterized by intense, sharp, stabbing pain around one eye, accompanied by eye redness, lacrimation, lid swelling, nasal stuffiness, skin erythema, miosis or ptosis. Cluster headaches occur in clusters lasting between four and 12 weeks, with patients feeling completely fine in between clusters. Tension headaches are described as a band-like headache that does not impair activities of daily living.
Postnasal drip (PND) typically presents with a chronic cough and bad breath, unlike the presentation in chronic rhinosinusitis. It is important to differentiate chronic rhinosinusitis from other headache disorders to ensure appropriate management and treatment.
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Question 13
A 25-year-old female is scheduled for middle ear prosthesis implantation to treat her sensorineural hearing loss. She has a history of appendectomy, during which she experienced intense postoperative nausea and vomiting. Which anaesthetic agent would be the most suitable for her procedure?
Your Answer: Propofol
Explanation:Overview of General Anaesthetics
General anaesthetics are drugs used to induce a state of unconsciousness in patients undergoing surgical procedures. There are two main types of general anaesthetics: inhaled and intravenous. Inhaled anaesthetics, such as isoflurane, desflurane, sevoflurane, and nitrous oxide, are administered through inhalation. These drugs work by acting on various receptors in the brain, including GABAA, glycine, NDMA, nACh, and 5-HT3 receptors. Inhaled anaesthetics can cause adverse effects such as myocardial depression, malignant hyperthermia, and hepatotoxicity.
Intravenous anaesthetics, such as propofol, thiopental, etomidate, and ketamine, are administered through injection. These drugs work by potentiating GABAA receptors or blocking NDMA receptors. Intravenous anaesthetics can cause adverse effects such as pain on injection, hypotension, laryngospasm, myoclonus, and disorientation. However, they are often preferred over inhaled anaesthetics in cases of haemodynamic instability.
It is important to note that the exact mechanism of action of general anaesthetics is not fully understood. Additionally, the choice of anaesthetic depends on various factors such as the patient’s medical history, the type of surgery, and the anaesthetist’s preference. Overall, general anaesthetics play a crucial role in modern medicine by allowing for safe and painless surgical procedures.
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Question 14
A 58-year-old man contacts his General Practitioner to request a repeat prescription of xylometazoline hydrochloride nasal spray. He has been using this for the past four weeks to 'clear up his sinuses.'
What is the most likely side effect this patient will develop based on his current management?Your Answer: Rebound nasal congestion
Explanation:Understanding the Side Effects of Long-Term Nasal Decongestant Use
Nasal decongestants are a common treatment for nasal congestion, but long-term use can lead to adverse effects. One of the most significant risks is rebound nasal congestion, which can encourage further use and hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa. It is recommended to use nasal decongestants for a maximum of seven days to avoid this risk. Other adverse effects of long-term use include nasal burning, irritation, and dryness, but chronic rhinitis is not a recognized side effect. While cardiovascular effects like tachycardia and hypertension are possible, they are more common with oral decongestants. Septal perforation is a rare side effect of intranasal corticosteroids, not nasal decongestants. It is essential to understand the potential risks of long-term nasal decongestant use and to use them only as directed.
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Question 15
A 42-year-old woman visits her doctor with complaints of a persistent blocked nose and reduced sense of smell for the past few months. During examination, the doctor observes pale grey mucosal sacs in both nostrils. The patient has a history of allergies but is otherwise healthy. What is the most likely condition she is suffering from?
Your Answer: Aspirin usage
Explanation:Medical Conditions and Medication Usage: A Brief Overview
Aspirin Usage and Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps, asthma, and rhinosinusitis are all symptoms of aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease. This condition is caused by hypersensitivity to aspirin or other cyclooxygenase 1 inhibitors and typically develops in individuals aged 30-40 years. Treatment involves avoiding non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and in some cases, aspirin desensitization may be performed.COPD and Nasal Polyps
While nasal polyps can be associated with asthma, there is no known association with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smokers with nosebleeds or unilateral nasal polyps should be referred for urgent ENT assessment to rule out malignancy.Infective Endocarditis and Nasal Polyps
Infective endocarditis occurs when bacteria enters the bloodstream, usually via poor dentition, an open wound, or mechanical device placed in the heart. There is no known association between nasal polyps and infective endocarditis.Paracetamol Usage and Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps are associated with aspirin sensitivity, not sensitivity to paracetamol. According to the British National Formulary, the only side effect of oral paracetamol is thrombocytopenia, which is considered very rare.Simvastatin Usage and Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps are not a recognized side effect of statins, which can cause muscle aches, headaches, diarrhea, and sleep disturbances.Understanding Medical Conditions and Medication Usage
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Question 16
A 32-year-old man visits the clinic with a concern about experiencing frequent episodes of dizziness for the past four weeks, lasting about 1 hour each time. He has also noticed a ‘fullness sensation and ringing’ in his right ear.
Select the SINGLE most probable diagnosis from the options below.Your Answer: Ménière’s disease
Explanation:Understanding Common Causes of Vertigo: Ménière’s Disease, BPPV, Acoustic Neuroma, Vestibular Neuritis, and Cholesteatoma
Vertigo is a common condition that can be caused by various factors. One of the most common causes is Ménière’s disease, which is characterized by a triad of symptoms including fluctuant hearing loss, vertigo, and tinnitus. Aural fullness may also be present. On the other hand, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is induced by specific movements and is accompanied by nausea, light-headedness, and imbalance. Acoustic neuroma, on the other hand, presents with progressive ipsilateral tinnitus, sensorineural hearing loss, facial numbness, and giddiness. Vestibular neuritis, which follows a febrile illness, is characterized by sudden vertigo, vomiting, and prostration, while cholesteatoma tends to be asymptomatic in the early stages and is characterized by a foul-smelling discharge and conductive hearing loss. Management of vertigo includes self-care advice, medication, and referral to an ENT specialist to confirm the condition and exclude sinister causes.
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Question 17
An 82-year-old woman is brought to see you by her daughter who complains that she has to repeat everything multiple times for her mother to understand. An audiogram confirms sensorineural hearing loss.
What is the most probable cause?
Your Answer: Presbyacusis
Explanation:Causes of Hearing Loss in Adults: Understanding the Differences
As we age, our hearing abilities may decline, leading to a condition known as presbyacusis. This age-related hearing loss affects high-frequency sounds and can be detected through an audiogram that shows reduced hearing for both air and bone conduction at higher frequencies in the affected ear.
Another cause of hearing loss is otosclerosis, which is a form of conductive hearing loss caused by problems with the ossicular chain. An audiogram would show a wide air-bone gap, indicating a gap between the hearing level for both air and bone conduction.
While multiple sclerosis can cause sensorineural hearing loss in adults, it is a rare occurrence and not the most likely option in most cases. Barotrauma, on the other hand, is a conductive cause of hearing loss that can lead to drum perforation. An audiogram would show a wide air-bone gap on the affected ear.
Ménière’s disease is another cause of sensorineural hearing loss, but it is less common than presbyacusis. It typically presents with symptoms of tinnitus, vertigo, and a fullness in the ear. Infections such as measles and mumps, or ototoxic medications, would usually present earlier. Barotrauma and otosclerosis are causes of conductive deafness.
In summary, understanding the differences between these various causes of hearing loss can help individuals and healthcare professionals identify the most likely cause and determine the appropriate treatment plan.
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Question 18
A 39-year-old man complains of nasal obstruction and loud snoring. He reports that these symptoms have been gradually worsening over the past two months. Specifically, he feels that his left nostril is blocked while his right nostril feels normal. He denies any history of nosebleeds and reports feeling generally healthy. Upon examination, a large nasal polyp is observed in the left nostril. What is the best course of action?
Your Answer: Refer to ENT
Explanation:It is crucial to refer him to an ENT for a comprehensive examination as unilateral polyps are a warning sign.
Understanding Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps are a relatively uncommon condition affecting around 1% of adults in the UK. They are more commonly seen in men and are not typically found in children or the elderly. There are several associations with nasal polyps, including asthma (particularly late-onset asthma), aspirin sensitivity, infective sinusitis, cystic fibrosis, Kartagener’s syndrome, and Churg-Strauss syndrome. When asthma, aspirin sensitivity, and nasal polyposis occur together, it is known as Samter’s triad.
The symptoms of nasal polyps include nasal obstruction, rhinorrhoea, sneezing, and a poor sense of taste and smell. It is important to note that any unusual symptoms, such as unilateral symptoms or bleeding, require further investigation. If nasal polyps are suspected, patients should be referred to an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist for a full examination.
The management of nasal polyps typically involves the use of topical corticosteroids, which can shrink polyp size in around 80% of patients. Overall, understanding nasal polyps and their associations can help with early detection and appropriate management.
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Question 19
A 32-year-old man visits the general practice surgery as he is experiencing sudden-onset vertigo when standing up from a seated position. Episodes last about 30 seconds and he denies any ear pain or hearing loss. His examination is unremarkable.
Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment option?Your Answer: Epley’s manoeuvre
Explanation:Understanding BPPV and Treatment Options
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a common condition that causes dizziness and vertigo. The Epley manoeuvre is a recommended treatment option for BPPV, involving repositioning the patient’s head and neck to remove calcium crystals from the semicircular canals. However, it should not be performed in patients with certain medical conditions. Symptomatic drug treatment is not recommended for BPPV, and patients should seek further medical advice if symptoms persist. The Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre is a diagnostic test for BPPV, while Brandt-Daroff exercises can be considered as an alternative treatment option. Understanding these options can help healthcare professionals provide appropriate care for patients with BPPV.
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Question 20
A 30-year-old man presents with worsening pain on the left side of the floor of the mouth. He has been experiencing pain intermittently for the past three weeks, especially during meals. However, the pain has escalated significantly over the last 48 hours.
During examination, his temperature is 38.2°C. There is a smooth swelling along the floor of the mouth. Intra-oral examination reveals inadequate dental hygiene and pus seeping into the floor of the mouth anteriorly.
What is the probable diagnosis?Your Answer: Left submandibular gland calculus
Correct Answer: Left submandibular gland infection
Explanation:Differentiating Left Submandibular Gland Infection from Other Conditions
Left submandibular gland infection is a condition that occurs when a submandibular gland calculus obstructs the submandibular duct, leading to stasis of duct contents and infection. It is important to differentiate this condition from other similar conditions to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.
Sialolithiasis, another condition that affects the submandibular gland, typically presents with dull pain around the gland that worsens during mealtimes or when lemon juice is squirted onto the tongue. Dental abscess, on the other hand, causes localized tooth pain without pus draining into the floor of the mouth.
Uncomplicated sialolithiasis does not present with fever and pus oozing into the floor of the mouth, which are common symptoms of left submandibular gland infection. Ludwig’s angina, a serious and potentially life-threatening infection of the soft tissues of the floor of the mouth, typically follows a dental infection and presents with marked oedema and tenderness of submandibular, sublingual, and submental spaces.
Mumps parotitis, which typically affects younger patients, presents with bilateral smooth, enlarged parotid glands and a viral-like illness. Unlike left submandibular gland infection, pus is not seen draining into the floor of the mouth.
In summary, differentiating left submandibular gland infection from other similar conditions is crucial in ensuring proper diagnosis and treatment.
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