Question 1
A 62-year-old businessman presents with bilateral leg weakness that has suddenly become worse over the last 12 hours. Some 10 months ago he had a lobar resection for a stage II squamous cell carcinoma, followed by radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy. On examination there is reduced power and altered sensation in both legs.
Which of the following is the most likely cause of the current problem?Your Answer: Spinal cord compression as a result of vertebral metastases
Explanation:Differential diagnosis of spinal cord-related symptoms in cancer patients
Spinal cord-related symptoms can be a medical emergency in cancer patients, requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment. Several conditions can cause similar symptoms, including spinal cord compression, spinal tuberculosis, peripheral neuropathy secondary to carcinomatosis, paraneoplastic myelopathy, and secondary spinal tumor deposit.
Spinal cord compression is a common complication of metastatic cancer, especially from breast, bronchus, prostate, multiple myeloma, and high-grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The classic triad of symptoms includes bilateral leg weakness, sensory loss, and bladder/bowel dysfunction, but back pain may be absent or delayed. Imaging studies, such as plain radiographs and MRI, are essential for diagnosis, and treatment options include steroids, neurosurgery, and radiotherapy.
Spinal tuberculosis is a rare but serious infection that can affect the spine and cause bone or joint pain, back pain, or swelling. It usually requires a combination of antibiotics and surgery to cure.
Peripheral neuropathy secondary to carcinomatosis is a gradual and often mild onset of nerve damage caused by cancer cells or cancer treatments. It can present with various sensory, motor, or autonomic symptoms, depending on the location and extent of nerve involvement.
Paraneoplastic myelopathy is a rare but potentially severe neurological disorder that can occur in some cancer patients, especially those with small-cell or squamous cell lung cancer. It is caused by an abnormal immune response to cancer cells, leading to inflammation and damage to the spinal cord.
Secondary spinal tumor deposit is a less common cause of spinal cord-related symptoms than spinal cord compression, but it can also occur in cancer patients with metastatic disease. It may present with similar symptoms and require similar diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
In summary, cancer patients with spinal cord-related symptoms should undergo a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause and appropriate management. Early recognition and treatment can improve outcomes and quality of life.
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- Haematology/Oncology
Question 2
A 23-year-old woman with sickle cell disease is admitted to the haematology unit after experiencing increasing fatigue and general malaise for the past week following a recent febrile illness. Upon examination, she appears pale and has multiple petechiae and bruises over her trunk and upper and lower limbs. Blood tests reveal a Hb of 82 g/L (135-180), platelets of 29 * 109/L (150 - 400), and WBC of 1.3 * 109/L (4.0 - 11.0). What is the most likely cause of this patient's presentation?
Your Answer: Cytomegalovirus infection
Correct Answer: Parvovirus B19 infection
Explanation:Pancytopenia may occur in patients with underlying haematological conditions who are infected with Parvovirus B19, which can also cause fever and rash.
Parvovirus B19: A Virus with Various Clinical Presentations
Parvovirus B19 is a DNA virus that can cause different clinical presentations. One of the most common is erythema infectiosum, also known as fifth disease or slapped-cheek syndrome. This illness may manifest as a mild feverish condition or a noticeable rash that appears after a few days. The rash is characterized by rose-red cheeks, which is why it is called slapped-cheek syndrome. It may spread to the rest of the body but rarely involves the palms and soles. The rash usually peaks after a week and then fades, but for some months afterwards, a warm bath, sunlight, heat, or fever may trigger a recurrence of the bright red cheeks and rash. Most children recover without specific treatment, and school exclusion is unnecessary as the child is not infectious once the rash emerges. However, in adults, the virus may cause acute arthritis.
Aside from erythema infectiosum, parvovirus B19 can also present as asymptomatic, pancytopenia in immunosuppressed patients, aplastic crises in sickle-cell disease, and hydrops fetalis. The virus suppresses erythropoiesis for about a week, so aplastic anemia is rare unless there is a chronic hemolytic anemia. In pregnant women, the virus can cross the placenta and cause severe anemia due to viral suppression of fetal erythropoiesis, which can lead to heart failure secondary to severe anemia and the accumulation of fluid in fetal serous cavities (e.g. ascites, pleural and pericardial effusions). This condition is treated with intrauterine blood transfusions.
It is important to note that the virus can affect an unborn baby in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman is exposed early in pregnancy (before 20 weeks), she should seek prompt advice from her antenatal care provider as maternal IgM and IgG will need to be checked. The virus is spread by the respiratory route, and a person is infectious 3 to 5 days before the appearance of the rash. Children are no longer infectious once the rash appears, and there is no specific treatment. Therefore, the child need not be excluded from school as they are no longer infectious by the time the rash occurs.
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Question 3
A 38-year-old woman of Afro-Caribbean origin presents to the Oncology Clinic under the 2-week-wait pathway. She has been noticing some lumps on her neck that are classified as painless, nontender, asymmetrical lymphadenopathy. She complains of increasing night sweats and has noticed some pain when drinking alcohol.
Given the likely diagnosis, which one of the following features is associated with a poor prognosis?Your Answer: Asymmetrical lymphadenopathy
Correct Answer: Night sweats
Explanation:Understanding Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Symptoms and Prognosis Factors
Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system. One of the most common symptoms of this malignancy is painless, non-tender, asymmetrical lymphadenopathy. However, the presence of night sweats, fever, and weight loss can also indicate a diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Patients of Afro-Caribbean origin may have a worse prognosis in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, but not in Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Alcohol-induced pain is a characteristic feature of some cases of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, but it has not been associated with a poor prognosis. Asymmetrical lymphadenopathy is a typical feature of Hodgkin’s lymphoma and has not been linked to a worse prognosis. Finally, while female sex has not been associated with poor prognosis, some studies suggest that male sex could be connected with a poorer outcome.
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Question 4
A 78-year-old man with known metastatic prostate cancer presents to his General Practitioner with generalised pain. He states that he has always had aches and pains from old age, but that this is different: he can feel the pain particularly in his back at night.
What is the most likely site to be involved in bone metastasis in this patient?Your Answer: Spine
Explanation:Common Sites of Metastatic Spread in Bone
Metastatic spread to the bone is a common occurrence in many types of cancer. The following are some of the most common sites of metastases in bone:
Spine: The spine is the most common site for bony metastases, with spread often found from a range of solid and haematological cancers, as well as infectious diseases such as tuberculosis.
Ribs: While breast cancer is known to spread to the ribs, this is not the case for many other cancers.
Pelvis: The pelvis is a prevalent site of metastatic spread occurring mostly from the prostate, breast, kidney, lung, and thyroid cancer.
Skull: Skull metastases are seen in 15-25% of all cancer patients and tend to include those from the breast, lungs, prostate, and thyroid, as well as melanoma.
Long bones: Localised bone pain is a red flag for metastatic spread to any of the long bones such as the femur and humerus. Breast, prostate, renal, thyroid, and lung cancers frequently metastasize to these areas.
Overall, understanding the common sites of metastatic spread in bone can help with early detection and treatment of cancer.
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Question 5
A 42-year-old female presents to her primary care physician with a 2-month history of progressive fatigue. She has a medical history of type-1 diabetes mellitus. Her doctor orders a full blood count, which reveals a low Hb and high mean cell volume. The platelet and WBC counts are within normal limits. Which antibody test should be performed to assist in the diagnosis?
Your Answer: Intrinsic-factor antibodies
Explanation:When investigating vitamin B12 deficiency, intrinsic factor antibodies are more useful than gastric parietal cell antibodies due to the low specificity of the latter. Megaloblastic anaemia, characterized by low haemoglobin and raised mean cell volume, can be caused by B12 or folate deficiency and may indicate pernicious anaemia, an autoimmune condition that impairs B12 uptake. Intrinsic factor antibodies are more specific for pernicious anaemia and are commonly used to confirm the diagnosis along with a blood test. Anti-histone antibodies are involved in drug-induced lupus caused by certain drugs. Anti-TTG antibodies are used to screen for coeliac disease, which can cause microcytic anaemia due to iron deficiency from malabsorption. While gastric parietal cell antibodies are linked to pernicious anaemia, their low specificity makes them less reliable for diagnosis compared to intrinsic factor antibodies.
Understanding Pernicious Anaemia
Pernicious anaemia is a condition that results in vitamin B12 deficiency due to an autoimmune disorder affecting the gastric mucosa. The term pernicious means causing harm in a gradual or subtle way, and this is reflected in the often subtle symptoms and delayed diagnosis of the condition. While pernicious anaemia is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency, other causes include atrophic gastritis, gastrectomy, and malnutrition.
The pathophysiology of pernicious anaemia involves antibodies to intrinsic factor and/or gastric parietal cells. These antibodies can bind to intrinsic factor, blocking the vitamin B12 binding site, or reduce acid production and cause atrophic gastritis. This leads to reduced intrinsic factor production and reduced vitamin B12 absorption, which can result in megaloblastic anaemia and neuropathy.
Risk factors for pernicious anaemia include being female, middle to old age, and having other autoimmune disorders such as thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addison’s, rheumatoid arthritis, and vitiligo. It is also more common in individuals with blood group A.
Symptoms of pernicious anaemia include anaemia features such as lethargy, pallor, and dyspnoea, as well as neurological features such as peripheral neuropathy and subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord. Neuropsychiatric features such as memory loss, poor concentration, confusion, depression, and irritability may also be present, along with mild jaundice and glossitis.
Diagnosis of pernicious anaemia involves a full blood count, vitamin B12 and folate levels, and testing for antibodies such as anti intrinsic factor antibodies and anti gastric parietal cell antibodies. Treatment involves vitamin B12 replacement, usually given intramuscularly, and folic acid supplementation may also be required. Complications of pernicious anaemia include an increased risk of gastric cancer.
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Question 6
A 5-year-old boy has been diagnosed with sickle cell disease following his routine heel-prick screening test. His mother contacts the General Practitioner to discuss the implications of this diagnosis and would like more information about treatment.
Which of the following is the best choice of management?Your Answer: Malaria prophylaxis is not required for travel
Correct Answer: Lifelong antibiotic prophylaxis with penicillin
Explanation:Management of Sickle Cell Disease: Antibiotic Prophylaxis, B12 and Iron Supplementation, and Malaria Prophylaxis
Sickle cell disease is a condition that increases the risk of infections, particularly pneumococcal infections, respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, and osteomyelitis. To prevent severe infections or sepsis, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends lifelong antibiotic prophylaxis with penicillin V or amoxicillin for people with sickle cell disease, starting ideally at three months of age. Pneumococcal vaccination every five years is also crucial. Co-amoxiclav is not the antibiotic of choice for prophylaxis. B12 supplementation is indicated only if a person with sickle cell disease has B12 deficiency. Folate supplementation is recommended for all people with sickle cell anaemia due to high folate turnover associated with haemolysis. Lifelong iron supplementation is not recommended unless there is proven iron deficiency that would require 3-month supplements rather than lifelong treatment. Finally, sickle cell disease does not protect against malaria, and people with sickle cell disease planning to travel to an area where malaria is endemic should take the standard recommended malaria prophylaxis for that area.
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Question 7
A 25-year-old woman comes to the clinic complaining of fatigue. Upon conducting blood tests, the following results are obtained:
- Hemoglobin (Hb): 10.4 g/dl
- Platelets (Plt): 278 * 109/l
- White blood cell count (WCC): 6.3 * 109/l
- Mean corpuscular volume (MCV): 65 fl
- Hemoglobin A2 (HbA2): 4.5% (< 3%)
What is the most probable diagnosis?Your Answer: Beta-thalassaemia trait
Explanation:When a female presents with microcytic anaemia, it is important to consider potential causes such as gastrointestinal bleeding or menorrhagia. However, if there is no history of these conditions and the microcytosis is not proportional to the haemoglobin level, beta-thalassaemia trait should be considered as a possible diagnosis, especially if HbA2 levels are elevated.
Understanding Beta-Thalassaemia Trait
Beta-thalassaemia trait is a genetic disorder that affects the production rate of beta chains. It is an autosomal recessive condition that results in a mild hypochromic, microcytic anaemia. This condition is usually asymptomatic, meaning that it does not show any noticeable symptoms. However, it is important to note that microcytosis is characteristically disproportionate to the anaemia. Additionally, individuals with beta-thalassaemia trait have raised levels of HbA2, which is typically greater than 3.5%. Understanding beta-thalassaemia trait is crucial for individuals who may be carriers of this genetic disorder.
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Question 8
A 26-year-old female patient comes to the clinic after discovering a lump in her right breast. She is uncertain about how long it has been there and reports no pain or other symptoms. She has no significant medical history. During the physical examination, a smooth, rubbery, mobile mass of approximately 2 cm in diameter is palpated. The patient is immediately referred for imaging, which reveals a small, lobulated lesion measuring about 2.5cm in width, highly suggestive of a fibroadenoma. What is the next step in managing this patient?
Your Answer: Reassurance and monitoring
Explanation:A young patient has a small fibroadenoma <3 cm, which is highly suggestive on imaging. There is no increase in the risk of breast cancer, so a core-needle biopsy is not necessary. Watchful waiting is appropriate, and cryoablation may be used for larger fibroadenomas. Fine-needle aspiration is only necessary for larger lumps or in older patients. Understanding Breast Fibroadenoma Breast fibroadenoma is a type of breast mass that develops from a whole lobule. It is characterized by a mobile, firm, and smooth lump in the breast, which is often referred to as a breast mouse. Fibroadenoma accounts for about 12% of all breast masses and is more common in women under the age of 30. Fortunately, fibroadenomas are usually benign and do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer. In fact, over a two-year period, up to 30% of fibroadenomas may even get smaller on their own. However, if the lump is larger than 3 cm, surgical excision is typically recommended. In summary, breast fibroadenoma is a common type of breast mass that is usually benign and does not increase the risk of breast cancer. While it may cause concern for some women, it is important to remember that most fibroadenomas do not require treatment and may even resolve on their own.
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Question 9
A 10-year-old girl became acutely ill last week with vomiting, high fevers (maximum temperature of 39.5 °C) and weakness. Her mother took the girl to the general practitioner (GP) on day two of the illness, and he suggested she had gastroenteritis and that it should resolve itself in a week. However, the girl continues to be very ill and has now developed a non-blanching petechial rash on her abdomen.
Blood tests show many blasts in the periphery, low platelets and severe anaemia.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)
Explanation:Types of Leukaemia: Characteristics and Symptoms
Leukaemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. There are different types of leukaemia, each with its own characteristics and symptoms. Here are some of the most common types:
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL): This is the most common type of leukaemia in children, usually presenting before the age of five. It is associated with a clonal expansion of immature lymphoid progenitor cells, leading to anaemia, thrombocytopenia, and increased susceptibility to infections. Symptoms include hepatosplenomegaly, generalised lymphadenopathy, new-onset bruising, fatigue, joint and bone pain, bleeding, and superimposed infections. Treatment is with pegaspargase.
Hairy-cell leukaemia: This is a B-cell leukaemia usually affecting middle-aged men. The malignant cells have cytoplasmic projections that make them look hairy, hence the name.
Acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML): This is a type of leukaemia that is most commonly seen in adults. It can be of various types, but one that is commonly assessed is promyelocytic leukaemia M3 that is characterised by cells with dark, pink, needle-like intracytoplasmic inclusions called Auer rods. This is a very aggressive form of leukaemia.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): This is a disease most commonly seen in the elderly and is usually of B-cell origin. Blood smear findings commonly refer to ‘smudge cells’, which is a result of the fragile cells breaking during preparation of the smear.
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML): This is a disease most commonly seen in middle-aged adults and is associated with the Philadelphia chromosome, a chimeric chromosome formed by the translocation of part of chromosome 9 to chromosome 22.
In conclusion, leukaemia is a serious disease that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. Knowing the characteristics and symptoms of each type can help in early detection and management.
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Question 10
A 30-year-old female patient visits the GP clinic with a tiny lump in her right breast. Upon examination, a smooth fluctuant lump is found in the right upper quadrant of the breast. The patient is referred to the breast clinic for an ultrasound scan, which reveals a 2cm cyst in the right upper quadrant of the breast. What is the most suitable course of action for management?
Your Answer: Reassure the patient and no follow-up required
Correct Answer: Aspiration of the cyst
Explanation:Aspirating breast cysts is necessary due to the potential risk of breast cancer, particularly in younger women. Merely monitoring the cysts with ultrasound or mammogram without aspiration is not a suitable approach. There is no need for wide local excision at this point. Providing false reassurance to the patient is not advisable.
Benign breast lesions have different features and treatments. Fibroadenomas are firm, mobile lumps that develop from a whole lobule and usually do not increase the risk of malignancy. Breast cysts are smooth, discrete lumps that may be aspirated, but blood-stained or persistently refilling cysts should be biopsied or excised. Sclerosing adenosis, radial scars, and complex sclerosing lesions cause mammographic changes that may mimic carcinoma, but do not increase the risk of malignancy. Epithelial hyperplasia may present as general lumpiness or a discrete lump, and atypical features and family history of breast cancer increase the risk of malignancy. Fat necrosis may mimic carcinoma and requires imaging and core biopsy. Duct papillomas usually present with nipple discharge and may require microdochectomy.
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Question 11
A 35-year-old woman presents to her General Practitioner complaining of fatigue and lack of energy. She has a 1-year history of heavy menstrual bleeding with excessive blood loss. She is clinically anaemic.
Investigation Result Normal value
Haemoglobin (Hb) 102 g/l 115–155 g/l
Haematocrit 28% 36–47%
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 70 fl 80–100 fl
Mean cell haemoglobin (MCH) 25 pg 28–32 pg
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin volume (MCHC) 300 g/l 320–350 g/d
White cell count (WCC) 7.5 × 109/l 4.0–11.0× 109/l
Platelets (PLT) 400× 109/l 150–400× 109/l
What is the most appropriate dietary advice for this patient?
Select the SINGLE advice option from the list below.Your Answer: She should avoid a vegetarian diet
Correct Answer: She should increase her intake of vitamin C-rich and iron-rich food
Explanation:To address her iron-deficiency anaemia, the patient should consume more foods rich in vitamin C and iron. Vitamin C can increase iron absorption by up to 10 times and maintain iron in its ferrous form. However, she should avoid breakfast cereals and white breads as they are often fortified with iron. Tea should also be avoided during meals or when taking iron supplements as it contains tannin, which reduces iron absorption. While a vegetarian diet can still provide non-haem iron, it is important to consume a variety of iron-rich plant-based foods. A gluten-free diet is only necessary if coeliac disease is present, which is unlikely in this case as the patient’s iron-deficiency anaemia is likely due to menorrhagia.
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Question 12
A 49-year-old homeless man has been admitted to the emergency department after collapsing with sudden onset left side hemiparesis and facial droop. A CT scan has revealed a large intracerebral haemorrhage, which is likely to have occurred spontaneously. The patient's medical and family history is unknown, but you suspect that coagulopathy may be the cause of the spontaneous bleed. The clotting profile and specific clotting factor levels are as follows:
- PT prolonged
- APTT prolonged
- Factor VIII high
- Factor II low
- Factor V low
- Factor VII low
- Factor IX low
- Von Willebrand factor high
What is the most probable reason for the coagulopathy?Your Answer: Liver failure
Explanation:It is highly probable that the individual is suffering from liver failure as all clotting factors, except for factor VIII, are below normal levels. In cases of liver failure, both PT and APTT may be prolonged. Haemophilia A and B are unlikely as they result in deficiencies of specific clotting factors, whereas Von Willebrand disease may have low levels of Von Willebrand factor but the other factors remain unaffected. Disseminated intravascular coagulation, on the other hand, leads to depletion of all clotting factors.
Coagulopathy in Liver Disease: Paradoxical Supra-normal Factor VIII and Increased Thrombosis Risk
In liver failure, the levels of all clotting factors decrease except for factor VIII, which paradoxically increases. This is because factor VIII is synthesized not only in hepatic endothelial cells but also in endothelial cells throughout the body. Moreover, good hepatic function is required for the rapid clearance of activated factor VIII from the bloodstream, leading to further increases in circulating factor VIII. Despite conventional coagulation studies suggesting an increased risk of bleeding, patients with chronic liver disease are paradoxically at an increased risk of thrombosis formation. This is due to several factors, including reduced synthesis of natural anticoagulants such as protein C, protein S, and anti-thrombin, which are all essential for preventing thrombosis.
Tripodi et al. An imbalance of pro- vs anti-coagulation factors in plasma from patients with cirrhosis. Gastroenterology. 2009 Dec;137(6):2105-11. -
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Question 13
A 72-year-old man presents to the Nephrology Clinic with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of 3 ml/min/1.73 m2. He is already undergoing renal replacement therapy. He also presents with worsening anaemia.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Erythropoietin deficiency
Explanation:Causes of Anaemia in End-Stage Renal Failure Patients
Anaemia is a common complication in patients with end-stage renal failure, primarily due to a decrease in the production of erythropoietin by the kidneys. Other causes of anaemia can include folate and vitamin B12 deficiency, uraemic inhibitors, and reduced half-life of circulating blood cells. The prevalence of anaemia in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) increases as eGFR levels decrease, with a prevalence of 12% in CKD patients. Folate deficiency and iron deficiency can also cause anaemia, but in this case, the anaemia is more likely related to poor kidney function. Deficiencies in granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and pyridoxine are less likely causes of anaemia in end-stage renal failure patients.
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Question 14
A 63-year-old woman with metastatic breast cancer complains of worsening dyspnea. She is undergoing chemotherapy treatment. During the physical examination, a third heart sound is heard and the apex beat is displaced to the anterior axillary line in the 6th intercostal space. Which chemotherapy drug is most likely causing these symptoms?
Your Answer: Doxorubicin
Explanation:Cardiomyopathy can be caused by anthracyclines such as doxorubicin.
Cytotoxic agents are drugs that are used to kill cancer cells. There are several types of cytotoxic agents, each with their own mechanism of action and adverse effects. Alkylating agents, such as cyclophosphamide, work by causing cross-linking in DNA. However, they can also cause haemorrhagic cystitis, myelosuppression, and transitional cell carcinoma. Cytotoxic antibiotics, like bleomycin, degrade preformed DNA and can lead to lung fibrosis. Anthracyclines, such as doxorubicin, stabilize the DNA-topoisomerase II complex and inhibit DNA and RNA synthesis, but can also cause cardiomyopathy. Antimetabolites, like methotrexate, inhibit dihydrofolate reductase and thymidylate synthesis, leading to myelosuppression, mucositis, liver fibrosis, and lung fibrosis. Fluorouracil (5-FU) is a pyrimidine analogue that induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis by blocking thymidylate synthase, but can also cause myelosuppression, mucositis, and dermatitis. Cytarabine is a pyrimidine antagonist that interferes with DNA synthesis specifically at the S-phase of the cell cycle and inhibits DNA polymerase, but can also cause myelosuppression and ataxia. Drugs that act on microtubules, like vincristine and vinblastine, inhibit the formation of microtubules and can cause peripheral neuropathy, paralytic ileus, and myelosuppression. Docetaxel prevents microtubule depolymerisation and disassembly, decreasing free tubulin, but can also cause neutropaenia. Topoisomerase inhibitors, like irinotecan, inhibit topoisomerase I which prevents relaxation of supercoiled DNA, but can also cause myelosuppression. Other cytotoxic drugs, such as cisplatin, cause cross-linking in DNA and can lead to ototoxicity, peripheral neuropathy, and hypomagnesaemia. Hydroxyurea (hydroxycarbamide) inhibits ribonucleotide reductase, decreasing DNA synthesis, but can also cause myelosuppression.
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Question 15
A 76-year-old male with a history of COPD and metastatic lung cancer is admitted with worsening shortness of breath. After consulting with family, it is determined that active treatment, including fluids and antibiotics, will be withdrawn as this admission is likely a terminal event. However, two days later, the patient becomes restless and agitated. What is the best course of action in managing this situation?
Your Answer: Subcutaneous midazolam
Explanation:Palliative Care Prescribing for Agitation and Confusion
When dealing with agitation and confusion in palliative care patients, it is important to identify and treat any underlying causes such as hypercalcaemia, infection, urinary retention, or medication. If these specific treatments fail, medication can be used to manage symptoms. Haloperidol is the first choice for treating agitation and confusion, with chlorpromazine and levomepromazine as alternative options. In the terminal phase of the illness, midazolam is the preferred medication for managing agitation or restlessness. Proper management of these symptoms can greatly improve the quality of life for palliative care patients.
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Question 16
A 64-year-old woman presents to the clinic after undergoing a lumpectomy for a cancerous lump in her left breast. The histopathology report indicates that the tissue was oestrogen receptor-positive, and the patient is offered anastrozole therapy as adjuvant treatment. She has no significant medical history and is not currently taking any medications. The patient is eager to begin the recommended adjuvant therapy. What diagnostic tests should be conducted before initiating treatment?
Your Answer: ECG
Correct Answer: DEXA scan
Explanation:Anastrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, is a recommended adjuvant therapy for patients with oestrogen positive cancer (ER+). However, it may lead to osteoporosis as an adverse effect. Therefore, NICE recommends performing a DEXA scan before initiating therapy. A clotting screen is not necessary before starting anastrozole, as it does not cause coagulopathies. ECGs are not required either, as cardiac changes and arrhythmias are not associated with this medication. Unlike certain medications like statins, anastrozole is not known to commonly affect lipid profiles, so it does not need to be monitored. Liver function tests are also not routinely assessed before starting anastrozole, as it is not known to affect liver function. However, it would have been appropriate to send a clotting screen before the patient’s lumpectomy.
Anti-oestrogen drugs are used in the management of oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Selective oEstrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM) such as Tamoxifen act as an oestrogen receptor antagonist and partial agonist. However, Tamoxifen can cause adverse effects such as menstrual disturbance, hot flushes, venous thromboembolism, and endometrial cancer. On the other hand, aromatase inhibitors like Anastrozole and Letrozole reduce peripheral oestrogen synthesis, which is important in postmenopausal women. Anastrozole is used for ER +ve breast cancer in this group. However, aromatase inhibitors can cause adverse effects such as osteoporosis, hot flushes, arthralgia, myalgia, and insomnia. NICE recommends a DEXA scan when initiating a patient on aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer.
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Question 17
A 25-year-old man visited his GP after he discovered a solid lump in his left testis.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Seminoma
Correct Answer: Teratoma
Explanation:Common Scrotal Conditions: Understanding Testicular Lumps and Swellings
Testicular lumps and swellings can be a cause for concern, but not all of them are cancerous. In fact, most scrotal conditions are benign and can be easily treated. Here are some common scrotal conditions and their characteristics:
Teratoma: This solid testicular lump is suggestive of a tumour and typically presents in young soldiers aged 20-30 years.
Seminoma: This tumour usually presents in more senior soldiers aged 35-45 years.
Epididymal cyst: This benign, fluid-filled lump is usually found at the head of the epididymis and is separate from the testis.
Hydrocele: This painless, cystic, scrotal swelling lies below and anterior to the testes and will normally transilluminate.
Varicocele: This painless swelling of the testes on the left side (rarely on the right) is described as a bag of worms within the spermatic cord above the testis. It tends to occur in those aged 12+ years and is associated with infertility in approximately a quarter of men with abnormal semen parameters.
If you notice any changes in your scrotum, it is important to seek medical attention. Your healthcare provider can help determine the cause of the lump or swelling and recommend appropriate treatment.
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- Haematology/Oncology
Question 18
Which of the following may be linked to a higher risk of venous thromboembolism?
Your Answer: Hypothyroidism
Correct Answer: Behcet's syndrome
Explanation:Venous Thromboembolism: Common Risk Factors
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a condition where blood clots form in the veins, which can lead to serious complications such as pulmonary embolism (PE). While there are many factors that can increase the risk of VTE, some are more common than others. These include malignancy, pregnancy, and the period following an operation. Other general risk factors include advancing age, obesity, family history of VTE, immobility, hospitalization, anaesthesia, and the use of central venous catheters. Underlying conditions such as heart failure, thrombophilia, and antiphospholipid syndrome can also increase the risk of VTE. Additionally, certain medications like the combined oral contraceptive pill, hormone replacement therapy, raloxifene, tamoxifen, and antipsychotics have been shown to be risk factors.
It is important to note that while these factors can increase the risk of VTE, around 40% of patients diagnosed with a PE have no major risk factors.
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Question 19
A 68-year-old woman is referred with fatigue. Her primary care physician observes that she has jaundice and suspects liver disease. She also presents with angular cheilitis. She has a history of taking steroid inhalers for asthma, but no other significant medical history. A blood smear shows signs of megaloblastic anemia, and her serum bilirubin level is elevated, but her other laboratory results are normal. There are no indications of gastrointestinal (GI) issues.
What is the most appropriate diagnosis for this clinical presentation?Your Answer: Pernicious anaemia
Explanation:Differential Diagnosis of Anaemia: Understanding the Causes
Anaemia is a common condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. Here, we will discuss some of the possible causes of anaemia and their corresponding laboratory findings.
Pernicious Anaemia: This type of anaemia is caused by a deficiency in vitamin B12 due to impaired intrinsic factor (IF) production. It is usually seen in adults aged 40-70 years and is characterized by megaloblastic changes in rapidly dividing cells. Anti-parietal cell antibodies are present in 90% of patients with pernicious anaemia. The Schilling test is useful in confirming the absence of IF. Treatment involves parenteral administration of cyanocobalamin or hydroxycobalamin.
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia: CML is a myeloproliferative disorder that results in increased proliferation of granulocytic cells. Symptoms include fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, and hepatosplenomegaly. Mild to moderate anaemia is usually normochromic and normocytic. Diagnosis is based on histopathological findings in the peripheral blood and Philadelphia chromosome in bone marrow cells.
Iron Deficiency Anaemia: This type of anaemia is primarily a laboratory diagnosis and is characterized by microcytic and hypochromic erythropoiesis. It is caused by chronic iron deficiency and can be due to multiple causes, including chronic inflammation, iron malabsorption, chronic blood loss, and malabsorption of vitamin B12 or folate.
Crohn’s Disease: This chronic inflammatory process can affect any part of the GI tract and can cause anaemia due to chronic inflammation, iron malabsorption, chronic blood loss, and malabsorption of vitamin B12 or folate. However, the lack of GI symptoms in the clinical scenario provided is not consistent with a history of inflammatory bowel disease.
Autoimmune Hepatitis: This chronic disease is characterized by continuing hepatocellular inflammation and necrosis, with a tendency to progress to cirrhosis. Elevated serum aminotransferase levels are present in 100% of patients at initial presentation. Anaemia, if present, is usually normochromic. However, this clinical picture and laboratory findings are not consistent with the scenario given.
In conclusion, understanding the different causes of anaemia and their corresponding laboratory findings is crucial in making an accurate diagnosis and providing appropriate treatment.
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- Haematology/Oncology
Question 20
A 28-year-old woman visits her GP with concerns about a lump in her breast that she discovered three weeks ago. The lump is causing discomfort when she wears a bra. During the examination, the doctor detects a 4 cm, non-tethered, and firm lump in the upper left quadrant of her right breast. The surface and contour are smooth, the skin is intact, and it does not transilluminate. The doctor refers her for a triple assessment, which confirms that she has a fibroadenoma. What is the next step in her treatment plan?
Your Answer: Discharge and safety netting
Correct Answer: Refer for surgical excision
Explanation:The appropriate action for a patient presenting with a breast fibroadenoma larger than 3 cm is to refer them for surgical excision. Fibroadenomas are benign masses that develop from the whole lobule and are typically small, firm, and smooth, often referred to as breast mice. While they are usually treated conservatively, surgical excision is necessary if they cause discomfort, as in this case. Checking the mass again in three months, discharge and safety netting, prescribing oral antibiotics, and referring for aspiration are all incorrect management options for a fibroadenoma.
Understanding Breast Fibroadenoma
Breast fibroadenoma is a type of breast mass that develops from a whole lobule. It is characterized by a mobile, firm, and smooth lump in the breast, which is often referred to as a breast mouse. Fibroadenoma accounts for about 12% of all breast masses and is more common in women under the age of 30.
Fortunately, fibroadenomas are usually benign and do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer. In fact, over a two-year period, up to 30% of fibroadenomas may even get smaller on their own. However, if the lump is larger than 3 cm, surgical excision is typically recommended.
In summary, breast fibroadenoma is a common type of breast mass that is usually benign and does not increase the risk of breast cancer. While it may cause concern for some women, it is important to remember that most fibroadenomas do not require treatment and may even resolve on their own.
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- Haematology/Oncology
Question 21
A 55-year-old woman comes to the clinic with symptoms of petechiae, purpura, and epistaxis. She had a cold 6 weeks ago and has no known family history of bleeding disorders. Her lab results show a platelet count of 80 * 109/L (normal range: 150 - 400). What is the recommended first-line treatment for her likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Oral prednisolone
Explanation:Understanding Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) in Adults
Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a condition where the immune system attacks and reduces the number of platelets in the blood. This is caused by antibodies targeting the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa or Ib-V-IX complex. While children with ITP usually experience acute thrombocytopenia after an infection or vaccination, adults tend to have a more chronic form of the condition. ITP is more common in older females and may be detected incidentally during routine blood tests. Symptoms may include petechiae, purpura, and bleeding, but catastrophic bleeding is not a common presentation.
To diagnose ITP, a full blood count and blood film are typically performed. While a bone marrow examination is no longer routinely used, antiplatelet antibody testing may be done, although it has poor sensitivity and does not affect clinical management. The first-line treatment for ITP is oral prednisolone, but pooled normal human immunoglobulin (IVIG) may also be used if active bleeding or an urgent invasive procedure is required. Splenectomy is now less commonly used as a treatment option.
In some cases, ITP may be associated with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA), which is known as Evan’s syndrome. It is important for individuals with ITP to work closely with their healthcare provider to manage their condition and prevent complications.
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Question 22
A 50-year-old woman is found to have a proximal deep vein thrombosis four weeks after undergoing surgery for a broken ankle. She is prescribed warfarin (initially accompanied by low molecular weight heparin) with a desired INR range of 2.0-3.0. What other treatment option should be presented to this patient?
Your Answer: A re-scan in 3 months to check for clot resolution
Correct Answer: No additional treatment other than routine care
Explanation:Post-Thrombotic Syndrome: A Complication of Deep Vein Thrombosis
Post-thrombotic syndrome is a clinical syndrome that may develop following a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). It is caused by venous outflow obstruction and venous insufficiency, which leads to chronic venous hypertension. Patients with post-thrombotic syndrome may experience painful, heavy calves, pruritus, swelling, varicose veins, and venous ulceration.
In the past, compression stockings were offered to patients with DVT to reduce the risk of post-thrombotic syndrome. However, current recommendations state that elastic graduated compression stockings should not be used to prevent post-thrombotic syndrome or VTE recurrence after a proximal DVT. This recommendation does not cover the use of elastic stockings for the management of leg symptoms after DVT.
Once post-thrombotic syndrome has developed, compression stockings are a recommended treatment. Other recommendations include keeping the leg elevated. It is important for healthcare providers to recognize the potential complications of DVT and to provide appropriate management to prevent the development of post-thrombotic syndrome.
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- Haematology/Oncology
Question 23
An 85-year-old man complains of increasing back pain and overall weakness. An X-ray of his back reveals multiple vertebral collapses and lytic lesions.
What is the most probable diagnosis?Your Answer: Bone metastases
Correct Answer: Multiple myeloma
Explanation:Understanding Multiple Myeloma: A Malignant Disease of Plasma Cells
Multiple myeloma is a malignant disease of plasma cells that commonly affects adults aged over 60 years. It is characterized by the production of paraproteinaemia in the blood, which can affect multiple organs including the blood, bone, kidneys, and immune system. The most common symptoms of multiple myeloma include unexplained bone pain, hypercalcaemia, weight loss, hyperviscosity symptoms, spinal cord compression, and fever.
On the other hand, osteoporosis is a condition characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of the structure of the bone tissue, resulting in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. Multiple vertebral collapses and lytic lesions are more sinister in nature and are commonly associated with multiple myeloma.
Osteosarcoma, bone metastases, and chronic myeloblastic leukaemia (CML) are not related to multiple myeloma. Osteosarcoma is characterized by cortical destruction and the presence of a soft-tissue mass, while bone metastases usually lead to destruction of the cortex on plain radiographs. Symptoms of CML include fatigue, night sweats, weight loss, abdominal fullness, and left upper quadrant pain.
In summary, understanding the symptoms and characteristics of multiple myeloma is crucial in diagnosing and treating this malignant disease of plasma cells.
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- Haematology/Oncology
Question 24
A 28-year-old pregnant woman is brought into the Emergency Department with acute confusion and abnormal behaviour. Her husband says she has been well till today. There is no past medical history of note and she takes no regular medication.
On examination, she is febrile with a temperature of 38.7 °C. Her heart rate is 125 bpm with a blood pressure of 115/95 mmHg. Chest sounds are clear and heart sounds are normal. She has a soft abdomen with a palpable uterus in keeping with 16 weeks’ gestation.
Investigation Result Normal value
Haemoglobin (Hb) 92 g/l 115–155 g/l
White cell count (WCC) 10.3 × 109/l 4.0–11.0 × 109/l
Neutrophils 7.1 × 109/l 2.5–7.5 × 109/l
Lymphocytes 0.9 × 109/l 0.8–5.0 × 109/l
Platelets (PLT) 57 × 109/l 150–400 × 109/l
Sodium (Na+) 136 mmol/l 135–145 mmol/l
Potassium (K+) 4.5 mmol/l 3.5–5.0 mmol/l
Urea 17.3 mmol/l 1.8–7.1 mmol/l
Creatinine (Cr) 225µmol/l 50–120 µmol/l
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) 34 60+
Bilirubin 20µmol/l 1–22 µmol/l
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 35 U/l 7–55 U/l
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 85 U/l 30–150 U/l
Albumin 40 g/l 35–55 g/l
C-reactive protein (CRP) 9 mg/l < 10 mg/l
Which of the following is the best investigation to confirm the likely diagnosis?
Select ONE option onlyYour Answer: Blood culture
Correct Answer: Blood film
Explanation:Investigations for Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in a Pregnant Patient with Fever and Confusion
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) should be considered in a pregnant patient presenting with fever, acute kidney injury, cerebral dysfunction, thrombocytopenia, and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. To confirm the diagnosis, a blood film is needed to show the presence of schistocytes from the destruction of red blood cells. An abdominal ultrasound may be considered, but it will not aid in identifying the underlying diagnosis. Although a blood culture is appropriate, it would not confirm the diagnosis. A CT head or lumbar puncture may be useful in excluding visible organic pathology, but they do not play a role in the diagnosis of TTP.
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- Haematology/Oncology
Question 25
A 47-year-old man, currently admitted to a medical ward for acute pancreatitis, experiences intermittent episodes of epistaxis. Blood tests are conducted and reveal the following results:
- Platelets: 52 * 109/L (normal range: 150 - 400)
- Prothrombin time (PT): 23 seconds (normal range: 10-14 seconds)
- Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT): 46 seconds (normal range: 25-35 seconds)
- Fibrinogen: 0.8 g/L (normal range: 2 - 4)
- D-Dimer: 1203 ng/mL (normal range: < 400)
Based on the probable diagnosis, what would be the expected findings on a blood film?Your Answer: Heinz bodies
Correct Answer: Schistocytes
Explanation:The presence of schistocytes is indicative of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, which is associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). DIC is a condition where the coagulation pathways are activated, leading to a procoagulant state. It can be triggered by various factors, including acute illness. The patient’s blood tests show a depletion of platelets and coagulation factors, which is typical of DIC. However, elliptocytes, Heinz bodies, and Howell-Jolly bodies are not expected in DIC. Elliptocytes are usually seen in conditions like iron deficiency and thalassemia, while Heinz bodies are associated with alpha-thalassemia and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Howell-Jolly bodies are characteristic of decreased splenic function, such as post-splenectomy.
Understanding Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) Diagnosis
Under normal conditions, coagulation and fibrinolysis work together to maintain homeostasis. However, in DIC, these processes become dysregulated, leading to widespread clotting and bleeding. One key factor in the development of DIC is the release of tissue factor (TF), a glycoprotein found on the surface of various cell types. Normally, TF is not in contact with the general circulation, but it is exposed after vascular damage or in response to certain cytokines. Once activated, TF triggers the extrinsic pathway of coagulation, which then triggers the intrinsic pathway. DIC can be caused by various factors, including sepsis, trauma, obstetric complications, and malignancy.
To diagnose DIC, a typical blood picture will show decreased platelets and fibrinogen, increased fibrinogen degradation products, and the presence of schistocytes due to microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Additionally, both the prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time are prolonged, while bleeding time and platelet count are often low. Understanding the diagnosis of DIC is crucial for prompt and effective treatment.
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- Haematology/Oncology
Question 26
A 65-year-old man who works as a pipe lagger is referred to you with a 6-month history of increasing shortness of breath and weight loss. He is a lifelong non-smoker and has always led a fit, healthy life. Clinical examination indicates a left pleural effusion, which is confirmed on the chest radiograph. Which of the following malignant causes is most likely? Select the SINGLE malignant cause from the list below. Select ONE option only.
Your Answer: Alveolar-cell carcinoma
Correct Answer: Mesothelioma
Explanation:Understanding Mesothelioma and Other Possible Malignancies
Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that is often linked to asbestos exposure. Those who worked as pipe laggers in the past were frequently exposed to asbestos, which can lead to mesothelioma. Symptoms of mesothelioma include cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, and weight loss. While the prognosis for mesothelioma remains poor, some cases can be surgically resected and chemotherapy can provide palliative care.
However, other malignancies can also present with similar symptoms, such as non-small-cell cancer, small-cell lung cancer, squamous-cell lung cancer, and bronchial carcinoid tumors. It is important to exclude these possibilities and properly diagnose the specific type of cancer in order to provide the most effective treatment.
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Question 27
A 70-year-old man with metastatic prostate cancer is experiencing increased pain and vomiting while taking morphine sulphate 60mg bd. It has been decided to switch to subcutaneous administration. What is the recommended 24-hour dose of morphine for continuous subcutaneous infusion?
Your Answer: 60mg
Explanation:In this scenario, the BNF suggests administering half of the oral dose of morphine when using the parenteral route (subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous). If the patient is no longer able to swallow, a continuous subcutaneous infusion of morphine is typically given.
Palliative care prescribing for pain is guided by NICE and SIGN guidelines. NICE recommends starting treatment with regular oral modified-release or immediate-release morphine, with immediate-release morphine for breakthrough pain. Laxatives should be prescribed for all patients initiating strong opioids, and antiemetics should be offered if nausea persists. Drowsiness is usually transient, but if it persists, the dose should be adjusted. SIGN advises that the breakthrough dose of morphine is one-sixth the daily dose, and all patients receiving opioids should be prescribed a laxative. Opioids should be used with caution in patients with chronic kidney disease, and oxycodone is preferred to morphine in patients with mild-moderate renal impairment. Metastatic bone pain may respond to strong opioids, bisphosphonates, or radiotherapy, and all patients should be considered for referral to a clinical oncologist for further treatment. When increasing the dose of opioids, the next dose should be increased by 30-50%. Conversion factors between opioids are also provided. Opioid side-effects are usually transient, such as nausea and drowsiness, but constipation can persist. In addition to strong opioids, bisphosphonates, and radiotherapy, denosumab may be used to treat metastatic bone pain.
Overall, the guidelines recommend starting with regular oral morphine and adjusting the dose as needed. Laxatives should be prescribed to prevent constipation, and antiemetics may be needed for nausea. Opioids should be used with caution in patients with chronic kidney disease, and oxycodone is preferred in patients with mild-moderate renal impairment. Metastatic bone pain may respond to strong opioids, bisphosphonates, or radiotherapy, and referral to a clinical oncologist should be considered. Conversion factors between opioids are provided, and the next dose should be increased by 30-50% when adjusting the dose. Opioid side-effects are usually transient, but constipation can persist. Denosumab may also be used to treat metastatic bone pain.
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- Haematology/Oncology
Question 28
A 32-year-old man is brought to the emergency department by his physician due to bone pain, weakness, and splenomegaly. He has been experiencing increasing fatigue and weakness while performing his daily tasks over the past few weeks. During the examination, he appears extremely pale and has petechiae on his lower limbs. After a bone marrow sample is taken, he is diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML). What is the most probable finding on his blood film?
Your Answer: Auer rods
Explanation:A finding of Auer rods on a blood film strongly indicates the presence of acute promyelocytic leukemia.
The correct answer is ‘Auer rods’. This patient has been diagnosed with APML, and the most common finding on a blood film associated with this is Auer rods. These are needle-like structures that are large, pink or red stained and can be seen within the cytoplasm of myeloid blast cells.
‘Tear-drop’ poikilocytes are typically found in myelofibrosis, which is characterized by flat, elongated red blood cells that resemble a tear-drop in shape. This occurs due to the squeezing of cells through fibrotic tissue in bone marrow in myelofibrotic disorders.
Smear cells are usually seen in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), which are remnants of cells that lack identifiable plasma membrane or nuclear structure.
Spherocytes are generally found in hereditary spherocytosis or autoimmune hemolytic anemia, which are red blood cells that are sphere-shaped and more fragile than normal red blood cells due to abnormalities in the red cell membrane.
Acute myeloid leukaemia is a common form of acute leukaemia in adults that may occur as a primary disease or following a myeloproliferative disorder. Symptoms are related to bone marrow failure and include anaemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, splenomegaly, and bone pain. Poor prognostic features include age over 60, >20% blasts after first course of chemo, and deletions of chromosome 5 or 7. Acute promyelocytic leukaemia M3 is associated with t(15;17) and has a good prognosis. The French-American-British classification system includes seven subtypes.
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- Haematology/Oncology
Question 29
Among the following groups of malignant tumours, which one is known for frequently metastasizing to bone?
Your Answer: Lung, breast, prostate, thyroid, brain
Correct Answer: Breast, prostate, kidney, lung, thyroid
Explanation:Metastasis Patterns of Common Tumours
Metastasis, the spread of cancer cells from the primary tumour to other parts of the body, is a major factor in cancer progression and treatment. Different types of cancer have different patterns of metastasis. Here are some common tumours and their predilection for dissemination to specific organs:
– Breast, prostate, kidney, lung, thyroid: These tumours have a predilection for dissemination to bone.
– Kidney, sarcoma, lung, thyroid: Sarcoma most commonly metastasises to the lungs.
– Breast, prostate, kidney, lymphoma: Tumours that commonly metastasise to the brain include those of the breast, lung, prostate, kidney and thyroid.
– Lung, breast, prostate, thyroid, brain: Primary brain tumours rarely metastasise to other parts of the body.
– Thyroid, brain, lung, liver, breast: Primary liver tumours most commonly metastasise to the lung, portal vein and portal nodes.Understanding the metastasis patterns of different tumours can help in early detection and targeted treatment.
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- Haematology/Oncology
Question 30
A 56-year-old man who comes to see you concerned about prostate cancer. You perform a digital rectal exam which reveals an enlarged, firm and irregular prostate. What would be the best course of action for management?
Your Answer: Refer to urology as 2 week wait referral
Explanation:The appropriate way to address the patient is as a 2-week wait referral. According to the NICE Guidelines for suspected cancer referrals, if a hard, irregular prostate indicative of prostate carcinoma is detected during rectal examination, urgent referral is necessary. Along with the referral, the PSA test result should also be included. It is important to note that the PSA test is not always reliable in detecting prostate cancer, as around 1 in 50 men with fast-growing prostate cancer have a normal PSA level.
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is an enzyme produced by both normal and cancerous prostate cells. It is commonly used as a marker for prostate cancer, but its effectiveness as a screening tool is still debated. The NHS Prostate Cancer Risk Management Programme (PCRMP) has released guidelines for handling requests for PSA testing in asymptomatic men. While a recent European trial showed a reduction in prostate cancer deaths, it also revealed a high risk of over-diagnosis and over-treatment. As a result, the National Screening Committee has decided not to introduce a screening programme, but rather allow men to make an informed decision. The PCRMP recommends age-adjusted upper limits for PSA levels, while NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries suggest a lower threshold for referral. PSA levels can also be raised by factors such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, and urinary tract infections.
The specificity and sensitivity of PSA testing are poor, with a significant number of men with elevated PSA levels not having prostate cancer, and some with normal PSA levels having the disease. Various methods are used to add meaning to PSA levels, including age-adjusted upper limits and monitoring changes in PSA levels over time. It is also debated whether digital rectal examination causes a rise in PSA levels. It is important to note that PSA testing should be postponed after certain events, such as ejaculation or instrumentation of the urinary tract.
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- Haematology/Oncology
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