Question 1
A 50-year-old man presents to the emergency department with an acutely swollen and tender abdomen. He reports that it has been happening over the past few days. The patient appears unkempt and denies any significant medical history, medications, or drug use. He admits to drinking but is unsure of the amount. Upon examination, his abdomen is distended with shifting dullness, he has approximately 10 blanching red spots on his upper chest, and has tortuous dilated veins on his abdomen. The following are his vital signs:
Temperature: 36.4ºC
Blood pressure: 134/87 mmHg
Heart rate: 94 beats/min
Respiratory rate: 12 breaths/min
Oxygen saturation: 98% on room air
What is the most appropriate medication to initiate in this scenario, given the probable diagnosis?Your Answer: Spironolactone
Explanation:Patients who have ascites due to liver cirrhosis should receive an aldosterone antagonist, such as spironolactone, as it helps to counteract the secondary hyperaldosteronism that occurs in cirrhosis. This condition attempts to increase intravascular volume, which is lost into the abdomen as ascites. Amiloride is not effective in treating ascites as it does not lead to significant diuresis and has no effect on the aldosterone pathway. Eplerenone is an alternative to spironolactone for patients who cannot tolerate its adverse effects. Furosemide is useful in treating ascites but should be used in conjunction with spironolactone due to the additional benefits of aldosterone blocking. Bendroflumethiazide is not useful in managing or preventing fluid overload conditions such as ascites.
Understanding Ascites: Causes and Management
Ascites is a medical condition characterized by the accumulation of abnormal fluid in the abdomen. The causes of ascites can be classified into two groups based on the serum-ascites albumin gradient (SAAG) level. A SAAG level greater than 11g/L indicates portal hypertension, which is commonly caused by liver disorders such as cirrhosis, alcoholic liver disease, and liver metastases. On the other hand, a SAAG level less than 11g/L is caused by hypoalbuminaemia, malignancy, infections, and other factors such as bowel obstruction and biliary ascites.
The management of ascites involves reducing dietary sodium and fluid restriction, especially if the sodium level is less than 125 mmol/L. Aldosterone antagonists like spironolactone and loop diuretics are often prescribed to patients. In some cases, drainage through therapeutic abdominal paracentesis is necessary. Large-volume paracentesis requires albumin cover to reduce the risk of paracentesis-induced circulatory dysfunction and mortality. Prophylactic antibiotics are also recommended to prevent spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. In severe cases, a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) may be considered.
Understanding the causes and management of ascites is crucial in providing appropriate medical care to patients. Proper diagnosis and treatment can help alleviate symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology/Nutrition
Question 2
A 32-year-old man visits the general surgery practice with a 2-year history of occasional abdominal discomfort, bloating and change in bowel habit, which alternates between loose stools and constipation. He reports that these episodes are most intense during his work-related stress and after consuming spicy food. There is no history of weight loss or presence of blood or mucus in the stool. Physical examination, including digital rectal examination, is unremarkable. Bloods, including full blood count, liver function test, thyroid function test and coeliac screen are all normal.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Explanation:Differential Diagnosis for Abdominal Symptoms: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, Colorectal Cancer, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and Ovarian Cancer
Abdominal symptoms can be caused by a variety of conditions, making differential diagnosis crucial. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, and altered bowel habits. It is more prevalent in women and can be associated with stress. Diagnosis is made by excluding other differential diagnoses, and management includes psychological support and dietary measures, with pharmacological treatment as adjunctive therapy.
Ulcerative colitis (UC) presents with rectal bleeding, frequent stools, and mucus discharge from the rectum. Physical examination may reveal proctitis and left-sided abdominal tenderness. UC is associated with extracolonic manifestations, but this patient’s symptoms are not consistent with a diagnosis of UC.
Colorectal cancer typically presents with rectal bleeding, change in bowel habits, abdominal pain, weight loss, and malaise. However, this patient’s age, clinical history, and normal examination findings make this diagnosis unlikely.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) presents with hyperandrogenism symptoms such as oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, and acne. Abdominal pain, bloating, and change in bowel habits are not features of PCOS.
Ovarian cancer may present with minimal or non-specific symptoms, but persistent abdominal distension and/or pain, early satiety, or lethargy may be present. However, this patient’s young age makes this diagnosis less likely.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommends that any woman aged over 50 years who presents with new IBS-like symptoms within the past year should have ovarian cancer excluded with a serum CA125 measurement.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology/Nutrition
Question 3
A 60-year-old man with no significant medical history presents to the Emergency Department with an ECG indicative of an anterior myocardial infarction. Tragically, he experiences cardiac arrest shortly after arrival. What is the leading cause of mortality in patients following a heart attack?
Your Answer: Ventricular fibrillation
Explanation:Complications of Myocardial Infarction
Myocardial infarction (MI) can lead to various complications, which can occur immediately, early, or late after the event. Cardiac arrest is the most common cause of death following MI, usually due to ventricular fibrillation. Patients are treated with defibrillation as per the ALS protocol. Cardiogenic shock may occur if a significant portion of the ventricular myocardium is damaged, leading to a decrease in ejection fraction. This condition is challenging to treat and may require inotropic support and/or an intra-aortic balloon pump. Chronic heart failure may develop if the patient survives the acute phase, and loop diuretics such as furosemide can help decrease fluid overload. Tachyarrhythmias, such as ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia, are common complications of MI. Bradyarrhythmias, such as atrioventricular block, are more common following inferior MI.
Pericarditis is a common complication of MI in the first 48 hours, characterized by typical pericarditis pain, a pericardial rub, and a pericardial effusion. Dressler’s syndrome, which occurs 2-6 weeks after MI, is an autoimmune reaction against antigenic proteins formed during myocardial recovery. It is treated with NSAIDs. Left ventricular aneurysm may form due to weakened myocardium, leading to persistent ST elevation and left ventricular failure. Patients are anticoagulated due to the increased risk of thrombus formation and stroke. Left ventricular free wall rupture and ventricular septal defect are rare but serious complications that require urgent surgical correction. Acute mitral regurgitation may occur due to ischaemia or rupture of the papillary muscle, leading to acute hypotension and pulmonary oedema. Vasodilator therapy and emergency surgical repair may be necessary.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiovascular
Question 4
A 35-year-old para 2, gravida 3 is in labour in the delivery ward. The labour is progressing normally until the midwife calls the obstetrician to assess the patient. The cervix is dilated to 6 cm, and the baby's position is 2 cm above the ischial spine. The cardiotocography shows a slow but steady heartbeat. The obstetrician decides to perform an emergency category 2 caesarian section. What is the maximum time allowed between this decision and the delivery of the baby, given the indication?
Your Answer: 5 minutes
Correct Answer: 75 minutes
Explanation:Category 2 caesarean sections should be performed within 75 minutes of the decision being made. This is because these cases involve maternal or fetal compromise that is not immediately life-threatening, allowing the medical team to manage the emergency and plan the surgery to minimize risks to both the mother and the baby. A timeframe of 2 hours is incorrect as it would delay the necessary intervention. On the other hand, a timeframe of 30 minutes is only applicable to category 1 caesarean sections, where there is an immediate threat to the life of the mother or baby. A timeframe of 5 minutes is too short and may increase the risk of errors during the procedure.
Caesarean Section: Types, Indications, and Risks
Caesarean section, also known as C-section, is a surgical procedure that involves delivering a baby through an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus. In recent years, the rate of C-section has increased significantly due to an increased fear of litigation. There are two main types of C-section: lower segment C-section, which comprises 99% of cases, and classic C-section, which involves a longitudinal incision in the upper segment of the uterus.
C-section may be indicated for various reasons, including absolute cephalopelvic disproportion, placenta praevia grades 3/4, pre-eclampsia, post-maturity, IUGR, fetal distress in labor/prolapsed cord, failure of labor to progress, malpresentations, placental abruption, vaginal infection, and cervical cancer. The urgency of C-section may be categorized into four categories, with Category 1 being the most urgent and Category 4 being elective.
It is important for clinicians to inform women of the serious and frequent risks associated with C-section, including emergency hysterectomy, need for further surgery, admission to intensive care unit, thromboembolic disease, bladder injury, ureteric injury, and death. C-section may also increase the risk of uterine rupture, antepartum stillbirth, placenta praevia, and placenta accreta in subsequent pregnancies. Other complications may include persistent wound and abdominal discomfort, increased risk of repeat C-section, readmission to hospital, haemorrhage, infection, and fetal lacerations.
Vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC) may be an appropriate method of delivery for pregnant women with a single previous C-section delivery, except for those with previous uterine rupture or classical C-section scar. The success rate of VBAC is around 70-75%.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Reproductive Medicine
Question 5
A 70-year-old man has been admitted to the stroke ward due to experiencing dense right-sided weakness and facial droop. The stroke team has treated him for an acute stroke, and he has been making good progress with the help of the physiotherapy and occupational therapy team. Although the CT head did not reveal any abnormalities, the team has arranged for an MRI head and a Doppler ultrasound of the carotid arteries. The MRI head has shown a left-sided infarct, and the carotid doppler has revealed severe stenosis of the left carotid artery. What should be the next appropriate plan for the stroke team?
Your Answer: Refer to the vascular surgeons for consideration of carotid artery endarterectomy
Explanation:If a patient experiences a stroke or TIA in the carotid territory and is not severely disabled, carotid artery endarterectomy may be a viable option. Additionally, if the patient is making positive strides with physiotherapy and has significant carotid stenosis, they should be evaluated by the surgical team for potential endarterectomy. At this time, there is no need for involvement from the cardiology team as it is unclear what cardiac investigations have already been conducted. An MRI of the C-spine would not provide any additional information for the management plan, and there is no indication for repeat blood tests.
The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and NICE have published guidelines on the diagnosis and management of patients following a stroke. The management of acute stroke includes maintaining normal levels of blood glucose, hydration, oxygen saturation, and temperature. Blood pressure should not be lowered in the acute phase unless there are complications. Aspirin should be given as soon as possible if a haemorrhagic stroke has been excluded. Anticoagulants should not be started until brain imaging has excluded haemorrhage. Thrombolysis with alteplase should only be given if administered within 4.5 hours of onset of stroke symptoms and haemorrhage has been definitively excluded. Mechanical thrombectomy is a new treatment option for patients with an acute ischaemic stroke. NICE recommends thrombectomy for people who have acute ischaemic stroke and confirmed occlusion of the proximal anterior circulation demonstrated by computed tomographic angiography or magnetic resonance angiography. Secondary prevention includes the use of clopidogrel and dipyridamole. Carotid artery endarterectomy should only be considered if carotid stenosis is greater than 70% according to ECST criteria or greater than 50% according to NASCET criteria.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 6
You receive a letter from an endocrinology consultant following a referral that you made for a 25 year old gentleman who has been newly diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The consultant requests that you start the patient on carbimazole 15mg daily with a repeat thyroid function test (TFT) in 4 weeks. What is the most crucial advice to give the patient?
Your Answer: Must have monthly full blood count (FBC)
Correct Answer: Attend for urgent medical review if develops any symptoms of infection e.g. sore throat or fever
Explanation:Understanding Carbimazole and Its Mechanism of Action
Carbimazole is a medication used to manage thyrotoxicosis, a condition characterized by an overactive thyroid gland. It is typically administered in high doses for six weeks until the patient becomes euthyroid, or has a normal thyroid function. The drug works by blocking thyroid peroxidase, an enzyme responsible for coupling and iodinating the tyrosine residues on thyroglobulin, which ultimately reduces thyroid hormone production.
In contrast to propylthiouracil, another medication used to treat thyrotoxicosis, carbimazole only has a central mechanism of action. Propylthiouracil, on the other hand, also has a peripheral action by inhibiting 5′-deiodinase, an enzyme that reduces peripheral conversion of T4 to T3.
While carbimazole can be effective in managing thyrotoxicosis, it is not without its adverse effects. One of the most serious side effects is agranulocytosis, a condition characterized by a severe reduction in white blood cells. Additionally, carbimazole can cross the placenta, but may be used in low doses during pregnancy.
Overall, carbimazole is a medication that can be effective in managing thyrotoxicosis, but it is important to be aware of its mechanism of action and potential adverse effects. Patients should always consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new medication.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Endocrinology/Metabolic Disease
Question 7
A high school student complains of painful mouth ulcers associated with pain and swelling in both hands. She has had several episodes of vasospasm in her fingers, with pallor, cyanosis and subsequent redness caused by reactive hyperaemia. Blood tests reveal anti-double-stranded (ds)DNA antibodies and antinuclear antibodies (ANAs).
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Explanation:Autoimmune Connective Tissue Diseases: Characteristics and Differences
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjögren syndrome, Behçet’s disease, granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and systemic sclerosis are all autoimmune connective tissue diseases with distinct characteristics. SLE is most prevalent in African-American women and presents with arthralgia, rashes, and fever. Sjögren syndrome is characterised by dry eyes and mouth, while Behçet’s disease is primarily characterised by recurrent mouth ulcers, genital ulceration, eye lesions, and cutaneous manifestations. Granulomatosis with polyangiitis predominantly affects the small vessels and presents with lesions involving the upper respiratory tract, lungs, and kidneys. Systemic sclerosis is a multisystem disease characterised by Raynaud’s phenomenon and either limited or diffuse cutaneous scleroderma. Understanding the differences between these diseases is crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Musculoskeletal
Question 8
A 29-year-old woman presents to her GP with complaints of hair loss. She reports noticing that her hair has become significantly thinner and that she is shedding more hair than usual, both on her pillow and in the shower drain. She denies any other symptoms and has no significant medical history except for giving birth to her first child 6 months ago. She is not taking any medications regularly and there is no family history of hair loss. On examination, her scalp hair is uniformly thin, but there are no areas of complete hair loss. Her systemic examination is unremarkable and her vital signs are within normal limits. Blood tests, including iron studies and thyroid function, are all normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Telogen effluvium
Explanation:Telogen effluvium is characterized by hair loss and thinning as a result of experiencing significant stress. In this case, the patient’s recent physical stress from giving birth is a likely cause of her hair becoming thinner due to telogen effluvium. The hair loss patterns observed do not match those of alopecia areata or alopecia totalis, which respectively cause distinct areas of complete hair loss or complete loss of all hair on the head and face.
Alopecia may be divided into scarring (destruction of hair follicle) and non-scarring (preservation of hair follicle). Scarring alopecia can be caused by trauma, burns, radiotherapy, lichen planus, discoid lupus, and untreated tinea capitis. Non-scarring alopecia can be caused by male-pattern baldness, drugs such as cytotoxic drugs, carbimazole, heparin, oral contraceptive pill, and colchicine, nutritional deficiencies such as iron and zinc deficiency, autoimmune conditions such as alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, hair loss following a stressful period such as surgery, and trichotillomania.Output:
– Alopecia can be categorized into scarring and non-scarring types.
– Scarring alopecia is caused by trauma, burns, radiotherapy, lichen planus, discoid lupus, and untreated tinea capitis.
– Non-scarring alopecia is caused by male-pattern baldness, drugs such as cytotoxic drugs, carbimazole, heparin, oral contraceptive pill, and colchicine, nutritional deficiencies such as iron and zinc deficiency, autoimmune conditions such as alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, hair loss following a stressful period such as surgery, and trichotillomania. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 9
A 25-year-old man with sickle cell anaemia complains of fatigue, paleness and a headache. Laboratory findings reveal Hb of 66 g/L and reticulocytes of 0.8%. The patient is suspected to have contracted parvovirus. What is the probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Sequestration crisis
Correct Answer: Aplastic crisis
Explanation:An aplastic crisis, often caused by parvovirus infection, is characterized by a sudden decrease in haemoglobin levels without a corresponding increase in reticulocytes.
Sickle cell anaemia is a condition that involves periods of good health with intermittent crises. There are several types of crises that can occur, including thrombotic or painful crises, sequestration, acute chest syndrome, aplastic, and haemolytic. Thrombotic crises, also known as painful crises or vaso-occlusive crises, are triggered by factors such as infection, dehydration, and deoxygenation. These crises are diagnosed clinically and can result in infarcts in various organs, including the bones, lungs, spleen, and brain.
Sequestration crises occur when sickling occurs within organs such as the spleen or lungs, leading to pooling of blood and worsening of anaemia. This type of crisis is associated with an increased reticulocyte count. Acute chest syndrome is caused by vaso-occlusion within the pulmonary microvasculature, resulting in infarction in the lung parenchyma. Symptoms include dyspnoea, chest pain, pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray, and low pO2. Management involves pain relief, respiratory support, antibiotics, and transfusion.
Aplastic crises are caused by infection with parvovirus and result in a sudden fall in haemoglobin. Bone marrow suppression leads to a reduced reticulocyte count. Haemolytic crises are rare and involve a fall in haemoglobin due to an increased rate of haemolysis. It is important to recognise and manage these crises promptly, as they can lead to serious complications and even death.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology/Oncology
Question 10
A 54-year-old Caucasian man with a history of hypertension visits his GP clinic seeking advice on controlling his blood pressure. He has been monitoring his blood pressure at home for the past week and has consistently recorded high readings, with an average of 147/85 mmHg. He is asymptomatic and denies any chest discomfort. He is a non-smoker and non-alcoholic. His current medications include perindopril 10 mg once daily and indapamide 2.5mg once daily. What is the most appropriate course of action for managing his hypertension?
Your Answer: Amlodipine
Explanation:To improve poorly controlled hypertension despite taking an ACE inhibitor and a thiazide diuretic, a calcium channel blocker such as amlodipine should be added according to NICE guidelines. Loop diuretics may be considered in cases of resistant hypertension. Aldosterone antagonists and alpha-blockers are only recommended if blood pressure remains uncontrolled despite taking a combination of an ACE inhibitor or angiotensin II receptor blocker, a calcium-channel blocker, and a thiazide-like diuretic. It is important to note that ACE inhibitors should not be used in combination with angiotensin receptor blockers for hypertension management.
NICE Guidelines for Managing Hypertension
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common condition that can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published updated guidelines for the management of hypertension in 2019. Some of the key changes include lowering the threshold for treating stage 1 hypertension in patients under 80 years old, allowing the use of angiotensin receptor blockers instead of ACE inhibitors, and recommending the use of a calcium channel blocker or thiazide-like diuretic in addition to an ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker.
The guidelines also provide a flow chart for the diagnosis and management of hypertension. Lifestyle advice, such as reducing salt intake, caffeine intake, and alcohol consumption, as well as exercising more and losing weight, should not be forgotten and is frequently tested in exams. Treatment options depend on the patient’s age, ethnicity, and other factors, and may involve a combination of drugs.
NICE recommends treating stage 1 hypertension in patients under 80 years old if they have target organ damage, established cardiovascular disease, renal disease, diabetes, or a 10-year cardiovascular risk equivalent to 10% or greater. For patients with stage 2 hypertension, drug treatment should be offered regardless of age. The guidelines also provide step-by-step treatment options, including adding a third or fourth drug if necessary.
New drugs, such as direct renin inhibitors like Aliskiren, may have a role in patients who are intolerant of more established antihypertensive drugs. However, trials have only investigated the fall in blood pressure and no mortality data is available yet. Patients who fail to respond to step 4 measures should be referred to a specialist. The guidelines also provide blood pressure targets for different age groups.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiovascular
Question 11
A 35-year-old woman who was diagnosed with HIV-1 three years ago is being seen in clinic. She is currently in good health and has not reported any symptoms. She only takes paracetamol occasionally for headaches. Her recent blood tests show:
CD4 325 * 106/l
What is the recommended course of action for antiretroviral therapy?Your Answer: Wait until the CD4 count is below 250 * 106/l
Correct Answer: Start antiretroviral therapy now
Explanation:Antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV involves a combination of at least three drugs, typically two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) and either a protease inhibitor (PI) or a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI). Entry inhibitors, NRTIs, NNRTIs, PIs, and integrase inhibitors are all used to manage HIV. The 2015 BHIVA guidelines recommend starting ART as soon as a patient is diagnosed with HIV. Each drug has its own side effects, and some of the common ones include peripheral neuropathy, renal impairment, osteoporosis, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and P450 enzyme interaction.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Infectious Diseases
Question 12
A 63-year-old patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus complains of a 'rash' on their left shin. The rash has increased in size over the last two days and is now a painful, hot, red area on their anterior left shin that spreads around to the back of the leg. The patient is feeling well overall, and it is decided that oral treatment is the best course of action. The patient has a history of penicillin allergy. What is the best antibiotic to prescribe?
Your Answer: Clarithromycin
Explanation:Understanding Cellulitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Cellulitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissues caused by bacterial infection, usually Streptococcus pyogenes or Staphylcoccus aureus. It commonly occurs on the shins and is accompanied by symptoms such as erythema, pain, and swelling. In some cases, patients may also experience systemic upset, including fever.
The diagnosis of cellulitis is typically made based on clinical presentation, and no further investigations are required in primary care. However, blood tests and cultures may be requested if the patient is admitted to the hospital and sepsis is suspected.
To guide the management of patients with cellulitis, healthcare providers may use the Eron classification system. Patients with Eron Class III or IV cellulitis, severe or rapidly deteriorating cellulitis, or certain risk factors such as immunocompromisation or significant lymphoedema should be admitted for intravenous antibiotics. Patients with Eron Class II cellulitis may not require admission if appropriate facilities and expertise are available in the community to administer intravenous antibiotics and monitor the patient.
The first-line treatment for mild to moderate cellulitis is flucloxacillin, while clarithromycin, erythromycin (in pregnancy), or doxycycline may be used in patients allergic to penicillin. Patients with severe cellulitis should be offered co-amoxiclav, cefuroxime, clindamycin, or ceftriaxone.
Overall, understanding the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of cellulitis is crucial for effective management of this common bacterial infection.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Infectious Diseases
Question 13
A 35-year-old woman presents to you with concerns about her migraine prophylaxis medication and its potential effects on her unborn child. She reports that her migraines used to occur 1-2 times per week, but since starting the medication, they have decreased to 1-2 times per month. Which medication commonly used for migraine prophylaxis is associated with congenital abnormalities, specifically cleft lip and palate?
Your Answer: Propranolol
Correct Answer: Topiramate
Explanation:If a person experiences more than 2 migraine attacks a month, they should be offered migraine prophylaxis. Propranolol and topiramate are both options for this, but propranolol is preferred for women of child-bearing age due to the risk of cleft lip/cleft palate in infants if topiramate is used during the first trimester of pregnancy. The combined oral contraceptive pill is not typically prescribed for migraines, and if a patient using it becomes pregnant, it will not harm the fetus. Triptan medications like sumatriptan and zolmitriptan are used for acute migraine treatment and should be taken as soon as a migraine starts. They may also be used for menstrual migraine prophylaxis, but should be avoided during pregnancy due to limited safety data.
Managing Migraines: Guidelines and Treatment Options
Migraines can be debilitating and affect a significant portion of the population. To manage migraines, it is important to understand the different treatment options available. According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines, acute treatment for migraines involves a combination of an oral triptan and an NSAID or paracetamol. For young people aged 12-17 years, a nasal triptan may be preferred. If these measures are not effective, non-oral preparations of metoclopramide or prochlorperazine may be considered, along with a non-oral NSAID or triptan.
Prophylaxis should be given if patients are experiencing two or more attacks per month. NICE recommends topiramate or propranolol, depending on the patient’s preference, comorbidities, and risk of adverse events. Propranolol is preferred in women of childbearing age as topiramate may be teratogenic and reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives. Acupuncture and riboflavin may also be effective in reducing migraine frequency and intensity for some people. For women with predictable menstrual migraines, frovatriptan or zolmitriptan may be recommended as a type of mini-prophylaxis.
Specialists may consider other treatment options, such as candesartan or monoclonal antibodies directed against the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor, like erenumab. However, pizotifen is no longer recommended due to common adverse effects like weight gain and drowsiness. It is important to exercise caution with young patients as acute dystonic reactions may develop. By following these guidelines and considering various treatment options, migraines can be effectively managed.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Reproductive Medicine
Question 14
A 72-year-old man visits his doctor complaining of fatigue, back pain, and frequent urination and thirst for the past 3 months. Upon examination, the doctor orders a urine protein electrophoresis and a serum-free light-chain assay, which confirm the diagnosis. What is the most probable result on the patient's blood film?
Your Answer: Rouleaux formation
Explanation:Rouleaux formation is a characteristic finding in multiple myeloma, which is a condition that presents with symptoms such as hypercalcaemia, anaemia, and back pain. Diagnosis of myeloma involves urine protein electrophoresis and serum-free light-chain assay. Rouleaux formation is observed as stacked RBCs on a blood film, resulting from an increase in acute-phase proteins that are positively charged and attract negatively charged RBCs. It is important to note that rouleaux formation is not exclusive to myeloma and can be seen in various inflammatory conditions. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate blood test measures this mechanism clinically. Heinz bodies, which are caused by oxidative stress and denaturation of haemoglobin, are not associated with myeloma but are seen in G6PD deficiency. Howell-Jolly bodies, which are present in hyposplenic or asplenic disorders, and an increased number of reticulocytes, which indicate increased RBC turnover, are also not characteristic of myeloma.
Understanding Multiple Myeloma: Features and Investigations
Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer that occurs due to genetic mutations in plasma cells. It is commonly diagnosed in individuals over the age of 70. The disease is characterized by the acronym CRABBI, which stands for Calcium, Renal, Anaemia, Bleeding, Bones, and Infection. Patients with multiple myeloma may experience hypercalcemia, renal damage, anaemia, bleeding, bone pain, and increased susceptibility to infections. Other symptoms may include amyloidosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, neuropathy, and hyperviscosity.
To diagnose multiple myeloma, doctors may perform a variety of tests, including blood tests, protein electrophoresis, bone marrow aspiration, and imaging studies. Blood tests may reveal anaemia, elevated levels of M protein in the blood or urine, and renal failure. Protein electrophoresis can detect raised concentrations of monoclonal IgA/IgG proteins in the serum or urine. Bone marrow aspiration confirms the diagnosis if the number of plasma cells is significantly raised. Imaging studies, such as whole-body MRI or X-rays, can detect osteolytic lesions or the characteristic rain-drop skull pattern.
The diagnostic criteria for multiple myeloma require one major and one minor criteria or three minor criteria in an individual who has signs or symptoms of the disease. Major criteria include plasmacytoma, 30% plasma cells in a bone marrow sample, and elevated levels of M protein in the blood or urine. Minor criteria include 10% to 30% plasma cells in a bone marrow sample, minor elevations in the level of M protein in the blood or urine, osteolytic lesions, and low levels of antibodies not produced by the cancer cells in the blood.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology/Oncology
Question 15
Which one of the following is not included in the core Adolescent Health Promotion Program as outlined in the National Service Framework for Children?
Your Answer: 8-9 month surveillance review
Explanation:The regular surveillance evaluations that were conducted at 8 months, 2 years, and 3-4 years have been discontinued. Nevertheless, if a child is considered to be in a vulnerable situation, it is recommended to conduct more frequent assessments.
Child Health Surveillance in the UK
Child health surveillance in the UK involves a series of checks and tests to ensure the well-being of children from before birth to pre-school age. During the antenatal period, healthcare professionals ensure that the baby is growing properly and check for any maternal infections that may affect the baby. An ultrasound scan is also performed to detect any fetal abnormalities, and blood tests are done to check for neural tube defects.
After birth, a clinical examination of the newborn is conducted, and a hearing screening test is performed. The mother is given a Personal Child Health Record, which contains important information about the child’s health. Within the first month, a heel-prick test is done to check for hypothyroidism, PKU, metabolic diseases, cystic fibrosis, and medium-chain acyl Co-A dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD). A midwife visit may also be conducted within the first four weeks.
In the following months, health visitor input is provided, and a GP examination is done at 6-8 weeks. Routine immunisations are also given during this time. Ongoing monitoring of growth, vision, and hearing is conducted, and health professionals provide advice on immunisations, diet, and accident prevention.
In pre-school, a national orthoptist-led programme for pre-school vision screening is set to be introduced. Overall, child health surveillance in the UK aims to ensure that children receive the necessary care and attention to promote their health and well-being.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Paediatrics
Question 16
A 35-year-old female patient presents to the eye hospital emergency department with a 1-week history of blurred vision and right eye pain worse on movement. The patient also reports a missing area of the visual field in the right eye. On examination, there is decreased visual acuity and impaired colour vision in the right eye and a right relative afferent pupillary defect. Fundoscopy reveals mildly swollen right optic disc. Intraocular pressure is 18 mmHg in the right eye. Her past medical history includes type 1 diabetes mellitus and hypertension. What is the most likely diagnosis for this 35-year-old female patient with blurred vision and right eye pain?
Your Answer: Optic neuritis
Explanation:Optic neuritis is the likely cause of this patient’s symptoms, which may be idiopathic or secondary to multiple sclerosis. One of the common symptoms of optic neuritis is a reduction in colour vision, along with pain around the eye during movement. Visual field defects, particularly central scotoma, may also occur. If only one eye is affected, there may be a relative afferent pupillary defect. While the patient has some risk factors for stroke, stroke would not cause eye pain or affect colour vision. Anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy typically causes painless visual loss and is more common in individuals over 50 years of age. The patient’s intraocular pressure is within the normal range, ruling out acute angle closure glaucoma. Additionally, the patient does not have papilloedema, as only one optic disc is swollen.
Optic neuritis is a condition that can be caused by multiple sclerosis, diabetes, or syphilis. It is characterized by a decrease in visual acuity in one eye over a period of hours or days, as well as poor color discrimination and pain that worsens with eye movement. Other symptoms include a relative afferent pupillary defect and a central scotoma. The condition can be diagnosed through an MRI of the brain and orbits with gadolinium contrast. Treatment typically involves high-dose steroids, and recovery usually takes 4-6 weeks. If an MRI shows more than three white-matter lesions, the risk of developing multiple sclerosis within five years is approximately 50%.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ophthalmology
Question 17
A 29-year-old female is 24 weeks pregnant and visits the midwife for a check-up. The foetal heart rate is detected on the Doppler scan and growth rates are appropriate for the gestational age. The mother reports to the midwife that she has been experiencing faster breathing than usual in the recent weeks. The midwife reassures her that an increase in ventilation is a typical occurrence during pregnancy. What other physiological changes are considered normal during pregnancy?
Your Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer: Red blood cell volume increases
Explanation:During pregnancy, women are checked for anaemia twice – once at the initial booking visit (usually around 8-10 weeks) and again at 28 weeks. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has set specific cut-off levels to determine if a pregnant woman requires oral iron therapy. These levels are less than 110 g/L in the first trimester, less than 105 g/L in the second and third trimesters, and less than 100 g/L postpartum.
If a woman’s iron levels fall below these cut-offs, she will be prescribed oral ferrous sulfate or ferrous fumarate. It is important to continue this treatment for at least three months after the iron deficiency has been corrected to allow the body to replenish its iron stores. By following these guidelines, healthcare professionals can help ensure that pregnant women receive the appropriate care to prevent and manage anaemia during pregnancy.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Reproductive Medicine
Question 18
A 25-year-old male comes to the emergency department complaining of cough, fever and difficulty breathing. During the examination, he is found to be hypoxic and chest x-ray reveals pulmonary infiltrates. He has been experiencing anaemia, jaundice and weakness since he was 6 months old, and also suffers from severe pain when exposed to cold temperatures. What is the probable underlying condition?
Your Answer: Raynaud's syndrome
Correct Answer: Sickle cell disease
Explanation:When a patient with sickle cell disease experiences dyspnoea, chest pain, cough, hypoxia, and new pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray, it is likely that they are suffering from acute chest syndrome. This is a complication specific to sickle cell anaemia, and is characterized by the presence of these symptoms along with the aforementioned pulmonary infiltrates.
Sickle cell anaemia is a condition that involves periods of good health with intermittent crises. There are several types of crises that can occur, including thrombotic or painful crises, sequestration, acute chest syndrome, aplastic, and haemolytic. Thrombotic crises, also known as painful crises or vaso-occlusive crises, are triggered by factors such as infection, dehydration, and deoxygenation. These crises are diagnosed clinically and can result in infarcts in various organs, including the bones, lungs, spleen, and brain.
Sequestration crises occur when sickling occurs within organs such as the spleen or lungs, leading to pooling of blood and worsening of anaemia. This type of crisis is associated with an increased reticulocyte count. Acute chest syndrome is caused by vaso-occlusion within the pulmonary microvasculature, resulting in infarction in the lung parenchyma. Symptoms include dyspnoea, chest pain, pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray, and low pO2. Management involves pain relief, respiratory support, antibiotics, and transfusion.
Aplastic crises are caused by infection with parvovirus and result in a sudden fall in haemoglobin. Bone marrow suppression leads to a reduced reticulocyte count. Haemolytic crises are rare and involve a fall in haemoglobin due to an increased rate of haemolysis. It is important to recognise and manage these crises promptly, as they can lead to serious complications and even death.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology/Oncology
Question 19
A 42-year-old woman is admitted to hospital with left-sided weakness. She takes warfarin for deep vein thrombosis and her international normalised ratio (INR) is usually in the therapeutic range of 2–3. Her INR is measured on admission to hospital and is 1.1. She has recently started a new medication.
Which of the following medications is this patient most likely to have recently started?
Your Answer: Carbamazepine
Explanation:Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Inducers and Inhibitors and their Effects on Warfarin Metabolism
Warfarin is a commonly used anticoagulant medication that requires careful monitoring of the international normalized ratio (INR) to ensure therapeutic efficacy and prevent bleeding complications. However, certain medications can affect the metabolism of warfarin by inducing or inhibiting cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver.
One example of a cytochrome P450 enzyme inducer is carbamazepine, which can increase warfarin metabolism and reduce its effectiveness. This can result in a decreased INR and potentially increase the risk of blood clots. On the other hand, cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibitors such as cimetidine, erythromycin, ketoconazole, and sulfamethoxazole can reduce warfarin metabolism and increase its potency, leading to an increased INR and higher risk of bleeding complications.
To remember these medications, a helpful mnemonic is PC BRAS for enzyme inducers and SICKFACES.COM for enzyme inhibitors. Patients starting these medications should be closely monitored for changes in their INR and warfarin dosages may need to be adjusted accordingly.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology/Therapeutics
Question 20
A 27-year-old man has come back from a vacation at the beach in Tenerife with a fresh rash on his neck and arms. The rash consists of patches that are coppery brown in color and lighter than the surrounding skin. There is no itching or pain associated with the rash. When examined with a Wood's light, the affected areas show yellow-green fluorescence.
What is the recommended initial treatment for this skin condition?Your Answer: Topical steroids
Correct Answer: Ketoconazole shampoo
Explanation:Ketoconazole shampoo is the recommended first-line therapy for treating pityriasis versicolor, a fungal infection caused by Malassezia furfur that commonly affects the trunk, neck, and arms following sun exposure. While the rash is usually asymptomatic, an emollient may help with any associated itch or irritation, but it is not sufficient to treat the underlying fungal infection. Oral antifungals like itraconazole may be necessary for extensive or unresponsive cases, but for limited non-extensive disease, ketoconazole shampoo is the preferred treatment. Topical steroids and vitamin D analogues are not effective in treating pityriasis versicolor.
Understanding Pityriasis Versicolor
Pityriasis versicolor, also known as tinea versicolor, is a fungal infection that affects the skin’s surface. It is caused by Malassezia furfur, which was previously known as Pityrosporum ovale. This condition is characterized by patches that may be hypopigmented, pink, or brown, and it is most commonly found on the trunk. The patches may become more noticeable following a suntan, and scaling is a common symptom. Mild pruritus may also occur.
Pityriasis versicolor can affect healthy individuals, but it is more likely to occur in those who are immunosuppressed, malnourished, or have Cushing’s syndrome. Treatment typically involves the use of topical antifungal medications, with ketoconazole shampoo being the recommended option due to its cost-effectiveness for larger areas. If topical treatment fails, alternative diagnoses should be considered, and oral itraconazole may be prescribed. Scrapings may also be sent for confirmation of the diagnosis. Understanding the features, predisposing factors, and management of pityriasis versicolor can help individuals recognize and effectively treat this common fungal infection.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 21
A 55-year-old man comes to the clinic with a facial droop. Upon examination, he displays a crooked smile that droops on the left side. He is unable to close his left eye or wrinkle the left side of his forehead. There are no signs of weakness or sensory changes in his upper or lower limbs. What is the probable cause of this presentation?
Your Answer: Right cranial nerve VII lower motor neuron lesion
Correct Answer: Left cranial nerve VII lower motor neuron lesion
Explanation:Bell’s palsy affects the lower motor neurons and results in weakness of the entire side of the face. A left cranial nerve VII lower motor neuron lesion would cause left-sided facial weakness without forehead sparing. However, lateral medullary syndrome, caused by ischemia to the lateral medulla oblongata, would present with vertigo, dizziness, nystagmus, ataxia, nausea and vomiting, and dysphagia. A left cranial nerve VII upper motor neuron lesion would result in right-sided facial weakness with forehead sparing, while a right cranial nerve VII lower motor neuron lesion would cause right-sided facial weakness without forehead sparing.
Understanding Bell’s Palsy
Bell’s palsy is a sudden, one-sided facial nerve paralysis of unknown cause. It is more common in individuals aged 20-40 years and pregnant women. The condition is characterized by lower motor neuron facial nerve palsy, which affects the forehead. Unlike upper motor neuron lesions, the upper face is spared. Patients may also experience post-auricular pain, altered taste, dry eyes, and hyperacusis.
The management of Bell’s palsy has been a subject of debate. However, it is now widely accepted that all patients should receive oral prednisolone within 72 hours of onset. The addition of antiviral medications is still a matter of discussion, but it may be beneficial for severe facial palsy. Eye care is also crucial to prevent exposure keratopathy, and patients should be prescribed artificial tears and eye lubricants. If they are unable to close their eyes at bedtime, they should tape them closed using microporous tape.
If the paralysis shows no sign of improvement after three weeks, an urgent referral to ENT is necessary. Patients with long-standing weakness may require a referral to plastic surgery. The prognosis for Bell’s palsy is generally good, with most patients making a full recovery within 3-4 months. However, untreated patients may experience permanent moderate to severe weakness in around 15% of cases.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 22
A 35-year-old woman came to your GP clinic with a cold sore and left eye discomfort. She reported experiencing a red, painful eye with watering and sensitivity to light for the past 3 days. During fluorescein examination, you observed a dendritic ulcer on the cornea that was stained with fluorescein.
What is the primary treatment for this condition?Your Answer: Topical ofloxacin drops
Correct Answer: Topical aciclovir drops
Explanation:The appropriate treatment for herpes simplex keratitis is the use of topical aciclovir. Antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections and should not be used. The use of steroids can worsen the condition and should be avoided. If the patient is already using topical steroids for another eye condition, the dosage should be decreased.
Understanding Herpes Simplex Keratitis
Herpes simplex keratitis is a condition that affects the cornea of the eye and is caused by the herpes simplex virus. The most common symptom of this condition is a dendritic corneal ulcer, which can cause a red, painful eye, photophobia, and epiphora. In some cases, visual acuity may also be decreased. Fluorescein staining may show an epithelial ulcer, which can help with diagnosis. One common treatment for this condition is topical aciclovir, which can help to reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent further damage to the cornea.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ophthalmology
Question 23
A 72-year-old man visits his General Practitioner for his annual medication review. He has hypertension and gout and is currently taking allopurinol 300 mg, amlodipine 10 mg and atorvastatin 20 mg. His home blood pressure readings average at 150/88 mmHg. His recent blood tests of glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c), renal profile and lipids are normal. Which of the following medications would be the most appropriate to add to his current regime?
Your Answer: Diltiazem
Correct Answer: Ramipril
Explanation:The patient’s hypertension is not well controlled despite being on the maximum dose of a calcium-channel blocker. According to NICE guidance, the next step in treatment should be a thiazide-like diuretic or an ACE inhibitor. However, as the patient has a history of recurrent gout, a diuretic is not advisable, and an ACE inhibitor such as ramipril is the most appropriate choice.
Aspirin 75 mg was previously recommended for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in patients with multiple risk factors. However, current advice is to only consider prescribing aspirin after a careful risk assessment in patients with a high risk of stroke or myocardial infarction. Routine prescribing of antiplatelets for primary prevention is no longer recommended due to the risk of gastrointestinal bleed outweighing the benefits.
NICE no longer recommends initiating thiazide diuretics for hypertension treatment. Patients already established on this medication and whose BP is well controlled should continue. However, thiazide-like diuretics or ACE inhibitors are preferred as second-line treatment for hypertension in patients already on a calcium-channel blocker.
Diltiazem and amlodipine are both calcium-channel blockers, and medication from a different class of antihypertensives should be added.
Indapamide is a thiazide-like diuretic recommended as a second-line treatment for hypertension not controlled on the maximum dose of a calcium-channel blocker. However, as the patient has a history of recurrent gout, which can be exacerbated by thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics, an ACE inhibitor would be a more suitable choice.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiovascular
Question 24
A 32-year-old man presents with a recent change in bowel habit and is scheduled for outpatient sigmoidoscopy. He reports passing 3 stools daily with some mucus but no blood. The patient is in good overall health, with stable vital signs and normal blood test results. He has no known allergies and is not taking any medications at present.
During the sigmoidoscopy, the patient is found to have localised proctitis, with no inflammation detected further up the gastrointestinal tract. Based on these findings, the patient is diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and receives appropriate counselling.
What would be the most effective drug management approach for this patient's current symptoms?Your Answer: Rectal steroids
Correct Answer: Rectal aminosalicylates
Explanation:For a mild-moderate flare of distal ulcerative colitis, the recommended first-line treatment is rectal aminosalicylates. This is particularly effective if the inflammation is limited to the rectum. If rectal aminosalicylates are not effective, oral aminosalicylates may be used in combination with or instead of the topical treatment. However, if the patient has contraindications or intolerances to aminosalicylates, topical or oral steroids may be preferred. Intravenous steroids are typically reserved for severe flares of colitis with symptoms such as frequent bloody stools, systemic upset, anemia, or elevated inflammatory markers.
Ulcerative colitis can be managed through inducing and maintaining remission. The severity of the condition is classified as mild, moderate, or severe based on the number of stools and presence of systemic upset. Treatment for mild-to-moderate cases of proctitis involves using topical aminosalicylate, while proctosigmoiditis and left-sided ulcerative colitis may require a combination of oral and topical medications. Extensive disease may require a high-dose oral aminosalicylate and topical treatment. Severe colitis should be treated in a hospital with intravenous steroids or ciclosporin. Maintaining remission can involve using a low maintenance dose of an oral aminosalicylate or oral azathioprine/mercaptopurine. Methotrexate is not recommended, but probiotics may prevent relapse in mild to moderate cases.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology/Nutrition
Question 25
A 28-year-old woman presents to the Emergency Department with a one week history of cough and increasing shortness of breath over the past 48 hours. She also reports fever, headache, anorexia, and chills. Upon examination, she appears slightly pale and confused. Her vital signs reveal a pulse of 136/min, blood pressure of 96/64 mmHg, respiratory rate of 32/min, and oxygen saturation of 89% on room air. Lung auscultation reveals reduced breath sounds in the left lower lung with some coarse crackles. Blood cultures are taken and the patient is cannulated. High flow oxygen is administered and a fluid challenge is ordered by the nurse. What is the most appropriate next step?
Your Answer: Prescribe broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics + steroids
Correct Answer: Prescribe broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics
Explanation:If the patient’s condition worsens, ITU may be consulted. However, before referring the patient, it is important to determine if she has already received basic sepsis care. Although studies have explored the use of steroids in sepsis, they are not presently recommended due to an increase in mortality.
Understanding Sepsis: Classification and Management
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition caused by a dysregulated host response to an infection. In recent years, the classification of sepsis has changed, with the old category of severe sepsis no longer in use. Instead, the Surviving Sepsis Guidelines now recognize sepsis as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection, and septic shock as a more severe form of sepsis. The term ‘systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)’ has also fallen out of favor.
To manage sepsis, it is important to identify and treat the underlying cause of the infection and support the patient regardless of the cause or severity. However, if any red flags are present, the ‘sepsis six’ should be started immediately. This includes administering oxygen, taking blood cultures, giving broad-spectrum antibiotics, giving intravenous fluid challenges, measuring serum lactate, and measuring accurate hourly urine output.
NICE released its own guidelines in 2016, which focus on the risk stratification and management of patients with suspected sepsis. For risk stratification, NICE recommends using red flag and amber flag criteria. If any red flags are present, the sepsis six should be started immediately. If any amber flags are present, the patient should be closely monitored and managed accordingly.
To help identify and categorize patients, the Sequential (Sepsis-Related) Organ Failure Assessment Score (SOFA) is increasingly used. The score grades abnormality by organ system and accounts for clinical interventions. A SOFA score of 2 or more reflects an overall mortality risk of approximately 10% in a general hospital population with suspected infection. Even patients presenting with modest dysfunction can deteriorate further, emphasizing the seriousness of this condition and the need for prompt and appropriate intervention.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Infectious Diseases
Question 26
A 6-week-old baby is observed to have rocker-bottom feet, microcephaly and a small retracted chin. The mother is a refugee from Syria who gave birth recently but could not attend antenatal screening. What is the probable syndrome?
Your Answer: Pierre–Robin syndrome
Correct Answer: Edwards' syndrome
Explanation:Understanding Genetic Conditions: Trisomy 18 (Edwards’ Syndrome)
Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards’ syndrome, is a genetic condition that results in a range of physical and developmental abnormalities. Neonates with trisomy 18 often present with neonatal hypotonia, apnoea, and seizures, as well as severe psychomotor and growth retardation. Other common features include microcephaly, microphthalmia, microstomia, micrognathia, clenched fingers, and rocker-bottom feet. Over 90% of individuals with trisomy 18 have cardiac defects, commonly ventricular septal defect (VSD), as well as anomalies in most organ systems. Unfortunately, many fetuses will die in utero, and neonates born with trisomy 18 have a 40% chance of survival to 1 month.
It is important to note that an Edwards’ syndrome diagnosis should be made in the prenatal period. Low levels of AFP (α-fetoprotein), estradiol, and hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) on triple test biochemistry are suggestive, and the diagnosis can be confirmed on ultrasonography.
Other genetic conditions, such as Pierre-Robin syndrome, Down’s syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, and Noonan’s syndrome, have their own distinct features and should be differentiated from trisomy 18. Understanding these conditions and their unique characteristics can aid in early diagnosis and appropriate management.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Paediatrics
Question 27
Which one of the following statements regarding the typical menstrual cycle is inaccurate?
Your Answer: The luteal phase is also known as the secretory phase
Correct Answer: A surge of FSH causes ovulation
Explanation:Ovulation is caused by the LH surge.
Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
The menstrual cycle is a complex process that can be divided into four phases: menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation, and luteal phase. During the follicular phase, a number of follicles develop in the ovaries, with one follicle becoming dominant around the mid-follicular phase. At the same time, the endometrium begins to proliferate. This phase is characterized by a rise in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which results in the development of follicles that secrete oestradiol.
During ovulation, the mature egg is released from the dominant follicle and triggers the acute release of luteinizing hormone (LH). This phase occurs on day 14 of the menstrual cycle. Following ovulation, the luteal phase begins, during which the corpus luteum secretes progesterone. This hormone causes the endometrium to change into a secretory lining. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum will degenerate, and progesterone levels will fall.
The cervical mucus also changes throughout the menstrual cycle. Following menstruation, the mucus is thick and forms a plug across the external os. Just prior to ovulation, the mucus becomes clear, acellular, and low viscosity. It also becomes ‘stretchy’ – a quality termed spinnbarkeit. Under the influence of progesterone, it becomes thick, scant, and tacky.
Basal body temperature is another indicator of the menstrual cycle. It falls prior to ovulation due to the influence of oestradiol and rises following ovulation in response to higher progesterone levels. Understanding the different phases of the menstrual cycle can help individuals track their fertility and plan for pregnancy.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Reproductive Medicine
Question 28
A 65-year-old man presents to his physician with a range of distressing symptoms he has been experiencing for the past two months. These include recurrent flushing, diarrhea, bronchospasm-like tightness in his throat, and significant weight loss. The physician also observes that the patient is hypotensive. What is the most appropriate diagnostic test to confirm the suspected condition?
Your Answer: Urinary metanephrines
Correct Answer: Urinary 5-HIAA
Explanation:Carcinoid tumors can lead to an increase in urinary 5-HIAA due to the release of serotonin. Symptoms of carcinoid syndrome include flushing, diarrhea, bronchospasm, hypotension, and weight loss. The appropriate diagnostic test for this condition is a urinary 5-HIAA test. CA125 is not relevant in this case as it is used to detect ovarian cancer. MRCP is used to investigate gallbladder or pancreatic conditions, while urinary metanephrines are used to diagnose phaeochromocytoma.
Carcinoid Tumours and Syndrome
Carcinoid tumours are a type of neuroendocrine tumour that can secrete various hormones and bioactive substances, including serotonin. When these tumours metastasize to the liver, they can release serotonin into the systemic circulation, leading to a condition known as carcinoid syndrome. This syndrome can also occur with lung carcinoids, as the mediators are not cleared by the liver.
The earliest symptom of carcinoid syndrome is often flushing, followed by diarrhoea, bronchospasm, hypotension, and right heart valvular stenosis. In bronchial carcinoids, the left heart can also be affected. In some cases, other molecules such as ACTH and GHRH may be secreted, resulting in conditions like Cushing’s syndrome. Pellagra, a condition caused by a deficiency of niacin, can also develop as dietary tryptophan is diverted to serotonin by the tumour.
To diagnose carcinoid syndrome, doctors may perform a urinary 5-HIAA test or measure plasma chromogranin A levels. Treatment typically involves somatostatin analogues like octreotide to manage symptoms, while cyproheptadine may help with diarrhoea. Proper management of carcinoid tumours and syndrome is crucial to prevent complications and improve quality of life for patients.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Endocrinology/Metabolic Disease
Question 29
A 52-year-old woman presents with lethargy and pruritus. She reports having a normal appetite and no weight loss. Upon examination, there is no clinical jaundice or organomegaly. The following blood test results are obtained:
- Hb: 12.8 g/dl
- Platelets: 188 * 109/l
- WBC: 6.7 * 109/l
- Na+: 140 mmol/l
- K+: 3.9 mmol/l
- Urea: 6.2 mmol/l
- Creatinine: 68 µmol/l
- Bilirubin: 30 µmol/l
- ALP: 231 u/l
- ALT: 38 u/l
- γGT: 367 u/l
- Albumin: 39 g/l
What additional test is most likely to lead to a diagnosis?Your Answer: Ferritin
Correct Answer: Anti-mitochondrial antibodies
Explanation:Primary Biliary Cholangitis: A Chronic Liver Disorder
Primary biliary cholangitis, previously known as primary biliary cirrhosis, is a chronic liver disorder that is commonly observed in middle-aged women. The exact cause of this condition is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to be an autoimmune disease. The disease is characterized by the progressive damage of interlobular bile ducts due to chronic inflammation, leading to cholestasis and eventually cirrhosis. The most common symptom of primary biliary cholangitis is itching in middle-aged women.
This condition is often associated with other autoimmune diseases such as Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, and thyroid disease. Early symptoms of primary biliary cholangitis may be asymptomatic or may include fatigue, pruritus, and cholestatic jaundice. Late symptoms may progress to liver failure. Diagnosis of primary biliary cholangitis involves immunology tests such as anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA) M2 subtype and smooth muscle antibodies, as well as imaging tests to exclude an extrahepatic biliary obstruction.
The first-line treatment for primary biliary cholangitis is ursodeoxycholic acid, which slows down the progression of the disease and improves symptoms. Cholestyramine is used to alleviate pruritus, and fat-soluble vitamin supplementation is recommended. In severe cases, liver transplantation may be necessary, especially if bilirubin levels exceed 100. However, recurrence in the graft can occur, but it is not usually a problem. Complications of primary biliary cholangitis include cirrhosis, portal hypertension, ascites, variceal hemorrhage, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology/Nutrition
Question 30
A 35-year-old man visits the clinic with complaints of decreased hearing and ringing in his right ear, which feels congested, and he experiences frequent bouts of vertigo lasting up to a few hours at a time. There are no abnormalities found during the neurological examination.
What is the most probable diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ménière’s disease
Explanation:Differentiating Vertigo Conditions: Ménière’s Disease, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Central Vertigo, Labyrinthitis, and Vestibular Neuronitis
Vertigo is a common symptom that can be caused by various conditions. Ménière’s disease, for instance, is characterized by fluctuant hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus, and aural fullness. Patients are advised to undergo vestibular rehabilitation and avoid risky activities. Prochlorperazine is recommended for acute attacks, while betahistine is used for preventive treatment. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, on the other hand, presents with brief episodes of vertigo triggered by movement, without tinnitus, hearing loss, or ear fullness. Central vertigo has a sudden onset, constant symptoms, and possible neurological abnormalities, requiring urgent hospital admission. Labyrinthitis causes acute vertigo and hearing loss, but the presence of ear fullness suggests Ménière’s disease. Vestibular neuronitis, caused by viral infection, results in isolated and prolonged episodes of vertigo without tinnitus or ear fullness. Accurate diagnosis and appropriate management are crucial in addressing vertigo and its underlying conditions.
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